Senior Project Board Areas

Senior Project Board Areas

The project may possibly fit in more than one area of study. To decide how to register, consider both the research component and the purpose of the project.

Academic/Humanities: An academic project in the humanities allows a student to actively acquire knowledge relevant to subject matter in disciplines such as Language Arts, History, Health, Music, Philosophy, Sociology, Anthropology, etc. Projects could include but are not limited to:

·  write/illustrate a book or article

·  translate text

·  create/implement an interdisciplinary project

·  research/present the architectural history of a particular area

·  perform an in-depth study of an author/artist

·  design curriculum

·  compare economic/social/political systems

·  complete a nutritional study

Academic/Sciences: An academic project in the sciences allows a student to actively acquire knowledge relevant to subject matter in disciplines such as Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Geology, Environment, Agriculture, Robotics, etc. Projects could include but are not limited to:

·  complete science experiments/demonstrations

·  present an in-depth study of current research in a particular field

·  study/present fossil collection and identification

·  research/present therapy and rehabilitation information

·  create a woodland study of flora and/or fauna

·  learn/present applications of similarity

·  design a probability/statistical study

·  design software

·  create and build model of architectural design

Career/Entrepreneur: Projects in this area are designed for students to explore career and lifetime interests. Projects could include but are not limited to:

·  plan, develop and implement a prospectus (business plan)

·  form a company to develop and produce a product

·  organize a fund raiser

·  acquire an internship

·  complete a comparative study of elementary, middle, and secondary teaching

·  volunteer for a political campaign

·  complete certification classes

Mechanical Design/Construction: Projects is this area encompass many “hands on” design and construction opportunities from a variety of disciplines. Projects could include but are not limited to:

·  build a solar powered vehicle or alternative power machine

·  rebuild a gas engine vehicle

·  create a machined project such as a tool

·  remodel part of a house or building

·  build a piece of furniture

·  design/build a construction utilizing robotics, electronics or hydraulics

·  design/build computer/server

·  redesign using CAD or similar program

·  design/build acoustical improvements for a facility

·  build a boat

School/Community Service and Improvement: Projects in this area are designed to benefit and enhance the school and/or community either physically or intellectually. These projects must foster and maintain a strong community and school relationship. Projects could include but are not limited to:

·  develop and implement a student driven tutoring program

·  volunteer for Habitat for Humanity

·  organize a career day for middle school students

·  tutor senior citizens in computer use

·  design and plant gardens in community parks

·  organize an elementary support program staffed by senior citizens

·  coordinate a service project for a philanthropic organization

Visual/Performing Arts: Projects in this area encourage students to challenge their talents in expressive arts. These projects should build upon talents and require students to take them to a new level. Projects could include but are not limited to:

·  develop an advertising campaign

·  design a room including drawing, pricing, and


·  present a portfolio of work in a particular medium

·  study of a particular artist and movement creating an

original piece in that style

·  create/design a photo journal

·  choreograph an original dance piece for performance

·  write and direct an original production/composition

·  organize a student art show for the community

·  re-master sound track for a church performance

·  write/direct a one-person play concerning the life of an artist