No. 27 2012 ౺⇾ⓧ⎵ठ֠ሳ౺Ӥ TABLE OF CONTENT FROM THE EDITOR .............................................................................................................. 2 ABOUT SCAAE ......................................................................................................................... 3 4 ............................................................................ ڂሳՖːדⓧ⎵ठడỄో֠ሳ2012౺ↈ⇾ ⓧ⎵ठ֠ሳҚ⇾ⅶሳᔕଢሳُʶ ............................................................................... 6⇾ ⓧ⎵ठ֠ሳ⇾⣫Ӡሳᔕଢሳُʶ ............................................................................... 7⇾ ⓧ⎵ठ֠ሳ⣫ռӠሳᔕଢሳُʶ ............................................................................... 8⇾ THE DAYS WE WERE – A LOOK BACK ON 2011................................................................. 9 SCAAE NORTHWEST 2011 HIGHLIGHTS AND 2012 OUTLOOK ....................................13 2011 SCAAE LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD WINNER ...........................................18 2011 FRIEND OF SCAAE AWARD WINNER........................................................................19 THE FIFTH GLOBAL CHINESE AERONAUTICAL TECHNOLOGY CONFERENCE20 ARCHITECTURE ISSUES IN COMMERCIAL AIRCRAFT LIFE CYCLE SUPPORT INFORMATION SYSTEM..................................................................................................... 22 INTRODUCTION OF PRINCIPAL COMPONENT ANALYSIS AND PARTIAL LEAST SQUARE METHOD................................................................................................................ 27 UNMANNED AERIAL VEHICLE MISHAP ANALYSIS .....................................................31 FUTURE, CHALLENGE, AND OPPORTUNITY – CHINESE AEROSPACE AMBITION .................................................................................. 35 SCAAEҚ⇾䋚ሳሳὁ ............................................................................................................... 40 ᮭ⦼⠧...................................................................................................................41ڂSCAAE ሳ 42 .................................................................................. ڂSCAAE ⇾ⓧ⎵ठడỄో֠ሳ ᖝʝሳ ⳇ⤻⻞.................................................................................................................. 43ڂSCAAE ሳ ~ Հ⬀بೊ ~ ⡹ᛎᮞᧃ֢ⷪं ......................................................................................................ૺㄇ ⡹ᅘὌẤ᠇డᏈߤ֒...............................................................................................ૺಎ VICTORIA FINANCIAL & SAN GABRIEL DANCE STUDIO..........................ૺಎ ~ 1 ~ www.scaae.org ౺⇾ⓧ⎵ठ֠ሳ౺Ӥ No. 27 2012 From the Editor -Tony Pan- I would like to take the opportunity to thank and congratulate all SCAAE members for all your personal and professional accomplishments in the past year and your great contribution and participation in our very own SCAAE organization. To make this journal possible, we have many members who donated their personal times to help in many different ways, many thanks to those individuals. We sincerely thank those who placed commercial advertisement in our journal. Thanks are also extended to many of our friends and family