Refund Policy

Refund Policy

Refund Policy


1. ThisPolicy shallapply to

  • Tickets;
  • MiscellaneousCharge Orders(MCOs);and
  • ElectronicMiscellaneousDocuments(EMDs),

2. Issuedvia

  • Flyme'sSalesOffices;
  • Flyme'sauthorized GeneralSalesAgents and Passenger SalesAgents
  • Flyme'sInternetBooking Engine (herein referred to as"Document(s)").

3. Refunded amountwillbe only credited to the customer who haspurchased the Documentand who presentsa proofofidentification aswellasthe Document'spaymentreceipt.

4. Documentsissued to corporate and government organizations should be only refunded to the same organization.

5. No refund whatsoever willbe made in respectofthe Documents' service charges/feesthat

Flyme appliesand amendfromtime totime according to its solediscretion.

6. In the eventofhaving more than one fare rule,the mostrestricted fare determined by Flyme's fare rulesto be applied for validity ofthe ticketed fare and refund rules.

Tickets Refund

1. There are two typesfor ticketsrefund:

1. VoluntaryTickets Refund:

1. Voluntary TicketsRefundshallmean the refund thatmay be requested by the customer who haspurchased the ticketsinthe following casesand subject to the below:

1. The ticket which is totally un-used by the passenger.

In the eventthatthe ticket is totally unused by the passenger,the fullamountpaid willbe refunded lessany cancelation fee determined by the applicableFlyme'sfare rules.

Refund requestof totallyun-used ticketswillbe only accepted,ifit is in compliance with this Policy and if submitted withinthe fare validity and applicable fare rulesof the document

2. The ticket which ispartially used by the passenger:

In the eventthatthe ticket ispartially used by the passenger,the refund willbe the difference between the fare paid (including taxes and charges)and the next applicable one way fare ofthe actually used coupons(including taxesand charges)

asdetermined by the applicable Flyme'sfare ruleslessany cancelation fees determined also by the applicable Flyme'sfare rules.

Refund requestofpartially un-used ticketswillbe only accepted,if it is in compliance with this Policy and if submitted withinthe fare validity and applicable fare rulesof

the document.

2. NON-Refundable tickets:

In case of non-refundableasdetermined by Flyme'sfare rules, Flyme only refundsthe un-used transportation taxes.

In casethe non-refundable fare wasreissued to a higher refundable fare,Flymewillonly refund the additionalamountaccording to the applicable Flyme'sfare rulesincluding the un-used transportation taxes.

3. The rulesmentioned in clause 2.1.1 shallin no eventapply ifthe situationsmentioned under the Involuntary TicketsRefunds occur and in such casethe rulesunderthe Involuntary TicketsRefunds shallapply.

2. Involuntary TicketsRefunds:

1. Involuntary TicketsRefunds shallmean the refundthatmay be requested bythe customer who haspurchased the ticketsifascheduledFlyme flighthasbeen cancelled or rerouted and there isno;

1. Flyme flight with a comparable routing available within 24hoursofthe originaltime of departure to the destination thatis through ticketed (lastdestination ofthe ticket)

and in case of such unavailability,Flymeisunable to provide other alternateair transportation acceptable to the passenger;or

2. Available non-comparable routing onFlyme or another carrier thatarrives within

24hoursofthe originaltime ofarrivaltothe destination thatis through ticketed (last destination ofthe ticket)and in case of such unavailability,Flymeisunable to provide otheralternate air transportation acceptable to the passenger.

2. Involuntary TicketsRefund mustbe authorized by Area/Station manager(alternatively, please email )

3. Involuntary TicketsRefund willapply asfollow:

1. If the ticketis un-used regardlessofFlyme'sfare rule,the fullpaid amountwillbe refunded.

1. If the ticketis partially used regardlessofFlyme'sfare rule,Flyme willonly refund the value of the affectedsector including the taxesand charges.

2. No Involuntary refund rules-to-applyon Tickets:

1. No refund willapply whatsoever in case ofany force majeure eventsor any eventwhich is beyond Flyme's control.The force majeure eventsmay include butnotlimited to,the following:

1. Weather

2. ActsofGod

3. Civil commotion,warsandhostilities

4. Riotsor any unsettled international conditions

5. Strikes and other labor-related disputes

6. Governmentregulations

7. Shortage offuel

8. And/or any Flymeunpredicted or unforeseen circumstances

1. MCOsand EMDsRefund:

Flyme willrefund MCO orEMD only to the customer who haspurchased them

1. ifany ofthese documentswasissued for the belowreasons;andifitwasactually presented to Flyme with a proofofidentification ofthe relevant customer aswellaspaymentreceipt:

1. Refundablebalance.

2. Residualvalue.

3. Denied boarding compensation with refundable indicator.

4. Excess Baggage for un-used value.


1. Refundseligible in accordance with thisPolicy on paper or electronictickets issued fromFlyme salesoffices can be obtained atany ofFlymeCity Ticket Officeswith a refund application which can be downloaded fromthe download section ofthe airline’swebsite

2. For Documentspurchased with a credit card or cash,refundseligible in accordance with this Policy willbe provided within fifteen (15) business working daysofreceiptof allofthe refund information and documentsrequired byFlyme.

3. The credit card refund may take up to two billing cyclesbefore appearing ona credit card statement.Therefore,the customershould contact his/her credit card company directly to verify receiptofthe credit.


1. Flyme'srules,regulation and other policies shallremain applicable.In caseof contradiction between thispolicy and Flyme'srules,regulation and other policies,thispolicy shallapply.

2. Flyme shallhave the rightto amend thisPolicy fromtimeto time.