JOURNAL OF VIROLOGY VOLUME 37 0 NUMBER 1 0 JANUARY 1981 EDITORIAL BOARD Robert R. Wagner, Editor-in-Chief (1982) University of Virginia School of Medicine, Charlottesville Dwight L. Anderson, Editor (1983) Haold S. Ginsberg, Editor (1984) School ofDentistry, Columbia University University of Minnesota, New York, N. Y. Minneapolis David T. Denhardt, Editor (1982) Edward M. Scolnick, Editor (1982) University of Western Ontario National Cancer Institute London, Ontario, Canada Bethesda, Md. David Baltimore (1981) Calderon Howe (1982) Dan S. Ray (1983) Amiya K. Banerjee (1982) Alice S. Huang (1981) M. E. Reichmann (1982) Kenneth I. Berns (1982) Tony Hunter (1983) Bernard E. Reilly (1983) David H. L. Bishop (1982) D. C. Kelly (1982) Wiliam S. Robinson (1983) David Botstein (1982) Thomas J. Kelly, Jr. (1982) Bernard Roizman (1982) Dennis T. Brown (1981) George Khoury (1981) Roland R. Rueckert (1982) Ahmad 1. Bukhari (1981) Jonathan A. King (1981) Norman P. Salzman (1981) Purnell Cboppin (1983) David W. Kingsbury (1982) Joseph Sambrook (1982) John M. Coffin (1983) Daniel Kolakofsky (1983) PrisciUa A. Schaffer (1981) Richard W. Compans (1982) Lloyd M. Kozboff (1982) Sondra Schlesinger (1983) Geoffrey M. Cooper (1981) Robert M. Krug (1983) June R. Scott (1983) Clive Dickson (1981) Robert A. Lazzarini 1981) Phillip A. Sharp (1982) Walter Doerfler (1983) Richard A. Lerner (1981) Aaron J. Shatkin (1982) Harrison Echols (1981) Myron Levine (1982) Saul J. Sllverstein (1982) Elvera Ehrenfeld (1983) Tomas Lindahl (1981) Lee D. Simon (1981) Robert N. Eisenman (1982) Douglas R. Lowy (1983) Kai Simons (1981) Suzanne U. Emerson (1983) Ronald B. Luftig (1981) Patrcia G. Spear (1981) Lynn Enquist (1981) Robert Martin (1981) Mark F. Stinski (1983) S. Jane Flint (1981) Lois K. Miler (1982) F. William Studier (1981) Robert M. Friedman (1982) Robert C. Miller (1983) Lawrence S. Sturman (1982) Constantine Georgopolous (1983) Peter Model (1983) Donald F. Summers (1982) Larry M. Gold (1982) Gisela Mosig (1982) John M. Taylor (1981) Hidesaburo Hanafusa (1983) Bernard Moss (1983) Howard M. Temin (1982) William S. Hayward (1981) Joseph S. Pagano (1982) George F. VandeWoude (1983) John J. Holand (1981) J. Tbomas Parsons (1983) Edward K. Wagner (1983) Ian H. Holmes (1983) Ulf G. Petterson (1983) Ernest Winocour (1982) Robert W. Honess (1983) Lennart Philipson (1981) Charles Hamish Young (1983) Nancy Hopkins (1983) Craig R. Pringle (1983) Julius Youngner (1982) Fred Rapp (1981) Gisella Polock, Acting Managing Editor Susan Birch, Production Editor 1913 I St., NW, Washington, DC 20006 EX OFFICIO Albert Balows, President (1980-1981) Frederick C. Neidhardt, President-Elect (1980-1981) J. Mehsen Joseph, Secretary Brinton M. Miller, Treasurer The Journal of Virology (ISSN 0022-538X). a publication of Second-class postage paid at Washington. DC 20006. and at the American Society for Microbiology. 