NEW COUNTRY ITALO - AUSTRALIAN MONTHLY to protect injured workers Parliament House North Terrace, Adelaide 12.30pm■Wednesday 15th February 1995<tOOR 1 ^ in February 1995, the Brown Government plans to drastically change the WorkCover law. These changes will make life even more difficult for injured workers, returning to the bad old days - more conflict, more wasted lives and shattered families, more costs for injured workers. And instead of saving money, the new law will cost the ordinary taxpayer money. We can still stop the law - if people show they feel strongly about it. Authorised by J.K. Lesses, Secretary, United Trades & Labor Council of SA, 11 South Tee Adelaide © H ® or a a [1 © La destra delle menzogne The deception of the Right ono molti ad interrogarsi, in questo difficile momento per n this difficult political and economic period for Italy, l’Italia, sul significato della crisi e sugli sviluppi della many are questioning the significance of the ensuing O vicenda politica ed economica italiana. Ocrisis enveloping the nation and the political develop­ Tre fatti debbono guidare la riflessione sul fallimento del Governo ments that have transpired. Three considerations must be made Berlusconi: da un lato la maggioranza di Governo messa insieme in any analysis of the failure of the Berlusconi government: da Berlusconi dopo il voto del 26 marzo scorso non ha retto per firstly, the majority government formed by Berlusconi after the gravi conflitti interni alla maggioranza stessa; dall’altro l’azione March 26 elections last year could not withstand the damaging di quel Governo non ha retto il confronto con i problemi del Paese in t^ a l conflicts within the majority itself; secondly, the actions ed ha invece dimostrato la volontà precisa di Berlusconi & Co. di of,that government were incompatible with the problems of the perseguire interessi opposti ai bisogni dell’ Italia; infine il tentativo nation.'They were, rather, merely exercises to pursue the per­ costante del Governo di assumere il controllo dei centri decisio­ sonal interests of Berlusconi and Co., going counter to the real nali, sia a livello di altri poteri dello Stato che in altri settori chiave, needs of the nation; finally, the constant attempts by the govern­ quale l’informazione. ment to grasp and control the decision making centres, both in Eppure questa destra, litigiosa ed arrogante, preoccupa oggi ancor the areas of other powers of the State and in other key areas, such di più per un altro elemento: la assoluta mancanza di rispetto verso as information. And yet this same contentious and arrogant Right le istituzioni dello Stato. is still something to worry about for another reason: the absolute Due tentativi, nell’arco della crisi, hanno dimostrato questa vo­ lack of respect of State institutions. Two events in the crisis lontà: il tentativo di delegittimare il Parlamento chiedendo a demonstrate this: the attempt to illegitimize the Parliament by Scalfaro lo scioglimento delle Camere conseguente al fallimento asking Scalfaro to dissolve the Houses following the failure of del Governo e l’attacco costante diretto verso il Quirinale. the government and the constant attacks on the Quirinale (resi­ Non è una contraddizione, allora, quella di una sinistra che ha dence of the President of the Republic, Scalfaro). It is not then a votato la fiducia ad un governo di destra per rendere possibili contradiction that the Left gave the current government of the quelle riforme che Berlusconi non ha voluto: la riforma elettorale, Right a confidence vote to enable the reforms that Berlusconi did l’antitrust, il riassetto del mondo deU’informazione, la manovra not want electoral reform, reforms to media ownership laws, economica, la riforma pensionistica. Sarà invece sui contenuti del communication reforms, economic reforms and reforms of the programma del Governo Dini che vi dovrà essere un confronto tra pension system. What will distinguish the Right from the Left is le posizioni della destra e quelle della sinistra. Per garantire the contents of the reform programme of the Dini government. l’equità e la giustizia sociale. To guarantee equity and social justice. And hence not clashes Non quindi lo scontro per interessi di parte, per il potere, per le over personal interests, for power or for ministerial positions. poltrone dei ministeri. La destra delle menzogne non può e non This Right of deception cannot, and must not, be a part of Italy’s deve avere spazio in Italia. political landscape. ITALIA AUSTRALIA ENGLISH Incarico di governo a Lamberto Diminuiscono gli iscritti Dini: aspettative e perplessità p.l2 ai sindacati p.3 Uncovering one of the best P-2 Referendum, le decisioni ESTERI An open letter della Corte costituzionale p.l4 to a Monarchist P-4 Bombe e bugie: la sporca guerra Murdoch’s dash for