Sara Languages Lexicon Français – Langues Sara English – Sara Languages John M. Keegan The Sara-Bagirimi Language Project Morkeg Books Cuenca Second Edition January, 2014 More information on the Sara-Bagirmi Language Project is available at http://morkegbooks.com/Services/World/Languages/SaraBagirm Introduction The work contains selected vocabulary from the Sara-Bagirmi Language Project, organized into a French – Sara Languages Lexicon and a English – Sara Languages Lexicon. Each lexicon contains approximaely 1050 words. The data is taken from databases built over the past ten years as part of the Sara Language Project. Currently we include here 13 Sara Languages and two Sara Kaba language, Na and Kulfa. In the future we hope to continue adding languages, including Sara languages such as, more Sara Kaba languages such as Deme, and Sara-Bagirmi languages such as Bagirmi. More extensive language data for these Sara languages, including idioms and thousands of sample sentences, are available in the volumes The Central Sara Languages (Keegan 2014a), The Eastern Sara Languages (Keegan 2014b), and The Western Sara Languages (Keegan 2014c), all of which are currently available as part of this series. The Kaba Na data is taken from (Koutou and Keegan: 2014), while the Bediondo data is from the Nangnda lexicon (Dinguemrebeye and Keegan: 2014). An Appendix to this volume contains a brief description of the dictionary software used for the Sara Language Project. We had hopes of being able to include the DVD for this software in an inside jacket of this volume, but this has been possible. The software provides a dictionary view of all the project languages, and users can click on words and sentences to hear them spoken by native speakers. The DVD is now available for purchase at a very reasonable price from links at: www.morkegbooks.com/pages/MorKegSaraLanguageProject.htm In this second edition of this work, some corrections have been made to the Bebote data, many additions have been made for Bediondo and for Kaba Na, and we have added a approximately 190 entries for the Sara Kaba language Kulfa. 1 Acknowledgements The success of this project has depended primarily on the dedication of my Chadian collaborators. For Bebote the co-authors were Mbaignero Ferdinand and Benayal Ndoloum Waroum; for Gor, Kosmadji Merci and Etienne Odjiadoum; for Gulay, Ngaradoumbaye Clément and Nadjirissengar Moise; and for Mango, Dodom Ndildongar Fidele, Loubeta Miclo and Gaston Altoloum. With the eastern Sara languages, Serge Saragaza provided all the data for Daba, Rassemngué Todonane for Nar, and Gotengaye Constant for Sar. Dandet Djibet Appolinaire provided the data for Kaba, Nangone Jacob Chata and Simeon Mbayrem Djimadoum for Ngambay, Kodé Koutout for Na, Gongoto Noel, Laobeul Dara, Laokein Nemian, and Nangturatam Suzan for Laka, and Nanga Jean for Kulfa I thank them all for their patience and hard work, and it was a pleasure working with these fine linguists and lovers of their language. Thanks also do the Collège Charles Lwanga in Sarh for permission to use their work as the base for some of these lexicons, and especially the work on Ngam, Ngambay and Sar. Ngaradoumbaye