Volume 30, Number 21 Wilfrid Laurier University Thursday March 1,1990 Come one! Come all! zvith is proud to present a paper all the pulse-pounding excitement and zuonder ofa three-ring circus, THECORDWEEKLY attin SeautifuCbtacf^andzuhite! A business section you won't be ashamed to take home to Mom, Dad, the cat, or the Mormon Tabernacle Choir! (Starting on page nine) The excruciating pain of a federal budget that leaves us gasping, wheezing and choking for money (and hyperbole, too)! (On page three) For the perilous predicament of a Canadian researcher looking for life and radio in programs outer space! (Pages 20-21) Tom Cochrane and Red Rider try to play their way out of the treacherous sonic confines of the battleship Maine ~er, Twist! (Page 19) J4.ndyell and yell some more for under-rated Laurier your zoinning, Qolden 9-lazvfcjnens' hockey team as SEE! FEEL! WEEP! HEAR! YELL! it heads the nationalsI (hopefully)for (Page 23) awaits within! Don't miss it! All this and more (even orange!) The Cord Weekly 2 Thursday March 1, 1990 If considered the other you've painting companies, then discover Painters where Plus™, you get a... SUMMER BUSINESS CORD WEEKLY OPPORTUNITY... MARCH 1,1990 VOLUME 30, NUMBER 21 PLUS... with business track EDITOR-IN-CHIEF...AI Sirathdee Qualified trainers a record... * * * NEWS EDlTOR...Jonathan Stover PLUS... 4* times MORE area per franchise than our competitors... ASSOCIATE NEWS EDITOR..Keri Downs NEWS CONTRIBUTORS PLUS... 33%* LESS royalty than our competitors... JeffBowden, Bill Needle, Steve Burke, Dublin G. Coyne, Gail Cockburn, Bill Mcßain and the Anonymous Green Week Writer While the other painting companies offer a few postal codes, consider the Painters Plus™ franchise BUSINESS EDITOR...Barry Gervin following areas: BUSINESS CONTRIBUTORS 1. Town of Oakville 4. City of Etobicoke 7. City of Toronto Melissa Yee, Monica Kwan 2. City of Mississauga 5. City of North York 8. City of Scarborough * * * 3. City of Brampton 6. City of York/ 9. Town of Pickering/ COMMENT PAGES CONTRIBUTORS Borough of East York Town ofAjax JJi. Artinger, Liza Sardi, Al Strathdee *** FEATURES EDlTOR...Elizabeth Chen If you are considering a business opportunity this summer, you will find that FEATURES CONTRIBUTORS Painters Plus™ adds up! Keri Downs, Robert Hercz from Obtain an application your campus placement office and forward it made March today! Don't delay, all offers are by 1. .* * * "SCENE" EDITOR...Tony Burke ~ tm Painters Plus Inc. CONTRIBUTORS 1-3 "SCENE" r\ -I -|~v 4-/3kY»Q 69 Queen Street South, Second Floor, CXXi-XUCX O Tom Szeibel, Steve Burke Hamilton, Ontario * ** TTO LBP3R6 SPORTS EDITOR...Brian Owen II I Attention: James Phelan - SPORTS CONTRIBUTORS (416) 236-PLUS (Toronto) ™ SUPPORTED INDEPENDENCE Leslie Lamers, Jeff Dragich, Chris Dodd, Chris Starkey Al Strathdee * * * * Estimated, for details contact Painters Plus Inc. of Painters Plus © 1989: Copyright of Painters Plus Inc. TM: Trademark IncJ PRODUCTION MANAGER.. Jana Watson PRODUCTION ASSISTANTS Karen Burke, Andrea Nasello, Christine Yarwood IST YEAR PRODUCTION CONTRIBUTORS ARTS & Steve Burke ** * SCIENCE STUDENTS SYSTEMS TECHNICIAN...MichaeI Myc COPY EDITORS Robin Sutherland, Guy Etherington CIRCULATION AND FILING MANAGER...RoxanneChartrand REACH THE TOP! ** * PHOTO MANAGER...Liza "YEE HA" Sardi Explore career opportunities through participation PHOTO TECHNICIANS in the INTERNSHIP PROGRAM Pat "WHAT'S FOR DINNER" Mitchell, Howard "NO FAV. SAYING" Bellinger GRAPHIC ARTS...Tom "DID ANYONE ORDER THE PIZZA YET" Sziebel PHOTO CONTRIBUTORS Karsh and ANTHROPOLOGY Liza Sardi, Tom MOJO RISIN, Iforgot his name, Chris Gain, Liza J. Stover and S. an attempt by Burke BIOLOGY A *** ADVERTISING MANAGER...Frank Reilly COMPUTING AND \hMb ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVES COMPUTER ELECTRONICS a Rose Belvedere, Marlie Yoshiki, Martin Walker CLASSIFIEDS CO-ORDINATOR...Anoushka Boteju ENGLISH \ AD PRODUCTION MANAGER...Brad Jandrew GEOGRAPHY AD PRODUCTION ASSISTANT...Tanya Reitzel ymFff HISTORY \MUI, rP-i Plus NAT! NAL ADVERTISING Campus MATHEMATICS (416) 481-7283 POLITICAL SCIENCE - BOARD OF PUBLICATIONS * * PRESIDENT...Mark Hand PSYCHOLOGY faJ* " DIRECTORS SOCIOLOGY W W™ Neville Blair, Patrick Brethour, Tony Burke, Bill Casey, Frances McAneney, Dan Muys, Al Strathdee The Cord welcomes ill criticisms and from its readers. Letters the Editor Weekly comments, suggestions to APPLICATION DEADLINE and must be typed, double spaced submitted by Tuesday at 12:00 noon for the following publication. All let- bear the author's full and but be withheld ters must name, telephone student number, names may upon re- Letters exceed 400 words in and edited for The Cord quest. must not length are length only. Weekly reserves the right to refuse any submission, and all submissions become the property of The Cord Weekly. Any sub- mission deemed to further racist will be refused the Cord sexist, or homophobicstereotypes as per Weekly THURSDAY, MARCH 1,1990 Constitution. month, 24-issue Cord $20.00 within Canada Eight Weekly subscription rates are: for addresses and outside the students subscribe the of four month work $25.00 country. Co-op may at rate $10.00 per term. The Cord Weekly offices are located on the 2nd Floor of the Scragging, Skanking, and Scrumping Mas- Parlour and Student Centre Wilfrid Laurier The Cord is sage at University (tel. 884-2990). Weekly printed at INTERNSHIP OFFICE TODAY Ricter Web Press in beautiful Brantford, Ontario, home of Alfie Scragg's Pizza/Donut/Video/Total Con- VISIT THE venience Emporium. 