CALTRANS DIVISION OF RAIL AND MASS TRANSPORTATION FY 20-21 LOW CARBON TRANSIT OPERATIONS PROGRAM ALLOCATION AWARD LIST Disadvantag Low 1/2 Mile Low- ed Total Project Dist. Project ID # Lead Agency Project Name Project Type Project Description (Short) Income Income Buffer SB 1119 Community Request FY20-21 Benefit Benefit Benefit City of Arcata (Arcata Mad Operations To allow Free Transit to encourage ridership on Arcata Mad River Transit 1 20-21-D01-001 AMRTS Free Fares N Y N $11,531 N River Transit System) System City of Arcata (Arcata Mad Funding to Purchase Capital This money will be used to supplement other monies to be used to purchase 1 20-21-D01-002 N Y N $149,146 N River Transit System) electric buses electric buses. Capital This project provides for the purchase and installation of a solar canopy to cover the bus parking lot. The canopy will provide enough electricity to 1 20-21-D01-003 Lake County Authority Solar Canopy Project power four electric buses and the operations facility. The canopy will also N Y N $69,466 N shade the lot, reducing the times buses are idling prior to inspection and start- up. Operations Allow fare free rides system wide to Mendocino County residents a during 1 20-21-D01-004 Mendocino Transit Authority Fare Free Ride Program certain predetermined dates to encourage ridership during and after Covid- N Y N $6,881 N 19. Purchase ZEB to replace Capital 1 20-21-D01-005 Mendocino Transit Authority MTA is going to replace an older gas-powered bus with a zero-emission bus. N Y N $90,475 N old gas powered bus Capital RCTA will use LCTOP funding in a three year bus electrification project, planning an installing an electric recharge facility and augmenting an FTA Redwood Coast Transit Electric Bus Infrastructure 1 20-21-D01-006 bus grant to purchase an electric powered vehicle. LCTOP funds will be N Y N $29,552 Y Authority Project - Phase 2 used to purchase a single overnight bus charge station ('19-'20) and pay for the costs of upgrading a new bus from gas to electric power ('20-'21). Capital Purchase, construct, and install bus stop enhancements including but not Lassen County Lassen County Bus Stop limited to benches, shelters, trash cans, solar lighting, bus shelter concrete 2 20-21-D02-007 N Y N $24,777 N Transportation Commission Improvements pads, sidewalks, and curb gutters at stops and park and ride facilities within the County of Lassen. Operations Lassen County Contactless Payment Purchase, install and operate contactless payment methods on buses used 2 20-21-D02-008 N Y N $6,228 N Transportation Commission Implementation Pilot on routes within the City of Susanville Operations Plumas County 2 20-21-D02-009 Free Fare Days Offer approximately 17 system-wide free fare days for Plumas Transit Systems N Y N $4,418 N Transportation Commission Capital Plumas County Replacement transit bus Purchase and construct one (1) solar illuminated transit bus stop located in 2 20-21-D02-010 N Y N $17,435 N Transportation Commission shelter in Quincy the community of Quincy. Zero-Emission Vehicle Capital Upgrade the existing electrical infrastructure at the maintenance facility in 2 20-21-D02-011 Redding Area Bus Authority Charging Infrastructure N Y N $9,756 N order to accommodate zero-emission bus purchases Project Operations ShastaConnect CTSA Rider Shasta Regional 2 20-21-D02-012 Eligibility Expansion Project Expansion of rider eligibility for ShastaConnect Monday-Friday CTSA service. N Y N $67,255 N Transportation Agency (Year 2) ShastaConnect Sunday Operations Expansion of the ShastaConnect Sunday On-Demand Transit service area to Shasta Regional On-Demand Transit 2 20-21-D02-013 include the cities of Anderson and Shasta Lake, additional areas in the city of N Y N $115,910 N Transportation Agency Service Expansion Project Redding, and some nearby unincorporated county areas. (Year 2) Siskiyou Transit and Operations The proposed project provides free fares for residents and visitors of Siskiyou 2 20-21-D02-014 County of Siskiyou General Express Free Fares County. This will increase ridership and reduce vehicle miles traveled and N Y N $47,689 N Project GHG emissions. Tehama County Transit Operations Continuation of an interregional transit route, the Tri-County Route, expanding Agency Interregional Transit Route 2 20-21-D02-015 existing TRAX services to connect the County of Tehama with Glenn and N Y N $79,018 N Board/Transportation Operations Butte. This route expands rural regional connectivity. Commission Capital Looking forward to the Innovative Clean Transit goals, accrue 4 years of Trinity County Department 2 20-21-D02-016 Trinity Transit ZEB Vehicle LCTOP funding towards a zero-emissions van or small bus to replace current N Y N $14,486 N of Transportation gas small bus. Zero-emission electric bus Capital BCAG is