2002. The Journal of Arachnology 30:219±226 TASMABROCHUS, A NEW SPIDER GENUS FROM TASMANIA, AUSTRALIA (ARANEAE, AMPHINECTIDAE, TASMARUBRIINAE) Valerie Todd Davies: Queensland Museum, P.O. Box 3300, South Brisbane, Queensland, 4101, Australia. E-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT. Three species of Tasmabrochus new genus are described. The new species are T. cranstoni (type species), T. montanus and T. turnerae. They are placed with Tasmarubrius in a new subfamily Tasmarubriinae in the Amphinectidae. Keywords: Taxonomy, Australia, new species, Gondwanan The spiders here placed in the new genus considered it a subfamily of the Amaurobi- Tasmabrochus were prominent among collec- idae. It is a well de®ned group of genera tions of Tasmanian spiders when describing found in South and Central America and in Tasmarubrius (Davies 1998a). Before pro- Australia. Davies (1998b) placed it in the Am- ceeding, I shall trace the history of Amphi- phinectidae as the closest available family in necta Simon 1898 and the Amphinectidae. the cladistic analysis. This was supported by Amphinecta was described from New Zealand Griswold et al. (1999) in their analysis of the (type species A. decemmaculata Simon 1898) cribellate entelegyne spiders. In their clado- and placed in the Agelenidae. Lehtinen (1967) gram Maniho Marples 1959, the amphinectid transferred it to the Amaurobiidae: Desinae exemplar and Metaltella Mello-LeitaÄo 1931 and at the same time placed Rubrius milvinus were a sister group to the Desidae. Simon 1903 from Tasmania into a new com- A new subfamily Tasmarubriinae is estab- bination, Amphinecta milvina. Forster & Wil- lished for the reception of Tasmarubrius and ton (1973) raised Amphinecta to a new family, the new genus described here, Tasmabrochus. the Amphinectidae, which comprised sixteen It is interesting to note that Churchill (1993: genera from New Zealand, thirteen of which 477) listed the male as Mamoea sp., an am- were new. They dismissed Lehtinen's view phinectid from New Zealand and the female that the Tasmanian spider A. milvina belonged as `gen. A sp.2'. As there is no clear diagnosis in Amphinecta or the Amphinectidae. Davies of the family Amphinectidae, the subfamily (1998a) placed the Tasmanian R. milvinus in will be compared with the type genus, Am- the genus Tasmarubrius and assigned it to the phinecta. Amaurobiidae. However a recent cladistic analysis (Davies & Lambkin 2001) which in- METHODS cluded the type species of Amaurobius, A. fe- Nearly all of the collection was from pit- nestralis (StroÈm 1768) from Europe, among fall (PF) trapping in both the coastal heathland Australasian exemplars found the placement of north-eastern Tasmania and in the north- of Amaurobius ambiguous. In half (eighteen) western highlands region. Notation of spines of the MPTs it formed a third basal clade with follows Platnick & Shadab (1975); measure- Badumna (Davies & Lambkin 2001, ®g. 10) ments are in millimeters; the left male palp is while in the other half it was sister to a large used in illustrations. The usual abbreviations clade that did not include Tasmarubrius. Thus are used for body length, eyes, spinnerets and Tasmarubrius is here provisionally transferred spigots. Abbreviations on ®gures are ex- to its most closely related family, Amphinec- plained in the legend. tidae. Specimens are deposited in the following The Metaltellinae is also considered a sub- museums: Queen Victoria Museum, Launces- family of the Amphinectidae. Lehtinen (1967) ton, Tasmania (QVM), Tasmanian Museum, 219 220 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY Hobart, Tasmania (TM) and Queensland Mu- Etymology.ÐThe generic name is a com- seum, Brisbane, Queensland (QM). bination of `Tasma' from Tasmania and Latin `brochus', a projection, referring to the very SYSTEMATICS prominent tegular apophysis of the male palp. Tasmarubriinae new subfamily It is considered masculine in gender. Diagnosis.ÐMembers of the genus resem- Diagnosis.ÐLike Amphinecta, the tasma- ble Tasmarubrius in having two retromarginal rubriines are three-clawed ground living ecri- and two promarginal cheliceral teeth, and a bellates found under logs and rocks. They large ®xed tegular apophysis and cymbial share the following characters: geniculate che- apophyses in the male. Tasmabrochus differs licerae with two retromarginal teeth; cuticle from Tasmarubrius in having lateral teeth on ridged and without feathery hairs; preening the epigynum and lacking lateral epigynal combs present distally on some metatarsi; protuberances. The long ®xed tegular apoph- small membranous conductor; movable me- ysis is in a ratio of 1:0.7 to the median apoph- dian apophysis and a distal RTA and dorso- ysis whereas they are about equal (1:0.9) in retrolateral apophysis. They differ from Am- Tasmarubrius. Cymbium with small retrola- phinecta in the division of the tegulum into teral paracymbium and a posterior prolateral proximal and distal parts, a short thick em- extension whereas Tasmarubrius has a large bolus, simple insemination ducts and cymbial paracymbium and lacks prolateral extension. apophyses. In contrast, Amphinecta has a Preening combs on metatarsi III and IV, ab- long, coiled spiniform embolus, loosely coiled sent on II; whereas they are present on II, III insemination ducts and lacks cymbial apoph- and IV in Tasmarubrius. yses. Description.