Index Abbott, David P., 26, 164–67, 171 control of, 89–92, 189–90 aborigines, Australian, 221–23 and desire for belief, 27 advertisements: magic imagery in, as female, 189–90, 192 15–16 of film, 66 for stage magicians, 112–14, gaze of, 90 151–54, 156–59, 163–64 humiliation of, 43, 44–45, 102–103 Alafrez, Abdul, 54 and illusion/disillusion dynamic, alchemy, 183–85 224–26 Aldridge, Charles T., 172 misdirection of, 181–82, 189 Alexander Film Corporation, 74 seen on film, 79–81 Altman, I. I., 74–75 in subculture of magic, 102 Amazing Jeffo, The, 178 Western, 153 Amazing Jonathan, the, 98 Augustine, 10, 200 Angel, Criss, 25 authenticity, 156–59, 216 animal taming, 126 Anxiety of Influence, The (Bloom), Balloon of Blood trick (Penn & Teller), 47–48 102 Aristotle, 14 Baqt (Egyptian governor), 15 art, status of stage magic as, 37–57 Beckman, Karen, 87–88 artist, romantic model of, 38, 53 Being and Time (Heidegger), 14 assistants, magicians’: as dancers, belief, desire for, 27, 209–10 181–82, 192 Bennett, Valarie Cordell, 93–95 demands on, 93–95 Bertram, Charles, 95 and film, 67, 69–70 Big (film), 209–10 gender and, 183–84, 192, 204 Bilis, Bernard, 39 and Sawing a Woman in Two biography, performance of, 40 illusion, 92–98 birth imagery, 225–26 See also rebirth as showgirls, 98–99 theme in subculture of magic, 102 birthday party magicians, 14 audience: bourgeois, 33–35, 45, Blackstone, Harry, 63, 68, 75 48–51, 54 Blackton, J. Stuart, 61 as child, 226 Blaine, David, 25, 28 complicity of, 23 Bloom, Harold, 47–48 232 Index body, the: disabled, 178, 183–95 Chavigny, Jean, 42 disciplined, 87, 90–92 cheating and swindling theme, 23–24, female, 93, 183–84 45 laboring, 91, 101–102 Chinese Linking Rings illusion, 159, of magician, 88–92 163, 166–67 marginal, 153–56 Chinese-themed acts, 151–74 Oriental, 157–58 Ching Ling Foo (Chee Ling Qua), of the Other, 160–66 155–57, 162, 164–73 performing, 170 Ching Ling Foo Outdone (film), at risk, 100–101 155–56 Booth, Walter, 61 Christianity, 200–203, 207, 227 Bosco (Italian magician), 44–45 Chung Ling Soo, See Robinson, Bourdieu, Pierre, 55 William Ellsworth Boys Will Be Boys (film), 68 Clarion Photoplays, 73–74 Browning, Tod, 70 close-up magic, 179, 185–90 Bryan, William Jennings, 121 coin tricks, 113, 119–22, 124 Buddhism, Pali Canon of, 14 collectors, 35, 42 bull-roarer, 221–23 colonialism, 135, 146–47, 156 Bureau of Indian Affairs, 146 commodification as magical process, Burger, Eugene, 7, 14, 21, 228 111–22 Burger, Neil, 77–81, 212–15 community, fantasy life of, 11 Burton, Lance, 98–100 Compson, Betty, 70 confidence magic, 23–24 Cabazon Band of Mission Indians, 136 Confidence-Man, The (Melville), 24 Cage, John, 22 Conjuror’s Confessions, A (Robert- Capital (Marx), 111–12 Houdin): influence of, 38–39, capitalism: and commodification, 52, 57 107–28 as mythologizing magician figure, and magician figure, 85–104 39–43 card manipulation: amateur, 14, 15, other magicians in, 41–45 217 spectatorship in, 48–51 in cheating, 45 Torrini character as possibly by disabled performers, 185–90 fictional, 41–42 and gender, 187–88 Cooke, Harry G., 68 Vernon as influence in, 23–24 Coppa, Francesca, 9, 10 Carlosbach, Dr. (itinerant magician), Copperfield, David, 