For The Bulletin Of them to be for this festival, namely, in 25 July 2021 Jerusalem. John’s account is concerned with how people respond to Jesus. The crowd is enthusiastic about His healing of the sick and they hope that they will get something out of their following of this miracle worker. Although He knows what He will do, Jesus asks Philip what they should do about buying bread for the people, and Phillip’s response is logical: it would cost more than half the annual wages of a laborer to give this number even a few crumbs, and Jesus and His disciples don’t have that kind of money. Andrew’s response is pragmatic, producing TH one small boy with five coarse barley loaves THE 17 SUNDAY IN and two dried fish, a typical and minimal SUMMER’S ORDINARY TIME meal for two poor people, not five thousand. From Father Robert: Reflecting On the All these responses are inadequate, then as Gospel now, for what is most important is not utilitarian satisfaction, not logic or reason, In the three-year Lectionary cycle, we have not even the miracle that Jesus will work. now “Year of John.” So that the significant John 6 may be proclaimed at some time in The gospel concern is that people see what the cycle, it is inserted beginning on this happens as a “sign” that point to something st Sunday and continuing through to the 21 more and beyond, to Who Jesus really is, Sunday of Year B. and how He will satisfy not only empty stomachs but also empty hearts. The account of the feeding of the five thousand is the only miracle recorded in Jesus takes the little that is offered to Him, each one of the four gospels. John’s and in His hands it becomes an abundant narrative is true to his portrait of a more meal. Jewish memories and Christian self-sufficient Jesus Who knows what is in Eucharistic themes (well established in the everyone. For John, miracles are “signs” Johannine communities near the end of the that point to a reality beyond themselves, to first century) are woven together as Jesus the identity and truth of Jesus. It is takes the bread, gives thanks, and unlike the Passover, but the disciples and the crowds synoptic gospel accounts, distributes both that follow Jesus to a mountain by the side the bread and fish Himself. John is not of the Sea of Galilee are a long way from concerned with practical catering logistics, where the religious leaders would expect but with the theological emphasis that in this Passover feeding Jesus becomes a 1 personally nourishing presence to each person. This food that He distributes is more precious than the manna, for the people were not to leave any manna until the next day (Exodus 16:19-20) because it would decay. Whatever fragments are left over from the lakeside meal are not perishable; they are to be gathered up and cared for by the disciples. In the early church, the In both the first reading and the gospel, the eucharistic assembly was sometimes spoken people eat their fill and there is some left of as the “gathering,” and the eucharistic over. When have you particularly bread as the “fragments” (for example in experienced the abundance of God? Didache, 1 Clement, and St. Ignatius of Antioch’s Letter to Polycarp). Today’s psalm proclaims, “Let all your words give you thanks, O Lord, and let your The response of the crowd is to hail Jesus as faithful ones bless you.” How do you keep a prophet, one like that promised in gratitude and thanksgiving central to your Deuteronomy 18:15, who would usher in the life of prayer? messianic era. Knowing that their intent to “carry Him off” to manipulate Him to their St. Paul instructs the Ephesians to live lives own political and materials expectations of characterized by humility, gentleness, and what the messiah should be and do, Jesus patience. Which of these is most difficult for “withdrew” only to return later for a deeper you to live? engagement with the crowd, as we will hear in the continuation of the Bread of Life In the Gospel of John, Jesus makes Himself discourse on the following Sundays. known through “signs. What does the sign of the feeding of the five thousand reveal to We bring to this Eucharist the little that we you about Who Jesus is? have, all the fragments of our inadequacies, our successes and failures, our hopes and fear. We offer them to God with the fruits of the earth and the work of human hands, and these small gifts are transformed and offered back to us as the gift of Jesus’ sacramental Body and Blood, into Whose life we are gathered. This is not logic, pragmatism, or self-satisfaction; this is eucharistia, thanksgiving for God’s abundant and eternal generosity. Each week it is our honor to recognize our parishioners for the many things they do to help at the parish: 2 • Those who arrive early each able to return to the use of the church Saturday morning to clean and and as soon as that date is given, we will prepare the church and bathrooms announce when we can return to for the weekend and the week ahead: weekday Liturgy. Mency Osborne, Angela Bueno, Jun Bajet, Al Cosce, Jean Rogers, Emilia I also would like to address the issue of Freking, Finian Anyanwu, and security of our property and building. Carole Miller. Anyone who has traditional keys or an • Lisa Lombardo who faithfully electronic key, PLEASE, be observant of the records and uploads our Liturgy to building being locked after it is used for any our You Tube Channel for those who reason and that the gates are closed/locked are unable to be with us in person. when there is no one on our campus. We • Those who provide security in the are in a very vulnerable position at present parking lot at each of our Sunday and great damage could be done if someone Liturgies as well as for funerals: breaks into the kitchen, and then the hall and Don Benson, Tony Gumina, Dave on into the church. So, it is incumbent upon Simpson, Brian McCoy, and Jose all of us to be diligent in maintain the Perez. security of the parking lot and the church. If • Our Liturgical Ministers: Lectors, you drive by and see that the gate is open Eucharistic Ministers, Altar Servers, and it shouldn’t be, please contact Rich Sacristans, Ushers, Gift Bearers, Confetti, 925-381-0439; Don Benson, 925- Greeters, members of our Art & 813-1379; Maryann Peddicord, 925-872- Environment Committee. 3266; Brian McCoy, 925-408-7735. • Office Volunteers Melodye Costanza, Bev Iacona, and Alicia Antioch resident uses her talents Perez. and spirit of giving to support her community Daily Liturgy and Parish Security I want to thank all of you, especially By Melissa Pixcar those who have been part of the Daily Friday, 2 July 2021 Liturgy congregation, for your patience and understanding during the ongoing ANTIOCH; Calif. -- An Antioch resident is donating care packages to the Antioch construction and expansion of our parish Police Department in hopes that on-duty hall and the building of the new kitchen. officers will give them to children in need. It has prevented us from gathering daily since construction began. Now that we The care packages known as "Snug as a have come to the point that a little over Bug" bags contain handmade lap quilts, half of the project has been completed, it stuffed animals, books, puzzles, and toys. will soon be possible to return to daily or For almost two years, Allison Norris has minimally, three days a week, to gather donated over 100 care packages known as, for the celebration of Holy Eucharist. "Snug as a Bug" bags, to local foster care The construction crew is being consulted agencies, and other causes. as to the earliest date when we will be 3 Over two decades ago, Norris suffered from a stroke which left her with limited use in "Most of the situations where we would give her right hand. these bags out is going to be a negative situation for the child," said Lieutenant After her stroke, she decided to volunteer Meads of the Antioch Police Department. her time at local schools and that is when "That can be a custody dispute with their she was inspired to make her "Snug as a parents or sometimes they are in living Bug" bags. situations that are so bad that we actually have to remove them from the home." All of the bags are decorated with Norris' favorite insect, ladybugs. In 2021, Norris has donated over thirty bags to the Antioch Police Department. "I volunteer at two schools and one of the schools I volunteer at, many of the children "I just thought it was a great idea to have are foster care kids," said Allison Norris. "A someone in our community that is willing to couple of the kids said they were cold at put all their time and effort into these bags," night and it just made me feel so sad. And said Lieutenant Meads. "Now more than you kind of feel helpless." ever it allows us to get out there and develop a relationship with these members of our After that conversation, Norris decided to community and often times the younger teach herself how to sew and started making members." rag quilts. She started to fill duffle bags with fun items for the children to call their own.
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