Clément also helped to identify and correct errors in the French portions of the lexicons. This work was made possible by grants from the National Endowment to the Humanities (grants FN-5007410 and FN-5010412). Any opinions, findings or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NEH. 2 Abbreviations for the Project Languages Beb - Bebote Lk - Laka Bd - Bediondo Mb - Mbay Db - Daba Mo - Mango Gor - Gor Mu - Murum* Gu - Gulay Nar - Nar Kbb - Kaba Ng - Ngam KbD - Kaba Deme* Ngb - Ngambay KbN - Kaba Na Sr - Sar Kul - Kulfa * Languages marked with asterisk are not yet included in this lexicon. 3 Consonants b like ‘b’ in English 'bad' or in […] palatal nasal, similar to French ‘beau’. the ‘gn’ in French ‘onion’, or ‘ñ’ in ß implosive bilabial, extreme Spanish ‘caña’. In the Sara (Proper) lowering of the larynx which languages, this sounds occurs only produces the distinctive sound of the adjacent to nasal vowels. sharp intake of air as it rushes in to nj a combination of 'n' and 'j', equalize the pressure when the stop is where the 'n' is lightly pronounced, released. and does not constitute a separate Ž pronounced like the ‘ch’ in syllable. English ‘cheese’. p My impression is that ‘p’ is d like the 'd' in English 'die' or not very aspirated, closer to the 'p' in French ‘des’. English 'spit' than it is to the ‘p’ in g similar to the 'g' in English 'pit'. 'go' or 'give'. r Shortly trilled 'r', similar to h similar to the 'h' in English the 'rr' in Spanish 'burro', but 'have'. shorter; for speakers of some j like the 'j' in English 'joke'. languages, the 'r' acquires a distinct k similar to the 'c' in English lateral sound, sounding as they are 'scoot'; relatively unaspirated. starting to say 'l' but ending with an l like the 'l' in English 'lake' or 'r'. in French ‘les’. ÷ Implosive alveolar, extreme m like the 'm' in English 'miss' lowering of the larynx which or in French ‘mes’. produces the distinctive sound of the mb a combination of 'm' and 'b', sharp intake of air as it rushes in to where the 'm' is lightly pronounced, equalize the pressure when the stop is and does not constitute a separate released. s syllable. Like the 's' in English 'soup'. n like the 'n' in English 'never' t like the 't' in English 'stoop'; or Spanish ‘nunca’ less aspirated then the ‘t’ in English nd a combination of 'n' and 'd', ‘top’. w l w where the 'n' is lightly pronounced, ike the ‘ ’ in English ‘wet’. and does not constitute a separate See also diphthongs. syllable. y when beginning a syllable, ng in initial and inter-vocalic like the 'y' in English 'yes'. See also position, similar to 'ng' in English diphthongs. 'single'. In final position it is pronounced like the 'ng' in 'sing'. 4 Vowels a like the 'a' in Spanish ‘gato’. different environments. See also ½ heavily nasalized 'a'; like the discussion of harmonic constraints 'ans' in French 'sans'. on page 13-15. e like the 'é' in French 'arrivé'. o like the ‘o’ in Spanish ‘gota’, õ heavily nasalized 'e', some- similar to first 'o' in English 'coconut'. what similar to the 'ain' in English Very rounded. 