\ Four THE REPUBLICAN-NEWS; HAMILTON,, OHIO, FRIDAY, MAY 30, 1919. itest Speed Marvels in the •'4 Ready For 500-Mile Classic Tomorrow The stace is =<•( for the greatest .<peed carnival in history, the In- dianapolis500-mile Liberty Sweepstakes on the Indianapolis Motor Speed- wav tomorrow. Never in the annals of .peed sport has there bee,, such ^-SUe of international talent as i» represented m the galaxy of 'racing celebrities assembled for the big Hoosier classic. France England. Italy and the Unit*! State,, the Big Jour among l_he T1ELMTI allied'nations, will vie for speed supremacy on the Kreut brick oval, ,,,t- tinrthc cream of their racing talent and the foremost examples of their One Base on Ball Then mecUnica "'"" «th" in thp frav' A war of m™ aml Triple Was System Fol- • lowed in 3 to 1 ^ c SLIM SALLEE WORKS "' out of the total of six conducted in the past on the bin Hoosier track. WITH GREAT SKILL Has Touch of War. A distinctly martial atmosphere FACTS ABOUT CLASSIC. Big Southpaw Tames the Tigers Whe» Time-—May 31. will pervade the Indianapolis en- -They Got Frisky with Men on the. Place — Indianapolis Motor counter this year, a large proportion Speed \vay. Paths. of the contestants having risked their, Start—10 a. m. I lives all in the service of their re- Distance—500 miles. spective countries during the late frizes—$50.000 for first ten to 'Manager Moran has at last found world war. Rene Thomas, Louis finish: S20.000 to winner. the system of winning ball games. Number of Entrants—13. Namely, utilizing the hits. Wagner. Paul Bablot and Albert Number of Starters—33 (ten Guyot were French aviation instruc- entrants eliminated through Unto Yesterday's win over Pittsburg 3 tors throughout the entire conflict, trials prior to race, the 33 fastest "to 1 demonstrated that variety of at- Jules Goux fought four years as a 'starting). SAIPH MULTORD tack where one hit .meant one run j lieutenant in the French artillery, Number of European Cars—13. and then one more hit meant anotheb - Andrea Boillot won highest honors Number of European Drivers—S. 'run. And these hits were not homers. > as a French ace, and Jean Chassagne Area of Speedway—328 acres. It happened this way. Groh walks served in a less picturesque but Grand stands and boxes seat GO,- in the first and Roush sends a triple equally indispensable capacity as i..- 009. ' to right. One run. Cueto walks in spector of aviation motors for thc Grounds will easily accommo- the second inning and Wingo busts a French government. date 200,000. 'triple to right, sending the Cubaiv- Among the American contenders, Ex peeled Attendance — 100,000. pver. One more run. Track measures 2>> miles to the ALBERT That's some system and if the Reds Lieut. Arthur Klein was an aviator, OUYOT with a year of overseas sen-ice to bis lap: is fiO feet wide, with 2,000- can keep it lip they will need 'but credit as an engineering officer; foot turns banked IB degrees. about five hits-and five passes to wire Ralph DePalma and George Buzane Built in 1909 by Carl G. Fisher; nine-tenths of their games. assisted in the development of the James A. Allison. A. C. Ne\vby and ' After this display of effective bat- famed Liberty aviation motor, Joseph Frank II. Wheeler. ting in the% first two rounds Slim Boyer Jr., though the son of a mil-j Prize Money Paid Out Since Pick of Motor Drivers Sallee showed the boys that he was lionaire, preferred to enlist as a pri-i 1909—S275.000. appreciative and set the Pirates down vate and wound up his army career! Estimated Time Required to Run Entered in Speed Race with one run and Cincy copped the as an inspector of Liberty engines,: Race—Approximately n!> hours. opener from the rampant Buccaneers. Former Winners: The box score of the game: and P. ,W. Monahan served as a' V doughboy. A number of other Amer-. Year. Average Driver and Car. 22—-Not Named, Hudson Special. Cincinnati. AB. R. H.PO. A.E. •1911—Ray Harroim (Jlar- 23—Ralph DePalma, Packard. ! Rath, 2b 5 iean drivers served the. government in 1 l_Cli(r Durant, Durant Special. mon) ..".". 7-1:49 24—Jules Goux, Peugeot. ' Neale, If ... a 4 various capacities, notably ^ Ralph 2—Eddie Hearne, Dui'ant Special. - Mulford, who was employed as a 1912—.Ins Dawson (National) 7S.72 25—Howard Eilcox, Peugeot. Groh, 3b 2 o! Jean Chassague, Sunbeam. motor expert by the Wright-Martin^ 1913—Jules Goux (Peugeot) 75.92 26—Lieut. Arthur Klein, Peugeot. Roush, cf 4 Aircraft Corporation. ' i 1914 —Kenc Thomas (De- <1—Dario Kcsta, Sunbeam. 