AUGUST 8, 1960 THIRTY -FIVE CENTS OA 'TINGäBdVdSMaII siV Raamos.uoN " udV assg aa.o,a aTV llaixsl9 BUS:IJfESSWIr<, , , , ;HE tí_t,-O (0C9-T.7 ) RADIO l F goussg boV a.Tun slaag RasagTi -DI ATsaaATur; .1TV ,diis(1 Station trading: it's already topped $150 million in '60 Page 27 duPont's tv chemistry: corporate image mixed with sell Page 32 How the station manager & his boss evaluate each other Page 54 Profile of a blue -chip salesman in the early days of tv Page 60 This is the spot for a commercial Albuquerque KFAB Omaha They are at the beach, but they're right within reach of your WIP Philadelphia 1 Atlanta message when you buy Spot Radio. Multiply this listening KPOI Portland 1 Buffalo by millions of sun -worshippers. They'll buy a lot of what you Chicago WJAR Providence WRNL Richmond sell when you use Spot Radio. LA Dallas -Ft. Worth KCRA Sacramento HH Detroit WOAI San Antonio C Houston KFMB San Diego K Little Rock KMA Shenandoah Radio Division IZ Miami KREM Spokane N Milwaukee WGTO .. Tampa -Orlando P. Minneapolis -St. Paul KV00 Tulsa The Original Station IR Norfolk Representative NEW YORK CHICAGO ATLANTA BOSTON DALLAS DETROIT LOS ANGELES SAN FRANCISCO ST. LOUIS One Station Reaching The Booming Upper Ohio Valley wtrf tv #19 IMAGE SERIES Power Valley Ohio Power men connecting a conductor to a huge insulator on a 345.E volt transmission line, largest operating in the nation today. Latest in this series of super high -voltage lines will cary six times the amount of power transmitted on the standard t 32,Cn volt line, represents a 7 million dollar investment. More POWER to you, too,' as the super high -voltage network of the American Electric Power Companies' System in the Upper Ohio Valley feeds electricity to consumers in many states. A big factor in the industrial expansion underway here has been the availability of huge blocks of electric power. AEP's Wheeling Electric and Ohio Power employs 2000 people. Power, industry, people; more on Me way... and more reasons why alert advertisers find WTRF -TV's Wheeling Marker worth looking into! For availabilities, call Bob 316,000 watts N network Ferguson, VP and Gen. Mgr., B 'C color or Needham Smith, Soles Manager, at CEdar 2 -7777. Notional Rep., George P. WHEELING 7, WEST VIRGINIA_ Hollingbery Company. arkot that's reaching new importance) CHANNEL i Programmi /sods in Baltimo LEADS in average share of audience! Hooper Index, April -May 1960 LEADS in net unduplicated homes! 6:00 A. M.-6 :00 P. M. cumulative Pulse, Feb. 1960 HIGHEST Metro Average Rating! 6:00 A. M. -6:00 P. M. NSI, April -May 1960 DELIVERS the largest adult audience! Nielsen Adult Listenership Surveys The QUALITY audience as well as the QUANTITY audience is yours on WCBM Radio in Baltimore! "Balanced Program- ming" makes the all- important difference .. with direct appeal to the adult audience in this huge market of over 1,700,000 people! A CBS RADIO AFFILIATE 10,000 Watts on 680 KC Baltimore 13, Maryland PETERS. GRIFFIN, WOODWARD, usc., Exclusive National Representatives In the Dallas-Ft. Worth market you REACH MORE WITH CHANNEL FOUR . KRLD -TV's net weekly circulation of 578,100* TV Homes is 38,800 more than station B, 62,300 more than station C and 226,700 more than station D. You SELL more when you REACH more with Channel FOUR *ARB, June 1960 represented nationally by the Branham Company THE DALLAS TIMES HERALD STATIONS Oftedur,ee 4,t Datieu--F-Gt Clyde W. Rembert, President MAXIMUM POWER TV -Twin to KRLD radio 1080, CBS outlet with 50,000 watts. 4 BROADCASTING, August 8, 1960 CLOSED CIRCUITcm Net to spot Standard Brands, New ley at conventions, taking over on rat- Little Rock odds Despite strong York, which purchased more than $10 ings. language from FCC saying it "ap- million worth of tv (gross time billing) peared" Little Rock 40th for WWJ First radio station to three tv stations last year -about 60% in network had violated Sec. 315 (BROADCASTING, -has observe its 40th anniversary is WWJ adopted new media strategy that will Aug. 1), odds Detroit. Founded by Detroit News in against any further strip away all of its daytime network action by commission 1920, station will celebrate occasion are at least 10-1. sponsorships. Spot billing will be This is prediction of two with luncheon for civic and educational separate com- boosted, with Standard Brands pack- missioners, one of whom voted leaders and other celebrities Aug. 19 for in- ing much of this punch regionally. New quiry of Arkansas stations, at Detroit Statler- Hilton. other against. strategy, which affects all of advertiser's Feeling is that stations operated in best brands in tv, will be carried through by Rep in Miami H -R Television Inc. interests of local viewers by offering its two agencies handling bulk of busi- will become exclusive national repre- candidates in local and state elections ness, J. Walter Thompson and Ted sentative of WLBW -TV Miami when