Minutes of the Meeting of Knaresborough Town Council s2




6.30 pm – Council Meeting


Chair: The Mayor – Councillor A Willoughby

Councillors: J Batt, T Handley, P Ireland, C Reid, C Willoughby and A Wright.

Staff present: The Clerk & Office Assistant

Also present: District Councillor A Jones, District Councillor I Fox, County Councillor B Hoult, Ms Maggie Gell (Knaresborough Post), Mr A Butler, Mr & Mrs D Carpenter, Mr J Wood, Mr S McBurney (Commercial Estates Projects).

Late arrivals: Councillor K Sewell - 6:50pm
Councillor N Smith – 6:40pm
Councillor A Gallico – 7:00pm
Ms Althea Farmer (Civic Society) – 7:30pm

Members of the FEVA Committee – 7:30pm

Early Departures: None

C12/145 Item 1 – To receive Apologies for Inability to attend the meeting

Apologies were received from Councillors I Avery, P Beardsell, M Gallico, H McNamara & P McNamara.

C12/146 Item 2 – Councillors’ Declarations of Interest

All declarations are personal, unless otherwise stated.

Councillor J Batt / Member of NYCC and HBC – will consider any same item at NYCC and HBC in the light of any new information.
Item 7f) – Councillor Batt knows two of the bidders for Mayor Making catering.
Councillor P Ireland / Member of HBC – will consider any same item at HBC in the light of any new information.
Item 7f) – Councillor Ireland knows two of the bidders for Mayor Making catering.
Councillor T Handley / Item 7e) – Councillor is a Member of Knaresborough in Bloom.
Councillor C Reid / Item 7f) – Councillor Reid is a friend of one of the bidders for Mayor Making catering and is also a regular customer of another bidder.
Councillor A Willoughby / Item 7b) – Councillor is Chair of Friends of Bebra Gardens
Item 7c) – Prejudicial Interest as Chair of Friends of Bebra Gardens.
Item 7e) – Prejudicial Interest as Member of Knaresborough in Bloom.
Councillor C Willoughby / Member of HBC – will consider any same item at HBC in the light of any new information.
Item 7c) – Prejudicial Interest as Member of Friends of Bebra Gardens.
Item 7e) – Prejudicial Interest as Chair of Knaresborough in Bloom.

C12/146 Item 3 – To consider and if thought fit approve as a correct record the Minutes of the Council meeting held on Monday 23rd April 2012

RESOLVED: That due to the confidential nature of the unpublished minutes, that this item be

taken in confidential session at the end of this meeting.

The Mayor moved to take Item 6 – KTC Public Speaking Session.

C12/147 Item 6 – KTC Public Speaking Session

a)  Mr A Butler – Re: Planning Application 6.100.299.B

The proposed dwelling is a family house which has been designed to Model Code 4 Sustainability Standards as our future family home. This application is for the construction of one dwelling and it will not be possible to further develop this land. As the ground gently slopes between Boroughbridge Road and Blind Lane the visual impact on our neighbour’s property is significantly reduced. Also, the boundary hedge acts as a significant barrier. Our proposed dwelling has been carefully designed to have minimum impact on our neighbours and has no windows overlooking their gardens. There are also 7 houses being built all around the boundary which is not visible from the plans.

Councillor N Smith arrived at this point (6:40pm).

b)  Mr D Carpenter – Re: Planning Application 6.100.299.B

Mr Carpenter informed the Council that he has written a letter to the Head of Planning Services at Harrogate Borough Council. The letter also reflects the views of another neighbour to the property, Mr J Wood. Mr Carpenter stated that there is serious concern over the number of houses on the site and the fact that this is intensive use of the site resulting with causing more traffic problems on Blind Lane. Another major concern is the vehicular access to the property which would be shared with the existing house and be on to Blind Lane. This tandem development would be imposing.

c)  Mr J Wood – Re: Planning Application 6.100.299.B

Mr Wood informed the Council that he would be sending a letter of objection to the Head of Planning Services at Harrogate Borough Council.

