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- The Thermoelastic Behavior of Clintonite up to 10 Gpa and 1,000°C
- 14 Non-Pegmatitic Deposits of Beryllium: Mineralogy, Geology, Phase Equilibria and Origin Mark D
- Mn'humites from Bald Knob, North Carolina: Mineralogy and Phaseequilibriat
- Mineral Species Found at Franklin and Sterling Hill, NJ
- Chondrodite from the Calc-Silicate Rocks of Latehar, Palamau District by M
- 2015 Mining and Mineral Symposium
- The Crystal Structure of Alleghanyite, Mns[(OH)21(Si04)2]
- Crystal Structure, Thermal Expansivity, and Elasticity of OH-Chondrodite: Trends Among Dense Hydrous Magnesium Silicates
- Magnesian Borates and Associated Minerals in the Cacova Ierii Skarn Deposit (Apuseni Mountains, Romania)
- Synthesis of the Humites Nmg2sio4·Mg(F, OH)3
- Crystal Data
- Hydrogen Distribution in Chondrodite: a First–Principles Calculation
- Sonolite, a New Manganese Silicate Mineral*
- Contributions to Swedish Mineralogy. Part I
- A Chondrodite-Humite-Spinel Marble from Serfinnset, Near Glomfjord, Northern Norway
- Titanian Chondrodite- and Titanian Clinohumite-Bearing Metadunitefrom the 3800 Ma Isua Supracrustalbelt West Greenland: Chemistry, Petrology, and Origin
- Crystal Structures and Cation Sites of the Rock-Forming Minerals