Madison College Library Harrieonburg, VfrSlhii HAh as 't>8 BREEZE Orchesis and restates policies Porpoise Page 2, Columns 3, 4 Page 3, Columns 3, 4, 5 Vol. XXXIX Madison College, Harrisonburg, Virginia, Saturday, March 23, 1963 No. 24 M. C. Fine Arts Festival Features Concerts By Parnas, Persichetti, Kitto Lecture And Spender Reading British poet and editor Stephen musical superiority. He has made Glasgow, Scotland. In this coun- Spender, Cellist Leslie Parnas, three concert tours in Europe and try he has taught at Cornell Uni- classics scholar H. D. F. Kitto, and has recorded under the Pathe- versity and Brandeis University. American composer Vincent Per- Marconi label in Paris. Dr. Kitto was Phi Beta Kappa sichetti will be featured lecturers On Wednesday, H. D. F, Kitto, Visiting Scholarship in 1962. He and performers for the 6th annual classics scholar, will lecture on is a fellow of the British Academy Madison College Fine Arts Festi- 'The Greek Drama" at 12:00 -noon and a member of the Royal Society val scheduled March 29—April 5. in Wilson Hall. H. D. F. Kitto of Literature. His published works The college Arts Festival opens comes to us through the Visiting include The Greeks, Form and March 29 with a modern dance Scholars Program of the University Meaning in Drama, and Sophocles: recital by the Madison Orchesis Center of Virginia. He has been Dramatist and Philosopher. Also ' Club in Wilson Hall Auditorium Professor of Greek at the Univer- on Wednesday, the Madison Col- at 8 p.m. The performance will sity of Bristol in England, and lec- lege Film Society will present be repeated at the same time and turer in Greek at the University of "Black Orpheus," a foreign film, place on the 30th. at 7:45 p.m. in Wilson Hall. Leslie Parnas, cellist, will appear "Tip" Those Professors Vincent Persichetti, American Stephen Spender in concert on April 2 at 8 p.m. in composer, will give a lecture on >• British Poet and Editor Wilson Hall Auditorium. He will "Our New American Music" and be accompanied by William Leland, Faculty Supports concert April 4 at 8 p.m. in Wil- a pianist and member of the Madi- son Hall Auditorium. An informal Visiting Scholar Brogan Will Speak son College music faculty. coffee with Mr. Persichetti will be Leslie Parnas studied on a Easter Seal Drive held earlier in the day, at 4 p.m. 4 scholarship at the Curtis Institute The annual Easter Seal Drive Vincent Persichetti is a virtuoso On U. S. As Leader Of The West' of Music with Gregor Piatigorsky has begun on the Madison cam- performer, scholar, artist teacher and made his debut at the age of pus, with the faculty of the college and the author of one of the well- Denis William Brogan, one of American Problem, 1934; Introduc- 14 with the St. Louis Symphony. volunteering to help Alpha Gamma known books on the art of music. , seven visiting scholars tp. visit tion to American Politics, 1955;. He became the principal cellist of Delta social fraternity to raise His compositions include works in Madison College this year, will "and The French Nation, 1957.' He this orchestra, and has since been funds. almost every genre, and his music speak on "The United States as has published over fifteen books, principal cellist with the Aspen The faculty will serve a meal in is performed here and abroad. Mr. the Leader of the West" March 26 plus numerous articles in Ameri- Festival, the. Chautauqua Sym- the dining halls at 6:00 p.m., Mon- Persichetti graduated from the at 3:30 p.m. in Blackwell Audi- can, British, and French journals. phony, and performer at-the Marl- day, March 25, and Madisonites are Combs College of Music and the torium. Dr. Brogan's visit at Madison is boro Festival of Music. Mr. Parnas asked to support this Easter Seal Philadelphia Conservatory and Cur- Dr. Brogan, historian and politi- under the auspices of the Visiting was chosen by the New York campaign by "tipping" the pro- tis Institute. He is head of the cal scientist, was educated at St. Scholars Program of the Univer- Violoncello Society as the outstand- fessors. department of composition at the Columcille's School; Rutherglen sity Center in Virginia. ing American cellist to represent Easter Seal sponsors a summer Philadelphia Conservatory and a Academy; Glasglow University; this country at the Casals Inter- camp treatment center which pro- member of the composition faculty Balliol College, Oxford; and Har- national Concours in Paris where vides treatment in physical, occu- at the Juilliard School of Music. vard. He is presently Professor of M. C.'s Sidorfsky he won first prize. He was also pational, speech and hearing ther- Author, music critic, lecturer, per- Political Science at Cambridge. the recipient of the Trofeo Prima- apy. The fraternity hopes to spon- former and conductor, he has been He has been