'train', but without pronouncing the ¢ heavily nasalized ‘ê’, similar 'n'. to the 'on' in French ‘bon’. In no [› ] like the ‘e’ in English ‘met’. languages is there a distinction  a central mid vowel between nasalized ‘ê’ and nasalized pronounced between ‘e’ and ‘o’, but 'o'. not rounded. ê open 'o', pronounced similar ¤ heavily nasalized Â. to the ‘aw’ in English ‘law’, or 'augh' i like the ‘i’ in Spanish ‘si’. in English 'caught', as spoken in ¿ heavily nasalized ‘i’, similar most of the Northeast Corridor or the to the ‘i’ in Spanish ‘sin’ or ‘ee’ in Great Lakes area, but shorter. English ‘ seen’, but without the ‘n’ u similar to the ‘u’ in Spanish and more heavily nasalized. ‘cuna’. ‹ central high vowel. Normally ¾ heavily nasalized ‘u’. similar to the unaccented 'e' in English 'tenacious'. Pronunciation of this phoneme often changes in 5 6 Lexique Français – Langues Sara 7 8 Français – Langues Sara à côté de acide : être Beb=mbô : Bd=rû Beb=màs¸ : Bd=màs¸ Gor=gæd¸ : Gu=rä : Kbb=rû Db=màs : Gor=màs¸ : Gu=màs¸ Mb=rö : Mo=mbô : Nar=rû KbN=kálä : Kbb=màs¸ NgT=Èö : Ngb=rû : Sr=Èû Lk=màs¸ : Mb=màs¸ : Mo=màs¸ à l'envers Nar=màs¸ : NgT=s‡mä Lk=‡-mbäwíyä : Mb=màý Ngb=màs¸ : Sr=màs¸ Mo=mŸÏ : NgT=m¼ý activer (feu) abeille de terre Beb=ìbÕ : Bd=ÕbÕ : Db=ìb Beb=b¡yÐ : Bd=bÕyÐ Gu=ìbÕ : Lk=pÆr : Mb=ìbÕ Gor=b¡yÐ : Gu=tùjù-b¡ Mo=ìbÕ : Nar=túb¸ : Ngb=ìbì KbN=bèÿ : Kbb=b¡y¼ : Lk=b¡y¼ Sr=sètÕ Mb=b¡y¼ : Mo=b¡yÐ acheter Nar=b¡yÐ : Ngb=b¡y¼ Beb=ndög¸ : Bd=ndög¸ Sr=b¡y¼ Db=njïgö : Gor=ndög¸ abeille, esp. de Gu=ndögö : KbN=ùbö Gu=kÇ-tŸÏ : KbN=tàý Kbb=ndökö : Lk=ndögö Lk=‡-ŽŸÏ : Mb=kó-tŸÏ Mb=nd¸gö : Mo=ndög¸ Ngb=tÏ : Sr=kó-tŸÿ Nar=màng : NgT=nd¸gö abeille; miel Ngb=ndögö : Sr=màng Beb=tÆjÕ : Bd=tÆjÕ adorer; honorer Db=tèj : Gor=tÆjÕ : Gu=tùjù Beb=tûj¸ : Bd=tûj¸ KbN=tàgì : Kbb=tèjì Db=ndüb : Gu=÷îÿ : Lk=pölö, Lk=tÆjì : Mb=tèjÕ : Mo=tòjÕ ÷îy : Mb=ndüb¸ : Nar=ndüb¸ Nar=tèjÕ : Ngb=tènjì aigre, acide : être Sr=tèjÕ Gu=ùdù : Lk=ùrü : Mb=ìdè abri (animaux domestiques) aiguille Beb=bÕlÆ : Bd=bÕlÆ Beb=l‡wrì : Bd=n‡b‡lì Db=bùlà : Gor=bòlò : Gu=bòlè Gor=íbÉríì : Gu=líb‡rì KbN=bùlà : Kbb=bùlà KbN=…íbìrì : Lk=líbï Lk=bùlà : Mb=bÕlà : Mo=bòlè Mb=líbÕr : Mo=líbrì Nar=bÕlÆ : NgT=bÕlà Nar=líbÕr : Ngb=líbÕrì Ngb=bùlà : Sr=bÕlà Sr=líbÕr abri dans un champ aiguiser, affûter Lk=kÉy-lò : Mb=kîl Beb=îl : Bd=îl : Db=tôl Mo=kÉy-lò : Ngb=kÉy-lèb Gor=îl : Gu=îl : KbN=îlë absence de Kbb=îl : Lk=îl : Mb=îl Beb=tó : Bd=tó : Gor=tór Mo=îl : Nar=îl : Ngb=îl Gu=gùtù : Kbb=tú® : Lk=tórö Sr=îl Mb=gót‡ : Mo=gòtÕ aimer Nar=gòtÕ : Ngb=tór : Sr=gòtÕ Gu=tár : KbN=nàÛ accompagner Lk=njìgì : Mb=tár : Nar=tár Beb=dän : Bd=dän : Db=dän Sr=tá° Gor=dän : Gu=dän : KbN=dänä ainé de famille Kbb=dän : Lk=dän : Mb=dän Beb=dÆ® : Bd=dÆ® : Db=dè® Mo=dän : Nar=dän : NgT=dän Gor=dÆ® : Gu=dÆ® Ngb=dän : Sr=dän KbN=ní-kòö : Kbb=dÆ® 9 Lk=dÆ® : Mb=dè® : Mo=dÆ® âne Nar=hág¸ : Ngb=dÆ® : Sr=hàgÕ Beb=kòrö : Bd=kòrö ainsi, comme ça; seulement Db=kò÷ö : Gor=kòrörö Beb=bè : Bd=bè : Gor=bàä Gu=kòrö : Kbb=kòrörö Gu=bè : Mb=bè, bèé : Mo=bè Lk=kòrörö : Mb=kòrö Nar=bèé : Ngb=bè : Sr=bèë Mo=kòrö : Nar=kòrö aisselle NgT=kòrö : Ngb=kòrörö Beb=màtÕ-kôl : Bd=mà,sôl Sr=kòrö sôl : Db=sôl : Gor=màkôy anguille Gu=gír-sôl : KbN=mîtî-käm Bd=tüm : Gor=tüm : Lk=tüm Kbb=mîtÕ-sôl : Lk=mîdÕ-sôl
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