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Seen in the above picture are, left to right, clockwise: Jane Frances Bedrosian, Nancy Lynn Key- tanjian, Alyssa Soorikian, Dr. Raffi Chalian, speaker of the day, Gregory Bohdjelian, Michael Vahan Selverian, Derek Dervishian, Meredith Anne Miller and Jordan Elizabeth Heaton. At the center, His Grace Bishop Anoushavan Tanielian, Vicar General of the Prelacy who was visiting, and Der Nerses Manoogian, pastor. Read the graduates’ CV on pages 5 - 8 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Board of Trustees Report Bill Arthin, Chairman Gary Papazian, Vice chair Jim Walter, Treasurer Antranig Baronian, Secretary Glenn Papazian, Ass’t Treasurer Soon after the March publication of School completed another successful school Antranig Baronian, Secretary the Illuminator, we officially welcomed the year. Congratulations to the students and Angela Aghajanian, Asst’ secretary newly elected members of the Board of teachers and thank you for perpetuating our Trustees: Bill Arthin, Glenn Papazian, Har- faith and culture. We encourage you to Advisors out Aghajanian, Kirk Karagelian, Esq., and spend some time during the summer to keep Harout Aghajanian Kurk Selverian. Under the direction of our up with your studies. Niki Arakelian new Chairman, Bill Arthin, we intend to June provides us an opportunity to Kirk Karagelian, Esq. continue to build upon the strong foundation once again recognize the achievements of Kurk Selverian established by previous trustees and contrib- our older students, who have graduated from Lucinda Stamboulian ute to the future success of our parish. On high school and college this year, during our Sundays during divine liturgy, you should annual graduate luncheon. Congratulations NRA MEMBERS find at least one Board member present in to all of our parish’s school graduates and Harout Aghajanian the office. The door will be open, and we their parents. Aram Hovagimian invite our church members to ask any ques- The summertime offers many ac- Antranig Kzirian tions or voice any concerns, so that we may tivities for fun and learning, such as the Vartan Karakelian adequately serve you as we have been en- Datev Institute Summer Program. Spon- Bearg Miller trusted. sored by the Prelacy’s Armenian Religious Noubar Megerian The Board also extends our sincere Education Council (AREC), the Institute Dr. Arsine Oshagan gratitude to the outgoing Board members, provides an intensive weeklong program of Bearg Miller, Michael Injaian, Hratch Ar- Christian formation through Bible studies THE ILLUMINATOR STAFF zoumanian, and Dr. Ara Chalian, for their and discussions, prayer and worship ser- Editorial Board invaluable service and leadership. vices, communal activities, and fellowship. Archpriest Fr. Nerses Manoogian Over the last three months, we have All those interested in attending should con- Sonia Jehanian transitioned from spring to summer. tact the Board for more information. Myda Garabedian, Mailing In April we observed the 101st We wish everyone a relaxing and commemoration of the Genocide. While we safe summer and invite everyone to attend Contributors mourned the family members who were not the annual Grape Blessing Picnic that will fortunate enough to survive during this great Antranig Baronian take place on Sunday, August 14. Also, crime, we continue to find hope and inspira- Doreen Yeremian tion in our capacity for re-birth and re- don’t forget the Annual Golf Outing in the building new Armenian Diasporan commu- Fall. The Board is actively accepting spon- nities, like ours in Philadelphia. Another sorships and encourage all those interested example of inspiration and pride are our in playing to sign up now. † students. Sunday School and the Haigazian Our Pastor, Der Nerses, resides at 1370 Spruce Street, Blue Bell, PA 19422 Home Phone: 610 ‐277‐ 9958 Cell Phone: 610‐ 308‐ 6305 e‐mail: [email protected] Nerses Manoogian The Illuminator A quarterly publication of St. Gregory The Illuminator Armenian Apostolic Church 8701 Ridge Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19128 Tel. 215 482 9200 Fax. 215 482 7460 e‐mail: [email protected] www. saintgregory‐philly.org Seated: Jim Walter, Gary Papazian, Der Nerses, Bill Arthin and Angela Aghajanian All Rights Reserved Standing: Glenn Papazian,Kurk Selverian, Noubik Arakelian, Kirk Karagelian, Esq. Harout Aghajanian and Antranig Baronian, Esq. missing Cindy Stamboulian 2 April - June, 2016 - THE PLACE OF THE ARMENIAN CHURCH IN THE FAMILY