The Great Psychologists A History of Psychological Thought FIFTH EDITION Robert I. Watson, Sr. Late, University of New Hampshire and The University of Florida Rand B. Evans East Carolina University =HarperCollinsPublishers Photo a nd Illustration Credits Page l, Collection of Rand B. Evans; 18, Adapted from Charles Ede, Collecting Amiquities (London: J.M. Dent&. Sons, 1976); SO , The Mansell Collection; 68, The Mansell Collec­ tion; 92, From Henry Smith Williams, A History of Science (New York: Harper and Broth­ ers, 1904 ), Vol. I, fp. 280; 105, The Granger Collection; 120, The Granger Collection; 148, From Henry Smith Williams, A History of Science (New York: Harper and Brothers, 1904 ), Vol. 2, fp . 194 [Original in Louvre Museum]; 180, The Granger Collection; 204, Top: The Granger Collection and bottom: from Dagoben D. Runes, Pictorial History of Philosophy (New York: Philosophical Library, 1959), p. 180; 230, Top: From the Collection of Rand B. Evans and bottom: the Granger Collection; 246, The Granger Collection; 264, From Henry E. Garrett, Great Experiments in Psychology (New York: The Century Co., 1930), fp . 270; 276, From Edmund Konig, W. Wundt· Seine Philosophie und Psychologie (Stuttgart: Fr. Frommanns Verlag, 1901), Frontis; 296, Top and bottom: From the Collection of Rand B. Evans; 316, The Granger Collection; 332, From Francis Calton, Memories of My life (Lon· don: Methuen and Co., 1908), p. 243; 362, Top and bottom: From the Collection of Rand B. Evans; 412, From the Collection of Rand B. Ev:ms; 430, Courtesy of Stoeling Co., 620 Wheat Lane, Wood Dale, IL 60191; 464, From the Collection of Rand B. Evans; 500, Courtesy of Dr. Michael Wertheimer; 552, The Granger Collection; 560, Top and bottom: The Granger Collection; 586, The Granger Collection; 608, From the Collection of Rand B. Evans. Sponsoring Editor: Laura Pe<1rson Project Editor: Ell en MacElree Art Direction/Cover Coordinator: Heather A. Ziegler Cover Design: Edward Smith Design Photo Research: Mira Schachne Production: Willie Lane/Sunaina Sebwani The Great Psychologists: A History of Psychological Thought, Fifth Edition Copyright © J 991 by HarperCollins Publishers, Inc. ... •-.. .•. u• • •"· All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No pare of this: book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in t~ case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. For inforclation aqdre4s HarperCollins Publishers, Inc., JO East 53rd Street, New York, NY 10022. l :F Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Watson, Robert Irving, 1909- The great psychologists : a history of psychological thought I Robert I. Watson, Sr., Rand B. Evans. - Sth ed. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN 0-06-04 1919-9 I. Psychology- History. 