98 44 costume, magician’s, 52, 85–86, 99, casinos: design of, 133, 137–38, 113, 208 141–42 Coyote, trickster figure, 22 Las Vegas, 107–109, 123, 125, 143 culture, sociology of, 54–57 Native American, 8, 131–48 Cups and Balls trick: Castelli (carnival magician), 44 in ancient Egypt, 15 chance, as concept, 144–45 by Bosco, 44–45 Chaney, Lon, 72 by Penn & Teller, 22 charlatanism, 43, 45–46 Cut and Restored tricks, 28 Index 233 Erdnase, S. W., 23 Dakota Magic Casino Hotel, 131–32, Erik the Great, 75 137, 148 escape magic: contemporary, 26 Dante (Royal Dynasty of Magic and disability, 183–84, 190–95 member), 98 on film, 67 Davenport, Dorothy, 72 by Houdini, 24–25, 90–91 Davenport Brothers, 26 by Penn & Teller, 22, 99–100 Dearborn, Karen, 9 Ethereal Suspension routine (Robert- Death Defying Acts, 77 Houdin), 46–47 debunking, 26, 52 ethnographic display, 153–54, 156, deception, non-magical, 43 159–60, 163–71 deCordova, Richard, 72 Evil Gambler figure, 142 Defying the Bullet trick (Chung Ling Expert at the Card Table, The (Erdnase), Soo), 152 23 Derrida, Jacques, 19, 22 Devant, David, 69, 81 Famous Players-Lasky film studio, 68 disability: gender and, 183–95 Fantastic Orange Tree illusion: in The and magic, 177–79 Illusionist film, 77–81 magicians working with, 180–95 by Robert-Houdin, 46, 78–79 studies in, 179–80 Faust (Goethe), 109, 118–20, 128 Distinction (Bourdieu), 55 Fawkes, Isaac, 109, 112–18, 127 divination, 144–45 Fechner, Christian, 36 Doll’s House illusion, 75 Fédération Française des Artistes doppelganger, 210–11 Prestidigitateurs, 35 Downs, T. Nelson, 109, 120–22, 124, Federici, Silvia, 142, 148 128 Fejos, Paul, 62 Dracula, as capitalist, 98 feminization: through disability, Dunninger (mind reader), 26 189–95 of magic, 204–207 Edison, Thomas, 155, 172, 213–14 film: editing in, 63, 66, 76–78 Edward, John, 26 exposure of secrets in, 73–74 Egg Bag trick, 98, 113 gambling theme in, 24 Egypt, ancient, magic in, 15 illusionism in, 76–77, 212 “Eisenheim The Illusionist” (short as life magic, 18 story), 212 magical effects cinematically created, Eliade, Mircea, 221–23 65, 66, 76–81 enchantment: Christianity and, magician characters in, 61–81, 200–201 209–10 and “inferior” groups, 50, 153–54 mirror images in, 211–16 vs. knowing, 23 narrativization of, 65 and modernity, 9 sound in, 62–63 entertainment in stage acts, 69–70, 172–73 as business, 26 “trick,” 61–62, 64–66, 68, 75, 155 in Las Vegas, 107 finance and magic, 107–28, 133–34 vs. ritual uses of magic, 10 Ford, Francis, 68 234 Index Forte, Steve, 24 Hass, Lawrence, 9 Foucault, Michel, 91–92 Hay Foot, Straw Foot (film), 70 Foxwoods Resort Casino, 137, 142–44 Hays, Will, 74 France, stage magic in, 33–57 healing, 15, 204, 220 Frankenstein (film), 95 Heidegger, Martin, 14 Frazer, James George, 160–63, 174n4 Herrmann, Alexander, 70, 166 Herrmann, Leon, 166–67, 172 gambling: and magical thinking, Hiding the Elephant: How Magicians 131–33 Invented the Impossible Native American views of, 134–35, and Learned to Disappear 137–48 (Steinmeyer), 7 in religious context, 133–34, historiography of magic, 36–38 139–42, 144–48 Hitchcock, Alfred, 76–77 Western views of, 144–46 Hollywood studios, 64–81 Geary Act, 168, 171 