The Mayor moved to take Item 8.

C12/148 Item 8 – To consider the following Planning Applications relating to

Knaresborough and make such observations thereon as may be appropriate

Ref No.
/ Applicant / Details of Application / KTC Comments
12/00954/FUL / Mr A Butler / Erection of detached dwelling (Site Area 0/04ha) – 36 Boroughbridge Road. / KTC object to this tandem development on to a very narrow lane.

The Mayor moved back to take Item 4 at this point.

Councillor K Sewell arrived at this point (6:50pm).

C12/149 Item 4 – The Harrogate and District Local Development Framework (LDF) and Neighbourhood Planning in Knaresborough – Presentation from Planning Officers (David Sykes, David Allenby & Rachel Hutton), Harrogate Borough Council

a)  David Sykes, Planning Policy Manager – Response to Local Development Framework (LDF) Consultation.

David Sykes thanked the Town Council for the response to the LDF Consultation. Mr Sykes then went on to explain that the Core Strategy states that 700 new homes (over approximately. 30ha) have been allocated to Knaresborough with a further 5ha of land being allocated for employment. A map was circulated (available from the Clerk’s Office), which showed the preferred site, Manse Farm (‘K2B’), along with other growth options in the area. Mr Sykes explained that if the 700 dwellings were built on one site it would be a lot easier to justify the need for a new primary school and other infrastructure for the town.

It was explained to the Town Council that all sites had been assessed using specific methodology and all options had been considered in order to come up with the most sustainable site. The results of these assessments show that ‘K2B’ has advantages to dispersed growth and is the most sustainable site. Other areas have drawbacks and may not be deliverable.

Councillor A Gallico arrived at this point (7:00pm).

b)  Rachael Hutton, Planner – Program for the LDF

Councillor Batt asked why ‘K2B’ was still the preferred site despite the fact that it was on a flood plain and also had a power line running through the centre of it. Rachel Hutton explained that both the Environment Agency and the National Grid had been consulted on this and neither had any objections to the development.

Rachael Hutton explained to Councillors why some of the other potential sites for development were not as suitable or sustainable as ‘K2B’. Ms Hutton informed Councillors that the full assessments for all sites being considered are available on the HBC website should they wish to read them thoroughly.

c)  David Allenby, Chief Planner (Forward Planning) – Neighbourhood Planning Process

David Allenby explained that the Localism Act does not change the concept of the LDF. All policies will still be included but it will be called the ‘Local Plan’ rather than the LDF. Neighbourhood Plans will have a status equivalent to the LDF once they have been adopted. Mr Allenby circulated a handout which showed the process of development of a Neighbourhood Plan. He explained that it is a long process which could be incredibly expensive. The local community must be supportive of the development of such a plan and a strong Communications Strategy must be in place. Extensive survey work and sustainability appraisals would need to be carried out to form the basis of the Plan. HBC would then submit the Plan to an Inspector (at their expense). If approved by the Inspector, the Plan would then be put to Referendum (which HBC would pay for and organise) whereby a majority vote for the introduction of the Plan would need to be obtained in order for the Plan to be adopted. The whole process would take approximately two years (minimum).

Dawlish Parish Council is currently the only PC in the country to have had their Neighbourhood Plan approved and adopted. The LDF Plan is going to HBC Cabinet in July so if KTC plan to invite HBC Officer to another meeting it is better sooner rather than later.

Four Members of the FEVA Committee and Ms Althea Farmer (Civic Society) arrived at this point – 7:30pm

C12/150 Item 5 – To consider any matters arising from the presentation

RESOLVED: That the presentation be discussed at the next meeting of the Neighbourhood

Development Plan Committee with a view to arranging another meeting with

Officers from HBC.

C12/151 Item 6 – KTC Public Speaking Session

See Minute Number C12/147.

