Crossing (physics)
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- Path Integrals with Μ1(X) and Μ2(X) the first and Second Moments of the Transition Probabilities
- Renormalization of Crossing Probabilities in the Planar Random-Cluster Model
- I.1 Crossing, Unitarity and Feynman Diagrams
- Some Remarks on History and Pre-History of Feynman Path Integral
- Path Integral Formulation of Dissipative Quantum Dynamics
- Lecture 5 Quantum Electrodynamics (QED) the Quantum field Theory of Electromagnetic Interactions
- Pitp Lectures on BPS States and Wall-Crossing in D = 4, N = 2 Theories
- Unitarity, Crossing Symmetry and Duality in the Scattering of N
- Two Topics in Elementary Particle Physics I. Crossing As a Group and Elimination of Exotic Channels Ii . Real Parts of Meson-Nuc
- Tutorial on Renormalization Group Applied to Classical and Quantum Critical Phenomena Branislav K
- Probabilistic Vortex Crossing Criterion for Superconducting Nanowire Single-Photon Detectors
- Introduction to Quantum Field Theory I
- Path Integrals and the Double Slit
- A Very Short Introduction to Quantum Field Theory
- 33. Passage of Particles Through Matter
- Wilson Loop Diagrams and Positroids
- Constructive Wall-Crossing