Supplementary Material 1 of the Manuscript Entitled

Supplementary material 1 of the manuscript entitled:




Francesco Martino1,MD, Paolo Emilio Puddu2,MD, FESC, FACC, Giuseppe Pannarale2,MD, Chiara Colantoni1,MD, Eliana Martino1,MD, Cristina Zanoni1, Francesco Barillà2,MD

1Lipid Research, Dipartimento di Pediatria e Neuropsichiatria Infantile;2Dipartimento di Scienze Cardiovascolari, Respiratorie, Nefrologiche, Anestesiologiche e Geriatriche, “Sapienza” Università di Roma, Rome, Italy

Please note that to interpret the following hypertension-corrected multiple correlation section (pages 2 to 8), the framed corresponding table from Italian acronyms to fully disclosed English significances, should be used.

pcr / Gender
Body Mass Index
Insulin level
Waist-hip ratio
Waist circumference
Hip circumference
Middle-upper arm circumference
Systolic Blood Pressure
Diastolic Blood Pressure
Systolic Blood Pressure of the fathers
Diastolic Blood Pressure of the fathers
Systolic Blood Pressure of the mothers
Diastolic Blood Pressure of the mothers
Total cholesterol
Hypercholesterolemic subjects
HDL cholesterol
Non-HDL cholesterol
LDL cholesterol
Body Mass Index of the fathers
Body Mass Index of the mothers
Fasting blood glucose
Insulin level of the fathers
Insulin level of the mothers
Waist circumference of the fathers
Hip circumference of the fathers
Middle-upper arm circumference of the fathers
Waist circumference of the mothers
Hip circumference of the mothers
Middle-upper arm circumference of the mothers
Blood urea nitrogen (BUN)
Uric Acid
High sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP)

Correlation Report

Page/Date/Time 1 2/26/2013 4:00:20 PM


Controlled For: GroupHT1

Pearson Correlations Section (Pair-Wise Deletion)

