O to Sell, to Persuade Viewer to Spend Money, to Buy


·  Public displays


o  To promote something

o  To capture attention

o  To sell, to persuade viewer to spend money, to buy

o  (not: to inform, educate, record, bear witness)

o  (not objective)


o  High competition to capture attention

o  High cost to produce

o  à Carefully designed for maximum effect



·  “How to Read” = same

1)  Purpose

2)  Means

3)  Success

·  “Elements of Images” = same

·  * Interplay between WORDS and PICTURE

o  Verbal and Visual

o  Language and Image

o  How well these interact determines how successful (#3) the advertisement is.

·  balance

·  complement

·  work together, inform each other

·  support, assist, complete each other


o  Where is it located in the source?

·  Cover

·  Back cover

·  Centerfold

·  Split page

o  What is the target audience of the source?

·  Age

·  Gender

·  Race

·  Class

·  Personality type

·  Trade, occupation, profession, vocation


o  How is it used?

o  Where is it?

o  What does it say?

o  How long is it? (words, phrases, paragraphs)

o  What is the ratio of words to image?

o  What is its

·  font size

·  font type

·  size

·  color

o  Analyze its style, mechanics:

·  capitalization

·  style

·  grammar

·  punctuation

·  spelling

o  Is there anything unusual with the text?


o  How is it used?

o  What is in the foreground?

·  What do you see first?

·  What catches your eye, attention?

o  What is in the background?

o  What are its colors, mood, scene?

o  Who is in it?

·  Age, race, class, gender

·  Mood, scene

o  What are they doing with their hands, feet, arms, legs?

o  What is their non-verbal communication?

·  How do they communicate this message?


o  What is the layout?

o  Where is everything?

o  Is the URL (Web address) included?

·  Where, how

o  Easy on the eyes?

o  Hard to process?


o  What does it suggests about –

·  Desires

·  Needs of men, women, children

o  What might men notice or infer?

o  What might women notice or infer?

o  What does it suggest about –

·  Class, status, values,

·  family, friendship, relationships,

·  Competition, luxury, work, play, fun

·  Beauty

·  Adulthood, maturity, responsibility, security, self-fulfillment

·  Conformity, self-respect, rules, laws




o  not to sell

o  to create awareness

·  “Social Causes” = “greater good” (values)

o  civil liberties

o  due process

o  injustices

o  ethical treatment of (animals)

·  heavy reliance on PERSUASIVE APPEALS

o  Logos, Pathos, Ethos

o  more dramatic