CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY BOUGHT WITH THE INCOME OF THE SAGE ENDOWMENT FUND GIVEN IN 1891 BY HENRY WILLIAMS SAGE ciRJfe^c * ^ {< * f]<l' ®|f dalnniFt Olnh of Clirago 1 HFrFplion to #Ib I^Mpps ithicago, 3¥lay 27ih, 1879. ipj^iJiiJi^mnaMiPJiSimfigainpiiMp^ The original of tliis book is in tine Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924028806707 (Batrf^ Chicago* RECEPTION TO THE Settlers of Chicago Prior to 1840, BY The Calumet Club, OF CHICAGO, Tuesday Evening, May 27, 1879. CHICAGO: THE CALUMET CLUB. Michigan Avenue and Eighteenth 'Street. 1879. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1879, by The Calumet Club of Chicago, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C. ^u-7 L / V <3 7/- FERGUS PRINTING COMPANY, 244 to 248 Illinois Street CONTENTS. PAGE. Officers and members of The Calumet Club 5 Origin of the Reception, 9 Record of Old Settlers who were invited, 11 The Reception, 23 Pra3'er of Rev. Stephen R. Beggs, 23 Speech of Rev. Stephen R. Beggs, 24 Address of welcome, by Gen. Henrv Strong, 26 Speech of Ex-Chief-Justice John Dean Caton, 35 Speech of Judge Henry W; Blodgett, 45 Speech of Judge James Grant, 45 Speech of Hon. John Wentworth, 45 Speech of Judge Grant Goodrich, 62 Speech of Hon. J. Young Scammon, 65 Speech of Hon. Wm. Bross 70 Tables showing places of birth, years of arrival, and ages of those who attended and .signed, the Register, 72 Appendix : Letter from John Watkins, 73 Letter from Norman K. Towner, 74 Letter from Rev. Flavel Bascom, 76 Letter from Maj-Gen. David Hunter, 76 Letter from Judge Ebenezer Peck, 77 Letter from Rev. Jeremiah Porter, 77 Names of those from whom brief letters of regret were received 78 Extract from Chicago Tribune, 79 Extract from Chicago Evening Journal, 8i Register of Old Settlers, 83 : Officers and Members PRESIDENT, ANSON STAGER. VICE-PRESIDENT, CHARLES J. BARNES. SECRETARY AND TREASURER, FREDERICK B. TUTTLE. DIRECTORS Charles J. Barnes, James B. Goodman, Watson F. Blair, Edson Keith, William Chisholm, Robert L. Perry, Charles W. Drew, Anson Stager, Augustus N. Eddy, Frederick B. Tuttle, A. G. Van ScHAicK, MEMBERS: , Adsit, James M., Jr. AsAY, J. F. Aldrich, William Ashwell, W. C. Alexander, G. M. averill, a. j. Allerton, Saml. W. Ayers, Enos Anderson, T. W. Bacon, Henry M. Andrews, Joseph H. Bacon, Roswell B. Angell, Wm. a. Baker, Wm. T. Armour, Geo. A. Baker, W. Vincent Armour, Joseph F. Balcom, Uri AsAY, E. G. Ballard, D. P. I CALUMET CLUB OF CHICAGO. Joseph G. Barnes, Chas. J. Coleman, Barrett, O. W. Collier, Clinton Bartlett, a. C. Comes, Charles W. Bartlett, Chas. S. Connell, Chas. J. BiGELOW, A. A. Cooper, E. M. Billings, Chas. A. corwith, gurden Billings, H. F. Corwith, Henry Birch, Hugh T. CoRwiTH, Nathan Bishop, Henry W. Counselman, Chas. Blackstone, T. B. Cowles, Alfred Blair, Chauncey B. Cox, R. W. Blair, Chauncey J. Crane, Albert Blair, Watson F. Crane, Charles A. Borland, J. J. Crerar, John Briggs, Clinton Culbertson, C. M., Jr. Brown, Andrew Critchell, R. S. Brown, J. M. Derby, W. M. Bryant, J. Ogden