Sex Eta BMI Ins kg h

Sex 1.000000 0.077460 0.076786 -0.092728 0.116133 0.079901

Eta 0.077460 1.000000 0.329086 0.408524 0.690838 0.861101

BMI 0.076786 0.329086 1.000000 0.590548 0.757246 0.379434

Ins -0.092728 0.408524 0.590548 1.000000 0.658304 0.471354

kg 0.116133 0.690838 0.757246 0.658304 1.000000 0.843581

h 0.079901 0.861101 0.379434 0.471354 0.843581 1.000000

cv_h 0.173931 -0.095859 0.694009 0.383186 0.377964 -0.041695

Vita 0.188406 0.503172 0.823426 0.627642 0.885930 0.640050

Fianc 0.074559 0.539564 0.796570 0.635241 0.895678 0.691644

Bracc 0.074787 0.514546 0.803860 0.624622 0.882686 0.665486

PAS 0.102624 0.318209 0.251194 0.232998 0.298775 0.271476

PAD -0.021261 0.092722 0.066554 0.117777 0.126955 0.112047

PASp -0.158792 0.032549 0.063699 0.140611 0.044350 0.026493

PADp -0.026634 0.031399 0.083220 0.087887 0.087267 0.080910

PASm -0.073577 -0.017566 0.032769 0.034677 0.011288 0.019573

PADm -0.046016 0.048735 0.040767 0.029280 0.047622 0.067975

CT -0.190990 -0.097923 -0.100621 -0.114697 -0.205249 -0.184654

HC -0.099541 -0.078366 -0.016613 -0.083841 -0.124180 -0.160786

HDL -0.066033 -0.094036 -0.300156 -0.290222 -0.305274 -0.174634

nHDL -0.171764 -0.068507 -0.004218 -0.021660 -0.108424 -0.130066

TG 0.006232 0.107616 0.340373 0.338803 0.281492 0.141566

LDL -0.167093 -0.091241 -0.064176 -0.079841 -0.161500 -0.159619

BMIp -0.025234 0.031647 0.339857 0.216762 0.231143 0.065541

BMIm 0.003336 -0.004355 0.288267 0.165597 0.202862 0.045246

glicemia 0.109976 0.153730 0.201035 0.177834 0.183538 0.133526

Insp 0.034720 0.139741 0.322216 0.265642 0.362397 0.206977

Insm 0.112712 0.007258 0.144884 0.062540 0.114405 0.048540

Vitap -0.042710 0.043898 0.261274 0.200531 0.194006 0.075983

Fiancp -0.038808 0.012723 0.155953 0.047758 0.063870 -0.000768

Braccp 0.019429 0.069125 0.157149 0.173968 0.149668 0.072619

Vitam -0.011343 -0.030777 0.280004 0.211330 0.192611 0.030466

Fiancm -0.019051 -0.041695 0.207955 0.092140 0.114000 0.002375

Braccm 0.036608 -0.028994 0.128263 0.065465 0.078723 -0.004962

Creatinina -0.025938 0.083354 0.057896 0.040684 0.114036 0.115711

N_ureico -0.122313 0.001515 0.010298 0.025139 0.018425 0.018582

Uricemia -0.080362 -0.017026 0.031626 0.003284 0.014466 -0.001761

pcr 0.022458 -0.056677 0.155275 0.072354 0.039485 -0.060574

Cronbachs Alpha = 0.030471 Standardized Cronbachs Alpha = 0.808706

Correlation Report

Page/Date/Time 2 2/26/2013 4:00:20 PM


Controlled For: GroupHT1

Pearson Correlations Section (Pair-Wise Deletion)

