The malacologicalsocietymalacological society of Japan P" VENUS (Jap. Jour. Malac.) Vel. ,l7, No. 3 (]988):172--IS4 E rilioidea ma cD IJ = = 7" v' >if' -r $;F !x・ e[) Eil EEZI JM as 3 ;Yf mp a) EEI& IJ . , 7n ・y 7' 7' Vx )-. e7 ;/ F'?L V L・. I- Transfer of Exilioidea Grant & Gale, 1931 to Turbinellidae, with Deseriptions of Three New Speeies (Neogastropoda) Philippe BoUCHET (Mus5um National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris) and Anders WAREN (Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet, Stoekholm) A.bst,ract: Exilioidea Grant & Gale, 1931 is transferred from the family Buneini- dae to the Turbinellidae based en its radmlar and shell niorphology, From an examination of types and representative material of E. 7'ectirostr・is (Carpenter, 1864), E, ketseui (Dall, 1908), and Plicifusus obsoletus Talmadge, 1971, it is concluded that these names are synonyms and based on a northeast Pacifie species with great, elinal, latitudinal and ba-thymetrieal variation, The East Pacific abyssal Fttsi{s rufocattdatus Da]1, 1896 is transferred to Exilioidea and three new ・ind・ica, species are deseribed: E. Indian Oeean, 2900-4040m; E. costt.tlata, SE Asia, le25 m; E. atlant・ica, Gulf ef Mexieo, 880-3365 m. Introduction The genus Exilioidea Grant & Gale, 1931 was described in the family Neptuneidae, and currently includes two northeast Paeifie shelf and bathya! speeies <Abbett 1974). The taxonomical wanderings of the type species have been summarized by Bartsch (1945) who, despite finding no radula, ineluded the genus in the Fusinidae, following Bentson (1940). Few reeent authors have been coneerned with Exi・l・ioidea, whieh has rernained plaeed in the Buccinacea (Palmer 1958, Abbett 1974, Hickman 1980). Herein we transfer Exil・io・idea to the family Turbinellidae on the basis of radular and shell morphology; we revise the northeast Pacific representatives of the genus; we transfer to Emilioidea one additional east Pacific speeies described as fiik'su.s and we deseribe three new species from the western Pacifie, the Indian 'the Oeean, and Caribbean, all from deep "rater. Abbreviations used in the text: RMNJ{--British Museum CNat, Hist.), London NII-Electronic LibraryMbrary Service The malacologicalsocietymalacological society of Japan . Bouchet War6n; Transfer of Exitioidea to Turbinellidae 17/'; CAS-California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco LACM - Los Angeles County Museum, Los Angeles MNHN-Mus6um National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris USFC-United States Bureau of Fisheries USNM-National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C. ZMC - Universitetets Zoologiske Museum, Copenhagen - sh (s) shell (s) - spm (s) specimen (s) St. - station The radteta・ of Exilioidea: Bartseh (1945) disseeted five speeimens of the type speeies of E'xilioidea and found no radula. The reason is probably that the radula is very small, its total length is less than 140 sim in the species we have examined, It is rachiglossate, the central tooth has a broad, arched basa] plate, with a strong arrow-like central cusp and two mueh smaller outer cusps. The laterals are simp]e, roughly triangular, with a broad base and a more or less projecting eusp. The radula has been examined in four of the five known species, and was found to show little interspeeific differences (Figs. 4-15). Such a radula is consistent with what is known in the family Turbinellidae (see for instanee Bouehet & War6n 1985, figs. 389, 390, 393; Harasewyeh 1987, figs. 17-22) and exeludes Exitioidea from the Buecinidae. Systematics Exilioidea・ Grant & Gale, 1931 Type species: ChTysodom'us rectiTostTi・s Carpenter, 1864, by original designa- tion, ・..,".A.