2. Psychology-United States-History. I. Evans, Rand B. II. Title. BF8 l. W35 1991 90-39371 1S0'.92'2-<lc20 CIP 90 9 J 92 93 9 8 7 6 s 4 3 2 Contents in Brief Contents in Detail ix Preface to the Fifth Edition xxiii Preface to the First Edition xxv Chapter 1 History and Historical Progress Part One The Ancient World 17 Chapter 2 Thales to Hippocrates: Before Psychology 19 Chapter 3 Plato: Before Psychology 51 Chapter 4 Aristotle: The Founding of Philosophical Psychology 69 Chapter 5 Theophrastus and Galen: The Hellenistic and Roman Periods 9°3 Part Two The Dark and Middle Ages 105 Chapter 6 Plotinus and Augustine: The Patristic Period 107 Chapter 7 Aquinas: The Middle Ages, Rationalism, and Faith 121 Part Th ree The R enaissance and the Early Modern Period 147 Chapter 8 Descartes: The Renaissance and the Beginning of the Modern Period 149 Chapter 9 Hobbes to Hume: British Empiricism 181 Chapter 10 Associationism and Mechanism: Two Wings of Empiricism 205 Chapter I I The Scottish Realists and the German Idealists: Two Reactions to Hume's Skepticism 231 Chapter 12 Helmholtz: The Physiological Substrate 247 Chapter 13 Fechner: Psychophysics 265 vi CONTENTS IN BRIEF vii Part Four The Modern Period 275 Chapter 14 Wilhelm Wundt: Introspection and Experiment 277 Chapter 15 Brentano and Ebbinghaus: Alternatives to Wundtian Orthodoxy 297 Chapter 16 Calton and Spencer: Developmentalism, Quantitativism, and Individual Differences 317 Chapter 17 American Psychology: Before William James 333 Chapter 18 William James and G. Stanley Hall: The Founding of Scientific Psychology in the United States 363 Chapter 19 Titchener and Structuralism: The Beginning of Experimental Psychology in America 392 Chapter 20 Angell and American Functionalism 413 Chapter 21 Utility in Psychology: The Rise of Applied Psychology 43 l Chapter 22 John B. Watson and Behaviorism 465 Chapter 23 Wertheimer, Koffka, and Kohler: Gestalt Psychology 50 l Chapter 24 Freud and Psychoanalysis 523 Chapter 25 Adler, Jung, and the Third-Generation Psychologists 561 Chapter 26 European Psychologies of the ·Twentieth Century 587 Chapter 27 Psychology in the United States since World War II 609 Index of Names 631 Index of Subjects 639 Contents in Detail Preface to the Fifth Edition xxiii Preface to the First Edition xxv Chapter 1 History and Historical Progress 1 / HISTORY AND THE HISTORICAL EVENT 2 THE DYNAMIC OF HISTORY 3 Spiritualistic Theory 3 Personalistic Theory 4 Naturalistic Theory 6 Historical Analyses of Psychological Thought 9 HISTORY OF PSYCHOLOGY 10 PRESCRIPTIVE THEORY 10 SOME HISTORICAL MAXIMS 13 SUMMARY 14 PART ONE THE ANCIENT WORLD 17 Chapter 2 Thales to Hippocrates: Before Psychology 19 A DEFINITION OF PSYCHOLOGICAL THOUGHT 19 ORIGINS OF PSYCHOLOGICAL THOUGHT 20 IONIA AND THE RISE OF NATURALISM 25 PURISM, NOMOTHETICISM, NATURALISM, AND QUALITATIVISM 26 THALES AND MOLARISM, VITALISM. AND DEDUCTIVISM 27 THE PROBLEM OF HUMAN KNOWLEDGE 30 ix x CON TEN TS IN DETAIL PARMENIDES: RATIONALISM AND DEDUCTIVISM 33 DEMOCRITUS AND EMPIRICISM, DETERMINISM, ANO MECHANISM 34 EMOTIONS AND DESIRES: IRRATIONALISM AND DETERMINISM 38 HIPPOCRATES AND THE NATURALISTIC CONTRIBUTION FROM MEDICINE AND THE BEGINNING OF IDIOGRAPHICISM 40 Alcmaeon of Croton 41 Hippocratcs 42 SUMMARY 44 C/1apter 3 Plato: Before Psychology 51 SOCRATES: RATIONALISM, CONTENTUAL SUBJECTIVITY, AND DUALISM 52 THE LIFE OF PLATO 54 THE PHILOSOPHICAL BASIS OF PLATO'S PSYCHOLOGICAL CONTENTIONS 55 THE NATURE OF FORMS 56 THE PSYCHE AND THE FORMS 57 PSYCHOLOGICAL VIEWS OF PLATO 59 MIND AND BODY 59 MOTIONS AND THE PSYCHE 60 THE STRUCTURE OF THE PSYCHE 61 REASONING IN