freedom "Con Dini, contro i sovversivi" p.l3 di Boris Nikolajevic p.28 to Mile End p.6 L'affondamento dell'Achille Lauro Algeria: incontri Roma; The youth of the 90s p,28 ed il "naufragio" dell'Italia p.24 firmata piattaforma comune p.29 Assassinio allo stadio p.25 SPECIALE: Rubrica giuridica p.6-8 Orizzonti: supplemento di 8 pagine d'arte e cultura p. 15-22 Previdenza sociale p.32 Programma SBS p.36 australia / industrial affairs Uncovering one of the best The SA Government wants to dismantle WorkCover, arguably one of the country’s best workers’ compensation scheme, changes which would off-load injured workers on to the community and take away the focus from employers and workplace health safety 11 workers in SA will get less in­ surance protection under a Gov­ © ernment Bill which throws in­ jured workers on the scrap heap. The Bill, if it becomes law, abandons most injured workers after the first 12 months to pension level payments or less. The SA government's proposed changes to WorkCover laws For people suffering stress-related are an attack on workers' rights injuries, the cut-off period is six months. As part of the squeeze on injured workers only those with a 40% disability proposed changes as unfair and inhu­ fact that WorkCover is a relatively or­ level would qualify for continued in­ mane. derly and effective workers’ compensa­ come maintenance. “The 40% or more disability limit is tion scheme that could do with develop­ However, there is no connection be­ um-ealistically high and does not take ment and not destruction. tween incapacitation and the ability to into account the ability to do the work”. At 5%, it has one the lowest fraud rates carry out the work. She says that even a person with 40% of all the States and employers have been For example, a labourer who lost a disability may end up with pension level major beneficiaries. foot would not reach the 40% limit even payments but without the concessions Any problems should be tackled at the though the person’s chances of doing the normally given. “front end” of the scheme, that is, pre­ same work is zero. Nadia believes the Bill makes no sense vention, and not by perpetrating further The present insurance cover provides and its only aim is to slash payments and injustices on injured people. all injured workers with wage mainte­ benefits to injured workers. Preventing one 30 year-old from be­ nance, rehabilitation and rights of ap­ She says it represents a backward step coming disabled through a work injury is peal. for all the State’s workers who will face a saving of up to $2 million. This is The Liberal Government’s proposal greater risks and insecurities. where the gains can be made. The argu­ severely cuts or abolishes these benefits “If you don’t get back to work in 26 ment of WorkCover’s large unfunded and rights. weeks, you’re not just on your own, liabilities is deceptive. It is like saying Disability assessments could not be you’re worse off then when you started”. that home mortgagees are facing bank­ reviewed or appealed under the pro­ The young and newly employed are ruptcy because of the large loan out­ posal. particularly vulnerable as these groups standing. The ability is in being able to And injured workers who take action have a higher chance of getting injured at service the loan. in other appealable matters face substan­ work. Also exposed are workers of non- In WorkCover’s case the ability is in tial legal costs if they loose. Even when English speaking background and being able to service injured workers and workers win a case but lose it on appeal, women, particularly in blue collar areas. do a lot more in prevention and rehabili­ they may be liable for the first round of In some industries, such as mining, tation. legal costs also. building and agriculture, there is a No one should face the prospect of Workers’ Rehabilitation and Com­ greater chance of getting killed at work getting injured or sick from going to pensation Officer with SA’s public sec­ than of becoming a road statistic. work. tor union, Nadia Zivkovic, describes the The Government’s Bill ignores the Frank Barbaro 2 - Nuovo Paese - febbraio 1995 australia / lavoro Bloccate le riduzioni alFindennità per infortunio sul lavoro Diminuiscono gli iscritti ai sindacati il Governo liberale nel Sud Australia sta per lanciare uno dei più violenti attacchi di quest' ultimo secolo ai diritti dei lavoratori infortunati Melbourne. Il segretario dell’ACTU (Australian Council of Trade Unions), Il Governo vuole varare una nuova legge questo mese che mira all’abolizione Bill Kelty, ha avvertito che se non di ogni protezione dei lavoratori infortunati nei settori del mantenimento del aumenta il numero degli iscritti, il salario, della riabilitazione e dei diritti di appello.
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