UNIVERSITY OF LJUBLJANA BIOTECHNICAL FACULTY Ines HRDALO GREEN SYSTEMS IN THE EVOLUTION OF THE OPEN SPACE OF SELECTED MEDITERRANEAN TOWNS DOCTORAL DISSERTATION ZELENI SISTEM V RAZVOJU ODPRTIH POVRŠIN IZBRANIH MEDITERANSKIH OBMORSKIH MEST DOKTORSKA DISERTACIJA Ljubljana, 2013 II Hrdalo I. Green systems in the evolution of the open space of selected Mediterranean towns. Doctoral dissertation. Ljubljana, Univ. of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Department of Landscape Architecture, 2013 Doctoral dissertation was made at the Department of Landscape Architecture at Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana and at the Department of ornamental plants, landscape architecture and historical gardens at Agricultural Faculty, University of Zagreb. On the basis of Stuatute of the University of Ljubljana and by the conclusions of Council of the Biotehnical faculty and conclusion of the 27th session of the Committee for doctoral studies on University in Ljubljana, on a 3th December 2009 is confirmed that candidate fulfils requirements for doctoral diseratation on doctoral Postgraduate study of Biological and Biotechnical sciencies, Landscape Architecture. For a supervisor prof. dr. Ana Kučan was appointed and doc. dr. Breda Mihelič for co-supervisor. Doktorsko delo je bilo izdelano na Oddelku za krajinsko arhitekturo Biotehniške fakultete, Univerze v Ljubljani in na Oddelku za okrasne rastline, krajinsko arhitekturo in zgodovinskih vrtov Agronomske fakultete, Univerze v Zagrebu. Na podlagi Statuta Univerze v Ljubljani ter po sklepu Senata Biotehniške fakultete in sklepa 27. seje Komisije za doktorski študij Univerze v Ljubljani z dne 3.12.2009 je bilo potrjeno, da kandidatka izpolnjuje pogoje za opravljanje doktorata znanost na doktorskem Podiplomskem študiju bioloških in biotehniških znanosti s področja krajinske arhitekture. Za mentorja je bil imenovana prof. dr. Ana Kučan, za somentorja pa doc. dr. Breda Mihelič. Commission for assessment and defense/Komisija za oceno in zagovor: President/Predsednik: Member/Član: Member/Član: Member/Član: Date of defense/Datum zagovora: Dissertation is a result of my own research work./Disertacija je rezultat lastnega raziskovalnega dela. Ines Hrdalo III Hrdalo I. Green systems in the evolution of the open space of selected Mediterranean towns. Doctoral dissertation. Ljubljana, Univ. of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Department of Landscape Architecture, 2013 KEY WORD DOCUMENTATION DN Dd DC UDK 712.25 (043.3) CX green system, open public space, historical town, contemporary town AU HRDALO, Ines, mag. prosp.arh. AA KUČAN, Ana (supervisor)/MIHELIČ Breda (co-supervisor) PP SI-1001 Ljubljana, Jamnikarjeva 101 PB University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical faculty, Postgraduate study of Biological and Biotechnical sciences, field Landscape Architecture PY 2013 TI GREEN SYSTEM WITHIN THE OPEN SPACE DEVEOPMENT IN SELECTED MEDITERRANEAN COASTAL CITIES DT Doctoral dissertation NO XXI, 247 p., 186 fig., 1 tab., 235 ref. LA en AL en/sl AB The thesis is based on the assumption that open spaces of historical towns can be linked to the green system of the contemporary urban area in a social, structural and ecological sense. Four Mediterranean towns have been chosen for the research on the Croatian coast with a comparable historical development. Therefore historical maps were examined and digitalised for the purpose of the comparative analyses. The data were compared with new ortophoto maps in order to define links between open spaces of a historic town and the green system of a contemporary one. The results show that during the historic development of urban centres open spaces had a very important role in the formation of the urban fabric. This was very obvious in the roman period when a forum had a function of the urban nucleus where most of the public activities took place. In that period inhabitants spent their free time in the surrounding landscape. This scheme of the urban form was kept until the nineteenth century when researched town opened to the landscape. Park, as a new form of urban open space was a kind of a certain substitute for the surrounding landscape which became more distant for everyday usage. Twentieth century brought a further diversification of the open public spaces. Results showed that during the historical development open public spaces were always situated on the most valuable areas inside the urban parameter, but during twentieth century they started to appear as a „leftovers“ in the development process. Therefore the morphology of the green systems is mostly influenced by the natural background (relief, water features, coastal line). So open spaces of the historical town, as well as a green system of the contemporary town, have an effect on the urban structure. At the same time historical square appears to be the core from which other