Frugivory and Seed Dispersal Role of the Yellow-Striped Brush-Finch (Atlapetes Citrinellus), an Endemic Emberizid of Argentina

Frugivory and Seed Dispersal Role of the Yellow-Striped Brush-Finch (Atlapetes Citrinellus), an Endemic Emberizid of Argentina

Emu 2014 © BirdLife Australia 2014 © BirdLife Australia 2014 doi:10.1071/MU14033_AC Supplementary material: Emu, 2014, 114(4), 343–351 Frugivory and seed dispersal role of the Yellow-striped Brush-Finch (Atlapetes citrinellus), an endemic emberizid of Argentina Román A. RuggeraA,B,D, M. Daniela GomezA,C and Pedro G. BlendingerA,B AConsejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, Crisóstomo Álvarez 722, 4000 San Miguel de Tucumán, Tucumán, Argentina. BInstituto de Ecología Regional, Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, C.C. 34, 4107 Yerba Buena, Tucumán, Argentina. CFacultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Universidad Nacional de Jujuy, Alberdi 47, 4600 San Salvador de Jujuy, Jujuy, Argentina. DCorresponding author. Email: [email protected] Page 1 of 9 Emu 2014 © BirdLife Australia 2014 © BirdLife Australia 2014 doi:10.1071/MU14033_AC Fig. S1. The location of the Austral Yungas in north-western Argentina, and our field study sites. 1, Chorro de Loros (24°43′45.6′′S, 64°40′30′′W , 1020 m ASL); 2, Pozo Verde (24°45′24′′S, 64°41′38.4′′W, 1309 m ASL); 3, Santa Bárbara (24°05′53.4′′S, 64°26′56.4′′W, 1870 m ASL); 4, San Javier (26°76′S, 65°33′W, 900 m ASL); 5, La Florida (27°13′37.2′′S, 65°37′28.2′′W, 455 m ASL); 6, Los Chorizos (27°15′S, 65°53′19.8′′W, 1120 m ASL); 7, Quebrada del Portugués (27°01′46.2′′S, 65°46′26.4′′W, 1584 m ASL). Modified with permission from Fundación Proyungas ( content/uploads/2013/12/Sectores-Yungas-y-protecci%C3%B3n.jpg, accessed 2 June 2012). Page 2 of 9 Emu 2014 © BirdLife Australia 2014 © BirdLife Australia 2014 doi:10.1071/MU14033_AC Table S1. List of bird species considered as fruit consumers Species of bird recorded eating fruit during systematic observations during November–February from 2008–09 to 2011–12 at seven localities in the Austral Yungas, north-western Argentina. An x denotes occurrence of a species. Forest type: B, basal montane forest; M, myrtaceous montane forest; C, cloud forest. Latitude shown by sector: southern sector, middle sector. Nomenclature and classification follow that of the South American Classification Committee, coordinated by the American Ornithologists’ Union (, accessed 31 March 2014) Order Family Species Forest type Sector B M C Southern Middle Galliformes Cracidae Penelope obscura x x x x x Columbiformes Columbidae Leptotila megalura x x x x x Patagioenas fasciata x x Trogoniformes Trogonidae Trogon curucui x x Piciformes Ramphastidae Ramphastos toco x x x Passeriformes Tyrannidae Elaenia albiceps x x x x x Elaenia obscura x x x x x Elaenia parvirostris x x x x Elaenia strepera x x x x x Myiodynastes maculatus x x x x x Pachyramphus validus x x x Corvidae Cyanocorax chrysops x x x x x Turdidae Turdus amaurochalinus x x Turdus chiguanco x x Turdus nigriceps x x x x x Turdus rufiventris x x x x x Catharus dryas x x x Catharus ustulatus x x x x x Vireonidae Vireo olivaceus x x x x x Cyclarhis gujanensis x x x x x Thraupidae Pipraeidea melanonota x x x x x Pipraeidea bonariensis x x Poospiza erythrophrys x x x