members for your continuous support. In this 2012 edition of journal, we would present you our variety activities happened in the past year, share with you our ideas, thoughts, joys and knowledge that refl ect our dedication to the organization and professional life. With your participation, SCAAE tradition and spirit cultivated from date one by Chinese American Engineers will continue. All views and opinions presented in this journal are represented by each individual contributor and do not refl ect the position of SCAAE. Finally I wish you enjoy this 2012 journal and another wonderful and fl ourish year ahead. www.scaae.org ~ 2 ~ No. 27 2012 ౺⇾ⓧ⎵ठ֠ሳ౺Ӥ About SCAAE The Society of Chinese American Aerospace Engineers (SCAAE) is a professional organization. It was established in 1989 at Pasadena, California. After years of growth, it now has more than 300 members. SCAAE consists of three local chapters and a national chapter, i.e., the West Chapter in Los Angeles, the Northwest Chapter in Seattle, and the South Chapter in Dallas. The three local chapters then form the National Chapter to represent the entire organization to the outside world. The purpose of SCAAE is to support members' professional growth and career development, promoting cooperation among aerospace industries in USA, China and Taiwan. We also want to increase Chinese American Aerospace Engineers' infl uence and maintain members' benefi ts in the aerospace industry. ~ 3 ~ www.scaae.org ౺⇾ⓧ⎵ठ֠ሳ౺Ӥ No. 27 2012 SCAAE 2012 ORGANIZATION CHART ڂሳՖːדⓧ⎵ठడỄో֠ሳ 2012 ౺ↈ⇾ Қ⇾䋚 ሳ (SCAAE-National Chapter) ሳ (President)Řቦᛩ (Shiang-Yu Lee), ʶ (Chairman) : ㈸߱⒜(Nelson Mar) ,(҇ (Key Donn), ⪮Ֆ (Treasurer): ᗕᅞᎾ (Fred ShenڥẨሬ (Secretary)Ř ʶ (Board Directors)Ř ,(҇ (Key Donn), ቦᛩ (Shiang-Yu Lee), ቦલ (Shawn Li), ኚஉ(Frank Linڥ ዚऑ (Jack Jianxia Liu), ㈸߱⒜(Nelson Mar), ᓿぬଅ౹(Philip Oyoung), ચ݄ನ (Chuck Sun), ⠺Ύ㓠(Pao-lin Yuan), ሯୀ (Shanying Zeng), ⇾⣫Ӡሳ (SCAAE-West Chapter) ሳ (President): ⶎञ҆ (Daguang Zheng), ʶ (Chairman): ચ݄ನ (Chuck Sun) Ԟሳ (Vice President): ᪗उ(George Wong), ៊҆(Tony Pan) ⪮Ֆ (Treasurer): ⋟Ⰺ(Jun Hu) ʶ (Board Directors)Ř づᛘ(Bill Chen), づ⣫ሬ(His-Shu Chen), ᙈ(Yuan Hong), ⋟Ⰺ(Jun Hu), ኚᣅ(David Lin), ኚஉ(Frank Lin), ㈸߱⒜(Nelson Mar), ઔԻ∌(Liqun Meng), ᓿぬଅ౹(Philip Oyoung), ៊҆(Tony Pan), ᗕᅞᎾ (Fred Shen), ચ݄ನ (Chuck Sun), ᜭଅ(Philip Tang), ử(Ying Teng), ぬⳬⓧ(Eric Yang), ⠺Ύ㓠(Pao-lin Yuan), ᪗उ(George Wong), ⶎञ҆ (Daguang Zheng) www.scaae.org ~ 4 ~ No. 27 2012 ౺⇾ⓧ⎵ठ֠ሳ౺Ӥ ⣫ռӠሳ (SCAAE-Northwest Chapter) ሳ (President): ዚऑ (Jack Jianxia Liu), ʶ (Chairman): ሯୀ (Shanying Zeng) Ԟሳ (Vice President): ঔ (Helen Jiang) ⪮Ֆ (Treasurer): ቦલ (Shanw Li) ʶ (Board Directors)Ř (҇ (key Donn), ঔ (Helen Jiang), ቦᛩ (Shiang-Yu Leeڥ ,(∣ (Jason Dai ቦલ (Shawn Li), ዚऑ (Jack Jianxia Liu), Մ∌ (Shao-Chun Liu), ⅿൠᕊ (Ed Miao), ᧅನᖁ (Kangmin Niu), ഘʠ҆ (Jack Peng), ᮪ᤇ (CC Tien), ሯୀ(Shanying Zeng) (Ӡሳ (SCAAE-South֡⇾ ሳ (President): ᪗ᘘ౹, ʶ (Chairman): ക :(Advisors)ۊㆰ ቦҚ̕, ᮪ᤇ, Ꭻચࠀ, ᄎ౹, ቦ㕻, ᧅᆨժ, づᣊϒ, ᪗ⳬࡣ, ኚᛤ␖ ㉐ռˊ˩⠧: ㋧∌ᦎ ռ˩⠧: ໝӕש㉐ ~ 5 ~ www.scaae.org ౺⇾ⓧ⎵ठ֠ሳ౺Ӥ No. 27 2012 SCAAE NATIONAL CHAPTER HONOR ROLL ⓧ⎵ठ֠ሳҚ⇾ⅶሳᔕଢሳُʶ⇾ Year President ņሳŇ Chairman ņʶŇ 2012 ቦᛩ(Shiang-Yu Lee) ㈸߱⒜(Nelson Mar) 2011 ㈸߱⒜(Nelson Mar) ቦᛩ(Shiang-Yu Lee) (㐴(Louis Huangۓ∣(Jason