Honor Code piece (Penn & Teller), gender: and bourgeoisie, 38–39 22–23 and disability, 177–78, 183–95 Houdini, Harry: on audience gaze, 90 and power, 97–104 as debunker, 26, 52 and rationality, 207 escapes of, 24–25, 90–91, 104n4 and religion, 203–207, 215 on exposure of secrets, 73–74 and stage magic, 85–98, 189–95, on film, 63, 67–69 204, 225–26 Hitchcock and, 76 Gilbert, John, 72 on Robert-Houdin, 52–53 Girl with the Celluloid Mind illusion and Robinson, 163–64 (Goldin), 69–70 Houdini Pictures Corporation, 69 Glenrose, Jan, 95 How to Become a Wizard (Robert- Goethe, J. W. Von, 109, 118–20, 128 Houdin), 38 Golden Bough, The (Fraser), 160–63, How to Win at Every Game (Robert- 174n4 Houdin), 37–38 Goldin, Horace: film use by, 69–70 and Sawing a Woman in Two identity: constructing, 152–62, illusion, 73–74, 92–98 193 and Selbit, 93 transformation of, 127–28 Grabel, Lee, 98 illusion: cinematic, 65, 66, 76–81 Grand Guignol, 96, 97 and disillusion, 217–29 Great Leon, the, 64, 73 mechanical, 78–79 Great Raymond, The, 69 mimetic, 51 Green, Fitzhugh, 62–63 optical, 17–18 Grim Game, The (film), 68–69 value of, 16–19 Guillemin, Fanch, 52–53 Illusion (film), 62, 65–66 Gus-ka-eh sacred bowl game, 140 Illusionist, The (Burger), 77–81, 212–15 Harbin, Robert, 93–94 imagination, 10–11, 202 Harlequin, 116–18 Indian Gaming Regulatory Act (IGRA) Harry Potter series (Rowling), 211 of 1988, 136, 148n2 Index 235 International Federation of Magic Los Angeles Society of Magicians, 70 Societies, 36 Louis-Philippe, King of France, 49 Iroquois (Haudenausaunee) confederacy, 140 magic: and alchemy, 183–85 It Can’t Be Done Any Slower trick and capitalism, 85–104, 107–28 (Lavand), 188 in daily life, 16–19, 29, 132–48, It’s Fun to Be Fooled (Goldin), 94 217–29 definitions of, 8, 12n1, 142, 148, Jack the Ripper, 97 161–62 Jay, Ricky, 24, 81, 228 devaluation of, 13–15 Jones, Graham M., 8, 9, 10 entertainment vs. ritual uses of, 10 and finance, 108–27 Kabbala, 198 and gambling, 131–48 Kaps, Fred, 14 history of, 36–37 Kearney, Patrick, 70 as metaphor for love, 65–66 Keith-Albee-Orpheum conglomerate, and the primitive, 50–51 64, 155, 168–69 and religion, 10, 14, 28, 133–34, Kellar, Harry, 26, 68 139–41, 147–48, 197–216, King, Mac, 98 220–24 Kris, Ernst, 42 vs. science, 9, 14 Kurz, Otto, 42 status as an art, 37–57 sympathetic, 161–62 labor: and the body, 90–92, 101–102 as term, 198 Chinese, 168–73 as way of encountering the world, division of, 99–104, 170 160–61 Lady Vanishes, The (Hitchcock), 76–77 as way of thinking, 132–48 Las Vegas: casinos of, 107–109, 123, Magic and Meaning (Burger/Neale), 7 125, 143 Magic and Mystery Exposed, A Complete commodification in, 122–27 Screen Exposé of the Baffling entertainment industry in, 9, 107 Mystery Tura (film), 73–75 gender of, 215 Magic Box, The (Siegfried and Roy), as magic capital, 98, 107–109 109, 123–27 Lasky, Jesse L., 70 Magic Bricks illusion (Selbit), 93 Last Performance, The (Fejos), 62, 73, Magic Castle, Hollywood, 23 74, 75 Magic Mirror, The (Neale), 16–17 Laurant, Eugene, 64, 68 magic of mind, 25–27 See also, mind Lavand, René, 14, 21, 177, 179–80, reading; spiritualism 185–95 magic shops,
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