@))# sW3¯zi eu3Dx5 ry5Jtø5 ^%-u4 SUMMER 2003 ISSUE 65 w3csm5yi3bc3g5 eu3Dx5 Commemorative Edition mr{[4 N9ostK6 x3ÇAi x?t9l b9om9li xiAwo3iuk5 ! sN c9lˆ3b/i5 nNm5hi xr8NusÌl4 nN/sMsJK6 wk5Jxu wo8ixtk5 Nlâ3yAts7uhi mr{[f5 x3ÇAi @%-i tusÔo3iui4 N9osic3tlQ5 nN/st9lA wµô3tQ/sMsJK6 woãpz5 Inga GrosvoldFw1c fD+Ó95 COMPLIMENTS: INNALIK SCHOOL Makivik Celebrates This fabric mural, commemorating Makivik’s 25th anniversary, was made by students in Inukjuak with the guidance of teacher, Inga Grosvold. its 25th Anniversary ! wMsQ5y mr{[f5 x3ÇAi @%-i tusÔo3iui4 N9osi3ysDtc3tlQ5 x9MytsostJk5 ñMcsyx˜C5y WsJaxÇl8i4. bfQx3lQ5 m2WC6 12–ü5g5 gryQx4viDmA[5. Enter Makivik Corporation’s 25th Anniversary Writing Contest to win great prizes. See page 12 for details. Participer au concours littéraire du 25ième anniversaire de la Société Makivik et gagner des prix intéressants. Voir page 12 pour plus de détails. WA5pJ5 kN[s2 wkq8i4 Serving the Inuit of Nunavik MM65-Cover 1 8/15/03, 2:26 AM Wb ᐋbu kN[s2 wkq5. wMc3tlQ5 mfiz !(**–u ƒ4Jxus5 mr{[s2 tudtzb xzJçmEz5 xqctŒAtzi4, xrøAtst9lA sk3io8i4 R$*.% uox8 ÌMi4 ƒ8ixt4f5 h3êiq8k5 ƒ4Jx2 ƒzi4, x7ml ê4M8u Ôi @))#–u, mr{[f5 sWA§tcMs3g5 @%–i4 x3ÇA3go3iui4. xqctŒAti4 xqctŒZhxDbsMsJi4 wMQ5hQ5 s/C8ixt4f5 @%–i4 x3ÇAw5 xiA3ymo3mb mr{[f5 W1aMs3ymt9lQi5 wNœy5ht4 Falconbridge–f5 !((%–u, x[cbsA8Nixo3tlQ5 çq3ifoxi4 Ì4fiz fÑ4 b3Czi wkw5 vg5pctŒ8izi4 mo5hA Ö8N èuy ê4M8u s/C8ixj5 x7ml WNhZc3tyi3j5 WQs3nC5nc3tyi3jl Ñ x7ml fÑ4 b3Czb xqctŒAtzb xtos3bsiz. WD3niƒ5hz wk8i4. ƒ5Jxu, ho xJá9osq8N§aKz xy5p?9oxJ7mEsJi4 Ömzi5 c7usi3nf5, s5©WE @))@–u, mr{[f9l vNbs2 mr{[f5 kwbsoMs3ym5mbi5. xqJ7mE7u4 WJEstcExc3SA5 v?mzl xtosctŒMsÔ4 Ì4fiz kN[7us5 wkw5 bEs- xqJ7mExl7ul sWA§t5nc3hb. dtzk5 xqctŒAtxW8i4. Ì4fx nN3Dt4 xqctŒAtq5 Öm5ãN6 xqctŒ8i6 yK9oXs5hi s9luibs5hi kNÌChxDtj5 xqctŒZhxDtsMsJ7uJ5 fÑ4f5 v?m4fq5 WNhxctQ5hQ5 xqctŒAtsym7m5 vNbu, mr{[4 yK9oXs5hi kNc3çymJk5 @))@–u ®Ns/tA5 mr2XoxZhxDt5nst9lQ5 bµi kNu. tudtQ/s5hi to/sMs3ymK6 vJyt5yd/s5hi nS5pymd/s5hil !(((–u, mr{[f9l v?mgc4fl fÑ4fl xtosctŒMsJ5 Ì4fx s9luibsJ5 xq7mEstsymJ5 h3dwbs5yxDtq8i4. Wix3ioEº5 xq7mEstq8i4 kw5yAtst9lQ5 kN[7u cspn3gn3i4 kN[7us5 wkw5 mr{[f8k5 WNhA5/symo3g5 tu1aoMs3ymZui5 to/smAtc3tlQ5 whm5nysDt5nos3ixt9lQ5 kw5yZhx3ij5 kÌu4 §hQ/s9MEA8N©?o3m5 tusÔAtc3hi Wix3ioEpsi3u4 wªy3ul kN[s2 v?m5nEZ/3bzi4. Ôi @))#–u, kN[s2 v?m5nzk5 ®Ns/tA9l W?9oxt5ypsZhx3ic3hi. xqctŒZhxDtk5 g1z[5nq8k5 xqctŒAtu4 xtos3bsJcMsJ6. kwoMs3ymZui5 mr{[4 