THE DUAL AND TRIPARTITE PSYCHE 61 SPIRIT AND APPETITE IN THE TRIPARTITE PSYCHE 62 CONFLICT AND HARMONY AND THE TRIPARTITE PSYCHE 62 DRIVE AND THE TRIPARTITE PSYCHE 63 THE IRRATIONAL IN THE DUAL PSYCHE 64 SUMMARY 65 Chapter 4 Aristotle: The Founding of Philo!iophical Psychology 69 LIFE OF ARISTOTLE 70 DIVERGENCE FROM PLATO 73 ARISTOTLE'S AIM 74 KNOWLEDGE AND SCIENTIFIC METHOD 74 ARISTOTLE'S PSYCHOLOGY: DE AN/MA 76 SCIENCE AND CAUSE 76 BIOLOGICAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL FUNCTIONS 77 ARISTOTLE' S FUNCTIONS 80 C rowing 80 Sensing 8 1 Remembering 83 Desi ring and Reacting 84 T hinking 86 SUMMARY 87 CONTENTS IN DETAIL xi Chapter 5 Theopbrastus and Galen: The Hel/enistic and Roman Periods 93 THEOPHRASTUS 94 ALEXANDRIA AND SCIENCE 96 THE BACKGROUND OF THE HELLENISTIC AND ROMAN PERIODS 97 THE GRAECO-ROMAN PERIOD 98 GALEN 98 SUMMARY 101 PART TWO THE DARK AND MIDDLE AGES 105 Chapter 6 Plotinus and Augustine: The Patristic Period 107 CHRISTIANITY AND THE FALL OF SCIENCE 107 PHILOSOPHY AND THE BEGINNING OF CHRISTIANITY 108 PLOTINUS 109 AUGUSTINE 1 1 1 Life of Augustine I 12 Augustine's Attitudes Toward Science 114 Philosophical and Personal Background of Augustine's Psychology 115 Some Aspects of the Psychology of Augustine 116 SUMMARY 117 Chapter 7 A4ainas: The Middle Ages, Rationalism, an;;;aitb 121 THE DARK AGES 121 ISLAM 122 COMMON CHARACTERISTICS OF THINKING 124 SOURCES OF KNOWLEDGE 1 25 SCHOLASTICISM 126 THE UNIVERSITIES 127 THE RECOVERY OF ARISTOTLE'S THOUGHT 128 THOMAS AQUINAS 1 28 Life and Labors of Aquinas 128 Reason and Faith in Aquinas's Thought 131 Nous in Aquinas's Thought 133 Attacks on Aquinas's Thought 133 Aquinas's Doctrine of the One Truth 134 Aquinas's Philosophical Psychology 134 Soul and Body 135 Soul and Its Faculties 135 Psychology and Theology 138 The Influence of Aquinas 138 SCIENCE IN THE LATER MIDDLE AGES 139 THE EXPERIMENT 140 MEDICINE 141 xii CON TENTS IN DETAIL SCIENCE AND SUPERSTITION 142 THE END OF THE MIDDLE AGES 143 SUMMARY 143 PART THREE THE RENAISSANCE AND THE EARLY MODERN PERIOD 147 Chapter 8 Descartes: The Renaissance and the Befjinning of the Modern Period 149 THE RENAISSANCE: A PERIOD OF PREPARATION 150 THE BEGINNINGS OF THE MODERN PERIOD IN SCIENCE 152 GALILEO, QUANTITATIVISM, AND METHODOLOGICAL AND CONTENTUAL OBJECTIVISM 153 FRANCIS BACON AND INDUCTIVISM 153 BIOLOGY AND THE SCIENTIFIC REVOLUTION 156 RENE DESCARTES 15 7 Descartes' Life 158 The Rationalistic Method of Descartes 160 Descartes' Search for Certainty 161 Mind and Body Dualism 163 Mind and Its Faculties 164 Molar Mechanistic Theory 166 Dualistic Interaction of Body and Mind 168 BENEDICT SPINOZA AND MONISM, RATIONALISM, DEDUCTIVISM, AND DETERMINISM 171 GOTTFRIED W. LEIBNIZ AND MOLECULARISM, MONISM. CONSCIOUS AND UNCONSCIOUS MENTALISM 172 DESCARTES' DUAL LEGACY 173 SUMMARY 173 Chapter 9 Hobbes to Hume: British Empiricism 181 THOMAS HOBBES 182 JOHN LOCKE 184 Locke's Psychological Views 186 Insistence on Nonexistence of Innate Ideas 186 Sensations, Simple Ideas, and Primary and Secondary Qualities 187 Reflection, Simple and Complex Ideas 188 Peelings 189 Assuciatio12 of Ideas 189 Influence
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