2020 INSIDE YOUR MEDIA PACK The transatlantic law firm close to home Find out more here 12 SEPTEMBER 2019 RENEWABLE ENERGY NEWS n ISSUE 415 RENEWS.BIZ REGULAR THIS WEEK CfD3 bidders shrug off legal challenge UK officials are evaluating final bids Olsen push for 480MW from developers in the third Contracts for Difference allocation round. p2 Outage at Hornsea 1 sparks blame game mega-farms in Norway Last month’s power outage at Orsted’s 1.2GW wind farm was caused by its Norwegian developer Fred heights of 200 metres and energy regulator NVE next to a similar timeline to turbines “incorrectly” shutting down as Olsen Renewables has taken rotor diameters of 140 to year if the developer secures Hoyanger, the source said, ISSUES protection systems responded to a dip the wraps off early-stage 160 metres will be deployed, public support from the and plans are again based in the network’s voltage, according to a proposals to build a pair of depending on how many local Hoyanger and Gaular on 6MW-plus hardware with National Grid report. p3 up to 480MW post-subsidy landowners sign up to the municipalities, the source 200-metre tips and up to mega-farms in its home project, a source said. added. 160-metre rotors. Turbine service wrinkle stalls territory. Fred Olsen has so far Construction is earmarked The company currently installation at 30MW Taranto Consultations are underway penned agreements with for the mid-2020s. has two wind farms awaiting Renexia has pushed back offshore with local communities for around 30 landowners and Fred Olsen is also a licence approval decisions installation at its 30MW Taranto near- the Hoyanger project in the is holding discussions with progressing the Lauvdalsheia from NVE. The 100MW shore wind farm off the coast of Puglia Sognog Fjordane coastal several more. development in Bygland in the Laksefjorden and 100MW in south-east Italy. p5 county in western Norway. A wind farm licence southern coastal county of Digermulen are both located Between 40 and 80 application could be Aust-Agder. in the southern county of 6MW-plus turbines with tip submitted to Norwegian Project teams are working Telemark. Publication dates; OFFSHORE Surprise switch to Spain for Penguin wave project Finnish wave developer Wello Clean Energy from Ocean is to install its latest Penguin Waves-backed project, which Partners hoist ‘for sale’ sign device at Spanish marine test consisted of three Penguin at 396MW Merkur p7 centre Bimep after an EU- machines to be installed at Readership backed project off Scotland EMEC by 2020, has ended. p2 Mayflower pegs investment was terminated. The developer was granted levels to US bid power price The around 1MW Penguin €17m of Horizon 2020 p10 WEC2 unit will shortly be funding by the European Ambulance chasing offshore towed to Bimep’s grid- Commission in 2015 for the Costs squeeze driving culture of hair- connected site in Armintza array scheme. trigger damages claims across supply in the Basque region for The company installed a chain. deployment this autumn. prototype device at Billia Croo Two-page Focus starts on p11 The device is currently in March 2017 that sank in moored off Hatston on the March this year. Orkney mainland awaiting Paakkinen said Wello has NEWS transportation to Spain. secured funding from Basque Slo-mo grid offers pile on The machine was shipped energy agency EVE for the RESS stress in Ireland p4 to Scotland in July from the installation and operation of Advertising Netaman fabrication yard in the machine at Bimep. SSE takes second bite at the Estonian capital Tallinn for “This new project has the 100MW in Highlands p8 installation at the European potential to set in motion Vattenfall puts suppliers on Marine Energy Centre’s Billia more projects in and around CUTTING THE RIBBON: EDF Renewables has inaugurated notice over human rights Croo test site. the area with many parties its Contract for Difference-backed 177MW Dorenell wind p9 Wello chief executive Heikki already showing interest in farm near Huntly in Moray, north-east Scotland, featuring Berlin hinting at 5GW Paakkinen was unable to developing the site further,” 59 Vestas V105-3MW turbines with tip heights of 126 specifications p3 offshore target boost p15 state why the developer’s he claimed. metres Photo: EDF Renewables Inspired by renewable energy. www.innogy.com PORT AGENCY & STEVEDORING SERVICES IN ALL IRISH PORTS 25 JULY 2019 n WWW.RENEWS.BIZ Contact: Keith Wiggins, Commercial Manager T: +353 (0)1 819 2622 E: [email protected] www.doyleshipping.ie SPECIAL IRELAND SPECIAL REPORT 2019 REPORTS Media Pack Publication dates; Exclusive business information on the renewables industry Readership p2 Dawn of a new era Our approach to news uses reNEWS, real-time news customised daily alert service a content-rich and highly