Wix3icc5bg7mEsymo3g5 Nl1qMA5 mr{[f9l kN[7usl wkw5 csp5nstQixExq5 wobE/st5yNhx3hi wkw5 WJ8Nstq8i4. Ì4fx wMsc- W/sJmic7mE5gu4 wl8ˆA5 v?mQ/six3li kN[7usk5, bs9ME5ymo3g5 wobE/st5yZhx7mE5ht4 Nlâ3yyx3insAtsA8Nix3lil kNc4ymJw9l xq7mEstQ/symJk9l yKi5nt8i4. WJ8Nstq8i4 vNbs2 Wd/3JxzA5. mr{[4 wMQ/st9lA Wix3ioEitA5 sfx xs9˜ym/3gymJ[î5 xoxh5gCÖ5, wMc3ht4 vmp[i3ui4 i i. yªÙu4 Gnsu3yxî8iÙ6H vt/sMsJJ5 gJ3us[7u gx¿9u s9Mf5 Jä WNhxcbs9MEymJ6 vNboµu wkw5 tudtz5b r=Zg3izk5, mr{[f5 bf5nst5yymJ5 !@-u xi3Cuk5 xs9MMzo3tlQ5. xi3CX9oxoMsJJ5 xs9˜ym[7u xtc3gu µnAwWu x3ÇAbµ5 WNhxD¥8i µ3Îi xs9˜ym[s§u ¥SJ4 fÑ4j5. x5poxaJ[î5 sfx Gnsuxi5 bo3Wxk5H: ᑏy Ncb4, yxy mi6, èWt ÷v6, ño w3Dux6 x7ml yxy se5g6 wlxA5 îi3bst5yZhx3hi x9Mq5 #%–ü5gi4 bm4fx wkw5 xsMbq5 tusJ5 This group of happy campers, escorted by Annie N. Snowball (far left), were met at the Travel Lodge in Dorval on July 12th as they were just about to catch a !(*@–u Wd/3Jxi Wd/1at5yAtq8i, Ì4fx vJyt5yyxD8NExq5 N7uiElQ5 plane back home. They were returning from an annual two-week adventure at Camp Masawippi, near Sherbrooke, Québec. Seen here (L-R): Daisy Annahatak, BOB MESHER wob3ymAbs7mb kwbŒ3gi4 kNc3çymJ9l WNhZdtc3ii4. W7mEsifzk5 Jessie Munick, Zebedee Jaaka, Charlie Ekomiak, and Jessie Uqittuq. xq7mEstsymJk9l WJ8NstQ/sJi4 cz5bÔ4f5 wq3CstcExc3i6 kNc3çymJw5 wkdtq8k5 vNbu. kN[7u, mr{[f5 WQx3tyMs3ymJ5 mr{[4 xqctŒZhxDtc3ymo3g6 xuhZM8i4 cz5bÔoEi3u4, kw5yht4 wkw5 W?9odbsA8Ngi4 xqctŒAti4 r=Zg3hQ5 cz5bÔq8i4. Ì8N cz5bÔoEps5hi Pita Aatami $48.5-million dollars for impacts of hydro President of Makivik Corporation development on the Koksoak River, and BOB MESHER the Raglan Agreement negotiated with In June 2003, Makivik commemorated its Falconbridge in 1995, which provides for 25th anniversary. Two and a half decades have passed since a sharing of the profits generated from the Raglan nickel mine and Makivik came into existence as the successor to the Northern employment and training opportunities for Inuit. Québec Inuit Association (NQIA), pursuant to the signing of the More recently, in October 2002, Makivik and the Government James Bay and Northern Québec Agreement (JBNQA). Growing of Canada signed the Nunavik Inuit Marine Region Agreement- up in Kuujjuaq, I am still amazed at the tremendous changes that in-Principle. The Sanarrutik Agreement was negotiated with the have occurred since Makivik’s inception. We have much to be provincial government in 2002 to