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- Germination of Bouteloua Dactyloides and Cynodon Dactylon in a Multi-Polluted Soil
- BLUE GRAMA Grows Normally As a Bunch Grass, but in the Northern States and in the Mountains, Or in Areas Under Heavy Bouteloua Gracilis (Willd
- Bouteloua Curtipendula (Michaux) Torrey Sideoats Grama
- Bouteloua Curtipendula (Michx.) Torr
- Differential Sensitivities of Grassland Structural Components to Changes in Precipitation Mediate Productivity Response in a Desert Ecosystem
- Vascular Plants of Williamson County Bouteloua Hirsuta − HAIRY GRAMA [Poaceae]
- Botanical Composition and Nutritive Value of the Diet Consumed by Cattle in an Area Invaded by Natal Grass [Melinis Repens (Willd.) Zizka]
- 'Nogal' Black Grama, Bouteloua Eriopoda (Torr.) Torr. Conservation Plant Release Brochure
- (Buchloe Dactyloides) and Blue Grama (Bouteloua Gracilis) to Fire
- Buffalograss (Buchloë Dactyloides) in Canada
- An Expanded Circumscription of Bouteloua (Gramineae: Choridoideae): New Combinations and Names J
- SIDEOATS GRAMA Bouteloua Curtipendula (Michx.) Torr. Var
- Culm Anatomy of Bouteloua and Relatives (Gramineae: Chloridoideae: Boutelouinae)
- Evaluación De Semilla De Pastos Cosechados En Caminos Y Campos
- Flora of China 22: 494–495. 2006. 148. BOUTELOUA Lagasca, Varied. Ci. 2: 134. 1805 [“Botelua”], Nom. Et Orth. Cons
- Brief Note: Food Habits of the Coyote in the Vizcaíno Desert, México
- The Plant Press the ARIZONA NATIVE PLANT SOCIETY Volume 43, Number 2 Winter 2020
- Hairy Grama [Bouteloua Hirsuta]