types of the public open spaces have been developed thus making elements of the green system. Urban open spaces have always been an active element of the urban sustainability, but its ecological function changed from the anthropocentric (in the historical town) to the ecocentrical (in the contemporary urban area). IV Hrdalo I. Green systems in the evolution of the open space of selected Mediterranean towns. Doctoral dissertation. Ljubljana, Univ. of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Department of Landscape Architecture, 2013 KLJUČNA DOKUMENTACIJSKA INFORMACIJA ŠD Dd DK UDK 712.25 (043.3) KG zeleni sistem, odprti javni prostor, zgodovinsko mesto, sodobno mesto AV HRDALO, Ines, mag. prosp. arh. SA KUČAN Ana (mentor)/MIHELIČ Breda (somentor) KZ SI-1001 Ljubljana, Jamnikarjeva 101 ZA Univerza v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fakulteta, Podiplomski študij biotehniških in biokemijskih znanost, področje krajinska arhitektura LI 2013 IN ZGODOVINSKI RAZVOJ VLOGE ODPRTEGA PROSTORA V MESTU KOT DELA MESTNEGA ZELENEGA SISTEMA TD Doktorska disertacija OP XX, 247 str., 186 sl., 1 tab., 235 vir. IJ en JI en/sl AI Disertacija je izšla iz hipoteze, da je možno odprte prostore zgodovinskega mesta v socialnem, strukturnem in ekološkem pogledu povezati z zelenim sistemom sodobnega mesta. Raziskava temelji na štirih izbranih mediteranskih mestih na hrvaški obali s primerljivim zgodovinskim razvojem. Za potrebe primerjalnih analiz so bili izbrani in digitalizirani njihovi zgodovinski zemljevidi. Zbrani podatki so se nato primerjali z novejšim ortofotom z namenom opredelitve povezav med odprtimi prostori zgodovinskega mesta in zelenim sistemom sodobnega mesta. Rezultati so pokazali, da so imeli med zgodovinskim razvojem urbanih središč odprti prostori zelo pomembno vlogo v razvoju urbane strukture. To je bilo najbolj očitno v rimskem obdobju, ko je imel forum funkcijo mestnega jedra, kjer se je odvijalo skoraj celotno javno življenje v mestu. Takrat je bila okoliška krajina prostor za vsakodnevno uporabo prebivalcev. Takšna shema je ohranjena skoraj do 19. stoletja, ko se je mesto začelo odpirati proti okoliški krajini. Takrat je park kot nova oblika odprtih mestnih površin postal nadomestek za okoliško krajino, ki je postala preoddaljena za vsakodnevno uporabo. 20. stoletje je prineslo nadaljnjo diverzifikacijo odprtih javnih prostorov. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da so se med zgodovinskim razvojem odprti javni prostori vedno nahajali na najbolj dragocenih mestnih območjih, v 20. stoletju pa postajajo vse pogosteje zgolj, površine, ki so v procesu gradnje ostale nepozidane. Morfologija zelenih sistemov je ponavadi posledica naravnih značilnosti območja (strm teren, vodni pojavi, obalne linije). Na urbano strukturo so vplivali tako odprti prostori zgodovinskega mesta kot tudi zeleni sistem sodobnega mesta. Hkrati zgodovinski trg predstavlja jedro, iz katerega so se razvile ostale oblike javnih odprtih površin, ki so postale elementi zelenega sistema. Mestni odprti prostori so bili vedno aktivni dejavnik vzdržnega razvoja mest, vendar se je njihova ekološka vloga spremenila iz antropocentrične (zgodovinsko mesto) v ekocentrično (sodobno mesto). V Hrdalo I. Green systems in the evolution of the open space of selected Mediterranean towns. Doctoral dissertation. Ljubljana, Univ. of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Department of Landscape Architecture, 2013 TABLE OF CONTENTS KEY WORDS DOCUMENTATION III KLJUČNA DOKUMENTACIJSKA INFORMACIJA IV TABLE OF CONTENTS V LIST OF TABLES X LIST OF FIGURES XI ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS XX GLOSSARY XXI 1 INTRODUCTORY CHAPTER 1 1.1 THE PROBLEMS AND SUBJECTS OF THE RESEARCH 3 1.2 GOALS 4 1.3 HYPOTHESES 4 1.4 DEFINING BASIC TERMS 5 2 REVIEW OF THE PUBLICATIONS 11 2.1 DEVELOPMENT OF THE CITY WITH ITS OPEN SPACES THROUGH HISTORICAL PERIODS 11 2.1.1 Development of the Greek city 11 2.1.2 Development of the Roman city 17 2.1.3 Development of the Medieval city 22 2.1.4 Development of the Renaissance Town 28 2.1.5 The development of the Baroque city 34 2.1.6 Development of the city in the nineteenth century 40 2.1.7 The development of the city in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries 45 2.2 IMPORTANT THEORIES AND MODELS FOR CITY DEVELOPMENT FROM THE NINETEENTH AND TWENTIETH CENTURY 53 VI Hrdalo I. Green systems in the evolution of the open space of selected Mediterranean towns. Doctoral dissertation. Ljubljana, Univ. of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Department of Landscape Architecture, 2013 2.2.1 Urban conditions that contributed to the creation of urbanistic theories 53 2.2.2 Developing criticism of the city 53 2.2.3 Models of a city in this pre-urbanistic phase (by Choay) 54 2.2.4 Other criticisms of the twentieth-century city 58 2.2.5 Models of
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