15 :06 No . 014 P.02 BOB DOLE This documentID :2o2-408-5117 is from the collections at the Dole Archives,MAR University 18'94 of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu _.,..- lINAL - 3/18/94 Contact: 202/408-5105 Mo Taggart (H) 703/684-7848 Jo-Anne Coe (H)703/845-1714 SENATOR POLE SCHEDULE MABCH 21, 1994 ~- NEW YORK MONDAY, MARCH 21, 1994 2:10 pm DEPART Watergate for National Airport/Signature Flight 2:25 pm ARRIVE National Airport and proceed to departing aircraft FBO: signature Flight 703/419-8440 2;30 pm DEPART Washington, DC for White Plains, NY/Westchester County Airport FBO: UST Hangar Aircraft: Challenger Tail number: N23SB Flight time: 50 minutes Pilots: (To be determined) Seats: 10 Manifest; Senator Dole Jake Seher, UST 202/429-2010 Jeff Schlagenhauf, Smokeless Tobacco 3:20 pm ARRlVE White Plains, NY FBO: UST Hangar 914/997-0941 3:25 pm DEPART airport for us Tobacco corporate headquarters Driver: UST car and driver Drive time: 15 minutes 3:40 pm ARRIVE US Tobacco corporate headquarters Location: 100 West Putnam Greenwich, CT Contact: Ted Kratovil/Jennifer Marotta 203/622-3667 PROCEED TO EMPLOYEE CAFETERIA for visit with and remarks to UST employees Crowd size: 100-150 4:15 pm DEPART us Tobacco headquarters for Waldorf-Astoria Accompanied by Ted Kratovil and Jake Seher Driver: UST car and driver Drive time: 45 minutes Location: 301 Park Avenue New York, NY NOTE: USE PARK AVENUE ENTRANCE Page 1 of 29 BOB DOLE This documentID:2 is02 from the408-5117 collections at the Dole Archives, MARUniversity 18'94 of Kansas 15 :0? No . orzi P . u~ · http://dolearchives.ku.edu PAGE TWO MQNDAJ, MARCH 21 !CONTINUER}; 5;00 pm ARRIVE Waldorf-Astoria 212/355-3000 212/872-7272 (FAX) MET BY: Mark Miller PROCEED TO WEST FOYER FOR ROUND-TABLE DISCUSSION NOTE: A suite will be available for your use. 5:00 pm ATTEND Roundtable Discussion Location: West Foyer Attendance: 25 approx. (list coming) $5,000/per person Event runs: 5:00 - 6:30 pm 6:30 pm DEPART Roundtable Discussion for campaign America General L Reception NOTE: Governor Christine Whitman arrives at this time 6:35 pm ATTEND Campaign America General Reception Location: Jade & Basildon Rooms Attendance: 250 approx. Event runs; 6:00 - 7:00 pm Format: Mix and mingle 6:50 pm DEPART General Reception for headtable line-up for Campaign America Dinner Location: Grand Ballroom 7:00 pm ATTEND/SPEAK at Campaign America Dinner Location: Grand Ballroom Attendance: 250 approx. $1,000/per person Headtable: List coming Event runs: 7:00 - 8:45 pm Facility: Headtable on riser with podium & mic Head Table: Senator Dole Senator Alfonse D'Amato Governor Christine Whitman Ambassador Charles Gargano Assemblyman Chuck Haytaian Bill Powers, NY GOP Chainnan James Ortenzio, Dinner co-ch~irman Page 2 of 29 ··,'. BOB DOLE This document!D : 2o2-408-511?is from the collections at the Dole Archives, MARUniversity 18'94 of Kansas 15 :0? No . 014 P . 04 http://dolearchives.ku.edu MONDAY, MARCH 21 (CONTINUED)4 Program: ·'' 7: 00 pm Introduction of he.adtable by Ambassador Gargano 7:10 pm Ambassador Gargano introduces Governor Whitman 7:12 pm Governor Whitman gives remarks 7:16 pm Governor Whitman departs Dinner is served a:oo pm Dinner service concludes Program continues continuation of Program: 8: 00 pm Amb. Gargano introduces Senator D'Amato 8:05 pm Senator D'Amato gives remarks and introduces Senator Dole 8:10 pm REMARKS - SENATOR DOLE Include thank-you to committee members, with special recognition of best ticket sellers (alphabetically) : Richard Fisher Charles Gargano Richard Kogan Ted l<ratovil Mike Liberty. James Ortenzio Stanley Shopkorn Sandy Tennant (?) Recognize Chuck Haytaian 8: 30 PM Event concludes 8:45 pm DEPART Waldorf-Astoria for Laguardia Airport Accompanied by Jake Seher, Jeff Schlagenhauf, Mark Miller & Royal Roth Driver: UST car and driver Drive time: 30 minutes Page 3 of 29 '· BUB DOLE ID : 202- 408 511? MHR 18'94 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu PAGE FOUR MONDAY, MARCH 21 (CONTINUEp); 9:15 pm ARRIVE Laguardia and proceed to departing aircraft FBO: Private Hangar 718/476-5200 9:20 pm DEPART New York, NY for Washington/National FBO: Signature Flight Aircraft: Challenger Tail number: N23Sa Flight time: 1 hour Pilots: (To be determined) Seats: 10 Manifest: senator Dole Jake Seher, UST Jeff Schlagenhauf, smokeless Tob. Mark Miller Royal Roth 10:20 pm ARRIVE Washington/National and proceed to Watergate FBO: Signature Flight 703/419-8440 Met by: Wilbert Jones ' .." Page 4 of 29 ~ . I This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu 79 AP 03-21-94 02:46 EST 47 Lines. Copyright 1994. All rights reserved. 