FSU EMLPID 200342374 GPA (weighted) 3.9 SAT/ACT Score SAT-1750; ACT-26 Date SAT/ACT SAT- October 2015; ACT- February 2016 Taken Correct EFC $14,931.00 (2016-2017) Clubs Student Government, (10-12); Y-cLub, PubLicity Chairman, ChapLain, (9-12); FeLLowshiP of Christian AthLetes, Secretary, Junior cLass chairman; Annual Staff, Events editor, Pageant Coordinator (11-12); National Honor Society, Secretary (10-12). SPorts Varsity CheerLeading, captain (12)-(9,11,12); Varsity Track, 100 meter hurdLes, 300 meter hurdLes (9); FLint River Dance Arts, Senior comPany member (9-12). FSU EMLPID 200342374 Community M25 Mission TriP, Vacation BibLe SchooL, Bocce BalL invitational, SouP kitchens, Feeding the HomeLess, MitcheLL Baker Service Center Pageant Service (judge), Coordinated and Led a Junior Pro cheer camP. Total Hours 180 hrs. List any National Honor Society; Most Outstanding Y-CLub member of the Year; Miss Westwood 2014; Homecoming Court RePresentative (11-12), academic/schoLa Homecoming Queen, PeLham's Got Talent Winner, Senior SuPerLative, CLass Favorites: Most Talented and Most Congenial; Honor RoLL (9-11); stic Extra MiLe Award (10); CitizenshiP Award (11). achievements. FSU EMLPID 200342374 If awarded the If I were awarded the FSU ALumni Association’s Legacy SchoLarshiP, I wouLd do everything I couLd to uPhoLd and advance the association’s FSU Alumni mission, vision, and values. I wouLd take every oPPortunity to make my individual mark on FLorida State University. Association’s To uPhoLd the mission of advancing FSU’s greatness whiLe also enriching the Lives of the SeminoLe famiLy wiLL take dedication to my university Legacy and the fostering of reLationshiPs that I wiLL make there. I am not one to have a strict grouP of PeoPLe with whom I sPend alL of my time. WhiLe I SchoLarshiP, am at FLorida State University, I hoPe to be a Part of quite a few grouPs and organizations that have intentions to make FLorida State a PLace of describe how greatness by coming together as a SeminoLe famiLy and Pursuing a simiLar mission. you wouLd I PLan to advance the ALumni Association’s vision by one day actualLy becoming an alumnus of FSU. I wouLd hoPe to continue to contribute to uPhoLd and FLorida State in any way I couLd and I wouLd Love to be abLe to say that I heLPed to advance FLorida State as one of the nation’s toP PubLic advance the universities. WhiLe at FSU, I wouLd heLP advance this vision by making students aware of the FSU ALumni Association, therefore alLowing them association’s to hoPefuLLy one day be a Part of it. With constantly gaining new alumni, who knows where FLorida State wiLL end uP on a nationwide coLLegiate mission, vision LeveL? Being a student and eventualLy an alumnus who heLPed make FLorida State University even better wouLd be a great honor. and values. The values of the FSU ALumni Association are alL qualities that I beLieve I Possess. I am a Lady of tradition. I have a hard time missing certain famiLy events that I have attended since I was born; I don’t Like when there is not cake at a birthday Party; Things Like this break tradition, and I’m not about that. Tradition is something that alLows PeoPLe from different generations to reLate to each other and continue making beautifuL memories forever. LeadershiP skiLLs are key in being someone who activeLy makes a difference. I wouLd consider myseLf a Leader because of the LeadershiP Positions I have been abLe to undertake so far in my Life. I have never been an aggressive, bossy Leader, but one who wiLL get the job done no matter what. On toP of LeadershiP skiLLs, I have sPirit about my work and Life. A fun and a joyfuL sPirit can always be contributed no matter the circumstance. Greatness emerges from Leaders who have tradition and sPirit. FSU is a schooL of greatness and I don’t beLieve it wiLL ever be anything Less, esPecialLy if the alumni continue to make their mark on the schooL when they are gone. When I Leave FSU, I wiLL continue to uPhoLd the FSU ALumni Association’s Last value, famiLy. FamiLy is extremeLy imPortant. ProbabLy the most imPortant to me on the List. Without famiLy, none of the Prior can be achieved. FamiLy is always there to heLP out and Pick you uP. Whether it is Picking uP your sLack or you, they wiLL be there with oPen arms. If I am awarded the FSU ALumni Association’s Legacy SchoLarshiP, I wiLL uPhoLd your mission to advance FSU’s greatness by being invoLved and Passionate about my endeavors. I wiLL advance your vision by always being a Part of the SeminoLe famiLy and encouraging others to become a Part of our famiLy as weLL. Lastly, I wiLL always, even after I have graduated, Possess the values that it took in the first PLace to win this schoLarshiP. FSU EMLPID 200312457 GPA (weighted) 4.6863 