SHABBAT PROGRAM SHABBAT PROGRAM Shabbat, December 15, 2017 / 28 Kislev 5778 Parashat Miketz ו�עַתָּה י��א פַ�עֹה אִישׁ נָבוֹן ו�חָכָם ו�ישׁ�יתֵהוּ עַל־אֶ�ץ מִצְ�י�ם “Now let Pharaoh select a man who is discerning and wise and set him over the land of Egypt” (Genesis 41:33) Welcome to CBST! Congregation Beit Simchat Torah is a vibrant spiritual community and an influential progressive voice within Judaism. We are people of all sexual orientations and gender identities. We hope you feel at home here. Here for the first time? Have a question? Interested in getting involved? Ask an usher for a “Learn about CBST” card. Leave the card with an usher and we’ll be in touch after Shabbat. Visit www.cbst.org. Photo by Esteban Kuriel ברוכים וברוכות הבאים לקהילת בית שמחת תורה! קהילת בית שמחת תורה מקיימת קשר רב שנים ועמוק עם ישראל, עם הבית הפתוח בירושלים לגאווה ולסובלנות ועם הקהילה הגאה בישראל. אנחנו מזמינים אתכם\ן לגלוּת יהדוּת ליבראלית גם בישראל! מצאו את המידע על קהילות רפורמיות המזמינות אתכם\ן לחגוג את סיפור החיים שלכן\ם בפלאיירים בכניסה. לפרטים נוספים ניתן לפנות לרב נועה סתת [email protected] 2 DECEMBER 15, 2017 / 28 KISLEV 5778 PARASHAT MIKETZ – SHABBAT CHANUKAH הֲכָנַת הַלֵּב OPENING PRAYERS AND MEDITATIONS Program Light is Returning Charlie Murphy (1953-2016)* *(Banu Choshech Emanuel Amiran (1909-1993 בָּאנוּ חוֹש�Program Traditional Arr. Stephen Glass (Born Program S’vivon (1964 סְבִיבוֹן Solomon Golub (1887-1952)* 212 Borukh Ateh (Arr. Zalmen Mlotek (Born 1951 בָּרוּ אַתָּה *Chanukah Candle Blessings Traditional הַדְלָקַת נֵרוֹת שׁ�ל חֲנֻכָּה 206 (Hanerot Halalu Louis Lewandowski (1821-1894 הַנֵרוֹת הַלָלוּ 206 *Ma’oz Tzur Traditional מָעוֹז צוּר 207 *(Candle Blessings Abraham Wolf Binder (1895-1967 הַדְלָקַת נֵרוֹת שׁ�ל שׁ�בָּת 38 *(Shalom Aleichem Israel Goldfarb (1879-1956 שׁ�לוֹם עֲלֵיכֶם 40 קַבָּלַת שׁ�בָּת KABBALAT SHABBAT / WELCOMING SHABBAT *L’chu N’ran’nah (Psalm 95) Chabad Chassidim לְכוּ נְ�נְּנָה (תהלים צה) 52 *(Yism’chu Hashamayim (Psalm 96) Craig Taubman (Born 1958 י�שׂ�מְחוּ הַשּׁ�מַי�ם (תהלים צו) 54 *(Mizmor L’David (Psalm 29) Shlomo Carlebach (1926-1994 מִזְמוֹר לְדָו�ד (תהלים כט) 62 Yoel Sykes (Born 1986)* 66 L'chah Dodi (Shlomo Alkabetz) *(Moshe Laufer (1919 - 1998 לְכָה דוֹדִי *(Tov L’hodot (Psalm 92) Peter Halpern (Born 1958 טוֹב לְהֹדוֹת (תהלים צב) 72 מַ עֲ �יב MA’ARIV / THE EVENING SERVICE Bar’chu Nusach בָּ�כוּ 78 Hama’ariv Aravim Nusach הַמַּעֲ �יב עֲ �בִים 80 (Sh’ma Yisrael Salomon Sulzer (1804-1890 שׁ�מַע י�שׂ��אֵל 88 (V’ahavta Torah Cantillation (Trop ו�אָהַבְתָּ 89 *Mi Chamocha Ma’oz Tzur Melody מִי כָמֹֽכָה 94 98 and Hashkiveinu Yoshi Zweiback (Born 1969)* הַשׁ�כִּיבֵֽנוּ Program *(V’shamru Moshe Rothblum (Born 1944 ו�שׁ�מְרוּ 102 Chatsi Kaddish Nusach חֲ צ ִי קַ דִּ ישׁ 104 Silent Amidah עֲ מִ ידָ ה 106 (Maoz Tzur Benedetto Marcello (1686-1739 מָעוֹז צוּר 207 *(Oseh Shalom Debbie Friedman (1950-2011 עֹשׂ�ה שׁ�לוֹם 118 Prayer for Healing תְּפִלָּה לִ�פוּאָה 130 Prayer for our Country תְּפִלָּה לַמְּדִינָה Program Blessing of the New Month Improvisation בִּ�כַּת הַחֹדֶשׁ 136 Kaddish Shalem Nusach קַדִּישׁ שׁ�לֵם 138 3 דְּ �שׁ�ה : DRASHAH: Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum הַלֵּל HALLEL *(Pitchu Li (Psalm 118) Shlomo Carlebach (1926-1994 פִּתְחוּ לִי (תהלים קיח) 168 שׁ�י�י ֲח נ ֻכָּה CHANUKAH SONGS Israeli folk song Arr. Steve Banrett מִי י�מַלֵּל 208 Mi Y’malel Lyrics: Menashe Ravina (1899- 1968) The Chanukah Song (We Are Stephen Schwartz (Born 1948) Program Lights) Lyrics: Steve Young 208 Candles Burning Stephen Richards (Born 1935)* *(Khanike, Oy Khanike Mordecai Rivesman (1868-1924 חנוכה אוי חנוכה 210 211 Ocho Kandelikas Flory Jagoda (Born 1924)* סִיּוּם הַתְּ פִלָה CONCLUDING PRAYERS *(Aleinu Salomon Sulzer (1804-1890 עָלֵֽינוּ 140 Mourner’s Kaddish קַ דִּ ישׁ י �תוֹם 150 Program Light One Candle Peter Yarrow (Born 1938)* * Arranged by Joyce Rosenzweig Light is Returning / בָּאנוּ חוֹש� לְגָ�ש בָּאנוּ חוֹש� לְגָ�ש Light is returning, בְּי �דֵ ינוּ אוֹר ו�אֵש .Even though this is the darkest hour כָּל אֶחָד הוּא אוֹר קָטָן No one can hold ו�כֻלָנוּ אוֹר אֵ יתָ ן .Back the dawn סוּרה חוֹש� הָלְאָה ש�חוֹר ,Let's keep it burning סוּרה ִמ פְּנ ֵי הָאוֹר .Let's keep the light of hope alive Make safe our journey Through the storm. We come to chase the dark away. In our hands are light and fire. Each individual light is small. But together the light is mighty. Flee, darkness and night. Flee before the light. S’vivon/סְ ְבִיבוֹן סְ ְבִיבוֹן סוֹב סוֹב סוֹב .Dreydl, spin spin spin חַנוּכָּה הוּא חַג טוֹב .Chanukah is a great holiday חַנוּכָּה הוּא חַג טוֹב .Chanukah is a great holiday Dreydl, spin spin spin. סְבִיבוֹן סוֹב סוֹב סוֹב A Happy Holiday for everyone, חַג שׂ�מְחָה הוּא לָעָם .A great miracle happened there נֵס גָדוֹל הָי�ה שׁ�ם ,A great miracle happened there נֵס גָדוֹל הָי�ה שׁ�ם A Happy Holiday for everyone חַג שׂ�מְחָה הוּא לָעָם 4 The Chanukah Song (We Are Lights) A lamp that kept on burning, We are lights! A miracle, they say: We are lights! But the world has kept on turning, We are lights….shining on and on! Are there miracles, today? A row of burning candles, Everyone who lights the candles, Shines light upon your face, Has a bit of ancient spark. Linking you and me and all of us, We are miracles, lighting up the dark. To a far off holy place. Chorus: But the blazing of the candles, We are lights, lights of memory, Is not the only light. Remembering times long gone. Look at all of us, shining here tonight! We are glowing, growing miracles. Chorus: Light One Candle Light one candle for the Maccabee Light one candle for all we believe in, children, With thanks that their light didn't die. Light one candle for the pain they Let anger not tear us apart. endured, And light one candle to bind us together, When their right to exist was denied. With peace as a song in our heart. Light one candle for the terrible sacrifice Justice and freedom demand. Chorus: But light one candle for the wisdom to know What is the memory that's valued so When the peacemaker's time is at hand. highly, That we keep it alive in that flame? Chorus: What's the commitment to those who Don't let the light go out; have died, It's lasted for so many years. When we cry out they've not died in