cv_h Vita Fianc Bracc PAS PAD

Sex 0.173931 0.188406 0.074559 0.074787 0.102624 -0.021261

Eta -0.095859 0.503172 0.539564 0.514546 0.318209 0.092722

BMI 0.694009 0.823426 0.796570 0.803860 0.251194 0.066554

Ins 0.383186 0.627642 0.635241 0.624622 0.232998 0.117777

kg 0.377964 0.885930 0.895678 0.882686 0.298775 0.126955

h -0.041695 0.640050 0.691644 0.665486 0.271476 0.112047

cv_h 1.000000 0.705293 0.623301 0.614839 0.103951 0.044748

Vita 0.705293 1.000000 0.933864 0.914097 0.249828 0.110385

Fianc 0.623301 0.933864 1.000000 0.924570 0.243037 0.089112

Bracc 0.614839 0.914097 0.924570 1.000000 0.236178 0.086227

PAS 0.103951 0.249828 0.243037 0.236178 1.000000 0.433302

PAD 0.044748 0.110385 0.089112 0.086227 0.433302 1.000000

PASp 0.020246 0.016340 0.032589 0.032767 0.012493 0.074231

PADp 0.041019 0.072126 0.088782 0.082571 0.042277 0.203428

PASm 0.029733 0.023794 0.048940 0.062617 -0.034136 -0.083739

PADm 0.015819 0.043984 0.044044 0.065824 -0.024513 0.008093

CT -0.098826 -0.176053 -0.205660 -0.149576 0.023625 0.052681

HC -0.015785 -0.104880 -0.139881 -0.091882 0.109874 0.089539

HDL -0.315132 -0.370640 -0.338394 -0.334137 -0.058352 -0.041832

nHDL 0.002478 -0.057621 -0.098062 -0.042715 0.042893 0.066927

TG 0.345149 0.377664 0.344644 0.324278 0.039979 0.001352

LDL -0.004321 -0.119758 -0.133654 -0.077172 0.048427 0.082768

BMIp 0.286064 0.273231 0.269716 0.267468 0.079075 0.044688

BMIm 0.307138 0.287930 0.293773 0.273375 0.102268 -0.097255

glicemia 0.058820 0.160546 0.166879 0.143451 0.099855 -0.160008

Insp 0.158778 0.293987 0.268393 0.295572 0.114982 0.026327

Insm 0.155656 0.146996 0.153732 0.160493 0.138272 0.048003

Vitap 0.205273 0.218749 0.208499 0.191919 0.060128 0.011751

Fiancp 0.092355 0.066750 0.075926 0.064276 0.020306 0.002779

Braccp 0.183320 0.205698 0.187482 0.152674 0.069431 -0.052847

Vitam 0.322277 0.288668 0.276042 0.255336 0.085162 -0.039316

Fiancm 0.183345 0.158191 0.178542 0.187393 0.081457 0.026491

Braccm 0.200108 0.155801 0.154530 0.133491 0.050083 -0.110585

Creatinina -0.017222 0.063525 0.076187 0.066843 0.001793 -0.000971

N_ureico -0.028044 -0.004883 0.015422 0.049644 -0.014354 0.050603

Uricemia 0.016582 0.009766 0.018389 0.054760 0.053085 0.113152

pcr 0.160999 0.084855 0.066999 0.094400 0.054305 -0.046967

Cronbachs Alpha = 0.030471 Standardized Cronbachs Alpha = 0.808706

Correlation Report

Page/Date/Time 3 2/26/2013 4:00:20 PM


Controlled For: GroupHT1

Pearson Correlations Section (Pair-Wise Deletion)


Sex -0.158792 -0.026634 -0.073577 -0.046016 -0.190990 -0.099541

Eta 0.032549 0.031399 -0.017566 0.048735 -0.097923 -0.078366

BMI 0.063699 0.083220 0.032769 0.040767 -0.100621 -0.016613

Ins 0.140611 0.087887 0.034677 0.029280 -0.114697 -0.083841

kg 0.044350 0.087267 0.011288 0.047622 -0.205249 -0.124180

h 0.026493 0.080910 0.019573 0.067975 -0.184654 -0.160786

cv_h 0.020246 0.041019 0.029733 0.015819 -0.098826 -0.015785

Vita 0.016340 0.072126 0.023794 0.043984 -0.176053 -0.104880

Fianc 0.032589 0.088782 0.048940 0.044044 -0.205660 -0.139881

Bracc 0.032767 0.082571 0.062617 0.065824 -0.149576 -0.091882

PAS 0.012493 0.042277 -0.034136 -0.024513 0.023625 0.109874

PAD 0.074231 0.203428 -0.083739 0.008093 0.052681 0.089539

PASp 1.000000 0.630725 0.095643 0.085584 -0.001349 -0.042122

PADp 0.630725 1.000000 0.113172 0.204257 -0.049321 -0.061154

PASm 0.095643 0.113172 1.000000 0.586766 0.051270 0.015978

PADm 0.085584 0.204257 0.586766 1.000000 0.042994 -0.005806

CT -0.001349 -0.049321 0.051270 0.042994 1.000000 0.746306

HC -0.042122 -0.061154 0.015978 -0.005806 0.746306 1.000000

HDL -0.023456 -0.070864 -0.048441 -0.112797 0.197013 0.189220

nHDL 0.006270 -0.026837 0.067638 0.080215 0.947837 0.693678

TG -0.058560 -0.030620 0.051158 0.172476 0.086319 0.068040

LDL 0.035606 -0.002395 0.067658 0.063917 0.941032 0.692473

BMIp 0.240184 0.148243 0.129374 0.108570 -0.099512 -0.053922

BMIm 0.029953 0.057784 0.210825 0.092991 -0.051100 -0.056441

glicemia 0.013529 -0.026441 0.062802 0.089534 -0.020846 0.039339

Insp 0.114822 0.071432 -0.074621 0.053261 -0.106798 -0.076821

Insm 0.002566 0.088864 0.053720 -0.018099 -0.018075 -0.030038

Vitap 0.210321 0.160563 0.095811 0.129410 -0.120169 -0.063015

Fiancp 0.089069 0.060391 0.046212 0.109050 -0.052788 -0.000943

Braccp 0.124269 0.139234 0.039863 0.055303 -0.041275 -0.003327

Vitam -0.054984 0.048409 0.042924 0.010793 -0.038860 0.011771

Fiancm -0.048050 0.011604 0.084410 0.012109 -0.025437 0.017844

Braccm -0.006462 0.020901 0.073915 0.003907 -0.010177 0.059625

Creatinina -0.056350 0.006431 0.136534 0.116763 -0.086789 -0.115678

N_ureico 0.031005 0.093739 -0.074356 -0.044916 0.033399 -0.012238

Uricemia 0.069554 0.140649 0.014024 -0.021319 0.029193 0.035195

pcr 0.055561 0.048124 0.041125 -0.010039 0.050185 0.045257

Cronbachs Alpha = 0.030471 Standardized Cronbachs Alpha = 0.808706

Correlation Report

Page/Date/Time 4 2/26/2013 4:00:20 PM


Controlled For: GroupHT1

Pearson Correlations Section (Pair-Wise Deletion)


