Index .,.,.,.,.... ....-.. oldfaced page numbers indicate ries (e.g., Tom, Dick, andHarry1have been an article on the topic. omitted. Scholars' names have been en- :, ::::::: _ ... ., . .,.,.,. .:s.:.:.:.:.:.:.:....... An attempt has been made tered if found in the text, but not from the to include as many thematic bibliographies or article signatures. Page entriesaspossible.Someofthem, numbers flow together (e.g., 88-92] even such as "research problems," are designed across articles, and a single page number to stimulate future scholarship; others, may cover references in more than one such as"homosexuality, mandatory," seek article on the same page. The extent of this to throw some light into little-known but Index and its inherent complexity have interesting comers. For this reason, brows- precluded absolute uniformity of criteria ing through the Index may prove reward- and standards for listing. Subheadings do ing to a wide variety of users. not appear under entries; if some of the re- Titles of books, poems, short stories, sulting long strings of page numbers seem plays, and films generally do not appear, formidable, at least they will reward pa- but the names of their authors, directors, tient researchers with aspects of the sub- stars, and the like will be found. The most ject at hand which they might otherwise significant periodicals have been entered, never have encountered. but others omitted. Names in run-on se- Abderrahman: 471 ACLU-see American Civil Liberties Abelard, Peter: 1006 Union aberration: 3,312-14 acolyte tales (chigo monogatari): 635 abnormality: 3-4, 665 Acosta, Mercedes de: 405 abomination: 4-5,313, 1054 Acquired Immune Deficiency Syn- aborigines, Australian: 937 drome-see AIDS Abraham: 1229 acrobats: 1292 Abrahamic religions: 5-7, 221-25,583-84, ACT UP (AIDS Coalition To Unleash 648-49, 915- 17, 984, 1228-30, 1281; see Power]: 847, 901 also Judeo-Christian tradition, Islam active and passive: 9-11, 204, 206, 23 1- Abse, Leo: 1402 32,347-49,354,361,376-78,393-94, abstinence: 221-22; see also asceticism, 410,493-94, 557,619,678-79,683, celibacy 691, 794-97, 800, 807, 827, 929-31, abstract art: 701, 914-15 1036-40, 1121, 1143, 1156-58, 1174, Abu Nuwas: 7-8,476,849, 1237 1190-91, 1201, 1204-07, 1289, 1309-10, AcadCmie Fran~aise:156-57 1330, 1333,1365 Accursius: 686 activism, gay: 11, 164, 470,487, 674, Achilles: 8-9, 16,495-96, 551-52, 864, 835-47,927, 1259,1265,1348, 1402 995,1006, 1322 actors and actresses: 218, 40405,634-35, Ackerley, J. R.: 9, 1297 1025-27, 1290-1303, 1314-23 Ackerman, Gery: 335 acute aggresion panic: 942 Ackland, Valentine: 1383-84 Ada, William of: 686 9 INDEX Adams, John: 122 age-differentiated relationships: 10, 15, addiction: 330-34, 1265 19-29, 58, 67, 204, 206, 261-62, 355, Adelsward Fersen, Baron Jacques dl: 11- 361-63, 409-10, 421, 434, 438, 444, 12,380,425, 1033, 1360 463, 542, 597, 873, 937-38, 959-64, adhesiveness: 12-14, 1389 964-70, 1085-86, 1095, 1153-54, 1198, Adl, Mohammed el: 418 1289,1335-36,1406, 1410, 1413; see Adler, Alfred: 14,370, 736, 1075 also ephebes, gerontophilia, pederasty, adolescents: 308,341-44,361-63,370-71, pedophilia 409-10,412,423,428, 433, 438, 454, ageism: 15,24-26, 27-29, 230, 253, 270, 491-92, 