DaiŇ 㓳 2010 2009 ᮪ᤇ(CC TienŇ∣(Jason DaiŇ 㐴(Louis Huang) ᮪ᤇ(CC TienŇۓ㓳 2008 㐴(Louis Huang) ᮪ᤇ(CC TienŇۓ㓳 2007 2006 ቦҚ̕(Charles Lee) ᮪ᤇ(CC TienŇ 2005 ᮪ᤇ(CC TienŇ ቦҚ̕(Charles Lee) 2004 ቦҚ̕(Charles Lee) ᮪ᤇ(CC TienŇ 2003 ᮪ᤇ(CC TienŇ ᓿぬଅ౹(Philip Oyoung) 2002 ᮪ᤇ(CC TienŇ ᓿぬଅ౹(Philip Oyoung) 2001 ᓿぬଅ౹(Philip Oyoung) ᮪ᤇ(CC TienŇ 2000 ᓿぬଅ౹(Philip Oyoung) ᮪ᤇ(CC TienŇ www.scaae.org ~ 6 ~ No. 27 2012 ౺⇾ⓧ⎵ठ֠ሳ౺Ӥ SCAAE WEST CHAPTER HONOR ROLL ⓧ⎵ठ֠ሳ⇾⣫Ӡሳᔕଢሳُʶ⇾ Year President ņሳŇ Chairman ņʶŇ 2012 ⶎञ҆ (Daguang Zheng) ચ݄ನ (Chuck Sun) 2011 ચ݄ನ (Chuck Sun) ⠺Ύ㓠(Pao-lin Yuan) 2010 ⠺Ύ㓠(Pao-lin Yuan) ኚஉ(Frank Lin) 2009 ⠺Ύ㓠(Pao-lin Yuan) ኚஉ(Frank Lin) 2008 ኚஉ(Frank Lin) づ⣫ሬ(His-Shu Chen) 2007 づ⣫ሬ(His-Shu Chen) ̶я(Tony Torng) 2006 ̶я(Tony Torng) (づἼോ)(Victor Chen) 2005 (づἼോ)(Victor Chen) ử(Ying Teng) 2004 ử(Ying Teng) づ ᛘ(Bill Chen) 2003 づ ᛘ(Bill Chen) ぬⳬⓧ(Eric Yang) 2002 ぬⳬⓧ(Eric Yang) ⫯ᄎ(John Lai) 2001 ⫯ᄎ(John Lai) ᗕᅞᎾ (Fred Shen) (㐴(Louis HuangۓᗕᅞᎾ (Fred Shen) 㓳 2000 (㐴(Louis Huangۓ⬰ẛⰊ)(Richard Chao) 㓳) 1999 (㐴(Louis Huang) ⥓ൠӓ(Jeffrey Shuۓ㓳 1998 1997 㓳Ჩɿ(Yatsum Huang) ㈸߱⒜(Nelson Mar) 1996 ⥓ൠӓ(Jeffrey Shu) ቦ㕻(Tom Lee) 1995 ㈸߱⒜(Nelson Mar) ቦҚ̕(Charles Lee) 1994 ቦ㕻(Tom Lee) ᄎ౹(Stephen Liu) 1993 ቦҚ̕(Charles Lee) Ꭻચࠀ(Michael Yang) 1992 Ꭻચࠀ(Michael Yang) ᓿぬଅ౹(Philip Oyoung), 1991 ᄎ౹(Stephen Liu) ᓿぬଅ౹(Philip Oyoung), 1990,1989 ᓿぬଅ౹(Philip Oyoung) ~ 7 ~ www.scaae.org ౺⇾ⓧ⎵ठ֠ሳ౺Ӥ No. 27 2012 SCAAE NORTHWEST CHAPTER HONOR ROLL ⓧ⎵ठ֠ሳ⣫ռӠሳᔕଢሳُʶ⇾ Year President ņሳŇ Chairman ņʶŇ 2012 Jack Jianxia Liu (ዚऑ) Shanying Zeng ņሯୀŇ 2011 Shanying Zeng ņሯୀŇ Shawn Li ņቦલŇ ҇ŇڥShawn Li ņቦલŇ Key Donnņ 2010 2009 Shawn Li ņቦલŇ Ed Miao ņⅿൠᕊŇ 2008 Ed Miao ņⅿൠᕊŇ Jason Dai ņ∣Ň 2007 Jason Dai ņ∣Ň Oliver Hsu ņറɺોŇ ҇ŇڥOliver Hsu ņറɺોŇ Key Donn ņ 2006 ҇Ň Jason Dai ņ∣ŇڥKey Donn ņ 2005 ҇Ň Jason Dai ņ∣ŇڥKey Donn ņ 2004 ҇Ň Jason Dai ņ∣ŇڥKey Donn ņ 2003 2002 Jason Dai ņ∣Ň Kuen Y. Lin ņኚࠍŇ 2001 Kuen Y. Lin ņኚࠍŇ CC Tienņ᮪ᤇŇ 2000 Kuen Y. Lin ņኚࠍŇ CC Tienņ᮪ᤇŇ 1999 CC Tienņ᮪ᤇŇ 1998 CC Tienņ᮪ᤇŇ 1997 CC Tienņ᮪ᤇŇ www.scaae.org ~ 8 ~ No. 27 2012 ౺⇾ⓧ⎵ठ֠ሳ౺Ӥ The Days We Were – A Look Back on 2011 Chuck Sun ચನ, President of SCAAE, 2011 First of all, I would like to say a big “Thank you” to all SCAAE board members who have been very supportive to make 2011 a memorable year. Our memberships have grown by more than 30 new members and we had established emails data base for our members. Moreover, we have updated many records within our memberships. In addition to all these, we have elected 3 new board directors who are actively and ethusiatively helping our SCAAE family at the moment. There are many SCAAE activities taking places within the year of 2011, and I like to provide some highlights for each of these events. Ȣ SCAAE Annual Convention - 3/5/2011 We had more than 180 members and guests attended our convention at night, and 40 plus attendees for technical seminar at daytime. The whole event was very successful as a result of great team effort; it was both very informative and entertaining. Some pictures for the event are shown below: ~ 9 ~ www.scaae.org ౺⇾ⓧ⎵ठ֠ሳ౺Ӥ No. 27 2012 Ȣ Computer Workshop - 6/4/2011 We had a very enlightening learning workshop on “how
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