Sex -0.066033 -0.171764 0.006232 -0.167093 -0.025234 0.003336

Eta -0.094036 -0.068507 0.107616 -0.091241 0.031647 -0.004355

BMI -0.300156 -0.004218 0.340373 -0.064176 0.339857 0.288267

Ins -0.290222 -0.021660 0.338803 -0.079841 0.216762 0.165597

kg -0.305274 -0.108424 0.281492 -0.161500 0.231143 0.202862

h -0.174634 -0.130066 0.141566 -0.159619 0.065541 0.045246

cv_h -0.315132 0.002478 0.345149 -0.004321 0.286064 0.307138

Vita -0.370640 -0.057621 0.377664 -0.119758 0.273231 0.287930

Fianc -0.338394 -0.098062 0.344644 -0.133654 0.269716 0.293773

Bracc -0.334137 -0.042715 0.324278 -0.077172 0.267468 0.273375

PAS -0.058352 0.042893 0.039979 0.048427 0.079075 0.102268

PAD -0.041832 0.066927 0.001352 0.082768 0.044688 -0.097255

PASp -0.023456 0.006270 -0.058560 0.035606 0.240184 0.029953

PADp -0.070864 -0.026837 -0.030620 -0.002395 0.148243 0.057784

PASm -0.048441 0.067638 0.051158 0.067658 0.129374 0.210825

PADm -0.112797 0.080215 0.172476 0.063917 0.108570 0.092991

CT 0.197013 0.947837 0.086319 0.941032 -0.099512 -0.051100

HC 0.189220 0.693678 0.068040 0.692473 -0.053922 -0.056441

HDL 1.000000 -0.125771 -0.441407 -0.044094 -0.074199 -0.171644

nHDL -0.125771 1.000000 0.230878 0.966578 -0.076567 0.004117

TG -0.441407 0.230878 1.000000 0.039794 -0.008716 0.123184

LDL -0.044094 0.966578 0.039794 1.000000 -0.070853 -0.017343

BMIp -0.074199 -0.076567 -0.008716 -0.070853 1.000000 0.332003

BMIm -0.171644 0.004117 0.123184 -0.017343 0.332003 1.000000

glicemia 0.010126 -0.024397 0.141898 -0.069307 0.143550 0.113546

Insp -0.173167 -0.051754 0.118606 -0.085794 0.348681 0.203474

Insm -0.030036 -0.008504 0.020756 -0.005647 0.164570 0.100295

Vitap -0.072125 -0.098136 -0.005456 -0.097943 0.826294 0.232482

Fiancp 0.015520 -0.058452 -0.089435 -0.037305 0.606791 0.075666

Braccp -0.105695 -0.007401 0.176871 -0.042762 0.372043 0.250512

Vitam -0.131746 0.003523 0.115608 -0.018862 0.221186 0.741521

Fiancm -0.022032 -0.018563 -0.039930 -0.012133 0.226547 0.543679

Braccm -0.041815 0.003292 0.060664 -0.009202 0.108393 0.422965

Creatinina -0.035167 -0.076376 0.072212 -0.088441 -0.033064 -0.008037

N_ureico -0.028980 0.043253 -0.024371 0.045915 0.018357 0.015087

Uricemia -0.041033 0.042887 0.006179 0.043722 0.027917 -0.006816

pcr -0.144479 0.097765 0.023771 0.098360 0.126679 0.100814

Cronbachs Alpha = 0.030471 Standardized Cronbachs Alpha = 0.808706

Correlation Report

Page/Date/Time 5 2/26/2013 4:00:20 PM


Controlled For: GroupHT1

Pearson Correlations Section (Pair-Wise Deletion)