514, 592, 597-98, 624, 750, 421, 71 1-12, 914, 1144-45 797,866,959-70,1083-86, 1095, 1099, agent: 10 1163, 1197, 1204-1205, 1265, 1309-10, agents provocateurs: 95 1335, 1365, 1409-15; see also boys, aging: 24-25, 26-29, 141, 146,310,421, girls, youth, ephebes, pederasty 711,717,892, 1214,1350 adoption: 128, 186, 718, 892 Agis 111, king of Sparta: 1244 Adorno, Theodor Wiesengrund: 99-100, Agni: 590 1079, 1249 Agostinelli, Albert: 1070 adult-adult homosexuality-see aridfa- Agrippina: 884 philia, mutual Aguiar, Asdrfibal de: 1030 Adventists: 1067 Ahmed, Ejaz: 591 advertisements, personal: 15, 258, 1034, Ahrirnan: 5 17 1057 Ail emperor of China: 216 Advocate, The: 251,426, 738, 746,842, AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency 1034 Syndrome]:29-32, 49, 69, 84, 97, 115, Aelred of Rievaulx, St.: 240,355 125,145, 164,171, 193,208,266,269, Aeneas: 472 287,322-23,333,405,410,426,516, Aersdone, Jan van: 123 535,553, 5&, 568-69, 657, 667-68, Aeschines: 8, 15-16,232, 683, 1172, 1205 696-97, 723, 743, 747, 788,847, 870, Aeschylus: 8, 16,497, 1290 878,892,926,930,946,982,101 1, aesthetic movement: 16-17, 293, 187-88, 1026, 1056,1146,1151, 1178, 1187, 953-54, 1369 1188-89,1214,1242,1264, 1284,1303, aesthetic paganism: 521 1351-52,1354, 1372, 1381, 1401 aesthetics-see beauty Aiken, Loretta May--see Mabley, Aethelbert of Kent: 688 "Moms" affection: 492 Akademos: 11,1033 Afghanistan: 17-19, 263, 962 Akhenaten, king of Egypt: 351,436,486 Afonso IV-VI, kings of Portugal: 1029 AKOE (group]:847 Afranius, Lucius: Alan of Lille: 32-33, 795, 880 Africa, North: 19-22, 119, 161, 477, 796, Alaska (USA]:940-41 863,997, 1056, 1108, 1198 Albania: 33,502 Africa, Sub-Saharan: 22-24, 57, 147, 162, Albee, Edward: 789, 1299 176,200,302,305-06,532,875-76, Albertine complex: 33-34, 1393 878,965, 1189 Albertus Majpus: 71, 74,529,684, 791 African-Americans-see black gay Albigensian heresy: 173,422, 528,602, Americans 762 African diaspora: 5 16 Alcaeus: 496,573 Afro-American religions: 396 Alcibiade Fanciullo a Scola: 34, 21 1, Agata, Gaetano d': 994 257,343,623,732-33,902, 1024, 1366 Agathias: 504 Alcibiades: 34,87, 293,985, 1018, 1227- Agathon: 16,293, 1290 28, 1291 INDEX 4 Alcman: 995 American Bar Association: 840 alcohol and alcoholism: 3539, 108, 110- American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU): 12, 176, 198-99,243,278,330,332, 842 582,715-16,782-83, 1082, 1097, 1225- American Indians-see Indians, Ameri- 26, 1265, 1272-74 can Alcuin: 795,966 American Library Association, Gay Task Alden, David: 923 Force: 734 Aldington, Richard: 325 American Lutheran Church: 1060 Aldyne, Nathan: 865 American Psychiatric Association: 349- Aleixandre, Vicente: 1240 50,576-77, 794,841,845, 1350 Aletrino, Arnold: 39,221,370,425, 513, Amin, al-, caliph: 7,476 643,740,891, 1126 Ammianus Marcellinus: 688 Alexander the Great: 39-40, 76,272,378, Ammirato, Scipione: 1359 496,904,917,920, 1107, 1198, 1333 Amnesty International: 382 Alexander Severus, emperor of Rome: Amory, Richard: 1025 1118, 1306 Ampelos: 319, Alexander VI, pope: 943 Amsterdam: 312,552,847,887-92, 1064 Alexandria (Egypt): 40-42,207, 23839, Amulet: 674 418,522-23,551,670,790,883,955- amyl inhalant-see poppers 57, 986-87, 982-83, 1304, 