1913 I St.. NW. Wash- additional mailing offices. ington. DC 20006. is devoted to the dissemination offundamental Made in the U.S.A. knowledge concerning viruses of bacteria. plants. and animals. Copyright © 1981. American Society for Microbiology. Investigators are invited to submit reports of original research in All Rights Reserved. all areas of basic virology. including biochemistry. biophysics. genetics. immunology. morphology. and physiology. Instructions to Authors are published in the January issue each year: reprints are available from the Editors and the Publications Office. The The code at the top of the first page of an article in this journal Journal is issued monthly. four volumes per year. The nonmem- indicates the copyright owner's consent that copies of the article ber subscription price is S 130 per year: single copies are S 13. The may be made for personal use. or for personal use of specific member subscription price is $30 per year. Correspondence clients. This consent is given on the condition. however. that the relating to subscriptions. reprints. defective copies. availability of copier pay the stated per-copy fee through the Copyright Clear- back issues. lost or late proofs. disposition of submitted manu- ance Center. Inc.. P.O. Box 765. Schenectady. New York 12301. scripts. and general editorial matters should be directed to the for copying beyond that permitted by Sections 107 and 108 of ASM Publications Office. 1913 I St.. NW. Washington. DC the U.S. Copyright Law. This consent does not extend to other 20006 (area 202 833-9680). kinds of copying. such as copying for general distribution. for advertising or promotional purposes. for creating new collective works. or for resale. Author Index Aden, David P., 239 Fanning, E., 92 Leung, Wai-Choi, 48 Anand, Rita, 55 Feighny, Robert J., 61 Lilly, Frank, 55 Anders, David G., 80 Foster, David A., 493 Locarnini, S. A., 473 Anderson, Deborah D., 445 Franks, Michael, 148 Locarnini, Stephen A., 216 Andzhaparidze, 0. G., 1 Friedmann, T., 244 L6pez, Susana, 156 Arias, Carlos, 156 Fung, Y. K., 127 Lupker, J. H., 524, 530 Arlinghaus, Ralph B., 274 Geisser, Barbara S., 274 Madansky, Charles H., 317 Bacheler, Lee, 181 Gidoni, David, 7 Majors, J. E., 127 Ball, L. Andrew, 500 Gill, Gurnam S., 420 Maris, Wil, 395 Barbacid, Mariano, 518 Goorha, Rakesh, 496 May, Evelyne, 24 Bates, Robert C., 352 Groner, Yoram, 7 May, Pierre, 24 Beckmann, Richard P., 445 Guarino, Linda A., 500 Metzel, Peyton S., 248 Bedows, Elliott, 103 Gurney, Elizabeth G., 478 Monier, Roger, 24 Bektemirova, M. S., 1 Gust, I. D., 473 Morrison, T. G., 307 Bishop, J. M., 127 Gust, Ian D., 216 Moss, Bernard, 284 Blattner, Frederick R., 336 Murti, K. G., 411 Boettiger, David, 488 Hagen, Frederick S., 363 Bogomolova, N. N., 1 Hager, Gordon L., 226 Nair, C. N., 268 Bolen, Joseph B., 80 Harless, Julie, 274 Nakamura, Kenji, 445 Bondurant, M., 411 Harms, Etti H., 445 Nowak, B., 92 Boone, Lawrence R., 109, 117 Harrison, Robert O., 478 Boriskin, Y. S., 1 Hassing, Ine, 395 Bratt, Michael A., 317 Hayashi, Marie N., 506 Pagano, Joseph S., 61 Burger, C., 92 Hayashi, Masaki, 506 Panganiban, Antonito T., 372 Buttyan, Ralph, 459 Henry, Berch E., II, 61 Papamatheakis, Joseph, 295 Hertoghs, J. J. L., 530 Payne, Francis E., 103 Canaani, Dan, 7 Hewitt, Roger R., 274 Peters, Gordon, 36 Hightower, Lawrence E., 256 Petrovich, Jane, 48 Chatis, P. A., 307 Pettersson, Ralf F., 72 Chesebro, Bruce, 161 Horak, Ivan, 483 Chikaraishi, Dona M., 511 Hruby, Dennis E., 500 Plotkin, Stanley A., 239 Clark, H. Fred, 239 Huang, Alice S., 363 Pringle, C. R., 383 Collins, James K., 161 Huang, Ann L., 226 Pritchard, Cynthia, 352 Comb, Michael, 336 Hull, Richard