BUILDE Diamond J ilee Edition Southwes STAFF CONTENTS DR. C. ROBERT HAYWOOD Acting Dean DR. LESTER HANKINS Vice- President DR. DAVID WEDEL MR. M. K. SNYDER Assoc iatt: Director of Development Registrar MR. w. ~". MONYPENY Director of Admissions and Placement MI . ED\v lN SMITH IRS. IL D ED KIN ER DR. J. C. WITTER Ill5lnc:ss Mana)! r COUll cl of Women M . WILLIAM POI~N[J.'ff IO N~ Dean of tuucms lu mni Sc rClary DR. JACK JUERGENS Chairm a n, Division of Fine Arts MR. DENNIS ,AKIN Professor of Voice Instf1lctor in Art MISS MARIE BURDETTE Instructor in PiallO MR. EMORY FANNING Instructor in Organ and Theory MR. AL. ERT HODGES Ba ns.! nd fJu bJi S 001 MusIc MI GRAC E ELLERS MR. JOE SIN S Associa e Professor di Piano MR. ROSS \' IL Ll A. IS Voice and Public St'hool t.!usic ~.1I - Bf, CHE BL IXO • Violin and r~h ' stea LI brarian MR. S. B. McWHORTER REVEREND HARO LD PARKER ~ng1ish Greek MRS. ROBERrS USS MARGUERITE SCHRIVER MR. HOLMES WI LH ELM English Speech and Deba[e Modern Langua es DR. LEO ARD LA WS Chairman of DiY . or Natural Science Profe sor or Mathematics MR. LEO FOLCK Mechanical Drawing r-.ms. lILDR6D SKINNER MR . ROBERT WI MM ER lIome EconOi ,) ic, Biology ; If. L . ()BERT I L YW OOD MRS. HELEN A. BAR T H IvliSS ED IT H DOBBS (h,1lrlla U of Dh. of .odal Science Ec onol1l ics and Sociology Eleme ntary Education P Il'. • Hi 10 j . l'olitiLa Science Superv isor of Elementary fllock 1R. fOIT ' 1:1 'G L I ,'m~ f..\ • f Y[l C ;01 01; DR . ",,', LL. U; GRAY !J R. JAC K HO vE Ed 1I t 11'11 .;u III s.; 11h. h Oil om l< ReJi'l I .11 d l'lt i l o< ophy Hi story .1 nu 'ulitical Sc MR. ROBERT KYSAR Religion, Dire c tor of St udent MR. KU . PHILIPP Religious Life Europe n Hisrory MRS. VI LA SCHWANTES Business and Economics fR. EDWIN SMI fH Business and Economics MR. M. K. S ryDER, Associate oressor of So fOlagy DR. ROBERT PRICE Psycholo Y DR. I. C. WITTER Education MRS. ELOISE NEWM A ~ MRS. RUBY G. RY Assistant to librarian Ass ist Jnt to Librarian SECRETARIES, FRONT ROW: Mrs. Ethel Johnson , Mis s Carlene Zanardi. SECOND ROW: Mrs. Irene Koby, Miss Edith Prosser, Mrs. Ann Proch­ aska. BUSINESS STAFF: Mrs. Carol Grant, Miss Mar: McElroy, Mrs. Beverly Rollins, Mrs. Schwantes , Office Manager and Accountal:t. ST HOUSEMOTHERS, SEATED: Mrs. Bill Ridge\ ay. Mrs. Sellie Vincem, Mrs. Hazel Clark, Mrs . Gladys Wynn. STANDING: Mrs. Nellie Steele, Mrs. Hazel Saville, Mrs. Irene FUlcher. SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR: Mrs. Olga Powell 18 CUSTODIANS: Mrs . Carrie Bynum , Mr. Wa lter Allen. NOT PICTURED; Mr. Al Smith. LDENT UN ION: Mrs. Lucinda lvIa tth ews , Mrs . te r Mc Peek. Manager; Mrs. Myrtle Gray. MAINTENANCE M AI NTE~ ·CE : Mr. Kimbrell , Mr. Clyde Hurst , Maintenance Supervi or; Mr. Lester McPee k. MULTlLlTH OPERATOR: Mrs. Helen Pea k 19 FRONT ROW: Beverly Reynolds , Joellyn Jaeger, Mike Starnes , Larry Williams, Wallace Cromwell, Vice-President; Carl Martin , President; John Stephens, Femando Hu aroto , Judy Fu lc her, Secretary; Judy Dill. BACK ROW: Joe Anderson, Treasurer: M ike Brooks. Larr y Wade. Ken Forsy tll. Arlen Gould, Bill Israel. Ken Srrobel, Jo hn Prather. Ma rk Arthur, David Dolsel1. NOT PICTURED: Daniel Ebong and Jim Miles. STUDENT COUNCIL To Students and Friends of Southwestern College: The Student Government of Southwestern performs many duties and activities, some necessary, others not so impor­ tant, yet still as leaders we are driven by an ultimate goal which is beyond the duty of the moment--truth that cannot be separated from God. This must be our challenge. Sincerely, Carl Martin Student Council President 22 FRONT ROW: Lenore Kempfer, Program Chairman ; LaReta Guthrie. Crystal Kellogg, Lou Ann Fralic. Sylvia Daves. Barbara Thompson, Susan Kitch. SECOND ROW: Merwin Mitchell. David Dolsen. John Prather, Co-Chairman; Jim Shultz. Dwight Ramsey. John Webb, leRoy Bratton. NOT PICTURED: Gwen Matthe ws, Bill T odJ, AnitaTodd,CliffordJoilnson, Lola Fields, Gayle Gore. Bruce Williams. Charlotte Roberts. Judy Dill, Juanita Parisho, Mervin Darter. Mike Starnes, Larry Montgomery. Billie Day. Co-Chairman. CAMPUS-Y We, the Campus - Y of Southwestern College, declare our purpose to be: to deepen and enrich through worship, study, and action, the Christian Iife, understanding, and service of those it touches. 23 FRONT ROW: Cynthia Marvel. Sharon Riggs. Susa n Ingersol1. David Nicho Is. Ex ecu tive Vice - Presidell t; Sue Murrell. President; Bruce Birch. Robe ta Dellenbaugh. Florence Stauffer. Gayle Gore. SECOND ROW; Freda Stauffer. Janice Savely. Barbara John on. Ann Winkley. Beverly Reynolds. Treasurer. Ma rily n S tan [On. Florence Cutter. Secretary; Lorraine Lowery. J ~ dy Huffman. Gwen Burdi[[. Judy Brown. THIRD ROW; Beverly Howard. Jane Broadie. Sharon Hunt, Mary Finiloy . FOURTH ROW; LaReta Guthrie. Ted Osgood. Jim Fankhauser. Ron Lohrding. Cllrtis Ramsay. Elaine Evan ~ . Marilyn Lungren. Larry Huck. Janet McAninch. Barbara Thompso n , Baroara Hamm. Arthur Clifford. FIF H ROW; Gary Cooper. John Rhoads. Vic Dellenbaugh. Fred Kerr. Roger Lungren. Bill Israel. Jim Johns. John ~ n y der. LeRoy Brattol1. Sarah Douglass. Gwen Matthews. Dave Dolse n. Gordon Garver. METHODIST STUDENT MOVEMENT M. S. M. CABINET: Sue M u r r e II. Bruce Birch. David NichOlS. La­ Reta Guthrie. Beverly Reyn­ aIds. Florence Cu tter. leRoy Bratton. Beverly HO\oJard. Marilyn Lungren. David Dolsen. Carl Martin, Roger Lungren. Gary Cooper. FRONT ROW: Florence Cutter, Judy Dungey. Secretary; Beverly Howard. President; Carolyn McCoy. Vice­ President; Virginia Hill, Wilma Robinson. SECOND ROW: Judy Fulcher. Lenore Kempfer, Bettie Persons, Cecilia Kittrell. Bruce Williams. Judy Charlton. Elaine Evans. John Stephens. THIRD ROW: Harriet Walker. Ken Strobel, Roger Lungren. Dorotha Kobs. Ted Osgood. RELIGIOUS LIFE COUNCIL PRE-MINISTERIAL CLUB FRONT ROW: ArthurClifford. Dick Kinder, Harlan Rittgers. Frank Smith. President; John Webb •. Secretary­ Treasurer; Chrystal Kellogg. Sergeant-at-Arms; Phil Ayers . Jim Joqns. Wallace Cromwell . Michael Starnes, Student Council Representative; LeRoy Bratton. Vice-President. SECOND ROW: Ed Bouse, Carl Martin. Gary Cooper . Vic Dellenbaugh. Jim shultz. Mervin Darter. Vice-President; John Rhoads, Bruce Birch. Ken Strobel, Charles Martin. K a p Presiden t . P V ice - Pr es ident5. a Secre ta ry . Treasurer. D Sponsor e I t a