Chapter 1 List (A) Tabulae Patronatus from Africa (A) Africa Proconsularis (15) Reference Client Date Find Spot B1 Curubis (Z) col. c45BC Tunis (Z) A4 Gurza (B) pagus 12BC region of Utica (Z)? A8 Assuras (Z) col. 16-17 or Roma (It) 24-7 A9 Themetra (B) civ. 27 Brixia (It) A9a, Thiniliga (Z or B) - 27 Brixia (It) A9b Apisa Maius (Z) civ. 28 Brixia (It) A9c Siagu (Z) 28 Brixia (It) A24 Gurza (B) civ. 65 region of Utica (Z)? D37 Hadrumetum (B) 112 Hadrumetum (B) col. A164 mun. Chullitanum (B) 321 Roma (It) mun. A164a civ. Faustianensis (B) 321 Roma (It) • civ. A164b . Hadrumetum (B) 321 Roma (It) col. A164c Mididi (B) - 321 Roma (It) A164d Thaenae (B) col. , 321 Roma (It) A164e Zama Regia (B) col. 322 Roma (It) 387 (A) Africa Proconsularis (referred to in inscriptions or in St. Augustine) (4) Reference Client Date Find Spot B179 Thagaste (N.P.) col. 370-85 Thagaste (N.P.) 179a towns near Thagaste 370-85 towns near Thagaste (N.P.) (N.P.) ? A183 Lepcis Magna (T) 378? Lepcis Magna (T) col. B199 Thubursicu Nutnidarum C4 Thubursicu Numidarum (N.P.) (N.P.) col. (B) Numidia (1) Reference Client Date Find Spot C266-7 Thamugadi col. 367 Thamugadi (N) (C) Mauretania (9) Reference Client Date Find Spot D271 Tubusuctu (MC) col. 55 near Cirta (N) A272 Banasa (MT) col. 75 Banasa (MT) A272a Volubilis (MT) mun. 75 Volubilis (MT) A275 Banasa (MT) col. 162 Banasa (MT) D279 Volubilis (MT) mun. ante 162 Volubilis (MT) D280 Banasa (MT) col. ante 162 Banasa (MT) D281 Banasa (MT) col. ante 162 Banasa (MI') D291 Portus Magnus (MC) 100- Portus Magnus (MC) ? 268(C3?) A301 Tipasa (MC) col. late C4 - Corduba (Baet.) early C5 Total = 25 tabulae patronatus (plus 4 epigraphic or literary references to tabulae). 388 Chapter 1 List (B) Tabulae Patronatus from Italy and the Western Provinces (excluding Africa) (A) Italy (11) Reference Client Date Find Spot C6.1492=D6106 Ferentinum 101 Roma C10.5670 ? 107 inter Arce et Fontana pagus C9.3429=D6110 Peltuinum 242 Peltuinum AE (1937) 119 = Amiternum 325 Preturo (near Amiternum) (1984) 280 AE (1937) 12 = vicus Foruli (near 335 Preturo (near Amiternum) (1984) 280 Amitemum) C10.476=D6112 Paestum 337 Paestum C9.10=C6113 empurium Naunitanum 341 Neretum (Italia) C10.478=D6114 Paestum 344 Paestum C10.477 Paestum 347 Paestum AE(1975)367 Cluvium 384 Cluvium C9-259=D6115 Genusia 395 ? (Genusia?) O (A) Italy (referred to in inscriptions) (1) Reference Client Date Find Spot C11.5170 Vettona C4 Vettona 3 8 9 (B) Baetica (3) Reference Client Date Find Spot C2. 1343=D6097 Lacilbula AD5 Lacilbula AE(1962)287=(1 Munigua 27BC- Munigua 972)263 AD37(A D.20?) IAM418=AE(19 Isturgi . C 1 (20?) Volubilis (Mauretania 69-70)746 Tingitan a) (C) Hispania Tarraconensis (11) Reference Client Date Find Spot AE(1957)317 Bocchoris c12BC Bocchoris AE(1984)553 civitas Lougeiorum AD1 ?