27—Ray Howard, Peugeot. •Kopf, ss .. 4 0 •z •I 8 The central figure of the military lage) S2.47 5—Ralph Mulford, Frontenac. 28—Andre Boillot, Baby Peugeot. Daubert, 11: 4 0 •' 1 8 0 panorama at the Indianapolis race 1915—Ralph DePalma (Mer- C—Louis Chevrolet, Fronlenac. 29—L. L. Shannon,- Mesaba Special I'Cueto, rf ., 2 0 0 0 0 course on May 31, will not be one of cedes) S9.84 7—Gaston Chevrolet, Frontenac. 30—Tom Alley, Bender Special. ' day the management announced that i Wingo, c .. 3 1 2 3 0 the contestants, however, but an of- 1916—Dario Resta (Peugeot) 81.05 8—Joseph Boycr, Jr., Frontenac. 31—Roscoe Sarles,- Oldfiejd Special. a free ticket for the next game will ! Sallee, p .. 4 0 0 0 0. ficial. Eddie Rickenbacker, American 9—W. W. Brown, Richards Special. 32—Rene Thomas, Ballot. be given to the fan holding the lucky "Ace of Aces," returns to the scene of 10—Ear! Cooper, Stulz. 33—Albert Guyot, Ballot. number. AH reserved scat ticket Totals .332 3 8 27 H holders and box occupants will have ! Pittsburg. AB. R.H. PO..A. hi? former speed triumphs as referee 101-1 Indianapolis 500-mile race, Al- 1L—Tom .Milton, Duseabcrg. :-i4—Lewis Wagner, Ballot. a eliance-tcrwin a pass to the next Bighee, cf .... , 4 0 1 4 0 of the contest, and is expected to re- bert Guyot finished third in the same 12--Ediliu O'Donntill, Dusenberg. 35—Paul Bablot, Ballot. ;)G—A. E. Cotey, Ogrcn Special. game free. The tickets will be placed Terry, ss .... , 4 1 3 2 2 ceive the greatest ovation in -racing^ contest;~Bablot divided European road 13—Dave Lewis, Dusenberg. in a box and the one holding the num- Stengel, rf .... 3 0 1 3 0 history when he steps on the track. | rac;nj, honors with'thc late Georges M—Wilbur DeAlenc, Dusenberg. 37—J. J. McCoy, CcCoy Special. ber drawn from, the box will lie Southworth, If . 4 0 2 o 0 The American favorite for this, Boil]otj greatcst driver the world has 15—Kurt Hitkc, Roamcr. 3R—Omar Toft, Darco Special. years contest is Ralph DePalma.| er known, and _ 10—Louis I.eCocq, Roamcr. 39 George Buzane, Premier. awarded admission next week free. Cutshaw, 2b ... 4 0 1 1 4 CV LouU Wagncr an . 3 0 0 7 1 speed ace of the universe and holder j nexe(( lh(, lyos Vandcrbilt and 190S 17—Eddie Pulien, Hudson Special, 40—Not named, Premier. Mollwitzr lb- . Bocckel, 3b 4 0 1 jj 0 of all world's straightaway and speed-1 gran(1 pl.iz(, 01, his previous visits to IS—Ira Vail, Hudson Special. ,11—I\ot named, Detroit Special. 42—P. W. Monahan, Jay-Bee Special. Sweeney, c 2 0 0 1 1 way records, including the world's|this countrv> besides finishing second 1!'-H. C. Simmons, Hudson Special, f|20—Denny Mickey. Hud.son Special. 43—Arthur Thin-man, Thurman Spe- Lee, c ... 2 0 1 0 0 mile- record of 149.8i miles an hour,; in the French Gran(1 prix contest.- O n 1 i 1 made during the past winter ati joj? and 1914. 21—J. M. Reynolds, Hudson Special, cial. Mayer, p Ormond, Fla. DePalma will drive an! Not to ])e fm-jrnltm among the1 ' aviation motored Packard of the same jEm.opcari Datlle arrav is Andre Totals 35 1 11 27 9 0 YESTERDAY'S 'RESULTS. Lee batted for Sweeney in seventh. type in which he made his fastest-,rj0j]icli brotchr of the "late Georges Fred Browcr pitched good ball for Wickie Long on Mound For National League. /Struck Out—By Sallee. 4, by Mayer Bight, but of smaller size, the same| uoinot ai the wheel of a Baby' the Juniors yesterday afternoon at Cincinnati, 3; Pittsburg, t. 1. Bases on Balls—Off Sallee, 2, off car in fact in which he ran up his j pcllgeot. Though little more than Colonial Park and that class beat the famous string of Speedway records;' , New York, 5; Brooklyn, 2. I Mayer 4. Two-Base Hit—Wingo. J)alf (hc size of thc ot]lcr cara in he Brewers in Sunday's Game] l Freshmen S to 2. Phipps and Smith from one to six hours, with a grand | _ diminutive cannon hull is Boston, -J; Philadelphia, 1. Double Plays—Roush, Kopf to Groh; race this American League. were tho hurlers for the freshmen. average of 102.66 miles an hour for' bl of a sustained speed of more Roush to Rath; Cutshaw to Terry. capa e New York, 5; Washington, 1. Li,ne-ups were as follows: Freshmen the total of 616 miles overtaken. j, j t, -five miles an hour and is' ,, |T i Sacrifice Hit—Cucto.
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