2010 Letno poročilo Annual report 2009 - Vsebina Contents Uvod Introduction 4 / 5 Skupne službe Joint Services 43 001 Oddelek Morska biološka postaja The Marine Biology Station Department 47 Instrumentalni center Morske biološke postaje Marine Biology Station - Instrumental Centre 67 002 Oddelek za raziskovanje sladkovodnih in kopenskih ekosistemov - EKO 75 Department of Freshwater and Terrestrial Ecosystems Research - EKO 003 Oddelek za biotehnologijo in sistemsko biologijo - FITO Department of Biotechnology and System Biology - FITO 93 Infrastrukturni Center Planta Infrastructural Centre Planta 111 004 Oddelek za entomologijo - ENTOMO Department of Entomology - ENTOMO 121 007 Oddelek za Genetsko toksikologijo in biologijo raka - GEN Department of Genetic Toxicology and Cancer Biology - GEN 147 Biološka knjižnica The Biology Library 150 Bibliografija Bibliography 165 Seznam zaposlenih v letih 2009 in 2010 List of Employees in 2009 and 2010 218 NACIONALNI INŠTITUT ZA BIOLOGIJO / NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF BIOLOGY POROČILO O DELU V LETIH 2009 IN 2010 / ANNUAL REPORT 2009 AND 2010 Založnik / Publisher: Nacionalni inštitut za biologijo, Večna pot 111 Ljubljana, Slovenija Uredniški odbor / Editorial board: Marina Dermastia Barbara Černač Helena Končar Tamara Lah Turnšek Oblikovanje / Design: Branka Smodiš Fotografije / Photos: arhiv NIB / Archive of NIB, naslovnica / Cover – dr. Davorin Tome Naklada / Edition: 300 izvodov Tisk / Print: EDNAS PRINT d.o.o., Velike Češnjice 18, Velike Češnjice, 1296 Šentvid pri Stični Ljubljana, 2011 ISSN 1408-3299 4 letno poročilo 2009 - 2010 letno poročilo 2009 - 2010 5 Word of the Director, dew of knowledge – but they are also strengthened us for survival and for demanding, merciless, shameless and the days to come. Prof. Dr. Tamara Lah exhausting. The education of budding Turnšek, on the Occasion researchers, who we at NIB help to Today therefore, because of its strong of the 50th Anniversary of become equipped with new skills and scientific reputation and competent knowledge, so that they will be pre- researchers, the new technological the National Institute of pared to deal with the challenges of awareness is taking NIB as an impor- Biology society – human, environmental, eco- tant partner in development. Over nomic, and so on – is an important the last decade in particular, we can “We are such stuff as dreams are made mission of NIB. These new doctors of recognise great improvements in the of”, said Shakespeare. I want to say science, brought up in the context of scientific work, with increasing and “We are such stuff as knowledge is our research, form the basis of a very better publications, not to mention in Prof. dr. Tamara Lah Turnšek much needed driving force of innova- the prestigious journal Nature, as well Direktorica / Director made of” ... Revelation is a thought caught on the fly, a butterfly caught tive development in Slovenia. as in the development and application in a net and realized in our scientific areas. Beseda direktorice, mo živa bitja in naravo – biologijo. Ko se obračam v zgodovino, ugotavljam, experiments. Then it gets established But today also demands that knowledge prof. dr. Tamare Lah Mnogo bolje bo danes o tem govoril da smo bili včasih že kar na pravi poti. and becomes reality. We put kno- is turned into gold. Unfortunately, we In the 1970s, the Marine Biology Station naš znanstveno - umetniški film, zato Da smo se znali odrekati in videti viš- wledge into a context, like a stone are not alchemists, and there are many Piran (MBP)became part of the Institu- Turnšek na svečanem bodi dovolj..! je cilje. Znanost je že lepo shodila in into a mosaic, where it perhaps steps between knowledge and econo- te, and their thinking has made a very dogodku ob 50-obletnici rastoča industrija 70-80 let ji je znala doesn’t belong at all, and yet, sooner mic wellbeing that we cannot influen- considerable contribution to already delovanja Nacionalnega Ker dan zahteva od nas še mnogo več podajat roko. A to so bili drugačni časi or later, it integrates where it really ce. There are many other elements and existing research areas, such as plant – treba je preliti to znanje med ljudi. in kaj se je zgodilo potem – je preveč belongs. supporting systems which science and physiology, entomology and, in par- inštituta za biologijo, Treba ga je dajati mladim raziskoval- za današnji slavnostni dan! scientists themselves cannot do much ticular, ecosystems research. Already, 25. oktobra 2010 cem. So kot nežni cvetovi, žejni jutra- Or it does not! Where will our thought about, but we can help build the steps MBP has extended its exploratory re- nje rose učenosti - a so tudi zahtevni, Nekako v tistem času se je rodil NIB. Vi- belong tomorrow, when the fluid mo- up to a point where fusion between search on marine biology into broader neusmiljeni, brezsramni in izčrpava- zionarski pogled prof. Miroslava Zeia, knowledge and technology can result research on the coastal zone, develo- »Iz take smo snovi kot sanje« je rekel saic of our perception of everything joči. A prav vzgoja mladih raziskoval- pobudnika ustanovitve našega insti- in