Roman Catholic Church

Roman Catholic Church

Bishop, Monks, and Nuns

•  Most men of ______times lived according to the ______of the ______Church and paid heavy ______to the Church.

•  In return, they were promised everlasting ______in which ______after death.

•  Besides collecting taxes, the Church received _____ from all who sought special ______or who wished to be certain of a place in heaven.

•  ______, meadows, ______, flocks were among the gifts that constantly increased the Church’s ______.

•  ______and ______administered the sacraments (religious rituals which celebrate beliefs or events) to the people, and lead them in worship and festival holidays throughout the year.

•  Bishops were ______ruling large ______and built ______, as the earls and barons did.

•  In return, a bishop might have knights as ______who would fight for the ______.

•  With all its worldliness and riches, the Church stood for mercy, ______, and the ______of all persons before God.

•  It welcomed ______of every ______into its ranks.

•  Even a ______son had the chance to _____ in the Church and meet the nobles as an ______.

•  ______were groups of religious men who withdrew from worldly affairs in order to find a holy Christian life.

•  Monks lived in ______.

•  Built around a large church, the ______was like a ______—a self contained little world with its own workshops, farms, gardens, orchards, and barns.

•  Under the rule of a chief monk, or abbot, they lived by three basic vows; ______, poverty, and ______.

•  Monks went to the monastery church ______times a day in a routine of worship that involved singing, chanting, and reciting prayers.

•  Their day began at 2 AM.

•  ______their counterpart lived in ______, provided for the less-fortunate members of the community.

•  Nunneries were safe havens for ______and other travelers.

•  Some monks spent their entire lives ______, collecting, and ______books.

•  They wrote on ______skins which were washed, unhaired, washed again, dried on a frame, and scraped a second time.

•  These skins were finished with a dusting of fine _____, and rubbed with a pumice stone until they were even and ______.

•  The result was ______, used by monks to copy religious writings.

•  A monk wrote on ______with a goose ______dried of its natural oils.

•  He cut and trimmed the ______to his liking, and then began his work.

•  When a mistake was made, he erased by ______the parchment with a ______and rubbing it smooth with an ______tooth.

•  ______often labored for months over each religious volume.

•  Despite eyestrain and body cramps, they created exact, print like lettering and colorful, richly detailed pictures and borders.

•  Valuable ______and ______from the Middle Ages exist today because of the monk’s tireless efforts with parchment and quill