Dewey, A. A. Buckingham, C. Doane, J. W. Burnham, D. H. Dodge, Geo. E. P. Byford, Henry T. Drake, John B. Campbell, Augustus S. Drew, Charles W. Campbell, B. H., Jr. Dwight, J. H. Carver, W. S. Eddy, Augustus N. Cassidy, J. A. Fairbank, N. K. Caton, Arthur J. Fargo, Charles Chisholm, Wm. Fauntleroy, T. S. Chumasero, John T. Field, Marshall Clark, John M. Fisher, Fred. P. Clark, Stewart Fleetwood, Chas. Cleaveland, Jas. O. Fleetwood, Stanley Cobb, Calvin Fleming, Robert H. Cobb, Silas B. Fuller, Geo. W. Coburn, Chas. E. Fuller, Wm. A. CoBURN, Lewis L. Gage, Albert S. LIST OF MEMBERS. S. Gardner, C. Jones, S. J. Getchell, E. F. JuDAH, Noble B. * Glover, Samuel J. Keep, Albert Goodman, Jas. B. Keep, Chauncey Goodwin, Jonathan Keep, Fred. A. Gore, George P. Keep, Henry Gorton, Anson Keith, Edson Gould, M. B. Keith, O. R. Grannis, W. C. D. Kelley, David Gray, Franklin D. Kellogg, A. N. Grey, Wm. L. Kimball, C. Fred. Hall, Amos T. Kimball, C. P. Hackney, H. C. Kimball, Mark Hackney, John J. Kimball, W. W. Hall, Wm. S. • Kimbark, S. D. Hamill, Chas. D. Kirkpatrick, W. E. Hamill, Ernest A. Knickerbocker, Joshua C. Hanford, p. C. Knight, W. S. Hardin, S. H. Lay, a. Tracy Haskell, Fred. T. Law, Robert Heaton, E. S. Leiter, Levi Z. Henderson, E. F. Lester, John T. Henry, R. L. Logan, John A. HiBBARD, Wm. G. LooMis, John Mason Hodges, L. LuDiNGTON, ( Nelson Holliday, John M. May, Edward HOYNE, F. G. Marshall, Geo. E. Hoyne, T. M. McClelland, H. W. Hughes, John B. Miller, DeLaskie hutchins, c. s. Miller, R. B. Hyman, R. W., Jr. Mitchell, John J. IsHAM, Henry P. Morley, E. W. Jansen, E. L. Morse, T. E. Jenkins, T. R. Oakley, J. W. Johnston, Wm. J. Ogden, J. W. CALUMET CLUB OF CHICAGO. Olmstead, Edward Stager, Anson Otis, Geo.-L. Stearns, M. C. Otis, Jos. E. Stevens, George E. Otis, Philo A. Stone, Joseph A. Otis, X. L. Storrs, Emory A. Packard, Edward A. Strong, Henry Page, Wm. R. Tenney, D. K. Peacock, C. D. Thacher, J. M. Peck, Clarence I. Thompson, John L. Peck, Ferd. 'W. Tucker, W. F., Jr. Peck, John L. TuTTLE, Frederick Perry, R. L. Tuttle, Frederick B. Phelps, Erskine M. Vail, H. S. Powell, Samuel Van Schaack, Peter Pullman, Geo. M. Van Schaick, A. G. Quick, John H. S. "Walker, Wm. B. Ralston, R. W. Walter, Joel C. Rockwell, A. L. WatSon, Wm., Jr. Roe, John Wells, M. D. Rogers, John G. Wentworth, Moses J. Root, John W. W^etmore, C. L. Sard, Wm. H. Wheaton, Geo. D. Sawyer, E. T. Wheeler, C. T. Schneider, Geo. Wheeler, Ezra J. Seeberger, a. F; Wheeler, H. N. D. Seeberger, C. Whitney, J. C. Shay, M. D. Wight, Thomas Shepard, J. H. WiLBOR, Philo A Sheridan, P. H. Williams, Abram Shipman, Daniel B. Williams, Clifford Skeele, J. H. Williams, Norman Smith, Byron L. Wilson, Hugh R. Smith, Fred. I. Woodruff, Chas. W. July 2ist, 1879. — Origin of the Reception. ^JtfT the first annual meeting of The Calumet Clubi '^^ held on the 5th of May, 1879, it was. on motion of Mr. Joel C. Walter, seconded by Mr. Charles S. HUTCHINGS, Resolved, That The Calumet Club will give a Recep- tion to the "Old Settlers" who resided in Chicago prior to the year 1840. At a special meeting of the Board of Directors of The Calumet Club, held