Table of Principal Types of Partnership Tax Provisions Potentially Necessary in the Operating

Table of Principal Types of Partnership Tax Provisions Potentially Necessary in the Operating



Preliminary note. Listed below are 22 types of partnership tax provisions potentially necessary in the operating agreements of multi-member LLCs taxable as partnerships. Where appropriate, the list below identifies the principal federal tax authorities relevant to these provisions. e

  1. Tax distribution provisions. (No specific relevant federal tax authorities.)
  2. Provisions allocating partnership nonrecourse deductions. Regs. § 1.704-2.
  3. Provisions allocating partner nonrecourse deductions. Regs. § 1.704-1
  4. Partnership minimum gain chargeback provisions. Regs. §§ 1.704-2(i)(4)and 1.704-2(j)(2)(ii).
  5. Partner minimum gain chargeback provisions. Regs. §§ 1.704-2(i)(4)and 1.704-2(j)(2)(ii).
  6. Provisions allocating gains and losses in respect of contributed property. IRC § 704(c)(1)(A); Regs § 1.704-3.
  7. Revaluation provisions. Regs § 1.704-1(b)(2)(iv)(f).
  8. Provisions to ensure that “special allocations” have “economic effect” under IRC §704(b). IRC § 704(b) and Regs. § 1.704-1(b)(2)(ii).
  9. Provisions for the proper maintenance of IRC § 704 book capital accounts. IRC § 704(b) and Regs. § 1.704-1(b)(2)(iv).
  10. Provisions to ensure that special allocations have “substantial economic effect” under IRC § 704(b). IRC § 704(b) and Treas. Regs. 1.704-1(b)(2)(iii).
  11. Provisions for profits interests. Rev. Proc. 93-27; Rev. Proc. 2001-43, 2001-2 C.B. 91 (expanding Rev. Proc. 93-27 to apply to grants of unvested profits interests).
  12. Provisions concerning IRC § 754 “inside basis step-up” elections. IRC § 754.
  13. Provisions for tax matters partners. IRC §§ 6221 through 6234; Regs § 1.301.6231(a)(7)-2.
  14. Provisions dealing with taxable partnership distributions to the partners. “Disguised sales” under Section 707(a)(2)(B) (disguised sales); contributions and distributions of built-in gain or loss property distributed within seven years after contribution (IRC § 704(c)(1)(B) and Regs. § 1.704-4(e); partnership distributions to partners who have contributed property to it of property other than the contributed property within seven years after the contributing partner makes the contribution (IRC § 737); certain sales of partnership property to partners in exchange for installment notes (Reg. § 1.704-3(a)(8)); disproportionate distributions by a partnership to a partner of unrealized receivables and inventory (IRC §751(b)).
  15. Provisions under Prop. Reg. §1.1402(a)-2 to protect partnership partners from Self-Employment Taxes. Prop. Reg. §1.1402(a)-2.
  16. Family partnership provisions. IRC § 704(e).
  17. Provisions designed to maximize estate and gift tax discounts. IRC Chapter 14 and related IRC provisions.
  18. Investment partnership provisions. IRC § 721(b)
  19. Provisions for “targetallocations.” No specific federal tax authorities.
  20. Exculpatory allocations. T.D. 8385, 56 Fed. Reg. 66978-66996 (December 27, 1991).
  21. Provisions concerning partnership tax elections. IRC § 703(b).

C:\J2\WealthCounsel - JMC articles - 7-23-13 ff\Exhibit B - one-page list of key partnership tax pvns and fed tax auys - 5-6-14.doc