Organisation Development Strategy and Priorities 2015/16

OD Strategy Session: v1 Sept 2015

Organisation Development Strategy and Priorities 2015/16

Facilitation Guidelines for Managers

The following guidelines are to accompany the slide deck from the COO Networking lunch event on 14th September so that you can discuss colleague engagement and cascade the information from this event to your colleagues and/or teams. You may use the slide deck as an aide memoir to share what happened on the day or in conjunction with the facilitator notes below to run a more interactive session.


To complete the cascade of information and facilitation of the exercises with your team we recommend the following in terms of preparing for the event:

·  Distribute a copy of the Organisation Development (OD) strategy to all colleagues prior to the event or instruct them to review the document via the Engagement section of the HR web pages on the staff site.

·  Prepare copies of the OD strategy for use on the day and ensure that if you are aiming to use the slide show as a presentation that you have suitable AV equipment available to allow for the engagement video to be played as part of the presentation.

·  Should you wish to ask your colleagues and team members to complete personal commitment cards please contact the HRD team for copies of these.

Briefing guidelines

The slide deck that accompanies this briefing is the same as that used at the COO Networking lunch and thus includes all the elements to allow for your briefing to mirror the activities and interaction on the day. The timings in the first column are a useful guide.

Alternatively you may use these slides to just inform your colleagues of what happened at the event and take the opportunity to share what you and your colleagues’ views at the event were.

The text marked in bold print identifies key messages to share with your colleagues

5 mins
5 mins
10 mins
5 mins / OD Strategy and Plan overview
What is OD?
Using slide 1, bullet 1, introduce the concept of Organisation Development (OD) and how it improves the functioning of individuals, teams and the organisation as a whole.

On revealing bullet 2, emphasise that OD is not something that is owned by HR or delivered to departments and individuals by HR, but is in fact something that is owned and practiced by Leaders and Managers within the organisation, supported and facilitated by HR/OD professionals. In fact we all have a part to play in this and by being here today you are all in effect practitioners in OD.
On revealing the third bullet stress the importance of the OD strategy and plan enabling the organisation to deliver its strategy and vision and how “strong colleague engagement” is vital in doing this.
Make reference to the last SES results and feedback from colleagues referring to a greater level of engagement in change management practices being needed/wanted.
Colleague Engagement