x x Thlypopsis ruficeps x x x Thlypopsis sordida x x x x x Thraupis sayaca x x x x x Incertae sedis Saltator aurantiirostris x x x x Emberizidae Arremon flavirostris x x x Arremon torquatus x x x x Atlapetes cirtinellus x x x x x Chlorospingus flavopectus x x x x x Zonotrichia capensis x x x x Cardinalidae Pheucticus aureoventris x x x x Piranga flava x x x Icteridae Cacicus chrysopterus x x x Fringillidae Euphonia chlorotica x x x x Euphonia cyanocephala x x x x Page 3 of 9 Emu 2014 © BirdLife Australia 2014 doi:10.1071/MU14033_AC Table S2. Records of fruit consumption and fruit-handling by Yellow-striped Brush-Finches Number of records are the number of interactions observed during field work at each locality. Forest types: B, basal montane forest; M, myrtaceous montane forest; C, cloud forest; forest type not identified for published studies. Fruit handling methods: PS, pluck and swallow; CM, cut or mash; B, bite (see Methods); method not identified for published studies. Under Source: SO, systematic observations made during the present study; F–IO, seeds found in faeces or observed eaten during incidental observations during the present study; other sources as cited Fruit species Family Number Locality Forest Fruit-handling Source of records type method Podocarpus parlatorei Podocarpaceae 9 San Javier C CM F–IO Peperomia sp. Piperaceae 1 San Javier – – Giannini (1999) 2 San Javier B F–IO Duchesnea indica Rosaceae 1 Quebrada del Portugués C CM SO 2 San Javier – – Giannini (1999) Rubus ulmifolius Rosaceae 10 Los Chorizos M B SO 1 Los Chorizos M F–IO Rubus imperialis Rosaceae 1 La Florida B SO 1 San Javier – – Giannini (1999) Morus alba Moraceae 1 San Javier B F–IO Scutia buxifolia Rhamnaceae 1 Pozo Verde M SO Celtis iguanaea Cannabaceae 1 San Javier B F–IO Urera baccifera Urticaceae 1 San Javier B F–IO Myrcianthes mato Myrtaceae 1 Los Chorizos M F–IO 1 Santa Bárbara C SO Myrcianthes pseudomato Myrtaceae 1 Los Chorizos M SO 1 San Javier – – Giannini (1999) Schinus gracilipes Anacardiaceae 99 Quebrada del Portugués C CM SO Allophylus edulis Sapindaceae 4 Los Chorizos M CM SO Phoradendron sp. Santalaceae 6 San Javier – – Giannini (1999) 3 La Florida B CM SO Muehlenbeckia tamnifolia Polygonaceae 7 Quebrada del Portugués C SO 2 Santa Bárbara C SO Chamissoa altissima Amaranthaceae 1 San Javier B F–IO 2 La Florida B SO Page 4 of 9 Emu 2014 © BirdLife Australia 2014 doi:10.1071/MU14033_AC Fruit species Family Number Locality Forest Fruit-handling Source of records type method Rhipsalis lumbricoides Cactaceae 1 San Javier B F–IO Rhipsalis floccosa Cactaceae 1 San Javier B F–IO Myrsine coriacea Myrsinaceae 15 Los Chorizos M PS SO Psychotria carthagenensis Rubiaceae 27 San Javier B CM F–IO Citharexylum joergensenii Verbenaceae 2 Santa Bárbara C SO Cestrum kunthii Solanaceae 19 Quebrada del Portugués C CM SO Cestrum lorentzianum Solanaceae 4 Los Chorizos M CM SO Cestrum strigillatum Solanaceae 2 Los Chorizos M SO Salpichroa sp. Solanaceae 1 Quebrada del Portugués C SO Solanum aligerum Solanaceae 1 Santa Bárbara C F–IO 2 Santa Bárbara C SO 4 Quebrada del Portugués C SO Solanum aloysiifolium Solanaceae 1 Los Chorizos M B SO Vassobia breviflora Solanaceae 1 San Javier – – Giannini (1999) Sambucus nigra Adoxaceae 2 Los Chorizos M CM, B SO 4 Santa Bárbara C SO 1 Pozo Verde M PS SO 