Jennifer A. Showalter Lewis and Clark High School Course Information s1

Jennifer A. Showalter Lewis and Clark High School Course Information s1

Jennifer A. Showalter Lewis and Clark High School Course Information:

English 10/ PreAP 10 / Journalism 521 W 4th Spokane, WA 99204 > staff sites > Showalter

Room 019/015 509-354-6940 or > staff sites > LC Journal


Jennifer Showalter’s Classroom Expectations

I am excited to help each one of you become more sophisticated and skilled readers and writers this school year! I expect all members of my classroom, including myself, to follow three simple rules with practical consistency in order to be successful%:

Show up Show interest

Show work Show risk

Required Class supplies:

·  ! Pens/pencils and college-ruled notebook paper

·  Consistent access to Office 365 account and Portable USB drive

·  Highlighters—at least 3 different colors.

·  1 Bring your class (English or Journalism) folder every day

·  ¦ LC Student planner

·  English classes:

o  3x5 cards to be used as flashcards for our vocabulary roots

Spiral or composition notebook to be used as a writing journal and kept in our classroom

o  Independent reading text for both SSR and choice book assignments (TBA).

·  ¥ Journalism only: reporter’s notebook(s) for interviewing—available at office supply stores

General Classroom Expectations:

·  % Bell to Bell: When the bell rings, students are to be in assigned seats with all necessary materials and ready to work. You will be on task until the bell rings. The instructor, not the bell, will dismiss the class. We never line up at the door!

·  J May I have your attention, please? If I ask for your attention, put your pen or pencil down, stop what you are doing, and give me your full attention; only one person talks at a time.

·  OSLANT: Sit up; Listen; Ask Qs; Nod; Track speaker with your eyes

Use this method to best engage in class instruction, group activities and personal relationships. Source: (KIPP strategies for student success).

·  Discipline: Lapses in attendance, punctuality, and achievement will result in progressive disciplinary actions that start with a student/teacher meeting and a parent contact and follow with an administrative or counselor contact, a parent/teacher meeting, and/or administrative action.

·  z Defiance: If I ask you to stop doing something, you will comply without arguing. Defiant students will be immediately removed from the classroom and sent to the administration.

·  @ Down time: If you are finished with the day’s task and have all assignments from this class completed, you must be in your seat studying vocabulary or grammar, reading a book, or working on an assignment from another class.

·  Grandma Rule: We speak kindly to each other with respect and by giving each other “the benefit of the doubt” by assuming positive intent. We do not use language that we would not say in front of Mrs. Showalter’s Grandma.

·  ä Food and Drink: Please do not eat or drink in the room. Water in closed containers is acceptable.

·  Restroom: The red pass should be used for emergencies only. Please use the restroom between classes. You may not leave the room without instructor permission. You may not use any electronic devices while you are on your break. (ex. no texting in the hallway).

·  ¾ Tardies: Any student late to class will be asked to clean a row of desks. Students with repeated tardies will receive a call home and after school detention.

·  ² Personal Electronics during class time: Cell phones and music players may not be used in class unless specifically directed by your instructor. Electronics that are visibly used will be confiscated by the teacher and submitted to the business office where parents/guardians will be required to pick them up at their convenience. You may not record class activities or take pictures of class assignments on your phone or any other device without permission.

·  Personal Electronics outside of class time: Use cell phones and other electronic devices to enhance your learning. You will be required to use the Blackboard site to submit some assignments over the course of the year. Podcasts and videos of class lessons (now in development) will be available on my LC staff website to help you in areas like grammar and writing.

Grading Policy

I use the following grading scale:

90-100% = A

80-89% = B

70-79% = C

60-69% = D

59% and below = F

Makeup work is YOUR responsibility. “I didn’t know” is never an excuse. Check the assignment schedule on the board, the assignment calendar on the website, or check with a neighbor. Worksheets are located at the front of the room. I am available before/after school every day and at lunch (if you schedule time to meet with me).


Plagiarism is illegal, unethical and against LC and District rules. If you plagiarize or COPY the work of another person and try to pass it as your own you will receive zero points in the grade book for the assignment, a report on your school record and parent/administrative contact. Own what you earn. Please carefully read the attached academic honesty document and the LCHS student handbook policies regarding academic dishonesty.