replacing one CNG bus with zero-emission electric bus and Butte County Association of and installation of 3 20-21-D03-017 applicable equipment/charging infrastructure to begin the transition to an all- Y Y Y $259,107 N Governments equipment and charging electric fleet. This project is a continuation of the 18-19-D03-018 LCTOP project infrastructure Page 1 of 9 CALTRANS DIVISION OF RAIL AND MASS TRANSPORTATION FY 20-21 LOW CARBON TRANSIT OPERATIONS PROGRAM ALLOCATION AWARD LIST Capital Purchase of one zero emission bus, estimated at $900,000, to support the 3 20-21-D03-018 City of Elk Grove Purchase One ZEB implementation of California Air Resources Board's (CARB) Innovative Clean Y Y Y $196,520 N Transit (ICT) requirements Operations The South Placer County Transit Project will provide bus service between the City of Lincoln and the Watt/I-80 light rail station. The new bus service will South Placer County begin in Lincoln before continuing along the Highway 65 corridor with stops at 3 20-21-D03-019 City of Roseville Y Y N $372,951 N Transit Project the Galleria Mall, Sutter Hospital and Kaiser Hospital. The bus will then travel on Interstate 80 to the Watt/I-80 light rail station. Colusa County Transit Operations Offer Free Fare Weeks to all patrons on all routes the CCTA offers to help 3 20-21-D03-020 Free Fares Days N Y N $23,544 N Agency reduce greenhouse emissions. Operations El Dorado Transit will provide discounted monthly passes and a daily max for El Dorado County Transit all Local Fixed Route services; and/or free transportation on Commuter 3 20-21-D03-021 Reduced and Free Fares N Y N $50,000 N Authority services for eligible CSUS and Folsom Lake College Students. Zero Emission Vehicles and Capital El Dorado Transit will purchase up to two zero-emission buses and install El Dorado County Transit Charging or Filing charging or hydrogen equipment/infrastructure to replace existing diesel 3 20-21-D03-022 N Y N $140,523 N Authority Infrastructure for Local vehicles for Local Fixed Route services. Fixed Route (Year 1 of 4) Phase 1 Zero Emission Bus Capital Electric bus charging stations, and all related charging station improvements 3 20-21-D03-023 Placer County N N N $117,006 N Infrastructure at the Tahoe Truckee Area Regional Transit (TART) Capital Convert up to 4 light rail stations to low-floor platforms on the SacRT Blue Line. In order for low-floor light rail vehicles to be accessible, light rail stations Sacramento Regional Blue Line Light Rail Station 3 20-21-D03-024 platform must be at least eight inches above the top of rail. This allows the Y Y N $24,890 N Transit Conversions ramp to deploy from the vehicle to the station platform with the proper slope for passengers to board. Operations On September 8, 2019 Sacramento Regional Transit District (SacRT) implement is new SacRT Forward service improvements which included increasing Route Sacramento Regional Expanded Route 11 3 20-21-D03-025 11 days of operation, frequency during both midday and peak hour and Y Y Y $574,544 N Transit Service extending the route south from downtown to City College Light Rail Station. Operations On September 8, 2019 Sacramento Regional Transit District (SacRT) implement Sacramento Regional Expanded Route 13 is new SacRT Forward service improvements which included increasing Route 3 20-21-D03-026 Y Y Y $369,113 N Transit Service 13 days of operation, frequency and service area extending north and west in to Natomas. Operations On September 8, 2019 Sacramento Regional Transit District (SacRT) implement is new SacRT Forward service improvements which included increasing Route Sacramento Regional Expanded Route 68 3 20-21-D03-027 68 frequency during pm peak and on Saturday to 30 minutes and route Y Y Y $1,035,029 N Transit Service improvements to connect to major trip generators. Operations Provide employee and general public transit service between Truckee in Truckee TART Regional eastern Nevada County, eastern Placer County, and local area resorts. 3 20-21-D03-028 Town of Truckee N N N $105,909 N Night Service Connect passengers to Placer County Regional TART at the resorts for transportation to the North Lake Tahoe area. Free Unitrans Fares for Operations Free Fares for Youth - Fund a two year pilot program to provide fare free 3 20-21-D03-029 ASUCD - Unitrans N Y N $43,200 N Youth 18 and under Unitrans bus service to customers 18 and younger Operations Procure and implement a mobile fare payment app to allow for regional fare integration. Unitrans will seek to contract with Bytemark to ensure regional 3 20-21-D03-030 ASUCD - Unitrans Mobile Fare Payment App mobile fare payment integration to improve regional transit connectivity and N Y N $49,223 N customer convenience across the Sacramento region.
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