380< Wi i e r- e, Jt< WASHINGTON (AP) Sen. Bob Dole says he's ready to begin planning Senate hearings to ''get the facts out'' on the Whitewater affair. ''Let's do it,'' Dole said Sunday on NBC's ''Meet the Press.'' But House Majority Leader Dick Gephardt warned against doing anything that might damage the investigation being conducted by special counsel Robert Fiske. Fiske is looking into the involvement of President Clinton and his wife Hillary in an Arkansas land development corporation linked to a failed savings and loan. The special counsel also is probing White House contacts with Treasury officials regarding a federal investigation of the deal. ''He says he's going to get the Washington part of it done in three or four weeks. We can have hearings after that, if it's appropriate to do that,'' Gephardt, D-Mo., said on the same program. The Senate voted last Thursday to hold hearings on Whitewater, but it set no timetable. Dole said he plans to meet Tuesday with Senate Majority Leader George Mitchell, D-Maine, to begin working out a format and schedule. ''We don't want to interfere with (Fiske's) investigation, I/ but we don't believe we have to wait till he shoots the firing pistol and says, 'OK, you can start now,''' Dole said. Asked if he knew of any wrongdoing that might have occurred in briefings that Treasury officials gave White House officials on an investigation of Whitewater, Dole said, ''I'm not alleging anything. I'm alleging we have a responsibility'' to investigate the matterd · Gepharat said Republicans ''want the Congress to do what Mr. Fiske can do and that's investigate the facts. Democrats want Congress to do what Mr. Fiske can't do, and that's do health care.'' Both Ge hardt and would come u with some arm o hea t The inton p an cou even ua y include price controls if competition did not adequately keep costs down, Gephardt said, adding, ''We've got to have some way of ensuring that at some point we're going to hold down health care costs.'' Dole said he wants a plan ''without mandates and without price controls and without these mandatory alliances and probably some other things.'' Page 5 of 29 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu Dole shrugs off Goldwater's heeding limited element in the annual Congress By Ronald A. Taylor over- has a responsibility and THE WASHINGTON TIMES sight hearings into the operations the longer we wait, the more it's of the Resolution 'Ihlst Corp. going to smell to the American enate inority Leader Bob "Mr. Fiske says he's going to be people." Dole yesterday dismissed former finished with the Washington part Mr. Gephardt who continued to Sen. Barry Goldwater's call for of the Whitewater case in three or soft-pedal the extent to which the easing up on Republican criticism four weeks. Why would we want to Whitewater land deal and the Mad- of President Clinton and continued put witnesses on next Thursday ison S&L will be examined during to press for hearings on the that would injure or damage what RTC oversight hearings before the Whitewater-Madison affair. he is trying to find out about and House Banking Committee set to "He forgot what he said in 1973," will report on in three or four begin Thursday. Mr. Dole said of the one-time con- weeks? It just doesn't make any The Missouri Democrat said the servative leader on NBC-TV's sense" rdt s · . upcoming "Meet the Press." hearing should be r. o e respon e : " e on t limited to Resolution 'Ihlst Corp. "If you read his book on Nixon, want to interfere with his inves- matters. he said just the opposite, that tigation, but we don't believe we "Some questions which Nixon should get off his ... and tell have to wait till relate he shoots the firing can be brought up and probably the American people all he knew pistol and says, 'OK, you can start about Watergate. So either he was will be brought up. I think most of right then and wrong now or it has to happen after Fiske fin- wrong then and right now. He was ishes that part of it, and then the probabl wrong both times." rest of the case as he finishes dif- n ss' ferent parts of the case," he said. mandate to resolve unanswered Mr. Gephardt's concerns center questions about the land deal and on the announced intention of Rep. Madision Guaranty Savings and Jim Leach, Iowa Republican and Loan Association, Mr. Dole said. banking committee member, to "That's where Congress has a ask pointed questions about Madi- responsibility, just as they had for son Guaranty and the Whitewater about 25 times with the Republi- deal.
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