68 GOLFDOM wines of the better French importations Inter-Club Swimming Event Stimulates are just now getting to prices where peo- Interest, Increases Club Income ple can afford to buy them. It is my belief that the better class of clubs throughout UERE'S an annual inter-cluh event for the country will show an increase in this clubs with pools begun this fall in the class of beverage, which may offset any Chicago district and worthy of promotion decrease in liquor volume. in other districts: "From my observation on operating On invitation of the Oak Park CC, problems for 1030, I am inclined to be- junior swimming teams from twelve Chi- lieve that clubs which exert every ef- cago district clubs met at the Oak Park foTt to operate as a club will be the gain- pool on September 4 for the first annual ers. Too many clubs have made the mis- invitational inter-country club swimming take of admitting too many of the public. and diving meet. Boy and girl contestants This practice tends to tear down the pur- were from the immediate families of each pose for which most clubs were formed. club's membership and the age limit was Business indexes indicate things are going 18. A total of 44 swimming and diving to improve, and I think that in itself events were on the program. should tell the club manager to get his Although Oak Park officials are quick to house in order and expect a favorable deny that the meet was sponsored for any year in 1930. With the war scare past, at purpose other than furnishing an athletic least for the present, and with business event, it is not out of order to report that improving, we can expect clubs to be well Oak Park's dining room and bar did patronized by the membership next year." capacity business the day of the meet. GOLF'S MARKET PLACE Newt from the Manufacturer* on "WhoP* New for 1939" In the Golf Field In conformity with their new distribution of the Jones Tournament line of irons is a policy, A. G. Spalding &. Bro*. announce shorter hosel, which goes beyond sole that their new line of Jones Tournament weighing, giving added distance. woods and irons is to be handled exclu- Both irons and woods have the newr sively by pros, Features of the line of cushioned form grip, which is an improve- woods include new pear shaped hrads with ment over last year's form grip, A strip more nose. They are Power Weighted, of soft rubber up the back takes the shock out of each stroke, and eliminates finger fatigue. The Tournament line of woods and irons was designed by Bohby Jones in collaboration with Spalding experts. • Wilson Sporting Goods Co.. Chicago, adopted a very definite policy relative to the sale of merchandise through the golf professional for 103!). This policy is such that the K28 and K28D balls will be sold exclusively through pro-shops, They have also developed a new, high-grade line of balls in the other price ranges: the Turf Rider, 50c retail; the Round Up, 36c re- tail; and the Wil-Witi, 26c retail. The sale of these balls will also be confined to the golf professional. A new Turf Rider wood has been devel- oped, the Aerfio Turf Rider. This is a $10 wood that has been tested and ap- proved under actual playing conditions, and will, unquestionably, prove to be a which means added distance per drive. more satisfactory and popular model than Power Weighted also decreases the per- the present Turf Rider wood. The popu- centage of error when the ball is mis- lar Sweepstakes wood has been improved hit. An added feature is Fibre Face for by the addition of a new laminated, im- greater permanency of head, A feature pregnated face, and will be listed with a 28 GOLFDOM Those attending the recent Dunlop sales meeting were: I. to r. front row, H. L. Winkler, Dallas; T. J, McGrath, Cleveland; Herb Andrus, San Francisco; E, B. Germain, president; Craig Wood; A, V. George. Philadelphia; Vincent Richards, general manager; Dave Woodcock, Minneapolis. Second row. Dan Ellis, New York; Frank Reeser, Buffalo; H. B. "Burtx" Boul- ware, Atlanta; Henry Plcard; Jack Cats, Los Angeles; Charles Shortle, Boston; Sam Doak, Chicago; and Robert N. Pryor, promotion nnd publicity director. Kneeling. Dean White, San Francisco; E. W. Tomaselli, Chicago; Paul Gibbs, New York; and Perry Bliss, quality dept. $7,50 retail price. On about December 1, Maestro himself—the Haig," says E. E. the company will announce the edition Chapman, pres., The L. A. Young tlolf Co., of a new deluxe wood called the Head in presenting a brief description