-..,t./・'' Figs. 1-3. Opercula of Exilioidea. 1-2. E, costulata, holotype, outerAntonheight and inner views, height 3.2mm. 3. E indica, Bruun specimen (USNM 717323), outer view, 3.5mm, NII-Electronic LibraryMbrary Service The malacologicalsocietymalacological society of Japan 174 vENuS: voL 47, No,3(1988) rectirastris Ex;itioidea (Carpenter,1864) (Figs. 4-9, 11, 16-22) Ch.?'ysodo7n?ts rectirostris Carpenter, 1864: 664. New synonyms: Tr'ito7ie,;iLsus (Pliei,fztsus) kelseyi Dall, 1908b: 249. Pl・ic・ifz{sus (Mic・roft{su.s> obsoletv,ts Talmadge, 1971: 43, figs. 3-4. Type material: C, reetirostris, holotype USNM 4515. T. kelsegA, holetype USNM 110631. P, obsoletus, holotype CAS 13319. Type loca・lities: C. rectirostris, Puget Sound, Washington State, USA. T. kelseyi, off San Diego, California, 90m. P, obsoletbl.s, off northern California, approximately 41005' to 41e25'N, 830m. Material examined: The type material of C. TectdeostTis and T. kelseyi and Alaska: Forrester Id,, 110m, leg. Willett, 3spms (USNM 216335); USFC St. 4230, Behm Canal off Indian Point, 32em, 1spm (USNM 222233). British Columbia: USFC Sts. 4200, 4201, Queen Charlotte Sound, 200-260m, 5spms (USNM 222187, 222478, 226117: Fig, 18); USFC Sts. 4194, 419Z 4198, Gu]f of Georgia, 110m, lspm (USNM 222463), 260-360rn, 7spms (USNM 222094, 222608, 223558) ; N end of Vancouver I., 51009'N, 127e56'W, 119 m, 1 spm (LACM 68-176) ; N end of Vancouver I., 51008'N, 127e45'W, 75 m, 1 spm (LACM 71-219) ; Strait of Georgia, 50006'N, 125e18'W, 65 m, 2spms (LACM 71-218) ; Strait of Georgia, 49050'N, 124050'W, 350m, leg. McLean & McCowan, 7spms (LACM 63-17) ; W coast of Vaneouver I. 49043'N, 127e08'W, 90 m, 1 spm (LACM 67-35); W eoast of Vaneouver I,, 48054'N, 126e16'W, 130m, 4spms (USNM 71-221); Royal Roads, Vietoria, Vancouver I., 120m, leg. Riehardson, 1spm (USNM 108994) ; Vietoria, Vancouver I., 130m, Ieg. Riehardson, 1 spm (USNM 220250). Washington: San Juan Is,, Puget Sound, 48024'N, 122054'W, 90 m, leg. Shimek, 10 spms (LACM 74-87) ; R. V. Yaquina St. OTB-393, off Willapa Bay, 46a38'N, 124025'W, 85 m, 13 spms (LACM 71-360.3: Figs. 16-17). Oregon: USFC St. 2882, 46009'N, 124023'W, 125m, 2spms (USNM 106865, 222493); R.V. Yaquina St. OTB-126, off Yaquina Head Lighthouse, 44039'N, 124e5YW, 800m, lspm (LACM 66-253.1); R.V, Yaquina St OTB-140, off Yaquina Head, 44039'N, 124036'W, 200m, lspm (LACM 66-257.2); R.V. Yaquina St. OTB-256, off Yaquina Head, 44036'N, 124"56'W, 800m, 3spms (LACM 68-216.5: Fig. 22) ; R. V. Aeona St. OTB-37, off Yaquina Head, 44034'N, 124e56'W, 800 m, 3spms (LACM 64-105.2); USFC St. 2890, 43e46tN, 124057'W, Figs. 4L9. Radulae of Exilioidea rectirostris. 4-5. leelseyi form, off California, 147m (LACM 71 120). 6 7. Typi'cal form, off Washington State, 85m (LACM 71-360.3). 