real success. But this cannot be achi- pment of its management, and explo- Shakespeare. Jaz pa pravim: »Iz take that is around us and of what we do, cev, ki jih pri nas opremimo še z do- tuta, se je danes uresničil. NIB torej eved overnight. itation of its resources. Today NIB is smo snovi kot znanje... Spoznanje je will appear different – we do not datnimi znanji in veščinami tako, da ni rodila politika za razliko od večine, the most sought after partner of vari- misel, ki jo ujamemo v letu, jo ume- know …! Will we ever be given a chan- bodo kos vsem izzivom družbe in go- posebno naravoslovno tehničnih in- When I look back into our history I re- ous ministerial sectors and agencies, in stimo v svoje pasti in udejanimo v ce to get to know a human being, the spodarstva, je pomembno poslanstvo štitutov, ki so imeli zato tudi potrebno alize that we used to be on the right particular in the fields of environment, svojem znanstvenem poskusu. Potem web of our neurons? Whether we will NIBa. Ti novi doktorji znanosti, ki državno podporo. NIB je rasel kot sa- path. We knew how to sacrifice and to agriculture and health. We have beco- okameni in postane stvarnost. Znanje have this opportunity or not is very izhajajo iz našega dela, bodo namreč morastnik, samosvoje, kar nas je utr- seek higher goals. Science learnt how me, and remain, an indispensible sour- postavimo v nek kontekst. Kamenček difficult to say, since one human life nujno potrebna gonilna sila inovativ- dilo za preživetje, tudi za prihajajoče to walk and the growing industry of the ce of services and consultancy on the v mozaiku, kamor morda sploh ne is too short for this. We are born and nega razvoja Slovenije. obdobje. 1970s – 1980s knew how to reach out government’s development planning sodi, a vendarle se prej ali slej umesti, we die in a state of incomplete under- for science. But those were other times; policy, not to mention the much ne- kamor res sodi.« standing. This is how I see my work. A sedanjost zahteva tudi, da pretopimo Tako ga danes zaradi odličnega znan- This is how we, scientists, see the li- what happened then is too much for eded synchronisation with European Ali pa ne! Kam bo sodila naša misel jutri, znanje v zlato. Žal nismo alkimisti in stvenega dela in kompetentnih raz- ving creatures and the surrounding today’s day of celebration. policy and directives. ko bo fluidni mozaik našega spozna- vmes – med znanjem in bogastvom je iskovalcev nova tehnološka pred- nature – “biology”. Today’s scientific nja o vsem kar nas obdaja in kar poč- še mnogo, na kar ne moremo vplivati. videvanja vključujejo kot močnega film that we have created will show us Those were the times when NIB was born: In the last decade we have succeeded, nemo, dobil spet drugo podobo – ne Je kopica drugih elementov in pod- partnerja v svojem razvoju. Posebno more about this and in more depth, so the vision of Prof. Miroslav Zei, a ma- with the help of the Ministry of Higher vemo ..! Ali nam bo dano kdaj spo- pornih sistemov, za katere znanost in v zadnjem desetletju zaznamo prodor, enough for the moment! rine biologist and the initiator of our Education, Science and Technology, in znati predvsem človeka samega, sple- znanstveniki sami ne moremo dosti tako v znanstvenem delu z narašča- Institute, has today become a reality. restructuring MBP, so that today, this tne mreže naših nevronov? Ali nam narediti. Lahko le pomagamo graditi jočimi dobrimi publikacijami (npr. v Today requires even more from us, more NIB was thus not born out of politics, is the most advanced infrastructure bo dano to spoznanje ali ne, je težko ta podporni sistem do mere, ko bo zli- prestižni reviji Nature) kot tudi na ra- than just philosophy or science – we unlike the majority of natural science on and around the Adriatic Sea. We reči, saj je eno človeško življenje za tje z njim rodilo resnično konkurenč- zvojnem področju. have to spread this knowledge among and technical institutes founded pri- are expecting soon to achieve a new to prekratko. Rodimo se in umremo nost in uspeh. A to se ne doseže čez people – it needs, in particular, to be or to ours, and which are still getting infrastructure in Ljubljana, based on v ne-vedenju. Tako sama vidim svo- noč... given to the young, who are like fra- stronger state support. NIB grew as a the existing Biological Centre. It is only je delo. Tako raziskovalci tu gleda- gile flowers seeking for the morning plant that grows on its own which has twenty years since we moved into the 6 letno poročilo 2009 - 2010 letno poročilo 2009 - 2010 7 V 70 letih se je inštitutu priključila Mor- prepričanju je najbolj učinkovito usta- Centre, and yet it has already become ska biološka postaja (MBP), ki je ime- navljanje lastnih podjetij, strategija, ki too small, in particular due to the in- la pomemben vpliv tudi na delo na- je prav ob 50 letnici rodila naše prvo flux of young scientists joining NIB, ših drugih področij, kot so bile tedaj odcepljeno podjetje Biosistemika, ki including increasing numbers from rastlinska fiziologija, entomologija je zrasla iz naših raziskav s področja other countries.
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