of his com- Speed. This is said to be the last word pany's new offerings, "Walter spent sev- in wood club construction. eral weeks shaping his ideas, gathered on The Wilson golf bag factory is under a year and a half trip into the four corners new management. The entire line of bags of the world, into the form you will see has been completely restyled along most them in the new line. Richard Link, fac- modern, scientific lines. The bags are tory supt., no mean club designer in his built for maximum utility, and at the own right, furnished Hagen able assist- same time are beautiful in appearance. ance and cooperation. The workmanship is unexcelled. Every "You will find the new Hagen line more detail of construction has been carefully colorful than ever before. But Hagen analyzed. The company is confident this models are still conservative in tone, for line of bags is the finest that has ever color has been used, not in a splashy man- been offered to the golf professional, and ner, but to accentuate the form and beauty is priced to meet competition from any of perfectly designed models, The Lory- source. thmic system of club building has proven • so popular that it has been extended to cover all models in the higher price With the slogan, "Dunlop's The Line for ranges, 38", as the keynote, the sporting goods department of the Dunlop Tire & Rubber "We have secured greater feel in wood Corp. recently held its sales conference at head models, by increasing all head the home office at Buffalo, N. Y. weights by % 02., at the same time keep- ing total weights the same. Then we have The meeting, attended by the entire introduced a "pro only" line, giving the field force, and by Craig Wood and Henry professionals a magnificent model in both Picard of the advisory staff, was featured wood.s and irons, and sold to the profes- by a golf tournament and dinner at the sional at a price that shows a splendid Cherry Hills CC, Ridgeway, Ont. A mov- margin of profit In addition, a left-hand ing picture program of fight pictures and model in an iron to retail at $6.00 is a the new tennis picture, "Highlights in new number that should have wide appeal. The Tennis Career of Vincent Richards" followed the dinner. "In the ladies' field, the American Lady set has been considerably improved witb The high spots in the Dunlop set-up for a new head model on the irons and a brand 1939 are the new Maxfli ball, a set of new color scheme throughout In the ball Henry Picard Autograph Model Woods line we will have three balls in the 75c and a new line of Gold Cup Woods and field—the Hagen 288 Red, 288 Blue and Irons. 288 Green. "Hagen 288 Red will have a compres- "Four new woods and three new irons sion testing of from 66 to 85 with an ex- making their appearance in the 1939 tremely hard wound core, cover of mini- Hagen line are the product of the Old mum thickness, and wilt be recommended 27 OCTOBER, 1938 for play by low handicap and tournament Scot line for 1939. Each of the three players only. models provides a basic feature in con- "Hagen 288 Blue will test from 60 to 65 struction and these, together with other and has a medium hard wound core with tried and true Tommy Armour models, cover of medium thickness. This ball is gives a selection of clubs that is complete for the average golfer who desires maxi- in every respect. mum distance, but who is not an extremely The famed pro-only policy of MacGregor hard hitter. on Tommy Armour woods and irons is "Hagen 288 Green will (est from 40 to going into its fifth season; it has consist- 50 and is wound at medium low tension ently gained new friends and fostered pro- with tough cover. This is designed to tected sales for pros throughout the coun- meet the demand for a 75c ball combining try. Backed by effective consumer adver- both distance and durability. tising and fine sales appeal the Tommy "A novel packaging idea will carry the Armour merchandise is in the top rank theme of the various colors, and well- of popular acceptance. designed counter cards will aid the profes- MacGregor's outstanding new wood sional in supplying the exact Hagen 288 model for 1939 is the Tommy Armour Sil- that will suit the individual needs of his ver Scot Jumbo, patterned after the pop- members. ular Tourney wood. It is an extreme "An attractive assortment of counter deep-faced driver with a span of 2 in. displays is now in course of preparation, from sole plate to top of head.
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