8-9, Deep water obsoleta form, off Oregon, 800m (LACM 68-216.5) Scale lines: 10ptrn. NII-Electronic Library Service TheThemalacologicalsociety malacological society ofJapanof Japan Bouchet. War6n:Transfer ofExilioideato Turbinellidae 175 tut・t.l-.V/IU.titt-rf l/. tw/de NII-Electronic Library Service The malacologicalsocietymalacological society of Japan 176 vENuS: yol. 4z No.3(1988) 510m, 2spms CUSNM 122662), California: off Ti'inidad Harbor, 41007'N, 124021'W, 165m, ]eg. J.avenberg & Swift, 4 spms (I.ACM 71-121') ; off Trinidad Harbor, 41009'N, 124-20'W, 147 m, leg, Lavenberg & Swift, 5spms (LACM 71-120: Figs. 19-20>; off Trinidad Harbor, 41004'N, 124021'W, 185m, leg, Swift & Lavenberg, lspm <LACM 71112); off Eureka, Humboldt Co,, 185m, ]eg. Talmadge, 2spms (LACM 127009); USFC St. 3172, off Bodega Head, 38024'N, 123014'W, 115m, 1sprn (USNM 224346) ; USFC St. 3170, off Bodega Head, 38017'N, 123029'W, 307m, 1spm (USNM 206583: Fig. 21); USFC St. 4513, off Pt. Pinos, 389-456 m, 1spm (USNM 210621) ; off Pt, Pinos, 36e38'N, 122002'W, 185 m, leg. McLean, 1 spm (LACM 60-21) ; USFC St. 3193, off San Simeon Bay, 35026'N, 121C'09'W, 295m, 1 spm (USNM 206596'} ; USFC St. 3195, off San Luis Obispo, 35e14'N, 121007'W, 465 m, 8spms (USNM 122660, 205915, 206026); USFC St. 3199, Santa Barbara Channel, 34n17'N, 120-26'VL', 430m, 1spm (USNM 213359); USFC St. 2936, off San Diego, 32049'N, 117028'W, 660rn, 4spms <USNM 122661, 211758); USFC St. 2935, off San Diego, 32045'N, 117023'W, 230m, lspm (USN"( 110632); off San Diego, 105m, leg. Paine, 1spm (USNM 186069); Pleistoeene of San Pedro, 1 spm (USNM 193723). DistTibution: From Alaska to California, in 60-800m. Re・marks : 1. Nomenelature: The problems regarding the holotype of C. rectirostris have been solved by Bentson, who presented the only existing illustration (1940: pl. 1 fig. 22). An extensive chresonymy of the name 7`ectirostris can be found in Palmer (1958: 215), Confusien coneerning the holotype of T. kelseyi was eaused by Dall who did not figure T. kelseyi until l925 (plate 1, fig. 6). This figure does not represent the ho]otype but a shel] with USNM eatalogue number 224346, whereas the holotype is USNM ll0631. The situation was made st・ill more confused by Bartseh (1945) whose aecount of the genus contains many mis- Ieading or erroneous statements. Among others, his figure of E. Tectirostris in fact depicted the holotype of T. keZseyi! It is not clear, ho-rever, how the confusion arose because he eorreetly listed the type lot (USNM 110631) of kelseyi under that name. The figure of E. kelseyi in Abbott (1974: 216, fig. 2388) is based on the holotype of keeseyi and is eorrectly assigned to that name. 2. Variation: Examination of the large suite of material present in USNM and LACM has led us to eonelude that it represents a single species. In the .--.... -... .-.-...-... ..-...t.... .. .. .r. Figs. 10-15. Radulae of Exitioidea. 10. E. indica, Anton Bruun spec{men (USNM 717323), scale 1ine 30,um. 11. E. rectirostris, same speci- men as Figs. 6 7, scale line 10,um. 12-13, E. costttlata, holotype, scale lines 10 and 5"m, respectively. 14-15. E. rufocaudata, Gala- thea specimen, sca13 lines 3C and 10stm, re3pectively.
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