glicemia Insp Insm Vitap Fiancp Braccp

Sex 0.109976 0.034720 0.112712 -0.042710 -0.038808 0.019429

Eta 0.153730 0.139741 0.007258 0.043898 0.012723 0.069125

BMI 0.201035 0.322216 0.144884 0.261274 0.155953 0.157149

Ins 0.177834 0.265642 0.062540 0.200531 0.047758 0.173968

kg 0.183538 0.362397 0.114405 0.194006 0.063870 0.149668

h 0.133526 0.206977 0.048540 0.075983 -0.000768 0.072619

cv_h 0.058820 0.158778 0.155656 0.205273 0.092355 0.183320

Vita 0.160546 0.293987 0.146996 0.218749 0.066750 0.205698

Fianc 0.166879 0.268393 0.153732 0.208499 0.075926 0.187482

Bracc 0.143451 0.295572 0.160493 0.191919 0.064276 0.152674

PAS 0.099855 0.114982 0.138272 0.060128 0.020306 0.069431

PAD -0.160008 0.026327 0.048003 0.011751 0.002779 -0.052847

PASp 0.013529 0.114822 0.002566 0.210321 0.089069 0.124269

PADp -0.026441 0.071432 0.088864 0.160563 0.060391 0.139234

PASm 0.062802 -0.074621 0.053720 0.095811 0.046212 0.039863

PADm 0.089534 0.053261 -0.018099 0.129410 0.109050 0.055303

CT -0.020846 -0.106798 -0.018075 -0.120169 -0.052788 -0.041275

HC 0.039339 -0.076821 -0.030038 -0.063015 -0.000943 -0.003327

HDL 0.010126 -0.173167 -0.030036 -0.072125 0.015520 -0.105695

nHDL -0.024397 -0.051754 -0.008504 -0.098136 -0.058452 -0.007401

TG 0.141898 0.118606 0.020756 -0.005456 -0.089435 0.176871

LDL -0.069307 -0.085794 -0.005647 -0.097943 -0.037305 -0.042762

BMIp 0.143550 0.348681 0.164570 0.826294 0.606791 0.372043

BMIm 0.113546 0.203474 0.100295 0.232482 0.075666 0.250512

glicemia 1.000000 0.180464 0.168407 0.137192 0.044430 0.112503

Insp 0.180464 1.000000 0.160730 0.317127 0.207108 0.110209

Insm 0.168407 0.160730 1.000000 0.053793 -0.008991 0.023209

Vitap 0.137192 0.317127 0.053793 1.000000 0.735886 0.302096

Fiancp 0.044430 0.207108 -0.008991 0.735886 1.000000 -0.111144

Braccp 0.112503 0.110209 0.023209 0.302096 -0.111144 1.000000

Vitam 0.166120 0.130090 0.090381 0.189386 0.024460 0.249203

Fiancm 0.144205 0.130422 0.087998 0.281131 0.405990 -0.294208

Braccm -0.038253 0.040211 0.047060 0.101211 0.016534 0.168312

Creatinina 0.058882 0.034111 -0.028208 0.002382 -0.117294 0.041190

N_ureico -0.221679 0.003475 -0.061646 -0.005058 0.037735 0.011601

Uricemia -0.147481 -0.027787 -0.038108 0.002920 0.014362 0.018412

pcr 0.188429 0.109138 0.063992 0.103573 -0.007414 0.045652

Cronbachs Alpha = 0.030471 Standardized Cronbachs Alpha = 0.808706

Correlation Report

Page/Date/Time 6 2/26/2013 4:00:20 PM


Controlled For: GroupHT1

Pearson Correlations Section (Pair-Wise Deletion)