1307, 1367 Anabaptists: 1060 Alfonso V, king of Aragon: 1238 Anacreon: 379,496, 984, 1235 Alfonso VI, king of Leon: 1238 anal sex: 21,23,45-46, 48-50, 148-49, Alfonso X (theWise), king of Castile and 173,237,266-67,324,590,678,859- Leon: 686,692 860,867,885,930-3 1,998,1054,1142, Algarotti, Count Francesco: 1278 1146-47, 1149, 1156-57, 1180, 1189, Alger, Horatio: 42-43, 899 1201,1333,1346,1363 Alger, William: 441 Anandrynes (secret society): 948, 1097, Algeria: 19,21, 1390 1294 Algiers: 21,213 anarchism: 50-52, 117-18, 130, 162, 334- Ali Pasha: 502, 1329 35,344,437,484, 704, 729-31, 759, alienation: 450 772,1087-88, 1343, 1382 allegations, false: 132-33, 18 1-82,231-32, Andalusia (Spain):384-85,489-90, 644- 240,306, 1123 48,846, 1006-07, 1237-38 Allin, G. G.: 1088 Andean cultures (South America): 52-54 Allport, Gordon W.: 1031 Andersen, Hans Christian: 54-55 Allston, Washington: 43-45 Andersen, Hendrik: 632 Almeida, Pires de: 163 Anderson, Laurie: 1011 Almendros, Nestor: 406 Anderson, Margaret: 55-56,407 Almod6var, Pedro: 404,1242 Anderson, Patrick: 63 Alpine County (California):879 Anderson, Robert: 1399 Alternative TV (band):1087 Andrade, Miirio de: 163 Altolaguirre, Manuel: 1240 Andrews, Julie: 400 Alyson Press: 159 Andrews, Terry: 1145 Alyson, Sasha: 159 androgyny: 56-58, 105-06, 127-28, 143, Amanullah Khan, king of Afghanistan: 157, 199,243,319-20,347-49,351, 18 362,425,433,476,481-82, 492, 530- Amazonia (South Americaj: 45-46, 162 32, 534, 590-91, 597, 609-1 1, 633-34, Amazons, American Indian: 46-47, 128, 650,801,868-69,871,923,961,970- 162,593-95 71, 1001, 1085-86, 1149, 1164, 1171- amazons, classical: 47-48, 920, 1 179, 72,1194,1315,1394, 1397 1336 1 4 INDEX androphilia, mutual: 25, 58, 61, 70, 242, apologetic and advocacy: 69-71, 458,461 243-44, 350-51, 478, 491, 522, 832, apostasy: 976 960,962, 964, 981,998, 1002, 1100, Apostles, Society of (CambridgeUniver- 1333 sity): 187-88,233,343,417, 661, 1254 Andros, Phil -see Steward, Samuel M. apprentices: 445, 492, 808, 1335 Andrzejewski, Jeny: 1013-14 Aprile, Giuseppe: 296 Angelakis, Andreas: 503 Apukhin, Alexei: 1136 Anger, Kenneth: 403, 1346 Aquinas, St. Thomas: 71-72, 194,529, Anglicanism: 59-60, 91, 95, 103-04,224, 621,684, 791, 813, 880, 959, 1018-19, 228,241-42,357, 700, 726, 1062-64, 1281-82 1255 Aquino, Corazon, president of the Anglo-Saxons: 60 Philippines: 981-82 Angola: 24, 1207 Arabian Nights: 176,266 Angry Samoans: 1088 Arabs: 7-8 19-22, 41-42, 176-77, 234, anilinctus: 48, 930-31 471,308,476,612,698-99, 791,848- animal homosexuality: 60-63, 76, 142- 850,1161,1195,1207, 1236-37, 1324; 43, 1005, 1216, 1280 see also Islam animism: 174 Aragon, Louis: 282 Anna, empress of Russia: 1135 Aragon: 692, 1195-96 anniversaries: 416 Aragona, Tullia d': 1359 anonymous sex--see impersonal sex Arcadia: 72-73, 1108 Anselm, archbishop of Canterbury: 355, Arcadie: 72-73, 839,949, 1034 988 Archilaus: 1227 Anselm of Laon: 290,422 Archilochus of Paros: 496 Anstruther-Thomson, Kit: 703 architecture: 122-23, 514,676,675-76, anthologies: 63-64, 200, 218, 446, 503 884 Anthon, Kate Scott: 316 archives: 135-36, 193, 409-10, 417, 625- Anthony, St.: 828,956 26, 735-736,889, 1364 Anthony,
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