(Tarraconensis) C2.5763=D6096 Pallantia 2 prope Paredes de Nava agri Pallantini C2.3695=D6098 Bocchoris 6 Pollentia (near Bocchoris) AE (1967) 239 civitas Maggavensium 14 Pisorac a (Tarraconensis) AE (1961) 96 castellum Toletum 28 Caurel (Tarraconensis) C 2 . 5 7,9 2 = Clunia 40 Clunia D6102 C2.2958=D6104 Pompaelo 57 Arre (near Pompaelo) AE (1936) 66 Baetulo 98 Baetulo C2.2960=D6108 Pompaelo 185 Arre (near Pompaelo) C 6. 1454 = conventus Cluniensis 222 Roma D6109 (D) Thracia (1) Reference Client Date Find Spot C6 . 3 1692 = Develtum 84 Roma D6105 3'70 (E) Sardinia (1) Reference Client Date Find Spot C10.7845=D610 Usellis 158 Caralis (Sardinia) 7 (F) Baetica? or Gallia Cisalpina? (1) Reference Client Date Find Spot C5.5127 ? ante 73-4 Bergamum (Italia) Total = 28 tabulae patronatus (plus 1 epigraphic reference to tabula) N.B. A new tabula patronatus from Spain was unavailable to me at the time of print (cf. Epigraphica, 49 (1987) p.274: J.A. Enriquez (Madrid) 'Una nueva tabula patronatus' (10 avril 1987, l'Universite de Navarre, Colloque international sous le patronage de 3011 CHAPTER 1 LIST (C) INSCRIPTION TYPES RECORDING AFRICAN PATRONS Group Africa Proconsularis Total Numidia , Total Mauretania Total Grand Total (1) Tabulae Patronatus (total = 16 (25)) 1 . A A4, 8, 9, 9a, 9b, 9c, 24, 5(13) A272, 272a, 275, 3(4) 8(17) 164, 164a, 164b, 164c, 301 164d, 164e, B1 1(1) 1(1) CA C266-7 1(1) 1(1) t-D 1(1) D271, 279, 280, 5(5) 6(6) 281, 291 TOTAL 7( 1 5) 1 ( 1 ) 8(9) 16(25) 1. Unbracketed figures refer to patrons, bracketed to the total of texts. The totals of texts have been adjusted to allow for overlap. 2. This heading includes similar types, e.g. patrons who (a) appear eponymously as administrators on the dedications of constructions (A5, 14a, 120), (b) permit the holding of nundinae 'ex auct(oritate)' (C243b) and (c) oversee a cash bequest to the city (B32). Group Africa Proconsularis Total Numidia Total Mauretania Total Grand Total 2 (2) Patron officially dedicates a monument, or oversees its construction . A A5, 6, 10, 11, (1 and 2), 27(24) A209, (1-2), 210 23(53) A277, 289, 300 3(3) 53(80) 12 (1 and 2), 14, 14a, 15, (1-2), 212, 217, 18, 21, 23, 25?, 26, 27, 218 (1-5), 220 27a, 28, 29, 30, 34?, 35?, (1-2), 220a, 221 44, 120, 121, 166 (.175), (1-5), 225 (1-2), 171, 172, 173?, 177 226, 226a (1), 227, 227a, 228, 229, 230, 230a, 230b (1-3), 233, 237, 238 (.96) (r3 (1-2), 238a, (1-3), 238b (1-5), 238c (1-2), 239, 246, 248, 250, 251, 254?, 255 B17(1-2), 19-20, 32, 162 4(5) 4(5) C178 1(1) C243b, 258 2(2) 3(3) TOTAL 32(30) 25(55) 3(3) 60(88) (3) The ordo honours a patron with a statue (a) no motive given (total = 83(83)). A A3, 43, 49, 50, 52, 53, 54, 10(10) A207, 208, 211, 10(10) A272, 272a, 275, 20(20) 60, 67, 89A 217a, 226a (2), 301 233a, 234a, 249, 257, 257A Group Africa Proconsularis Total Numidia Total Mauretania Total Grand Total B22 (2), 33, 39 (1-2) 41(40) B213, 213a, 4(5) B276 1(1) 46(46) 40(1), 42, 47, 55, 56, 64- 215-6, 236, 245 5, 66, 70, 76, 77, 80-1 (=C63), 83, 87, 88, 89, 95, 97-8, 102 (=240), 103, 104, 106A, 107, 108?, 111, 124, 125, 127, 131, 132, 134, 135, 138, 139, 140, 142, 143, 146, 153 C48, 63 (=B80-81), 82, 11(9) C243, 243a, 244, 3(4) 14(13) 82a, 84, 94, 116, 149, 247 150, 151, 152, 155, D2, 13A, 71 3(3) D270 1(1) 4(4) TOTAL 64(62)3 17(19) 2(2) 83(83) (4) The ordo honours a family member of a patron with a statue (a) no motive given (total) 15(20)). A A 226a(3), 226b, 4(7) A288, 290(1-2) 2(3) 6(10) 231 (1-3), 234, 256 B51, 59, 92, 96 (=A238), 8(9) 8(9) 126, 130, 148 (1-2), 188 C78 1(1) 1(1) TOTAL 9(10) 4(7) 2(3) 15(20) Group Africa Proconsularis Total Numidia Total Mauretania Total Grand Total (5) The ordo honours a patron with a statue (b) the patron is praised (total = 67 (73)). A A61, 109, 119, 156, 158, 21(23) A242, 253, 259, . 3(4) A273, 278 2(2) 25(29) 159, 163, 165, 175 (=166), 259a 176, 176a, 180, 181, 182, 182a, 183, 193, 194, 195, 196, 198, 201, 204 B57 (1-2), 58, 69, 72, 73, 25(27) B235, 240 (=102), 3(3) B282 1(1) 29(31) 74, 86, 91 (1-2), 101, 105, 241 113, 115, 117, 128, 137, 141, 154, 184-5, 189, 190, 192, 199, 200, 202, 205 C C79, 93, 112, 114, 123, 10(11) 10(11) 147, 157, 161, 168, 168a, 174 D191 1(1) D294 1(1 ) 2(2) TOTAL 57(62) 6(7) 4(4) 67(73) (6) The ordo honours a family member of a patron with a statue (b) the patron is praised (total = 3(3)). B75, 118, 129 3(3) 3(3) 3 The total of patrons is 64, not 65 as C63 = B80-81. l ta To d 17; • •■• Gran N WM. II •■•••••, •ri■ 4 0 ma, 0 t— ••••• ••••• ia n 00 ta re IrN 14.• crN 00 N 0 Mau 0:1 co N "i:, N , 1 1 E '2 to .5 c L. C) U c (N, o cc, Cel c) — 4)). E 4( l = ta (to -01 e 0 tu ta s h a it w is n lar tro a su p on _ U) a ur a 00 oo Proc a ..—. C. ._ NU co 1 ic ..... - hono 00 00 4 CC.' C ts Afr CO RI lien 04 ,--1 C < 0 I—, 00 10:1 3 q 6 Group Africa Proconsularis Total Numidia Total Mauretania Total Grand Total (11) Patron records and dedicates his own benefaction (total = 21(23)). B B7, 13, 16, 22(1,3), 31, 16(17) B284, 287, 296, 4(4) 20(21) 36, 38(3-5), 39(3), 40(2-5), 299(1) 41, 45, 68, 90, 169, 170, 203 C297(1-2) 1(2) 1(2) TOTAL 16(17) 5(6) 21(23) (12) Patron's co-optation mentioned on a text set up by his father to record his benefactions (total = 1(1)). B46 1(1) 1(1) (13) Patron appears on a fragmentary text of unknown type (total = 6(6)).
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