K FRONT ROW: Casey Justice, Mooydeen Thayer, Shary II Vill cem, Sy Iv ia Daves, Jo Jaege r, a Fanny Martin, Corky Marshall, Jud y Fulcher, Yvonne Osgood. SECOND ROW: Anita Todd, Judy Isaacs, Vi()la Schlvallles, Beverly Reynolds, Kathryn Yo rk , Enid Elliott, Pat Woo ds, Judy Dungey, Barbara Heitschrnidt. THIRD ROW : Sharon Means, Janice McKelvy, Beverly HO'n'ard. Phyllis Smith, Dalla Crowl, Martise Cona\\'ay, JudyC harlton, Maril)' 11 Lun gren, Eli~abetb Miller. Ju dy Hart , LaReta Guthr ie. NOT PIC ­ TURED: Shirley Haull, Sue Murrell, Sandy Woodard, Rosalille Smoot. FRO NT ROW: Gary Wade, Arlen Go uld, Larry Wade, Roger Rowell , Ga ry Cooper. SECOND ROW: Larry Montgomery. LeRo y Bratton, Titus Burkholder, Harlan Ril lgers, Fe rnan do Hu aroto, Wally CrOlllh'e ll, Jim Glenn, Gene Mil ler , Dw ight Ra msey, Dave Do Isen , Ted Osgood. THI RD ROW: Larry Pr ather, Jill l Holmstrom, Gar y Branine, Gerald McGee, Joe Be lden, Dave Moore. Dave Wilson, Larry Williams, Curtis Ramsay, La rry Woods, Don Spencer, Dave Easterday. FOURTH ROW: Allan Ros eberr y , Gary Call, John Stephens, tVlervin Darter , Charles BOlld, Clinton Hoberech t , Fa rre l Oard, Herma n Hoberecilt, Bruce Wi llia ms. NOT PICTURED: Gary Bar nhart, Dave Canada, Rodger Epley, Ja rold Hopkins , Dick Kinder, Larry Li ndbla de , Carl Martin, Ed Shubat, Bill Teed. K a p Presiden [ . Larry \\' p Vice -Presidell[ . Arlen a Secre [ary . GJry C Trea surer . Sponsor . R h o A I resident . Donn is Perrigrcl\' ic e-Pres ident. Ju dy Di ll P 'cas urer. Lola Fie lds cre tar y. Mary Lou Bauer h a s • I g ill a o FR.ONT ROW : GI~enMat t hev-ls, Judy Dill, Lola Fi elds , Donnis Pettigrew, Mary Lo u Baue r , Ma ri Wai te, Lo is Hoyt, Be ryl Shoemaker. SECOND R.OW : Le nore KellJrfer, Sharon Riggs, m Harriet VJalker, Sandy Foc ht , Jerri Krehbie l. Dorotha Kobs , Ja cquie Carr, Alice Arnall, Helen Osborn. THIRD ROW : Marilyn Bro oks, Peggy Schuyler, Jane Stickley, Ann Mc­ e Farlane, Gay Ie Gore, Carolyn McCoy , Beverly Sta ndiford, Mary Ann Somerville, g Janice MOOI1. CLUBS a FRONT ROW: Mr. Ridgel" ay, Mark Arthur, Bob Pal mer, Bill Er ­ vin, Glea Me alls . SECOND RO\~I: [:red Wagner, La rry Hubbard, George Cole, Arthur Rex roat, Roge r Larson, Jim Miles, Br uce Birch , Alfred Lowe, Jerry Snyder. THI RD ROW: Mike Alexander , Ken Strobel. Jon Lo ve, Roge r Lung ­ ren, Don Hogue , Dave Brooks, Mike Brooks, Lyle Kallenbach. FOURTH ROW: Charles Filbe rt, Rod Herbe rt, Kay Work ma n , Jerry Drennan, Gary Langley, Haro ld McCormack, Terry HUll[, Emie Bellnetl, Warren Meireis . p • 1 . Bob Pa lmer E Mark Arrhu r etary-Treasurer . Bill Erv in P gea nt-at-Arms . s Glea, Means • onsor . Mr. Bill Ridge way 1 I o n p • 1 FRONTROW, LEFTTORIGHT:John S tephe ns, President; Judy Fulcher, Religious Life Council RepreSeillJlive; Tonnie Martin, Vice-Presidenr; Beverly Ho\~ard, Secretary ; Voncile Bolinger, Distribution Chairman. SECONDROW:Sue Murrell, Judy Dungey, Irene Hawk, Elizabeth Eustice, Judy Dill, Lois Hoyt, Joyce Wait, LaR eta Guthrie, Helen Osborne, En id Elliott, Miss Dobbs, John Englehart, Sponsor. THIRD ROW: Jane Stickley , Carol Aspedon.
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