9 Quebrada del Portugués C PS SO Unidentified Unidentified 1 San Javier – – Giannini (1999) Page 5 of 9 Emu 2014 © BirdLife Australia 2014 © BirdLife Australia 2014 doi:10.1071/MU14033_AC Table S3. Plant species recorded with ripe fruit Plant species recorded with ripe fruit from all 50-m strip-transects conducted during November– February from 2008–09 to 2011–12 at seven localities in the Austral Yungas, north-western Argentina. Biomass is the total weight of dry pulp for each species per area of transect per stratum in which most of each fruit crop located: U, understorey, with most fruit <5 m above the ground; C, canopy, most fruit >5 m. Plant species not observed to be eaten during systematic observations are indicated with an asterisk (*); plant species observed to be eaten by Yellow- striped Brush-Finches during systematic observations are indicated in bold; remaining fruit species were observed to be eaten by frugivores other than Yellow-striped Brush-Finches. Nomenclature and classification follow the Instituto de Botánica Darwinion (, accessed 31 March 2014) Order Family Species Biomass Stratum (g ha–1) Pinales Podocarpaceae Podocarpus parlatorei 9.4 C Laurales Lauraceae Cinnamomum porphyrium 383.5 C Ocotea puberula* 1.8 C Piperales Piperaceae Piper hieronymi* 1536.3 U Piper tucumanum 1043.4 U Liliales Smilacaceae Smilax campestris* 0.2 U Poales Bromeliaceae Aechmea distichantha 319.8 C Ranunculales Menispermaceae Berberis cf. commutata 5.9 U Cissampelos pareira* 0.1 U Vitales Vitaceae Cissus striata 49.9 C Malpighiales Salicaceae Azara salicifolia 0.4 C Rosales Rosaceae Duchesnea indica 40 U Prunus tucumanensis 39.7 C Rubus imperialis 109.8 U Rubus ulmifolius 624.1 U Moraceae Morus alba 226 C Rhamnaceae Rhamnus sphaerosperma 188.4 C Scutia buxifolia 41.9 U Cannabaceae Celtis ehrenbergiana 0.2 C Celtis iguanaea* 0.5 C Urticaceae Urera baccifera 1.3 U Urera caracasana 0.8 U Myrtales Myrtaceae Amomyrtella güili 34.5 C Blepharocalix salicifolius 1284.7 C Eugenia uniflora 74 U Myrcianthes mato 81.4 C Myrcianthes pseudomato 520.2 C Myrcianthes pungens 10 C Sapindales Anacardiaceae Schinus gracilipes 126.3 U Sapindaceae Allophylus edulis 816.9 C Cupania vernalis 28.9 C Rutaceae Zanthoxylum coco 3.2 C Santalales Santalaceae Phoradendron sp. 89 C Caryophyllales Polygonaceae Muehlenbeckia tamnifolia 128 C Achatocarpaceae Achatocarpus praecox* 2.6 C Amaranthaceae Chamissoa altissima 8.4 U Phytolaccaceae Phytolacca bogotensis* 5.5 U Rivina humilis* 0.6 U Cactaceae Pfeiffera ianthothele* 1 C Page 6 of 9 Emu 2014 © BirdLife Australia 2014 © BirdLife Australia 2014 doi:10.1071/MU14033_AC Order Family Species Biomass Stratum (g ha–1) Rhipsalis floccosa 125.3 C Rhipsalis lorentziana 8.5 C Rhipsalis lumbricoides 3.5 C Rhipsalis monacantha* 1.2 C Ericales Myrsinaceae Myrsine coriacea 449 C Styracaceae Styrax subargenteus 6.3 U Boraginales Boraginaceae Tournefortia lilloi 133.7 U Gentianales Rubiaceae Hoffmannia australis* 0.1 U Psychotria carthagenensis 755.1 U Randia micracantha* 931.41 U Lamiales Oleaceae Ligustrum sinense* 59.8 U Verbenaceae Citharexylum joergensenii 348.7 C Duranta serratifolia 46.2 C Solanales Solanaceae Cestrum kunthii 40.3 U Cestrum lorentzianum 193.8 U Cestrum strigillatum 69.6 U Salpichroa sp.

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