SAT/ACT Score 1610/25 Date SAT/ACT 1/1/16-6/2/15 Taken Correct EFC $0.00 (2016-2017) Clubs DiLLard High SchooL GLee CLub DiLLard High SchooL ThesPian Society Grace United Youth Choir Grace United Liturgical Dance TrouPe Big Brother/ Big Sister Organization DiLLard High SchooL AuxiLiary ( Majorette Co-captain) Key Club SPorts tennis-2 months FSU EMLPID 200312457 Community Grace United Learning Center- 15hrs/week Service ParticiPated in muLtiPLe events sPonsored by the Learning center, assisting in youth deveLoPment. HeLPed organize events and activities for the chiLdren. AuxiLiary Oswald Park Performances for summer Program Big Brother Big Sister -6 hrs/week • Mentored ELementary schooL chiLdren o Provided Homework HeLP and Guidance Total Hours 228 List any PrinciPals Honor roLL (2012-2016) academic/schoLa ThesPian Society (2012-2015) stic National Leaders of Broward County ( 2012) achievements. National Honor Society Inductee (2016)-2 months FSU EMLPID 200312457 If awarded the It is a cLiché to say that I’ve always known what I want to do with my Life, but in my case it hapPens to be true. As a chiLd growing uP I was FSU Alumni always drawn to music, dance, and fiLms. My mother realized my interest and Put me in many extracurricuLars to deveLoP my skiLLs in this art. I Association’s say this to give a back story to my Passion of heLPing others find their apPreciation of anything reLated to the Performing arts. Theatre has been Legacy a Positive outlet throughout my Life; even though I never realLy struggLed Like many others I have come in contact with, or grew uP from a bad SchoLarshiP, environment, I too couLd've found myseLf engaging in juveniLe behavior. I couLd've been on the streets or behind bars for most of my describe how adoLescence but I found something that kePt me from being in the wrong comPany, something that made me hapPy, and something I want to you wouLd make a future career out of. Many aren't abLe to say the same. So if I hapPened to be a reciPient of the Legacy SchoLarshiP I wouLd be an active uPhoLd and member in the schooL community and reach out to many underage kids and get them to Partake in Performing arts whatever they feeL they advance the can exceL at. I beLieve reaching out for the greater good is exactly what Legacy schoLars shouLd do. Our famiLy members have Left great shoes to association’s fiLL at FLorida State and we as the next generation of schoLars shouLd Leave heavy foot Prints ourseLves. I wiLL PositiveLy rePresent the university mission, vision across the nation and around the gLobe; I wiLL assist in community Projects, and remain in good academic standing whiLe attending FLorida and values. State. I wiLL demonstrate the values of Strength, SkiLL and Character, fuLfiLLing of mission of Leading for the Greater Good. Even after I become an alumnus of FLorida State I wiLL contribute to the foundation, assisting future generations as you have done for me. I may be tomorrow's future today but another young man or woman wiLL be in my Position today and it is my duty to give them alL the essential skiLLs to move forward confidently in Life. I wiLL be a Positive roLe modeL and exercise the Practice of PhiLanthroPy and great service unto to the community. Theatre may have saved me from alL mistakes I couLd’ve PotentialLy made, other than my mother’s strict Parenting; consequently it can do the same for another individual. FSU EMLPID 200299688 GPA (weighted) 5.83 SAT/ACT Score 28 Date SAT/ACT 10/1/15 Taken Correct EFC $9,063.00 (2016-2017) Clubs Anchor Service CLub: President (12), VP of PubLic ReLations (11,10), CLub Member (9). Latin CLub: Board Member at Large (12,10), Executive Event Chair (11), CLub Member (9). Chorus: Morale Board Member (11), Member of H.B. PLant Chorus (9), Member of H.B. PLant Varsity Chorus (10,11). Peer Mentor/Panthers Encourage and ExemPLify Real Success (11,12). FeLLowshiP Christian AthLetes: CLub Member (9,10,11,12). National Honor Society (9,10,11,12) National EngLish Honor Society (11,12) National Latin Honor Society (9,10,11) SPorts Varsity Track and FieLd (9,10,11,12) Captain (12) Qualified for District meet alL four years. Varsity Cross Country (10,11) . 2013 Junior League SoftbalL WorLd Series ChamPion FSU EMLPID 200299688 Community Mission TriP with Palma Ceia Presbyterian Church Seattle, Washington (10) Painted and refurbished a PLayground at an emergency home that Service housed abused woman who were out of work; also, heLd a day camP in underPriviLeged neighborhood where chiLdren had Little oPPortunity to find hoPe-entertained and educated the kids by Leading cLasses, running games such as basketbalL, and Providing entertainment through Practiced skits and activities.
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