To get a feel for what the audience think about colleague engagement, ask the following question:
“What do you think of when you hear the term Colleague Engagement?”
Gather views from around the room. Anticipated responses may include
·  It’s about talking to your staff
·  It’s about change
·  It’s just another way of saying employee engagement
·  It’s about gathering views and opinions of staff members
·  It’s about involving employees in decision making
·  I don’t know
It will be important to acknowledge any responses from the group and to challenge appropriately any negativity or cynicism and acknowledge their reasons for this.
Reveal the speech bubble examples to clarify how we are seeing Colleague Engagement within our plan
Summarise the views and clarify using the slide speech bubbles with the fact that we use ‘Colleague’ rather than ‘Employee’ as the latter infers that this is something that is DONE TO rather than the former being DONE WITH.
It is also something that is becoming increasingly important for successful organisations as it refers to a state of “being” where people feel valued and have a passion for work that leads to better wellbeing for the individuals and the organisation as a whole. This was identified as a key SES priority for the organisation
State that engagement is not something, as an organisation, you can demand, instead it needs to be something that an individual feels for themselves. All an organisation can do is create an environment where individuals want to come in to work each day and contribute to the organisations goals.
Ask the group:
“What makes a great employer great? What would you want from them?”
Ask for one or two volunteers to share their thoughts and look for how many others in the room thought something similar.
Ask them to hold on to those thoughts as we run through the following 4 enablers to Colleague Engagement and see how they fit in with this model.
Move to the slide referring to the four key enablers of Colleague Engagement (CIPD) run through the 4 enablers clarifying in your own terms what these mean.
·  Visible, empowering leadership that provides a strong (1) STRATEGIC NARRATIVE about the organisation, where it’s come from and where it’s going – Think of it as a flotilla all heading in the same direction but not all doing things exactly the same way.
·  (2) ENGAGING MANAGERS who focus their people and give them scope, treat their people as individuals and coach and stretch their people – PDR’s and coaching conversations
·  There is (3) COLLEAGUE VOICE throughout the organisation, for reinforcing and challenging views; between functions & externally; colleagues are seen as central to delivering change and improvements
·  There is organisational (4) INTEGRITY & TRUST – stated values are embedded into organisational culture and are reflected in day to day behaviours. There is no “say-do” gap
(NOTE) be prepared for some potential resistance and challenge to these as there may be historical issues around some of these areas.
Restate that these are the things that great organisations do, and that we acknowledge there is some history here that may demonstrate the opposite of this as much as there may be some that supports these. Today is about acknowledging where we are or have been and moving forward to where we want to be – the kind of workplace that we’d like to create.
We’ll share and explore these views and opinions a little more fully in the ‘Hats’ activity shortly.
So what’s different this time?
·  We have a clear vision and strategy of where we want to be as an organisation and this has been developed with colleagues and not in isolation by one or two individuals
·  We have a dedicated OD function whose sole aim is to facilitate and support the delivery of the University vision and strategy providing individuals and teams with development and support to best enable them to contribute to this
·  We are encouraging all PDR objectives to be aligned to strategic priorities so everyone can see how they will personally contribute to the University’s success.
·  We have a clear Strategic plan and priorities
OD Plan
Show the Grid and advise that we have started the OD strategy with identifying some key priorities in each of these areas. They will be able to view the strategy and priority plan in the engagement section of the HR web pages
Identify that the areas marked with the red circles are those that we are likely to be delivering in the next 12months, making sure to reference as the final point item number 2 in the Colleague Voice as the link in to the Best Companies survey.
10 mins / Best Companies
Segway and intro
·  We’ve heard about some of the things which help a workforce to feel engaged. I’m going to talk to you now about how we start to bring that to life here at Salford and develop ourselves more strongly into the type of University that we really want to work for – the particular strand I’m focusing on is the enabler in the purple box – COLLEAGUE VOICE – and a main initiative that is taking place as part of this.
·  I’ll talk you through our leadership’s decision to implement a national workforce engagement survey and tell you a little bit more about this survey, the timescales, etc.
Story so far (SLIDE)
·  Since 2008 we’ve used the internal Staff Experience Survey to get your input, views and opinions on working at the University. This compared internally across schools and professional services, and enabled a national comparison using the ‘engagement funnel’, but as it was a tailored survey just for us, it allowed no other comparisons.
·  Though the survey provided useful information:
o  We’ve not consistently action-planned across the University
o  Change hasn’t been as good as it should have been
o  Other change activity and the leadership culture across the organisation has side-tracked us from focusing on implementing survey recommendations
·  The criticism is that students have a very clear voice and strong role in driving change through the NSS but we currently have a weak colleague voice. Staff views aren’t serving to highlight issues or drive improvements for our workforce and the university in the same way.
·  We need better balance of the information used to improve the University for all of us.
·  There are pockets of excellence and engagement, but these have not become widespread or commonplace to enable our University to become a great workplace where we feel engaged.
·  SES and NSS results demonstrate that there’s a clear case for change
Intro to Best Companies (SLIDE – So what’s different now?)
·  We’ve decided this year to use an externally benchmarked workplace engagement survey.
·  The company selected is ‘Best Companies’ - workplace engagement specialists regarded nationally as the measure of an engaged workforce. They supply the data which makes up the ‘Times Top 100 Best Companies’ lists.
·  This has been agreed on by our leadership as the right tool.
·  What’s different now?
o  The survey itself - It’s a robust, external measure. It’s benchmarked, publicised, and we can break down the data to identify key parts of the University to focus effort.
o  Leadership commitment – every member of VCET and UMT will be measured on colleague engagement and the steps being taken to create an environment to help you feel engaged.
o  OD Strategy is in place
o  OD Team is in place
Best Companies – what does it measure? (SLIDE):
·  What it is and how it works (workplace engagement survey; low and high scoring factors)
·  Survey for every employee: 70 questions
·  8 factors of workplace engagement: Best Companies will analyse the survey results according to these categories
·  Organisational questionnaire
Best Companies – benchmarking (SLIDE):
·  5 different lists. We’re on the mid-sized companies list.
·  3 different levels of accreditation (3, 2, 1 star plus ‘ones to watch’)
·  We will be compared against those in sector and other companies with a similar number of employees. Last year, 27 education providers entered, 9 of which were HEIs.
Best Companies - Timeline and Method (SLIDE)
·  This autumn for 3 weeks from Mon 26th Oct to Fri 13th Nov
·  An electronic survey for the majority, some paper surveys via line managers.
·  Completely anonymous.
·  The administration will be managed by Best Companies who will analyse the data and produce a report and recommendations. No one will be identifiable.
·  Results will be shared from February onwards
·  Questions?? Opportunity for more detailed questions and comments during the table exercises.
35 mins / Views/Input and Reaction
Say: Next is an activity to get your views, input & reaction to what’s been said. Through this methodology, we’re living the behaviours and culture we’re aiming to create - seeking your involvement, and working with a spirit of co-construction to gain agreement, alignment & commitment. Great plans are those that have gone through strong scrutiny and challenge, so we’re looking to you to provide this challenge so that we can ensure the OD Strategy is as robust as it can be!
Show Slide.

Say: Have you seen this model? It’s a useful method of getting a variety of viewpoints on a particular issue to ensure a really good conversation around the issue, ensuring we all have a chance to look at the positives, the challenges, and so on
Explain the 6 hats using the table below. Refer to the kinds of questions that may be asked by each hat using the slide
/ The White Hat calls for information known or needed. "The facts, just the facts."
/ The Yellow Hat symbolizes brightness and optimism. Under this hat you explore the positives and probe for value and benefit.
/ The Black Hat is judgment - the devil's advocate or why something may not work. Spot the difficulties and dangers; where things might go wrong. Probably the most powerful and useful of the Hats but a problem if overused.
/ The Red Hat signifies feelings, hunches and intuition. When using this hat you can express emotions and feelings and share fears, likes, dislikes, loves, and hates.
/ The Green Hat focuses on creativity; the possibilities, alternatives, and new ideas. It's an opportunity to express new concepts and new perceptions.
/ The Blue Hat is used to manage the thinking process. It's the control mechanism that ensures the Six Thinking Hats® guidelines are observed.