Advertising in Ireland multiple digital platforms, website www.renews.biz, and coverage at key industry targeted media proposition specifications p3 200m+ Lidars are the backbone of onshore wind measurements. From wind resource including our flagship a number of in-depth events with our Live@ Digital for advertisers. Can you afford assessment and construction monitoring through to permanent mast replacement. fortnightly digital newsletter special market reports, a Dailies. All these provide to miss out? ONLINE ADVERTS Advert placement Adding Value through Experience opportunities; www.owcltd.com Advertising 10 April 2019 LiVE @IF19 ew or wants to pic industry brains WEDNESDAY’S Industry has a central role to play in HIGHLIGHTS specifications p4 JE EEALE EE ES ISSE EESI helping New ork authorities plan how Hard work starts TIS EEK to reach the states new 9GW by 203 SSE eyeing 1.6GW installed capacity target, according to 1<6(5'$ p2 aing ports shipshape Competition or cooperation? Using -DFNXSFKDUWHUȴUVWIRU for US suppliers European examples, this session 6LHPHQV*DPHVD2 0 Siemens Gamesa has chartered ackup Irish RVKRUH duo OE is going all out to The supply chain must explores how US ports could cooperate 3DFLȴF2UFDWRFDUU\RXWWKHEXONRI SSE Renewables is in the is a 444 square-kilometre play. The areas were chosen WKHWXUELQHVXSSOLHUȇVRSHUDWLRQVDQG early stages of developing DUHDVRPHNPRFRXQWLHV following a phased site VKRUHZLQGWHFKQRORJ\ mae leasing easier innovate to keep pace with to ensure each can play its best role to PDLQWHQDQFHLQ(XURSHDQZDWHUVRYHU WZRPDMRUZLQGIDUPVRWKH Dublin, Meath and Louth. selection process in Ireland LVHYROYLQJWRPHHWWKH The Bureau of Ocean Energy the rapid growth of the US VXSSRUWRVKRUHZLQG WKHQH[WPRQWKVp2 coast of east Ireland. 66(KDVLGHQWLȴHGWZR that included resource and 2GHPDQGVRIDGHYHORSPHQW Daily Foreshore lease potential cable landfall constraints analysis. Public FRPPXQLW\IRFXVHGRQUHGXFLQJ Management is committed to RVKRUHZLQGLQGXVWU\DQG Empire 2, 9.00am-10.00am (VWDEOLVKPHQWSHUPLWELGIRU DSSOLFDWLRQVKDYHEHHQȴOHG locations around Balbriggan consultations are due to start WKHOHYHOLVHGFRVWRIHQHUJ\DQG VXSSRUWLQJWKHRVKRUHZLQGVHFWRU overcome multiple challenges, 0:)XKDLR7DLZDQ with authorities in Dublin to in Dublin or north of Clogher in the coming weeks. WDFNOLQJQHZPDUNHWV 7DLZDQ*HQHUDWLRQV&RUSRUDWLRQbKDV carry out site investigations Head in Louth. The new sites take SSE’s 7KDWSURJUHVVLVFDWDORJXHG and is working on a series of policy IPF19 has heard. DSSOLHGIRUDQHVWDEOLVKPHQWSHUPLW for the 800MW Braymore Celtic Sea Array covers SLSHOLQHRIRVKRUHSURMHFWV in the reNEWS 2VKRUH7HFKQRORJ\ PHDVXUHVWRVWUHDPOLQHOHDVLQJ p3 Liz Burdock, CEO of Tale o the red tape IRULWV0:)XKDLZLQGIDUPR Point project to the north and an area of 689 square in the country beyond 2GW. <HDUERRN7KLV\HDUȇVSDJH &KDQJKXDFRXQW\ p4 800MW Celtic Sea Array to the NLORPHWUHVVWDUWLQJNPR These include the consented HGLWLRQLQFOXGHVDQHZVHFWLRQRQ conference host the Business /DWHVWHRUWVWRVWUHDPOLQHIHGHUDO south. the Suir Estuary near counties 0:$UNORZ%DQNR FUHZWUDQVIHUYHVVHORSHUDWRUV 1HWZRUNIRU2VKRUH:LQG regulations and gain insight from ΖUHODQGJROGSODWHVLWVJUHHQ SSE has already undertaken Wexford, Waterford and Cork. Wicklow. ZKLFKSOD\DYLWDOUROHLQWKHVHFWRU WDUJHWVLQZDURQHPLVVLRQV preliminary shipping and West of Bunmahon in Marine environmental 27<ZLOOEHVHQWRXWODWHU email Supply chain one-stop shop told delegates that domestic lessons learned from the permitting 7KHΖULVKJRYHUQPHQWKDVWUHEOHG navigation assessments at Waterford and east of consultancy ABPMer has been WRGD\6XEVFULEHUVZKRGRQRW companies must address a SURFHVVIRUWKHȴUVW86SURMHFWV UHQHZDEOHVWDUJHWVWR*:LQDQHZ both Irish Sea locations and Bannow Bay in Wexford commissioned to carry out UHFHLYHWKHLUFRS\VKRXOGFRQWDFW or industry in ew Jersey DAILY FOLPDWHSODQWKDWFDOOVIRUDGRXEOLQJ wants to start geophysical, have been cited as potential a preliminary site condition [email protected]. 1HZ-HUVH\KDVODXQFKHGDQHZ capacity issue caused by the Empire 4, 10.30am-11.30am RIRQVKRUHZLQGFDSDFLW\DQGWKHȴUVW geotechnical and environmental landfall locations for export report for the wind farm RVKRUHZLQGVXSSO\FKDLQUHJLVWU\IRU phase-out of investment tax RVKRUHJLJDZDWWV p studies later this year. lines. including an assessment of D pics Detailed mapping of the Water depths at Braymore scour potential. FRPSDQLHVLQWKHVWDWHWRRHUWKHLU credits. seabed and wind resource are between 36 and 57 The Irish government this its installer VHUYLFHVWRGHYHORSHUVDQGSDUWQHUV 2))6+25( studies will help optimise metres while Celtic Sea Array week released a new climate This is compressing 6XUȴQJWKHHDVWFRDVWZDYH OHDVHVDOHRQPDUFKR array designs for future features depths of 65
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