ÐReddish brown carapace, al- Tasmabrochus cranstoni new species most glabrous; dark brown abdomen with in- Figs. 1±13, 15±19, Table 1 distinct pattern of six pairs of pale spots, ven- Types.ÐAustralia: Tasmania. Holotype ter pale mottled with brown. From above, male, dry sclerophyll, Peters Link Rd, NE posterior eye row procurved (Fig. 2), anterior Tasmania, 418089S, 1488079E, PF, site B2.2, row slightly so; from the front both rows 22±27 May 1993, P. Cranston, J. Trueman strongly procurved. AME reduced. Geniculate (QM S42321). Paratypes: 1 /, same locality, chelicerae (Fig. 1) with two retromarginal and date, collectors as holotype, site B1.2 (QM two promarginal teeth (Fig 4). Sternum longer S42322); 2 ?, as above, site B1.1 (QM than wide, pointed posteriorly. Legs 4123: all S42323); 1 ?, site B1.2 (QM S42324); 1 ?, tibiae and metatarsi have paired ventral spines site B2.1 (QM S42325); 1 /, site B3.2 (QM which are longer on the posterior legs. Single S42326); 1 /, site B5.1 (QM S42327); 1 ?, row of trichobothria on metatarsi and tarsi; coastal heath, Eddystone Pt. 418009S, tarsal organ slit-like (Fig. 12). Epigynum with 1488199E, PF, site C4.1, 22±27 May 1993, P. lateral gonopores. Tegulum of male palp with Cranston, J. Trueman (QM S42328); 1 ?, proximal and distal divisions, the latter bear- same locality and collectors, site C3.2, 23±28 ing a short thick embolus, a small membra- Aug.1993 (QM S42329); 1 ?, C4.1, 23±28 neous conductor, a large movable elongate Aug.1993 (QM S42330); 1 ? C4.2 (QM median apophysis and usually a ®xed tegular S42331); ?, Leptospermum wet heath, An- apophysis. Cymbium with small bulge on re- son's Bay Rd, 418029S, 1488149E, site D2.1, trolateral edge and proximal projection (par- 23±28 Aug.1993, P. Cranston, J. Trueman acymbium). Palpal tibia with large retrolateral (QM S42332); 2 /, in regeneration area, old excavation with ventro-and dorso-retrolateral Chum Dam, 10±15 km NE Pioneer; branches. Small D-shaped colulus. Two major 418039S,1488019E, 200m, PF, October 1989± ampullate spigots on ALS, the anterior larger April 1990, Forestry Department (TM J3260); than the posterior; the latter reduced to a nub- 4 ?, as above (TM J3261); 1 ?, Freycinet NP, bin in male. 428099S, 1488189E, eucalypt forest, 27 May 1996, J. Boutin (TM J3265); 1 /, Gray, rot- Tasmabrochus new genus ting log on dry hillside, 418389S, 1488139E, 13 Type species.ÐTasmabrochus cranstoni Aug. 1974, R. Mesibov (TM J3308). new species. Etymology.ÐThe speci®c epithet is a pa- DAVIESÐA NEW AUSTRALIAN AMAUROBIOID 221 Figures 1±11.ÐTasmabrochus cranstoni new species. 1, 2. Female carapace. 1, Lateral; 2, Dorsal. 3, Abdomen, ventral. 4, Chelicera, ventral. 5±7, Male palp. 5, Prolaterodorsal. 6, Ventral. 7, Retrolateral. 8± 11, Epigynum. 8, Dorsal. 9, Dorsal cleared. 10, Ventral. 11, Posteroventral. Abbreviations: apb: angular prolateral bulge; ma, median apophysis; ta, tegular apophysis. tronym in honor of Dr. Peter Cranston, one of (Fig. 6) and the blunt prolongation of poste- the collectors of the holotype. rior prolateral cymbium (Fig. 5). Diagnosis.ÐMales can be recognized by Description.ÐMale: CL 3.8, CW 2.5, AL the angular bulge on the prolateral tegulum 3.7, AW 2.1. Pale cardiac patch on abdomen, 222 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY Figures 12±19.Ð12, 13, 15±19, Male Tasmabrochus cranstoni new species. 12, Tarsal organ and tri- chobothrium, leg I; 13, Two preening combs distal to spine, metatarsus III; 15, ALS (l) with one MAP and nubbin; 16, PMS (l) with mAP; 17, PLS (r) with large spigot among aciniforms; 18, Palp, ventral; 19, Palp, prolateral. 14, Female Tasmarubrius turnerae new species, ALS (r) with two MAP medially. DAVIESÐA NEW AUSTRALIAN AMAUROBIOID 223 Table 1. Leg lengths of male (female) Tasmabrochus cranstoni new species. I II III IV Femur 2.8 (3.0) 2.5 (2.5) 2.2 (2.2) 2.8 (3.0) Patella and tibia 3.8 (3.8) 3.0 (3.3) 2.6 (2.8) 3.8 (3.8) Metatarsus 2.6 (2.1) 2.2 (2.0) 2.4 (2.3) 3.4 (2.9) Tarsus 1.6 (1.2) 1.2 (1.0) 1.0 (1.0) 1.3 (1.1) Total 10.8 (10.1) 8.9 (8.8) 8.2 (8.3) 11.3 (10.8) venter mottled. Ratio of AME: ALE: PME: posterior, about 25 piriforms. PMS with one PLE is 5:9:7:9. Labium about as wide as long; large minor ampullate spigot. sternum longer than wide. Legs 4123 (Table Females varied in length between 7.5±10.8. 1). Notation of spines. Femora: I, D110, P002; II, D110, P001; III D110, P001, R001; IV, Tasmabrochus montanus new species D110, P001, R001.
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