OF WORLD CHURCHES Archpriest Fr. Nerses Manoogian Pastor We call our Church Apostolic because our history Our mother Church, the Cathedral of Holy Etchmi- is traced back to the Apostles of Jesus, Sts. Thad- adzin was built in 303 and it still stands today on deus and Bartholomew who evangelized Armenia the same location. in the first century. This means that: St. Gregory evangelized as well Georgia and Cauca- Up to this day we profess the same faith that was sian Albania. passed on to us by the Apostles. In the fifth century, a cleric called St. Mesrob Mash- dotz invented the Armenian Alphabet and subse- Apostolic authority conferred to the Armenian quently was able to translate the Bible into Arme- Church through the bishops whom they ordained as nian in 405 A.D. based on the Greek Bible mainly, their successors. We continue today the Apostolic mis- and also Syriac. sion. The belief of the Armenian Apostolic Church. Where is the place of the Armenian Church in the fam- ily of the Churches of the World? Our belief is encapsulated in the “Nicene Creed” The Armenian Apostolic Church belongs to the which we proclaim every Sunday after the reading family of the Oriental Orthodox Churches who are: of the Gospel. Armenian Church, Syrian Church, Coptic Church, Ethiopian Church and Indian Malankara Church 1. We believe in one God, creator of heaven and earth. 2. In one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, of the Are we Orthodox or Apostolic? same nature of the Father. Who for our salvation We are both Apostolic and Orthodox. How? was incarnate; who died for our sins on the cross, 1. We are Apostolic because we trace our genesis to buried and risen on the third day. the Apostles. 2. We are Orthodox because our Church’s dogma is 3. We also believe in the Holy Spirit. not heretical, but always based on the teachings of 4. We also believe in only one, universal and apostolic the Apostles and the early Church Fathers. The word Apostolic speaks about our history and Or- Holy Church. thodox about our dogma. 5. In one baptism. About the history of formation of the Armenian Apos- 6. In repentance and in forgiveness of sins. tolic Church. 7. We believe in the resurrection of the dead. The two Apostles who evangelized Armenia were 8. In the everlasting judgment of souls and bodies. martyred in Armenia because Christianity was a forbidden religion. It remained so for almost 3 cen- 9. In the kingdom of Heaven turies. In 301 A.D. our patron Saint, St. Gregory the Illumi- 10. In the eternal life. nator upon baptizing the Armenian king Tiritad, Continued on p. 4 Christianity was proclaimed the state religion. April - June, 2016 3 THE PLACE OF THE ARMENIAN CHURCH IN THE FAMILY OF WORLD CHURCHES Archpriest Fr. Nerses Manoogian Pastor The Armenian Church is sacramental church. She has acclaimed that Jesus created by the Father and was therefore seven sacraments: neither coeternal with the Father, nor consubstantial. He was a a creation of God and was adopted as son of God at 1. Baptism his Baptism and not at birth. The Council incorporated the 2. Chrismation word word homoousios (“of one substance”) into a creed (the Nicene Creed) to signify the absolute equality of the 3. Communion Son with the Father. 4. Marriage 5. Penance 2. Constantinople, in 381, where a heretic called Mac- 6. Ordination edon was anathemized because he was denying the ex- 7. Last Unction istence of the Holy Spirit. This is why the council We practice infant baptism and it is done by immer- added the part of the Holy Spirit to the Creed. sion. Immediately after immersion, the infant, is chris- 3. Council of Ephesus, in 431, where a heretic called mated by Holy Muron and receive their first com- Nestorius, the Patriarch of Constantinople, was anathe- munion. mized because he was claiming that Jesus was born as a human being and later acquired his divinity. In other The sacrament of marriage always takes place in the words Mary did not give birth to the Son of God. The Church. council negated him and coined the word “Theotokos,” which means the one who gave birth to God Armenian Clergy (Asdvadzadzin in Armenian.) Our Church has two kinds of priests: Today, some people erroneously label the Armenian 1. Celibate; who can be elevated to the rank Bishop. Church as monophisite, as if we confess only one na- 2. Married priests who serve the parishes and cannot ture in Christ following the teaching of the heretic be elevated to the rank of Bishop.
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