Vitam Fiancm Braccm Creatinina N_ureico Uricemia

Sex -0.011343 -0.019051 0.036608 -0.025938 -0.122313 -0.080362

Eta -0.030777 -0.041695 -0.028994 0.083354 0.001515 -0.017026

BMI 0.280004 0.207955 0.128263 0.057896 0.010298 0.031626

Ins 0.211330 0.092140 0.065465 0.040684 0.025139 0.003284

kg 0.192611 0.114000 0.078723 0.114036 0.018425 0.014466

h 0.030466 0.002375 -0.004962 0.115711 0.018582 -0.001761

cv_h 0.322277 0.183345 0.200108 -0.017222 -0.028044 0.016582

Vita 0.288668 0.158191 0.155801 0.063525 -0.004883 0.009766

Fianc 0.276042 0.178542 0.154530 0.076187 0.015422 0.018389

Bracc 0.255336 0.187393 0.133491 0.066843 0.049644 0.054760

PAS 0.085162 0.081457 0.050083 0.001793 -0.014354 0.053085

PAD -0.039316 0.026491 -0.110585 -0.000971 0.050603 0.113152

PASp -0.054984 -0.048050 -0.006462 -0.056350 0.031005 0.069554

PADp 0.048409 0.011604 0.020901 0.006431 0.093739 0.140649

PASm 0.042924 0.084410 0.073915 0.136534 -0.074356 0.014024

PADm 0.010793 0.012109 0.003907 0.116763 -0.044916 -0.021319

CT -0.038860 -0.025437 -0.010177 -0.086789 0.033399 0.029193

HC 0.011771 0.017844 0.059625 -0.115678 -0.012238 0.035195

HDL -0.131746 -0.022032 -0.041815 -0.035167 -0.028980 -0.041033

nHDL 0.003523 -0.018563 0.003292 -0.076376 0.043253 0.042887

TG 0.115608 -0.039930 0.060664 0.072212 -0.024371 0.006179

LDL -0.018862 -0.012133 -0.009202 -0.088441 0.045915 0.043722

BMIp 0.221186 0.226547 0.108393 -0.033064 0.018357 0.027917

BMIm 0.741521 0.543679 0.422965 -0.008037 0.015087 -0.006816

glicemia 0.166120 0.144205 -0.038253 0.058882 -0.221679 -0.147481

Insp 0.130090 0.130422 0.040211 0.034111 0.003475 -0.027787

Insm 0.090381 0.087998 0.047060 -0.028208 -0.061646 -0.038108

Vitap 0.189386 0.281131 0.101211 0.002382 -0.005058 0.002920

Fiancp 0.024460 0.405990 0.016534 -0.117294 0.037735 0.014362

Braccp 0.249203 -0.294208 0.168312 0.041190 0.011601 0.018412

Vitam 1.000000 0.590047 0.401064 -0.035936 0.021062 -0.002221

Fiancm 0.590047 1.000000 0.289072 -0.100407 -0.006203 0.000808

Braccm 0.401064 0.289072 1.000000 -0.123682 -0.011046 -0.039252

Creatinina -0.035936 -0.100407 -0.123682 1.000000 -0.051205 0.046388

N_ureico 0.021062 -0.006203 -0.011046 -0.051205 1.000000 0.545930

Uricemia -0.002221 0.000808 -0.039252 0.046388 0.545930 1.000000

pcr 0.081120 0.030485 -0.039732 0.018435 -0.001377 -0.075539

Cronbachs Alpha = 0.030471 Standardized Cronbachs Alpha = 0.808706

Correlation Report

Page/Date/Time 7 2/26/2013 4:00:21 PM


Controlled For: GroupHT1

Pearson Correlations Section (Pair-Wise Deletion)


Sex 0.022458

Eta -0.056677

BMI 0.155275

Ins 0.072354

kg 0.039485

h -0.060574

cv_h 0.160999

Vita 0.084855

Fianc 0.066999

Bracc 0.094400

PAS 0.054305

PAD -0.046967

PASp 0.055561

PADp 0.048124

PASm 0.041125

PADm -0.010039

CT 0.050185

HC 0.045257

HDL -0.144479

nHDL 0.097765

TG 0.023771

LDL 0.098360

BMIp 0.126679

BMIm 0.100814

glicemia 0.188429

Insp 0.109138

Insm 0.063992

Vitap 0.103573

Fiancp -0.007414

Braccp 0.045652

Vitam 0.081120

Fiancm 0.030485

Braccm -0.039732

Creatinina 0.018435

N_ureico -0.001377

Uricemia -0.075539

pcr 1.000000

Cronbachs Alpha = 0.030471 Standardized Cronbachs Alpha = 0.808706