vain? Don't let the light go out, We have come this far, always believing Let it shine through our love and our That justice will somehow prevail. tears. This is the burden, and this is the promise, Light one candle for the strength that we And this is why we will not fail! need To never become our own foe. Chorus: Light one candle for those who are suffering Don't let the light go out! The pain we learned so long ago. Don't let the light go out! Don't let the light go out! הַשׁ�כִּיבֵֽנוּ / Hashkiveinu Shelter us beneath Thy wings, O Adonai. Guard us from all harmful things, O Adonai. Keep us safe throughout the night. Till we wake with morning’s light. Teach us, God, wrong from right. Amen. Tonight’s CBST Chorus Members conducted by Music Director Joyce Rosenzweig Julie Levinsohn Aarlev Roberta Feldhusen Paul Marsolini Marni Aarlev Roy Feldhusen Barbara Meinwald Adam Barrett Geoff Goldberg Marc Molomot Yael Bat-Chava Donna Gray Julia Ostrov Amelia Berg Stacey Harris Ira Rosenblum Barry Blecher Dianne Hess Tracy Sivitz Ilene Block Nora Isacoff Sasha Soreff Mitch Bloom Larry Kay Dan Stone Martin Bruner Irwin Kroot Diane Temkin Joseph Cunin Karen Krop Joyce Weinstein Yoav Davis Tim Kynerd Janet Zaleon Dan Ettinger Rosanne Leipzig Ora Ezrachi Aari Ludvigsen Tonight’s CBST Children’s Chorus Members, led by Cantor Steve Zeidenberg, Music Director Joyce Rosenzweig, and Nora Isacoff Dori Aarlev Acadia Gremillion Shari Potasinski Mertzel Risa Aarlev Theodore Mikesell Melina Rosenblum May Arielle Green COMPOSER FEATURE: Stephen Schwartz was born in New York City on March 6, 1948. He studied piano and composition at the Juilliard School of Music while in high school and graduated from Carnegie Mellon University in 1968 with a B.F.A. in Drama. Schwartz has won many awards, including the Drama Desk Award for Outstanding Lyrics, three Grammy Awards, three Academy Awards, and has been nominated for six Tony Awards, in addition to the 2015 Isabelle Stevenson Award, a special Tony Award. 6 PRAYER for OUR COUNTRY Our God and God of our ancestors, אלו-ינו ואלו-י אבותנו ואמותינו. ברך את ארצנו ואת כל .bless this country and all who dwell within it היושבות והיושבים בה Help us to experience the blessings יחד לבבנו להודות לך על חיינו ועל הזמן הזה ,of our lives and circumstances להיות דרוכות, אמיצים, ומלאי חמלה. .To be vigilant, compassionate, and brave Strengthen us when we are afraid, כאשר אנו אחוזים בפחד חזקנו וחזק ידנו ,Help us stay angry סייע בנפשנו להישאר כועסים .So that our anger motivates us to action כדי שהכעס יוביל אותנו לידי מעשה ,Help us to feel our fear חזק לבבנו לחוש את מלוא הפחד שלנו .So that we do not become numb Help us to be generous with others, כדי שלא נהפוך לאדישות .So that we raise each other up סייע לנו להשפיע נדיבות על אחרים כדי שנרים זה את זו . ,Help us to be humble in our fear סייע לנו להיות צנועות בפחד, כדי שנדע כי גם כשאנו מרגישים ,knowing that as vulnerable as we feel פגיעות, יש אחרות, הנמצאות בסיכון גבוה אף יותר, זוהי חובתנו there are those at greater risk, and that it is our holy work to stand with them.
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