CONGRESSIONAL RECORD--SENATE, APRIL. 23, SENATE. He also presented memorials of Local Branch, American Con­ tinental League, of Providence, R. I.; of Irish Nationalists of THURSDAY, April 23, 1914. J Cincinnati, Ohio; and of the J9hp~~yle O'Reilly Olub, of Pueblo, The Chaplain, Rev. Forrest J. ·Prettyman, D. D., offered the Colo., remonstrating against - th~ , repeal of the exemption clause of the Panama Canal act, which were referred to the Committee following prayer-: on Interoceanic Canals. Almighty God, the sad and tragic scenes of life have always He also presented ·a memorial of sundry citizens of Hellwig, driven us nearer to Thy side. In the midst of storm and stress N. Dak., and a memorial of .sundry citizens of Philadelphia, Pa., we have found more need of God than we have realized, at least, remonstrating against national prohibition, which were referred in the joy -and sunshine. We ·come to Thee to-day and lift our to the Committee on the Judiciary. hearts for Thy blessing. We remember that there are those He also presented ·a petition of the :Ministerial A.s.sociation of lying dead who have represente~ us, a.:r:d others ~orn with bul­ New Castle, Pa., praying for national prohibition, which was lets are suffering because of their devotion to their country and . referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. their obedience to the order and law of their land. We pray He also presented a petition of the Ohamber of Commerce that they may realize our sympathy and care; that they ~ay of Kauai, Hawaii, praying for an appropriatien for the construc­ have the Divine favor. We pray that Thy favor and blessmg _tion of a breakwater at Nawiliwili Harbor, island of Kauai, may be vouchsafed to -an in command and all in authority in Territory of Hawaii, which was referred to the Committee on this land; and that .the time may come speedily when Mexico Commerce. will again enjoy prosperity and order, when we shall have the He also presented a :Petition of sundry citizens of South Man­ blessing of peace. We ask for ·Christ's sake. Amen. chester, Conn., and a petition of Sangus True Blue Loyal Or­ The .'Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read and approved. ange Lodge, No. 149, of Lynn, Mass., praying for an appropria­ HARllOB TONNAGE AND CONSTRUCTION OF LOCKS (B. DOO. NO. 470). tion for the celebration of the so-called "One hundred years of The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate a com­ peace among English-speaking people£," which wa-s referred to munication from the Secretary ·of War, transmitting, in partial the Committee on Foreign Relations. response to a resolution of the 9th instant, a tabulated state­ He also presented a petition of Interdenominational Bible ment of the number of locks the Government has constructed, College and Institute for Civic and Social Betterment, of Wash­ the lora.tion and cost of each. the number of men employed in ington, D. C., praying for the enactment of legislation to provide operation during .the fiscal year ended June 30, 191.3, whi?h, with peace among English-speaking peoples," which were referred to the accompanying paper, was referred to the Committee on the Committee on Education and Labor. Commerce and ordered to be printed. Mr. GALLINGER presented petitions of the congregations of MESSAGE FBOM "THE HOUSE. sundcy churches of :Milton and Cornish, in the State of New A message from the House ef 'Representatives, by J. C. South, Hampshire, praying for national prohibition, which were re­ its Chief Clerk announced that the House agFees to the report ferred to the Committee on the Judiciary. of the -eommitt~e of conference on the disagreeing votes of the He also presented a petition of the New Hampshire Confer­ two Houses on the amendments of the Senat-e to the bill (H. R. ence of Unitarian Sunday Schools, held at Concord, N.H., pray­ 13453) making appropriations for the support of the Army for ing for the establishment and maintenance of peace between the the fiscal year ending June 30, 1915, and recedes from its dis­ United States and Mexico, which was referred to the Committee agreement to the amendments of the Senate Nos. ·24, 113, 121, on Foreign Relations. 