provide economic development proud of and much to be thankful for. in the region. Just as the JBNQA has been characterized as the first modern In 1999, Makivik and the federal and provincial governments land claims agreement in Canada, Makivik was the first aboriginal signed the Political Accord to establish a Nunavik Commission organization mandated to implement and protect the integrity of with the mandate to develop recommendations for the creation of a modern treaty. Nunavik Inuit has made Makivik work for them a new form of government for Nunavik. In June 2003, a Nunavik and have crafted it into a very well respected political and socio- Government Framework Agreement was signed. We are confident economic development organization. that Makivik and the Inuit of Nunavik will soon realize the dream of Since its creation, Makivik has been very active in pursuing having an overall government for Nunavik, which will better allow recognition of Inuit rights. It was deeply involved in the strug- us to determine our future. gle for recognition of aboriginal and treaty rights in the Canadian In addition to political representation, Makivik has proven Constitution. Makivik played a key role within the national orga- that Inuit-controlled organizations are capable of succeeding in nization that worked on entrenching Section 35 in the 1982 business ventures. Given the importance of air transportation in Constitution Act, which recognizes and affirms the existing aborig- Nunavik, Makivik launched itself in the airline industry through the inal and treaty rights of the Aboriginal Peoples of Canada. creation of Air Inuit. This airline company has been a consistently Makivik has negotiated several beneficial agreements on successful business that we can all be very proud to call our own. behalf of the Inuit of Nunavik. These include the 1988 Kuujjuaq First Air was acquired in 1990 and Makivik turned it into a profit- Agreement, which provided compensatory measures totalling able subsidiary, which has been recognized for the past two years SAMMY KUDLUK MM65-Cover 2 8/15/03, 2:26 AM tudbsJ6 vJyt5yyxq8Nc5bymo3g6 WNhZc3[sJu4 wl8Nb vt[4 kNooµ5 v?mzb, kNø5 vtmp4fq5b, kNu4 tAux3tf5 WJEstQ5hA N7uiE/5ti4. Ó+5 wx4f5 is[3bsMs3ymJ5 x7ml kN[7u kNooµ5 wlyoEi3u4 vtmpq5. èuy Ñ2 !