a lecturer at Uni- To Give Recital vera of the Italian Radio Network sor a trip for a child to the camp the recipient of awards and com- versity College, London, and at the Competition and the Harriet Cohen this summer to receive treatment Frank M. Sidorfsky, assistant (Continued on Page 3) London School of Economics. He Medal, an international award for which many physically-defected is an Honorary Fellow at Corpus professor of music at Madison Col- children in Rockingham County Christ! College, Oxford, where he lege, will give a clarinet recital desperately need. Germans Sponsor » was formerly Fellow and Tutor. March 26 at 8 p.m. in the Cam- Summer Students Alpha Gamma Delta has been a His degrees and honors include pus School auditorium. pioneer in altruistic work since Informal Dance the LL. D. degree, D. es Lettres Sidorfsky, on leave of absence, is To Enroll Now 1919. In 1947 it centered its ac- An Informal Dance sponsored by (Honorable), the M. A. degree, currently doing work on the Doc- All students who plan to attend tivities on helping children through the German Dance Club will be the Chevalier de la Legion d'Hon- tor of Musical Arts degree at the Summer Session arc asked to its work with the Easter Seal So- held Saturday, March 23, 8:30 p.m. neur and Commander of The Order Eastman College where he received enroll in the Office of Dean War- ciety. On the local level, the fra- to 12 a.m. in Keezell Gym. of Orange-Nassau. Dr. Brogan is his M.M. degree. ren as soon as possible. Students ternity works at the Rockingham Music will be provided by the a foreign member of the Massa- The program will include Fan- who make out a tentative summer Crippled Children's Rehabilitation Collegians, a vocal group from the chusetts Historical Spciety. taisie-Caprice by Lefebvre, Con- session schedule during the Spring Center which is sponsored by the University of Richmond, and ad-' Dr. Brogan's publications include: certo for Clarinet by Carl Nielsen, Registration period will still have society. Here children with any mission will be $2.00 per couple The American Political System, a Sonata for clarinet and piano by to go to the auditorium Jo con- types of crippling disease or hear- and tickets will be sold at the door. 1933; Abraham Lincoln, 1935; The Brahms, and a Sonatina for clari- firm their Spring Registration at ing and speech problems receive The theme of the dance is net and piano by David Russell the opening of the Summer Ses- treatment which is paid, for by "Spring has Sprung." All students Williams. sion, Monday, June 24, 1963. Easter Seal. and guests are invited to attend. Miss Helen Inyiger, assistant Sororities Select pfofessor of Music at Madison, will be the piano accompanist. To Perform March 27 1963-64 Officers Sidorfsky has studied clarinet , ■ The seven sororities on campus under Leopold Liegal formerly of Lettermen, Folk-Ballad Singers9 Are Slated have elected their officers for the the Minneapolis Symphony, An- 1963-64 session. thony Gigliotti of the Philadelphia Linda Pace is president of Alpha Orchestra, Robert Marcellus of For Sophomore Class Day Entertainment Sigma Alpha. Becky Black is vice the Cleveland Symphony, and Stan- The Lettermen, a vocal trio, will president; Lynn Zirkle, recording ley Hasty of the Rochester Phil- be the Sophomore Class Day per- secretary; Gussie Homan, corres- harmonic. formers,, on Wednesday, March 27 ponding secretary; and Becky While serving in the navy, Si- at the noon assembly jn- Wilson Scruggs, treasurer. dorfsky played in bands in the Auditorium. The newly elected Sigma Sigma Mediterranean and in the cities of Sigma officers are Chris Woods, Philadelphia and Pensacola. He Two years ago Tony Butala, Jim president; Suzanne Buschman, vice has played with the Pensacola Pike, and Bob Engemann decided president; Gail Woodard, corres- Symphony, the Flint Symphony, to pool their talents and to form ponding secretary; Linda Hahn, rer the Eastman Wind Ensemble, and their group. Since that time they cording secretary; Monette Rober- the Rochester Philharmonic. have recorded five singles for the son, treasurer, and Liz Hudgins, During the summers he has at- Capitol Recording Company. The keeper-of-grades. tended the Monteux School for first record was "The Way You Barbara Ford is the president of conductors in Hancock, Maine, and Look Tonight," an old standard Alpha Sigma Tau. Jill Meyers is has spent the last two summers as with a new arrangement. Others vice president; Carol Mauk, record- a member of the orchestra in the are "How Is Julie?" "When I Fall ing secretary; Mary Jane Murray, New Hampshire Music Festival. In Love," and "Come Back Silly corresponding secretary; and treas- Girl." Their L.P.s for Capitol are urer, Shirley Thaxton.
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