123, 137, 161, and 164, and agrees t-o the same. Mr. LODGE. I send to the desk a telegram in the nature of a petition, which I ask to have read. "The message also announced that the House disagrees to the ..There being no objection, the telegram was ren.d, as follows:. amendments of the Senate to t:he bill (H. R. 7138) to provide BOSTON, MASS., April 22, 1914. for raisin"' the volunteer forces of the United States in time Hon. HENRY CABOT LODGE, of actual ~r threatened war, asks a conference with the Senate -united States Senate, Washington.. D. 0.: on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses thereon, and had The Massachusetts Federation -of Churches, believing that it speaks appointed Mr. HAY, Mr. DENT, and Mr. KAHN managers at the for the great body of the Christian people of Ma sachusetts, solemnly protests against a war with the Mexican people. Our churches believe conference on the part of the House. that in whatever may be done in behalf of order in Mexico there should ENROLLED BILL SIGNED. be no 'thought of aggression or selfish aggrandizement. They desire such policies as shall circumscribe to the utmost the exercise of force The message also announced that the Speaker of the House and shall advance the fl'iendly and rational settlement of the present had signed the enrolled bill (S. 4980) to amend an act entitled crisis. The United Stutes, even under great provocation, must not for­ get its obligations 'US a leader in i:he sacred cause of international "An act making appropriations for the service of the Post Office peace. Department for the fisenl year ending June 30, 1915, and for CHARLES F. RICE, Plf'esidcnt. other purposes," approved March 9, 1914, and it was thereupon CHARLEs CONKLIN, Sccretaru. signed by the President pro tempore. Mr. LODGE presented a memorial of sundry citizens of Wor­ VOLUNTEER 'FORCES O'F THE UNITED STATES. cester, Mass., remonstrating against national prohibition, which The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid -before the Senate the was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. action of the House of Representatives disagreeing to the amend­ He also presented resolutions adopted by the Board of .Alder­ ments of the Senate to the bill (H. R. 7138) to provide for rais­ men of Somerville, Mass., and resolutions adopted by the Board ing the yolunteer forces of the United States in time of actual of Selectmen of Winthrop, Mass., favoring the enactment of or threatened war, and requesting a conference with the Senate legislation to provide for the retirement of superannuated civil­ on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses thereon. service employees, which was referred to the Committee on Mr. IDTCHCOCK. I move that the Senate insist upon its Civil Service and Retrenchment. amendments agree to the conference asked for by the House, 'Mr. WORKS. I hav-e received a number of telegrams from the conferee~ on the part of the Senate to be appointed by the citiz.ens of my State in the nature of petitions relative to the Chair. appropriation for the enforcement of the Federal migratory­ The motion was agreed to ; and the President pro tempore bird law. I ask that the telegrams may be printed in the REc­ UPIJOinted Mr. HITOHCOOK, Mr. LEA of Tennessee, and Mr. DU ORD withopt reading and Teferred to the Committee on Appro- PoNT conferees on the part of the -Sena-te. priations. There being no objection, the telegrams were referred to the PETITIONS AND :hiEMORIALS. Committee on _Appropriations and ordered to be printed in the The PRESIDENT pro tempore presented a petition of the REcoRD, as follows: Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America, praying SAN FRANCISCO, CAL., April £2, 191 .~. :for an appropriation for the maintenance of the Bureau of For­ Hon. "JOHN D. WORKS, eign and Domestic Commerce in the Department of Commerce, United States Senate, 1Vashingtot7-, D. 0.: Federal lll.rd law approved In.st October immense benefit to California which was referred to the Committee on Appropriations. already. J:ts strict enforcement by Federal officers only salvation. 9ur He also presented resolutions of the City Council -of Cairo, migratory n-ame menaced by local destructive forces. We apprec1ate Ill., extending thanks for an appropriation of $250,000 for the present emergency, but recommend appropriation of at least :plOO,OOO. enlargement and improvement of the levee system at that place, :which were referred to the Committee on Commerce. CALDrORNIA FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. Los ANGELES, CAL., .April 22, 1914. · He also presen._ted petitions of sun~-y citizens of Ne~on, Senator J. D. WonKs, Shelby County, Miller, and Angola, all m the _State of Indiana, Washington, D. 0.: and of sundry citizens of Bad Axe, Grand Rapids, Waldron, and Will you not use your influence to secure a $100,000 appropriation for Pen-y, all in the State of Michigan, prayin? ~or the adoption. of the enforcement of the Federal migratory-bird bill? Without this money that splendid pro-vision for the birds will become useless. an amendment to the Constitution to prohib1t polygamy, which Mrs. EJ. H. HUSHEn, :were referred to the Committee on the Judiciaxy~ ~resiaetlt Los Angeles Auaubon Society. 191.4. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 7117 Los ANGELES, CAL., AprU 2il, 191~ The telegrams presented by Mr. AsHURsT are as follows~ Senator JOHN D.
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