on the loth day of May, 1879, it was, on motion of Mr. Augustus N. Eddy, seconded by Mr. Wm. Chisholm," Resolved, That a committee of three to consist of the Vice-President—Mr. Charles J. Barnes, the Secretary Mr. Frederick B. Tuttle, and Mr. A. G. Van Schaick, be and is hereby appointed with power to act, by this Board, to confer with Messrs. Silas B. Cobb, Franklin D. Gray, Mark Kimball, Jas. H. Rees, Marcus C. Stearns, Frederick Tuttle, and Joel C. Walter, and to make all necessary arrangements for the Reception to be given to the "Old Settlers" of Chicago. • Record of Old Settlers, NOW LIVING, WHO CAME TO CHICAGO PRIOR TO 184O, AND WERE Invited to the Reception op The Calumet Club, Tuesday, May 27TH, 1879, COMPILED BY THE OLD SETTLERS COMMITTEE: Silas B. Cobb, Mark Kimball, Marcus C. Stearns, Franklin D. Gray, James H. Rees, Frederick Tuttle, Joel C. Walter. The Committee, being obliged to compile this Record principally from memory, may have inadvertently ommitted the names of some persons still living. Adams, Charles, Norwalk, Conn. Adams, Joseph, South Evanston, 111. Adams, Wilham H. 454 Wabash Av.e., Chicago. Adsit, James M. 947 Prairie Ave., Chicago. Allen, Edward R. Aurora, 111. Allen, Thomas, Glencoe, 111. Allison, Thomas, West Northfield, 111. Arnold, Isaac N. 104 Pine Street, Chicago. Bailey, Amos, San Jose, Cal. Bailey, Bennett, 301 Fulton Street, Chicago. Baker, Franklin, 30 Oakwood Boulevard, Chicago. Baldwin^ W. A. 265)^ Illinois Street, Chicago. Balestier, Joseph N. Brattleboro, Vermont. Balsley, John, 301 W. Congress St., Chicago. Barnes, R. B. Jefferson, 111. Bascom, Flavel, Hinsdale, 111. 12 CALUMET CLUB. Batchelor, Ezra, Milwaukee, Wis. Bates, John, 254 State St., Chicago. Baumgarten, Chris. - Freeport, 111. Baumgarten, John, Freeport, .III. Beach, James S. 31 Walnut St., Chicago. Beaubien, Mark, Newark, Kendall Co., HI- Beaubien, Medore B. Silver Lake, Kan. Beecher, Jerome, 241 Michigan Ave., Chicago. Beggs, Stephen R. Plainfield, 111. Berdel, Nicholas, Cor. 59th and State Sts., Chicago. Berg, Anton, 307 5th Ave., Chicago. Bishop, James, E. Denver, Col. Black, Francis, Hampton, 111. Blake, E. Sanford, Waseca, Minn. Blackman, Edwin, Room II, 70 LaSalle St., Chicago. Blake, L. S. Racine, Wis. Blasy, Barnhard, Chicago. Blodgett, H. W. Waukegan, III. Boone, L. D. 665 Michigan Ave., Chicago. Botsford, J. K. 613 Michigan Ave., Chicago. Botsford, Moss, Grant Park, 111. Bowen, Erastus S. City Hall, Chicago. Boyer, V. A. 233 N. Wells St., Chicago. Bradley, A. F. Jefferson, Cook Co., 111. Bradley, Timothy M. Room II, 157 LaSalle St., Chicago. Bradwell, J. B. Chicago. Bridges, T. B. Oak Park, 111. Brooks, Henry, Hyde Park, 111. Brooks, Joshua, Galena, 111. Brooks, Saml. M. San Francisco, Cal. Brown, Andrew J. Evanston, 111. Brown, Lemuel, Iowa. Brown, Nathaniel J. Lemont, 111. Brown, W. H. 15 N. Morgan St., Chicago. Bryan, F. A. No. I Bryan Place, Chicago. RECORD OF OLD SETTLERS. 13 Burley, A. G. 636 Indiana Ave., Chicago. Burley, A. H. 254 Dearborn Ave., Chicago. Burley, Charles, Exeter, N.
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