200 Editorial AT 232 2ND ROOM The Cord Weekly is published weekly duringthe fall and winter academic terms. opinions are KING, FLOOR, by the editorial board and are independent of the University, the Student Union, and Student Publi- approved TO PICK UP AND RETURN APPLICATION FORMS cations. The Cord Weekly is a sodomized member ofthe Canadian University Press. Student N2L 3C5. No Copyright © 1990 by WLU Publications, Waterloo, Ontario, part of this publica- be without the of the Editor-in-Chief. tion may reproduced permission "'But can't listen, Ihey have to you people what come round in their own time, wondering hap- the worldblew around them." pened and why up The NEWS (Bradbury Editor '<Bud'(Doom, Associate O^vjs Jon ''Bud'Stover, tyivs %?ri Ife Cord Meety WilfridLaurier University March 1,1990 Federal budget cuts mean students pay make for KERI DOWNS Cord Weekly it is "where the provinces go to hard, they'll have to up With Canadian Press make the that will af- it somewhere," said Lewis. "Uni- University up money" Sources fect the students most. versity funding will most likely Federal finance minister be "I expect there will be some where." Michael Wilson's new budget hit increases in tuition fees over the "Tuition increases are likely," university students hard. what said Lewis. next few years, but the The multi-billion dollar cut- government will do remains to be President Weir said the backs, aimed at health care and Dr. Weir said. will seen," budget not have a direct ef- school education, post-secondary "It is that tuition will likely go fect on food or books at WLU. lower could mean higher tuition, said WLUSU President Al up," The bookstore and food services uni- quality education, and severe Strathdee. Strathdee said that are ancillary enterprises, and versity underfunding. Decreases is that raising taxes so unpopular must break even regardless of in federal transfer payments — it is more that tuition fees what likely goes on around campus. federal money paid by the would rise. the office in A 1 Strathdee, however, said On Shrove Tuesday, Chaplain's sponsored pancakes government to the provinces "But I hope to hell that That's be-hatted that the budget affect food the Concourse. a WLUSU president A 1 Strath- towards edu- may which usually goes doesn't he noted. happen,' and befuddled in the middle. and books because the univer- dee making pancakes looking cation and social programs, but Strathdee said that health sities will be looking for alternate (Tom Szeibel photo) the of which is left dispensing up seems to be the number one ways of increasing profit and to the provincial governments — for priority the federal govern- making the difference. And will and up impact upon universities, ment now, rather than education. the imminent Goods and Services will result in tuition probably "The government is cheating fu- Tax will affect book prices the hikes for 1990-91. ture generations by underfund- most. It is now to the provincial he said. "It is to reach up ing," inexcusable Over to decide where governments target education the way they There has been concern ex- will to they get the money com- have." pressed by many over the effects STEVE BURKE the federal and The noted in- have pensate for cuts, president that the federal budget may on News Analysis creased many people are expecting tuition tuition rates would throw enrollment at WLU in the next With apologies to Matthew Arnold fees rise. to barriers up before people of lower couple of years. Dr. Weir said en- incomes. WLU students won't be ex- "It's a message that the rollment will be determined by a TheCTB is calm tonight. the effects of Wilson's empt from federal government just doesn't lot of things but not the new The Turret is full, Little House lies bare Concerns budget axe. on campus care," he said. budget. Demography and the Upon the block - at the library on Albert Street the light when, where and how V.P.: regarding University Affairs labour market always affect en- Flickers and is gone; the walls of Laurier, weary much the federal will Stuart Lewis new budget said the provincial rollment according to Weir. lean Ave. Weathered and worn, over University affect WLU students are being government will have to react to "When there is lot of unem- a Come to the window, stale is the room's air expressed by everyone.
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