Language for Communication and Thinking

Language for Communication and Thinking

WhiteHousePrimary School Foundation Stage CLLD Planning Term 5 Week Beginning:21.05.12

Week 6

Linking Sounds and Letters
Profile Scale Points
PSP8: Attempts to read more complex words, using phonic knowledge.
PSP9: Has achieved all the early learning goals for linking sounds and letters. In addition, he/she uses a knowledge of letters, sounds and words when reading and writing independently.
Profile Scale Points
PSP7: Uses phonic knowledge to write simple regular words and make phonetically plausible attempts at more complex words.
PSP8: Begins to form captions and simple sentences, sometimes using punctuation.
PSP9: Has achieved all the early learning goals for writing. In addition, he/she communicates meaning through phrases and simple sentences with some consistency in punctuating sentences.
Wednesday session 1 and 2 with TA / Differentiated Groups
Thomas- tell Thomas that you have been thinking about the sounds he has been learning this week and would like him to use the magnetic letters to make some of the words. Call the words out and ask him to make them. Do this for about 5 words. Then ask Thomas to make a sentence using two of the words. Write the sentence. Then ask Thomas if he can use the other three words to make a sentence.
If he wants he can draw around the magnetic letters to make it more of a fun way of writing. This will help develop his fine motor skill of holding one letter with one hand while drawing round it with the other hand[WHPS1].
Words relating to this weeks phonics…
aw- claw, yawn, shawl, drawer,
ph-, phonics, graphics, alphabet,
wh- when, whisper, which, wheel
ew- threw, stew, grew, flew, drew, brew, few
Linking Sounds and Letters
Profile Scale Points
PP3- Links some sounds to letters.
PP4: Links sounds to letters, naming and sounding letters of the alphabet.
PP5: Hears and says sounds in words.
PP6- blends sounds in words.
PSP8: Attempts to read more complex words, using phonic knowledge.
PSP9: Has achieved all the early learning goals for linking sounds and letters. In addition, he/she uses a knowledge of letters, sounds and words when reading and writing independently.
Profile Scale Points
PSP7: Uses phonic knowledge to write simple regular words and make phonetically plausible attempts at more complex words.
PSP8: Begins to form captions and simple sentences, sometimes using punctuation.
PSP9: Has achieved all the early learning goals for writing. In addition, he/she communicates meaning through phrases and simple sentences with some consistency in punctuating sentences.PP4- Links sounds to letters, naming and sounding letters of the alphabet.
Blending sounds in words
Wednesday session 1 and 2 with TA / Differentiated Groups
Yellow gp (MA): tell the chd that we are going to spend some time thinking about two sounds that we have learnt recently. Show them the sound ‘th’ on a whiteboard and get the chd to think of all the th words that they can. Chd to write these in their writing books and then get the chd to highlight the th in each word.
Now ask the chd to write the sound ‘ng’ in their writing books and just like we have write as many ng words as they can. Then allow them to highlight the ng in each word and draw some matching pictures.
Pink gp (TM):.tell the chd that you have got some sentences on some strips that have got some of the words missing. Tell them that it is their job to read the sentences and work out the missing word from the list you have got. (simple sentences with phase 3 words as the missing words[WHPS2])
  1. the paper is ___ (torn)
  2. the bell went ding___ {dong}
  3. I____ ill {feel}
  4. the car door is____ (shut}

