;: Cents Mr Bill Corsair 123D/401A N G 126 Roser Williams Ave Rumford lb Providence R I NOV63 THE BL NEWSPAPER V AND RADIO JUNE 17, 1963 FCC and FTC serve notice to broadcasters: NAB formulates its plans to stop the FCC play it straight with ratings 27 from taking over the codes 34 The Mid -South is a bustling, industrial H -R will move into data processing in '64; complex- SPECIAL MARKET STUDY .... 67 forms new division 44 COMPLETE INDEX PAGE 7 WRUL the only commercial world -wide short wave station in the United States, reaching more than 200 million people in Latin America, Europe and Africa, is now represented by RADIO DIVISION THE ORIGINAL STATION REPRESENTATIVE NEW YORK CHICAGO ATLANTA BOSTON DALLAS - DETROIT LOS ANGELES SAN FRANC'SCO ST. LOUIS radio WWDC salutes Washington's finest Li a city where landmarks require a dramatic rendezvous with history to rate recognition, the block -long edifice of Perpetual Building Associ- ation is a magnificent exception. Or is it? In its own way it also stands as a solid testimony to the American way of life. Since 1881 Perpetual has been operated by the people and for the people. Today, over 170,000 people are customers of this outstanding thrift institution -the largest insured, state chartered mutual savings and loan association in the United States. We thank Perpetual and its agency, Kal, Ehrlich & Merrick, for having placed the major portion of its radio advertising budget with us for the past six years. Maybe one of the reasons is that BLAIR we're "the station that keeps people in mind " -perpetually. GROUP PLAN Represented nationally by John Blair ¢ Company MEMBER WCBM LEGMEN deliver the radio news -in -depth adults prefer! WC B M listeners hear it first ! a total of 32 hours of news every week! WCBM's staff of legmen are first on No wonder the adults in this area - the scene . in Baltimore . men and women interested in what surrounding counties ... and at the is happening in the world today - state capital in Annapolis. They have prefer WCBM news. scored many notable newsbeats! This, plus quality music, person- This kind of intensive local and alities, and interesting features con- regional coverage . international sistently delivers the adults ... the news -services ... CBS news and com- people with the money to spend for mentators ... give WCBM listeners your products and services! National Sales Representative RÀ 'tÀ t Sales A SERVICE OF METROPOLITAN BROADCASTING A CBS RADIO AFFILIATE 10,000 Watts on 68 KC & 106.5 FM Baltimore 13, Maryland BROADCASTING, June 17, 1963 3 WGAL -TV provides the power that makes the sale In multi -city market, an advertising MULTI -CITY TV MARKET this schedule without WGAL -TV is like a JET ,m,..,S.o.. `Nr` littut ..... AIRPLANE WITHOUT ENGINES. Put the ., trr.e.4 . i_. full sales power of Channel 8 back of ..-... ., . ....e. your product. WGAL -TV is the only single .armrau medium that reaches the entire market ,.....=.17. r . , . , , ....,.... and delivers viewers in far greater num- ,. I, . " : READING bers than all other stations combined. GOÓN ° . HARRISBURG ® CiloollaaAND LANCASTER 0.., YORK CHAMMUI 11.0 ce1urrvnu ...... i. 6FMS1uR0 "*""`µ' ...... "/ ... iroGIOra 1...... INGAL-11 w.rtú,arT.. 1E14r.t0a Channel 8 /,0000 Lancaster, Pa. STEINMAN STATION Clair McCollough, Pres. Representative: The MEEKER Company, Inc. New York Chicago Los Angeles San Francisco 4 BROADCASTING, June 11, 1963 Writer at work Ashbrook P. Bryant, chief of FCC's CLOSED CIRCUIT network hasn't been idle study staff, NAB main board meetings next week troubled times. Reps are represented since when he last winter submitted subject will come up again, in accord on both Radio Advertising Bureau and Part 1 of report on TV network pro- with promise made to Representative Television Bureau of Advertising graming (BROADCASTING, Dec. 3, Morris K. Udall (D- Ariz.) by Robert boards, and some of them feel they 1962). Besides working on Part II- D. Swezey, NAB code authority direc- should serve on NAB board along detailed documentation of statements tor, few months ago. Mr. Udall agreed with appointed network representa- in earlier report -he has been draft- to postpone introduction of restrictive tives and elected broadcasters. ing proposed legislation to implement legislation. Best guess is that NAB Loevinger's speech one of staff's most controversial rec- board will decide to await release of first ommendations-that all broadcasters United States Surgeon General's re- FCC's newest member, Lee Loev- be required to belong to government - port on smoking and health -which inger, will make his first public ap- approved and government- supervised isn't expected until end of year -be- pearance since his assumption of trade association. Already completed fore doing anything about cigarette office June I1 before banquet of con- is draft bill to give FCC authority to advertising. vention of National Association for regulate networks. It's doubtful wheth- Education in Journalism at Univer- er commission will act on these or Radio wants in sity of Nebraska, Lincoln, on