(()–u mr{[f8kl çq3ifosD8Nt9lA tuxDdtQ/sK5, xqctŒ8izk5 kwbsymJ5 w2WQ/st5yAtsMsJ5 bm8N x?tK5 wobE/sic3ymo3hil x3ÇÅ8i m3Îi wMQ/sQxz Ì4fkz W?9otbsZ/3tlA x5pQ/sqgu4 nS5/symic3ixli. s9lu %)–k5 wq3Ctbs5yxi3XsJk5 tusJk5 vNbu. wl8ˆA5 Nf3üDt5nco3gA5 WsJu4 e7mE/smQxu4. mr{[f5 kw5yymo3uJ5 kN[7u iegw8NoEpi4, c9lt4 xqctŒ8iu4 vJyt5yyxChxEx6 W/ExgJ7mEsymQK6. scsy- s3hxl8ixt4fi4 x7ml c7usi3n6 Ì4fiz kN[7u nNá5 clxaxDmJA5 kNc3çymJ5 tudtq8k5 xqctŒZhx3ic3ixgk5 tuxDdtui4. WNhxctc§a7uJ6 xyq8i4 WNhxctQ?5bt8i4 kNÌChxDtk5 xqctŒAt5ni4 w2WQ/sQxc3m5 bm4fx vg5pctQ§5ti4, sfiz kNK5us5 sux3JxoEpq5, sˆ6 vJyt5yAt5ni4, ®Ns/c3tyAt5ni9l s9lE/sQxc3ixgi9l wcl8ixᑏ5 x7ml srs3bgoµu wkw5 WNhxC5noEpq5. xqctŒZhxDts5yxExc3mb wMQ/slt4 kNÌChxDtk5 bm4fx WNhxC5noxEym/K5 WJ8Nqgx3mb iEsQym/5ti4 xqctŒAtj5. !(*(–u, xtosMs3ymJA5 Ì4fiz èuy Ñ s{?¬8î5 ˆ7myx3gi4 WNhZ5nosqgx3mb, wo5yAtQ?5bK5, x7ml x7ml fÑ4 b3Czb xqctŒAtq8i4 ᐋ3eQx9˜EAtk5 xqc- mr{[4 ᐋ3ehwQx5yxy5hi gÇZ3ui4 kw5yhi çq3ifos3gi4 tŒAti4 v?mgc4fl. WNhx7mEc5bymo3gA5, ®Ns/3gmE5hbl N7uiE5hQ5 WNhZc3[dtu8i4. xJw8NmE5hbl w2WQ/c5yxChx3hb bm4fx x5pŒqg5 kwbt- bfc5bogxCm kN[s2 kNoq8i tuxDdt5ti4 xyq8il bsJ5 xqctŒ8iu mo5bsyxClx3m¯b. whxdti4 WA5p[8il kwbsymo3gi4 mr{[f5 ®Ns/c3tyizA5, ho xyq8i4 ñ1z/5nsJi4 kwJcCb1qg6. kNK5 Nf3nmE§aKz vg5pctŒ8isymÔ2 yKo3tq5b WNhx3b[iq8i4 WNhZ5nsQxo8i4 W[5nc5yxq7m5 ®Ns/tA9l w7uieAt5nc5yxCi x7ml yKixA5 s9lul S3gi3nsymJi4, vtmpsc5bymJi9l bm4fkz s[4vdt5tk5 ®Ns/tA5 n©t5nc5yxDtsZ/3gi4 WNh5tsymJi9l mr{[j5. sus/s2 kNozb kwbsymiz, yKi5ti. bm8N, whmQ/C, ñ1z/si3XsQxc3tlA W9MEsi3Xshil wk8il kÌi4 w9lc3tyAᑏ5 sux4f[5ãl, u3hᕖ9l, gnsᑏ9l, mr{[s2 vmQQxoq8i5. wkw5 cz5bÔq9l, Ó+5 wx4fl, W1axᕖ9l yx3E/3ᕖl wªh5gmEs5hz yKo3tsZm, Nf3üSz yKi5nos3tQym/4vi x7ml u{ᕖ5 wl8Nt4 bfJ8NDtQo3bK5 hNs7m¯b wk5tA5 wk8i4, wk8il bf5nsq5gf5 WA5pymJi4 mr{[u4, WNhx3ymiq8k5 Wymo3bK5 iXcDtQ5yxhQ5 WJ8NstK5 WJ5ns÷DtK9l x7ml WJm/c3ht4 Wsyosut5yAmi3u4 kN[7u wª5Jyu4 x7ml Ömzoµ6 ckwosq8Noµ3hQ5 v?m4f5 vJyt5yyx3tZ53hQ5 wk8i4 wªyc3tyA8Nizk5 s9luso3g6 yM3JxE/so3gu. èuy Ñ x7ml fÑ4 b3Czb xqctŒAt[iq8i4. s2WE/c3Sz wªo3[ys5yxE5 mr{[4. mr{[4 vJyt5yyx3ymoExz w2WQ/c5yxhi yMgñDtQ5yxhQ9l xro3bsAtsymJi4 ®Ns/osDtc3iu4 kwbsymJi4 èuy Ñ x7ml fÑ4 b3Czb xqctŒAtzA5. mr{[4 vJyt5ypsymK6 vg5pctŒ8izi4, Ì4fx xqctŒZhx3tsym7mb kwbsJtQym/q8i vt[4 wo8ixioEs2, as one of the 50 best-managed companies in Canada. services. Provisions of the JBNQA also ensured that our environ- Makivik also went on to create Nunavik Arctic Foods, Halutik ment would benefit from special protection. Today, we can fully Enterprises and,
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