Green gp (M): tell the chd that we are looking for words that have the sh sound in them. Show the chd a list of sh words mixed in with lots and lots of other high frequency words. Ask the chd to highlight all the words which have the sh sound in. once they have done this ask them to read aloud the words that they have highlighted[WHPS3].
Red gp (LA) Tell the chd we are going to play a game to see how well we can hear the sounds at the beginnings/ends of words. We’ll start by taking it in turns to take something out of the bag and say the sound it begins/ends with. Individual chd take it in turns to take an object from the bag, identify the initial/final sound and match this to the correct letter (using plastic letters or tiles). Variations during the game once some objects are out of the bag can they find other objects which begin/end with the same letter. The main emphasis of this activity should be on hearing and saying the sounds.
Blue gp (SEN):
Tell the chd we are going to play a game to help use learn the names of different objects. Hold up the bag and ask the chd to tell you what colour the bag is? Can they see anything else in the room that is the same colour? Discuss. Tell the chd that they are going to take one object from the bag. Ask a child to take an object, can they name the object, if not ask another child to name the object, if they cannot tell them what the object is. Ask them what the object is for? Ask each child to tell you something about the object but do not allow them to tell you the colour.
Repeat with several objects[WHPS4].
Profile scale points:
PP3- Recognises a few familiar words.
PP4- Knows that, in English, print is read from left to right and top to bottom.
PP6- Reads a range of familiar and common words and simple sentences independently.
HFW games in small gps In small gps HFW game (depending on if they are on car, lorry etc)
At the start of the session have large version of the words and as a group sound out the words. Then a child to match word with the correct vehicle.
1 to 1 reading sessios and Gudided reading sessios during the week / Differentiated Groups
Yellow gp (MA) and Pink gp (TM)::find words on their vehicle in a sentence.
In small gps HFW game (depending on if they are on car, lorry etc)
Green gp (M) Red gp (LA) and Blue gp (SEN): In small gps HFW game (depending on if they are on car, lorry etc)
Linking Sounds and Letters
Profile scale points:
PP1-Joins in with rhyming and rhythmic activities.
PP2-Shows an awareness of rhyme and alliteration.
PP3- Links some sounds to letters.
PP4: Links sounds to letters, naming and sounding letters of the alphabet.
PP5: Hears and says sounds in words.
Profile scale points:
PP1- Experiments with mark-making, sometimesascribing meaning to the marks.
PP2- Uses some clearly identifiable letters to communicate meaning.
PP4- Writes own name
DM Linking Sounds and Letters (30- 50 mths)- Enjoy rhyming and rhythmic activities.
  • Show awareness of rhyme and alliteration.
  • Recognise rhythm in spoken words.
DM Linking Sounds and Letters (40- 60 mths)- Continue a rhyming string.
  • Hear and say the initial sound in words and know which letters represent some of the sounds.
Language for communication:
Development Matters 30-50mths
Use vocabulary focused on objects and people that are of particular importance to them.
Listen to others in one-to-one or small groups when conversation interests them.
Build up vocabulary that reflects the breadth of their experiences.
Begin to use more complex sentences.
Activity INPUT
Wheels on the Bus
Ask chd if they have heard of the song before when you hold up the book. If many chd know the song, sing it together.Discuss with the children that songs can also be stories. If you have already read other books together that are also songs? Read the title, author, and illustrator. Explain that this book is a traditional song and that the real author is unknown. Ask the children to read with you.
Ask questions about the story:
Which was your favorite picture in the book? Why?
Why do you think the baby on the bus was crying? Chd to give reasons nod and then ask for another and another.
Do you think the bus driver likes his job? Why?
Make up new verses and sing them.
Act Out the Song to the new verse they have made up: Line up the chairs in your classroom so that they resemble the inside of a bus, with rows and an aisle. Sing the song with your students while sitting in the imaginary "bus". You can even let a child be the driver and let them sit at the front with a "steering wheel" / Differentiated Groups
Yellow gp (MA):chd to complete a golden sentence about the wheels on the bus. Tell them the five golden rules that the sentence must have- capital letter, finger spaces, full stops, words relating to the song and some interesting words[WHPS5].
Thomas- chd to complete 2 golden sentence about the wheels on the bus. Tell them the five golden rules that the sentence must have- capital letter, finger spaces, full stops, words relating to the song and some interesting words.
Pink gp (TM):
Make a group book with the following sentence frame: "The _____ on the bus go _____, _____, _____. Chd need to think of things on the bus to fill in the blanks. E.g. The people on the bus go up and down. Or The dogs on the bus go woof, woof, woof[WHPS6].
Green gp (M): Draw a picture of what you see out of a bus window. Then write a label for the picture. Concentrating on hearing as many sounds as they can.
Red gp (LA) Draw a picture of what you see out of a bus window. Then write a label for the picture. Concentrating on first and final sounds[WHPS7].
Blue gp (SEN):
Draw a picture of your bus and attempt to write a label saying about what colour your bus would be if you had one[WHPS8].

[WHPS1]I want to try this again next week as LN did this with him this week and I feel that it was not done how I intended it to me done so would like Thomas to do it again but with me and see what he does.

[WHPS2]Activity worked well again but they are still not retaining the phase 3 sounds to blend them and use in writing, so will continue with using these words next session but with a different activity.

[WHPS3]I was surprised at how well this group managed this and how well they could blend the sh sound to read words. However I did notice that most of the group are in the Phase 3 developing phonics group so feel that I could do a similar activity but with some of the earlier phase 3 sounds like j/v/w w etc.

[WHPS4]They really enjoy this and say the different names of the objects. Think it would be worth getting them to compare some of the objects next time and talk about the similarities and differences.

[WHPS5]Loved the golden rules and they liked the idea of looking back at the golden rules. So introduced the green and orange highlighters and they liked this. I then thought it would be good to get them to traffic light work too, which they also managed. Therefore I will do this each session now. The sentences showed a good independent style of writing,

[WHPS6]Children completed writing frame and all came up with own idea for new verse. I also got this group to traffic light work which they all managed to do too.

[WHPS7]Both red and green group managed this and I encouragedindependent writing. I was pleased because the green group were writing without the use of the alphabet strip.

[WHPS8]Very concerned by GF and HG they could not tell me any of the sounds in either of the words. MUST MOVE LP to this GP.