Aug. 26. other staff recommendations before Georgia Association of Broadcast- While he hasn't selected topic, it is August hiatus -although some may ers' letter urging National Association expected to relate to broadcasting as start appearing as items on FCC meet- of Broadcasters to get behind Radio journalistic medium. Judge Loevinger, ing agenda in weeks ahead. Advertising Bureau's plan for sep- former assistant attorney general in Syndication stirring arate radio audience research project charge of antitrust division, has writ- (see page 128) may be just beginning ing background and avid interest in As sequal to abolition by FCC of of pressures NAB will feel. Number journalism. television network option time, one of NAB members, including some important syndicator is pitching first- board members, are grumbling semi - Line begins to form run program series to regional adver- openly about NAB's non- committal at- First symptoms of nationwide de- tisers. It's Four Star Distribution titude and may try to force showdown mand for federal funds to use in start- Corp., subsidiary of Four Star TV. at NAB radio board meeting next ing new educational TV stations are Two series are in planning stages - week. RAB meanwhile has been try- appearing at Health, Education and neither is action -adventure, backbone ing to get permission to present its Welfare department. HEW has $1.5 of first-run product in past -but Four plan to NAB at or before board meet- million of 1963 fiscal year funds and Star reportedly will not move with ing, but still had received no reply hopes for $5 million in 1964 budget. either show until at least one substan- late last week. Starting off what may be flood of fund tial regional sale is made. requests for UHF stations are Penn New, formal request for hearing be- State University, a community group was sent Collins still sniffs Senate fore full NAB radio board in Glen Ridge, N. J., and wrrw(TV) Friday by RAB President Edmund C. NAB President LeRoy Collins is Chicago which is already on channel Bunker to NAB President LeRoy Col- still talking about returning to Florida I I and wants to start second station lins. Telegram expressed belief that politics. Newspapers in his home state on channel 20. "vast majority" of radio broadcasters reported last week that former gov- agree with RAB that there's urgent Some think it's prying ernor strongly indicated he would run need for study of how to measure com- for Senate, if opportunity arises, but Some broadcasters are protesting in- plete radio audience-and that RAB that he wasn't interested in return to clusion by FCC in its annual financial feels it can convince NAB board, too, governorship. report of new questions on "nepotism" if given chance. At this point, Mr. i.e., amounts paid to members of Mr. Collins, who served as gover- said, important thing is agree- Bunker ownership families. One senator, who nor from 1955 -1961 and assumed ment on need. Details of methodol- had raised question in behalf of con- NAB presidency in January 1961, ogy, he said, can be worked out in stituent, was formally advised that new had stated he wouldn't run for Senate between NAB and RAB partnership questions were included because al- against incumbent, Spessard L. Hol- will hear heed-RAB's if NAB -and most two -thirds of radio stations re- land if latter decides to run for new presentation on need to get some such ported losses or profit of less than six -year term in 1964. Aides expect without delay. Mr. study rolling $15,000 in 1961. With additional in- Senator Holland to run. Junior sen- to meet with NAB Bunker offered formation from stations operating atorship is held by George A. board morning, noon or night. close to break -even point, FCC said it Smathers, who was re- elected for six - could better analyze "overall health" year term last year. Report last week Reps want in of industry. that Senator Smathers would be ap- Some station representatives are be- pointed to next vacancy on Supreme ginning to bridle over what they re- Senator also was informed that after Court and thus create Senate vacancy gard as second -class citizenship in there had been objection to disclosure was denied by senator. broadcasting affairs. They feel they of "sensitive" information, FCC re- vised to individual deferred are part of business management of item exclude Cigarette action stations they represent and for that amounts, names and positions of per- NAB TV code board got status re- reason deserve better status than as- son to whom payments were made and port last week on code staff discus- sociate membership in National As- believed that this "adds to the confi- sions with ad agencies about re- sociation of Broadcasters on premise dentiality of the data." In spite of re- scheduling cigarette commercials in that since they're on sales firing line, sponse, some broadcasters are still pro- hours when few youngsters are view- they could provide important counsel testing on ground it's none of govern- ing TV, but no action was taken.
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