Appropriation (art)
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- Reference, Appropriation Or Plagiarism?
- Appropriation & Attribution
- University of Western Sydney the Cross-Cultural Appropriation of Manga and Anime in Australia by Craig Jeffrey Norris BA
- Fair Use and Epistemological Humility
- Fandom's Alchemy in the Classroom
- Vidding and Vidwatching As Collaborative Interpretation Tisha Turk
- Etudes Appropriating Keyboard Performances As the Occur
- Cultural Appreciation Or Cultural Appropriation?
- Fan (Fiction) Acting on Media and the Politics of Appropriation
- From Found Footages to Video Appropriation
- The Otaku Lifestyle: Examining Soundtracks in the Anime Canon
- The Problem with Plagiarism
- Pop Art and Nostalgia: the New Lessons of David Vandermeulen’S Ric Remix Hugo Frey
- Avoiding Plagiarism, Self-Plagiarism, and Other Questionable Writing Practices: a Guide to Ethical Writing Miguel Roig, Ph.D
- Sound Appropriation and Musical Borrowing As a Compositional Tool in New Electroacoustic Music 89
- Audacious Appropriations: Barbara Hammer’S First Half Century by Greg Youmans
- Fair Use and Appropriation Art Niels Schaumann
- The Transformation of Appropriation in Contemporary Art