instead of opening sessions of Repub- Bates, both New York. L. B. Wilson Inc. takes over ch. 10 lican convention. facility, Sept. 15, in pursuance of FCC's Oldtimers Campaign delay Radio -tv buying at FCC report that debate decision last month terminating opera- on telegram sent to for presidential candidates is being held KARK -TV, KTHV tion of WPST -TV by National Airlines (TV) and KATY up because of network free -time offers (TV) was one of most subsidiary, Public Service Television spirited discussions to Vice President Nixon and Sen. Ken- in commission his- Inc. Announcement of appointment tory. During 90-minute nedy (see story, page 70). As expressed arguments, was made last week by Charles H. Top - Commissioner John S. by Campaign Assoc. (agency for Re- Cross reportedly miller, president of Wilson company, made an impassioned plea to kill in- publican candidate) : "The way we which also operates WCKY Cincinnati. quiry. Native Arkansan figure it, eight hours of free time from told col- leagues that he would each of the networks amounts to 24 Negotiations were in progress last be unable to return home if he voted hours total for the candidates. There's week for purchase or lease of ch. 10 with majority and protested that he is as no sense to make buying plans before facilities from Public Service Television much in favor of fairness as anyone else but we find how this is resolved." Meetings Inc. If negotiations meet dead end, Wil- . you folks son promptly will just don't know Ark- will be held this week by Campaign company begin in- ansas politics." Assoc. and for the Democratic party by stallation of equipment and acquisition Spot their agency, Guild, Bascom & Bonfigli. of temporary studios to avoid any break gimmick Spectre of triple -spot- in continuity of ch. 10 service in ting was raised anew- last week when Word may not yet have gotten greater Miami area. giant Gillette Co. quietly pulled off new around but it will be Ruth Jones of I. wrinkle involving its tv commercials. Walter Thompson who will figure prom- Legislative problem Fate of S 1898, In place of previous one -minute spots inently in Nixon's radio -tv campaign omnibus bill amended by House to in- for Toni alone, North Adv. reportedly plans. Miss Tones, veteran broadcast me- clude highly controversial provisions sent out two 30- second commercials dia executive, will pop up at Campaign for broadcaster suspensions and fines, each for Toni and Paper Mate sets Assoc. on loan from JWT on about will be charted this week at hearings which, it is felt could subject stations to Aug. 15 when she returns from vaca- before Senate Communications Sub- additional multiple -spotting pressures. tion. She's been designated as execu- committee, chairmanned by John O. Station representatives in Chicago for tive in charge of timebuying for Vice Pastore (D-R.I.). Broadcasters oppose most part rejected bid, advising stations President Nixon. Her opposite number House sanctions as punitive and un- against accepting business. Agency at Guild, Bascom & Bonfigli is veteran necessary. They do not oppose provi- spokesmen acknowledge they've been buyer Reggie Schuebel. sions that would outlaw payola and quiz "talking about it," but disclaimed belief rigging, and would tighten FCC's li- of impropriety while denying they had News troubles All is not serene at censing procedures. They avidly sup- taken any definite action on commer- CBS News Division these days. High - port provisions to clarify sponsor identi- cials. level meetings were held between fication section (317) which has caused Democratic and Republican conven- radio untold On dotted line While "steady flow" most stations anguish, par- of subscribers tions and after GOP conclave because ticularly in handling of phonograph to new NAB Radio Code is reaching of licking network took in ratings on records. Washington headquarters, it's safe guess political conventions coverage (BROAD- that equally new Radio Code CASTING, Aug. 1). How to inject degree What subcommittee, and subsequent- Board will give matter first atten- of showmanship in news and commen- ly Senate, will do at this bobtail session tion at scheduled Aug. 29 meeting. Board tary without detracting from news ob- is problematical, but broadcasters are will have to devise ways of con- verting jectivity and faithful reporting is kernel hopeful of relief from more -restrained NAB member station adherents of CBS Inc.'s internal great debate. Senate legislative body. Legislation, to old Radio Standards (free) to new particularly that portion redefining Sec. code (fees required). It also will face CBS News represents annual outlay 317, would be godsend to some 600 problem of developing recruiting cam- of about $25 million for news and pub- radio stations on temporary license be- paign to bring in non- members, who lic affairs.
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