Showalter’s English Class Weighted Grade System

Please read carefully:

30% / 70%
Grading Category / Percent / Formative Assessments
Practices, Quizzes, Drafts / Summative Assessments
Tests, Final drafts
Grammar / (10%) / (3%) / (7%)*
Parts of Speech, Parts of a Sentence, Phrases, Clauses
Vocabulary / (10%) / (3%) / (7%)*
Greek and Latin Roots
Content Vocabulary
Comprehension, Annotation, Analysis, Evaluation, etc. / (20%) / (6%) / (14%)*
Essays / AP/SAT/HSPE/District Unit Assessments / (30%) / (9%) / (21%)*
Brief or paragraph writing / (15%) / (4.5%) / (10.5%)
Journal, Reflective, or Creative writing / (15%) / (4.5%) / (10.5%)

This grading system’s goal is to honor accountability, responsibility, and diligence by giving credit for practicing class skills through formative assessments. However, missing or being unsuccessful on some assignments will not wreck a student’s overall grade. Furthermore, the weights ultimately reward and account for skill acquisition by counting final assessments as the majority of the student’s grade. Students will have multiple opportunities to demonstrate, retest, or rewrite as necessary to prove that they have acquired and mastered skills over the course of the year.

Each assignment/quiz/test will be weighted in the grade book as noted in the above chart. For instance, vocabulary practices and quizzes will be worth 3 percent of the total grade while vocabulary tests will be worth 7 percent of the total grade.

No late work policy: Formative assessments should be completed in order to best practice and master skills. However, no late work will be accepted for formative assessments.

On a case-by-case basis, students will be allowed to retake/retest/rewrite summative tests and final essays (with prior approval):

·  Please see me before/after the school day or during lunch with a written explanation of what circumstances lead you to retake/retest/rewrite your particular summative assessment and what you plan to do to be prepared and successful on it and future assessments.

·  You will need to schedule a time outside of the class period to complete your retake/retest/rewrite. Arrive on time and prepared.

·  DEADLINE: You must retake/retest/ or rewrite tests and final essays by the last day of the quarter.

*Unless otherwise indicated the lowest test score in each of these categories will be dropped per semester.

Academic Honesty

Please read and then copy the following “Academic Honesty Pledge” onto a piece of paper. Sign your full name, student ID number and date below the passage.

Academic Honesty Pledge

“I understand that honesty and integrity are important characteristics of an upstanding citizen. As such, I will demonstrate these qualities by committing to accuracy and honesty on all parts of my classroom work; this means I will not plagiarize any of my written assignments, I will give credit to any sources from which I use information, and I will not lie about, or exaggerate, any work that I must complete for my classes. I will not collaborate with other students unless authorized by my instructor and I will never copy the work of other students and turn it in as my own.

I know that those who cheat will have a mark on their discipline record and may not earn credit for an assignment, may earn after school detention, and may have to complete an academic honesty research assignment. I know that students with multiple cheating infractions can earn a short-term suspension and/or removal from class with an “F” grade. I also know that I want my high school experience to be positive, so I do not want to cheat myself out of the opportunity to learn and become an honorable citizen.”

By signing this paper, your child has agreed to follow the rules for this classroom. This agreement will be kept on file.

Return with Guardian Signature by ______

Students: Please copy and sign with your name and student ID # the academic honesty pledge in the area below:

Name: ______ID#: ______

Unpacking the grade system…

Answer the following questions and be prepared to share your answers:

1.  What is the philosophy behind this grading system? Summarize it in your own words.

2.  What does “formative” mean? What kind of work would be considered “formative”?

3.  What does “summative” mean? What kind of work would be considered “summative”?

4.  What are the two main categories for your class grade?

5.  According to the chart, what kinds of skills do you think you will be expected to learn and master this year?

6.  What if you bomb (fail) a test (summative assessment)? What are your options?

7.  How is it possible to have a higher grade for the semester than you have earned for the quarter?

8.  What are your questions? What do you still want to know?