C12/152 Item 7 – Business Remaining from Previous Meeting

The Mayor took Item 7d) first.

d)  Application for Funding – Submitted by FEVA Committee on 31st March 2012 together with copy letter dated 1st May 2012 from Jane Hall, Fundraiser, FEVA Committee.

The Mayor invited Members of the FEVA Committee who were present to speak. FEVA informed the Council that they have 80 events for this year’s festival planned many of which are free and aimed at families and children. On average the annual expenditure of the Festival is £21,000. FEVA is not self-financing and c.£6,000 is spent on printing, advertising, banners and insurance costs prior to the start of the festival each year. FEVA is run by volunteers.

RESOLVED: That the amount of £1500 is awarded to FEVA to support the Festival’s Street

Entertainment on the basis that FEVA comply with the requests asked of them last year (Unanimous).

Members requested that FEVA give the council an indication of any intention to apply for a grant for the next financial year, in January.

The Clerk pointed out that it would be a good idea for all organisations who usually apply for a grant to be contacted and asked to submit their grant applications prior to the budget being set (October/November) and that perhaps the press would help to circulate this.

The Mayor moved back to take Item 7a).

a)  Action for Market Towns Workshop, Harrogate – To approve the attendance of Councillors C Reid and T Handley in June 2012.

RESOLVED: To approve Councillors Reid and Handley to attend the above Workshop


b)  Fencing at Bebra Gardens/Surprise View – latest fencing proposals from HBC – report from Councillor A Willoughby.

The Mayor informed Members that HBC have discovered that some materials are no longer available. They now propose a tighter, smaller mesh which would obscure the view a bit more, or railings that would obscure the view a bit less. The top edge would be stepped with the fence specified at 2.5m and not 2m. He advised that KTC object on the same grounds as previously.

RESOLVED: To submit the same response to this proposal as KTC submitted previously (See

Minute No.C11/277 b) – 24th October 2011) and to also refer to KTC’s objection to the proposed increase in height of the fencing (Unanimous).

c)  Application for Funding – Submitted by Friends of Bebra Gardens on 31st March 2012.

Having declared a prejudicial interest in the next item Councillors A Willoughby & C Willoughby left the Chamber at this point and took no further part in the discussion or voting thereon.

As the Deputy Mayor was absent the Clerk took the Chair and it was resolved that Councillor J Batt would chair the meeting. Councillor Batt took the Chair.

RESOLVED: That the decision be deferred until a decision regarding grant funding from EDU

and Renaissance Knaresborough is received. If KTC have not heard from EDU or Renaissance Knaresborough by the next meeting on 21st May 2012 then a decision will be made by KTC regardless (Unanimous).

d)  Application for Funding – Submitted by FEVA Committee on 31st March 2012 together with copy letter dated 1st May 2012 from Jane Hall, Fundraiser, FEVA Committee.

See Minute Number C12/152

e)  Application for Funding – Submitted by Knaresborough in Bloom on 31st March 2012.

The Chair invited Councillor C Willoughby back in to the Chamber to answer questions. Councillor C Willoughby then left the Chamber again taking no part in the discussion or voting thereon.

RESOLVED: That the decision be deferred until a decision regarding grant funding from EDU

and Renaissance Knaresborough is received. If KTC have not heard from EDU or Renaissance Knaresborough by the next meeting on 21st May 2012 then a decision will be made by KTC regardless (Unanimous).

Councillor A Willoughby and Councillor C Willoughby returned to the Chamber.

Councillor A Willoughby returned the Chair.

f) To i) re-consider the decision made re the quotes for Mayor Making

and ii) consider the offer from the Mayor Elect of a contribution towards Mayor


Councillor A Wright opposed this decision as he believes it is two different items. The Mayor stressed that these were not two separate agenda items.

RESOLVED: That due to the sensitive nature (quotations) that this item be taken in Confidential

Session at the end of this meeting.

C12/153 Item 8 – To consider the following Planning Applications relating to