C., 420 Conley, Anthony J., 191 Hunt, Lawrence A., 207 Ramsingh, Arlene, 48 Consigli, Richard A., 80 Rawls, William E., 48 Cooper, Jonathan A., 284 Ihle, James N., 483 Reichmann, M. E., 248 Coulepis, A. G., 473 Iroegbu, C. U., 383 Richardson, Charles C., 343 Coulepis, Anthony G., 216 Roizman, Bernard, 191 Curtiss, Roy, III, 420 Ruscetti, Sandra, 55 Jochemsen, H., 524, 530 Jones, Paola C., 191 Daniels, Donna L., 336 Saito, Haruo, 343 Danna, Kathleen J., 511 Schultz, Dennis W., 336 Davis, A., 524, 530 Kaesberg, Paul, 500 Semler, Bert L., 328 Daya-Grosjean, Leela, 24 Kahana, Chaim, 7 Seppala, Paivi, 72 Deininger, P. L., 244 Killam, Ronald, 274 Singer, Maxine F., 295 Deppert, Wolfgang, 478 Knipe, David M., 191 Skalka, A. M., 109, 117 Dickson, Clive, 36 Knowles, Barbara B., 239 Smith, Gerald R., 336 Dimock, Kenneth, 48 Kopchick, John J., 274 Smith, Glenn W., 256 Donehower, Lawrence A., 226 Kress, Michel, 24 Sol, Cees J. A., 395 Drynov, I. D., 1 Kung, H. J., 127 Spangler, Rudolph, 493 Durban, Elisa M., 488 Kurstak, Edouard, 17 Spear, Patricia G., 459 Srivatsan, E. S., 244 Enjuanes, Luis, 483 Lamph, William, 207 Steeves, Richard A., 55 Espejo, Romilio T., 156 Larsen, Glenn R., 328 Stillman, Bruce W., 139 Lee, John C., 483 Stout, Ernest R., 352 Lee, Theresa N. H., 295 Stow, Nigel D., 171 Fan, Hung, 181 Leung, Maria, 48 Sullivan, Marjorie, 431 Tannock, G. A., 473 van der Eb, A. J, 524, 530 Westaway, Edwin G., 216 Tereba, Allan, 411 van der Noordaa, Jan, 395 Whiteley, H. R., 372 Thayer, Ronald E., 295 Vande Woude, George F., 431 Wimmer, Eckard, 328 Tijssen, Peter, 17 Varmus, H. E., 127 Witmer, Heman, 148 Trempy, Janine, 80 Wittek, Riccardo, 284 Twist, E. Michael, 239 Wright, Stephen E., 207 Walig, Cees, 395 Watson, Roger J., 431 Ulmanen, Ismo, 72 Weber, Michael J., 445 Zubay, Geoffrey, 493 JOURNAL OF VIROLOGY, Jan. 1981 JOURNAL OF VIROLOGY Instructions to Authors HOW TO SUBMIT MANUSCRIPTS including biochemistry, biophysics, genetics, im- Submit manuscripts directly to the ASM Pub- munology, morphology, and physiology. lications Office, 1913 I St., NW, Washington, DC ASM publishes a number of different journals 20006. The manuscript should be accompanied covering various aspects of the field of microbi- by a covering letter stating the following: the ology. Each journal has a prescribed scope that journal to which the manuscript is being sub- must be considered in determining the most mitted; the most appropriate section of the jour- appropriate journal for each manuscript. If a nal; the address and telephone number of the given manuscript is appropriate for more than corresponding author; and the former manu- one ASM journal, the author's wishes will be script number (if it is being resubmitted). Au- given primary consideration. However, the Edi- thors may suggest an appropriate Editor for new tors reserve the option of transferring a manu- submissions. script to another ASM journal when it is appar- Submit two complete copies of each manu- ent that the manuscript falls within the province script, including figures and tables. The manu- of that journal. In such instances, authors are script may be either the original typescript or notified of this action by the Editor or by the clear, clean copies.
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