Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-48488-6 — The Pasts of Roman Anatolia Felipe Rojas Index More Information 244 GENERAL INDEX Abgar V, 106 , 107 , 108 Aphrodisias Abraham, 106 – 08 , 110 basilica reliefs, 111 – 14 Achaemenids, 120 document wall, 27 , 110 Achilles, 56 – 57 , 58 founders of, 111f4.5 Acriae, 3 , 8 , 12 , 28 known as Ninoe, 112 Aea, 151 , 175 prehistoric tell, 114 , 115 , 142 Aemilius Paulus, Lucius, 24 Aphrodite Aeneas, 9 , 21 , 58 , 210n2 in Aphrodisias, 111 Aeneas of Gaza, 81 sanctuary at Cnidus, 29 Aetes, 151 statue in Temnus, 68 , 69 Aetna, 131 , 147 in Troy, 21 , 22 Agdistis, 140 Apollo Agdus, 139 Carius, 201n116 Aght’amar, see Akdamar Island cave at Aulae, 74 Ajax, 58 , 60 , 142 , 160 cult at Magnesia on the Akdamar Island, 135 Maeander, 191n37 Akpınar, 4 , 5 , 10 Delphinius temple at Miletus, 157 Alaca Höyük, 2 , 189n37 Ismenian, 193n61 Albufereta necropolis, Alicante, 168 on Mount Tmolus, 101 Aleppo, 104 Python- slayer at Hierapolis, 92 , 128 – 129 Alexander the Great, 56 – 57 , 154 , 155 – 57 and walls of Troy, 20 Alibalians, 82 , 99 , 131 , 203n141 Apollo Pythoktonos, see Apollo: altered states of consciousness, 75 , 129 Python- slayer at Hierapolis Amasia, 117 Ararat, Mount, 127 Amasis, see breastplate of Amasis archaeologia, ancient Greek Ambar Deresi, 65 – 66 defi nition, 190n4 Amenhotep III, 158 , 213n55 , 214n59 archaeology of the senses, see embodied Amenoth, see Amenhotep III archaeophilia Anaitis, temple of (at Zela), 117 , 119 archaeophilia Anazarbus, 44 , 46 competitive spirit, 26 , 28 , 33 , 60 , 117 , 152 , anchor of the Argo, 151 – 53 , 155 161 , 163 Angdistis, 139 defi nition, 7 , 18 Antioch, 34 , 47 , 142 see also embodied archaeophilia Antiochus III the Great, 6 , 123 Archimedes, tomb of, 147 – 50 Antiochus IV Epiphanes, 159 archivist, 15 , 26 , 110 antiquarianism, defi nition, 7 Argo, 151 – 53 , 155 Anti- Taurus Mountains, 44 Argonauts, 151 , 175 Apamea, 127 Ariadne of Phrygia, Saint, 137 – 140 , apathy, 14 , 140 , 149 142 , 180 244 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-48488-6 — The Pasts of Roman Anatolia Felipe Rojas Index More Information 245 GENERAL INDEX 245 Arsippe, 97 giant, 30 , 58 , 63 , 160 Artemidorus Papas of Nysa, 26 , 27 , 59 Borluk River, 176 – 79 Artemis Boz Dağ , see Tmolus Arsippe, devotee of, 97 breastplate of Amasis, 25 , 29 , 30 , 60 , 80 , 160 Proseoea on Euboea, 165 bronze, see Corinthian bronze sanctuary at Ephesus, 27 , 28 Broteas, 3 , 4 – 5 , 8 , 68 , 197n28 at Hierocaesarea, 121 at Hypaepa, 121 Cadiz, 31 , 35 , 63 at Saguntum, 192n45 Cambyses, 161 at Sardis, 36 , 38 – 41 , 122 Caracalla, 56 – 57 , 118 xoanon of, 28 – 29 , 60 Caria, 25 , 115 , 190n4 , 205n14 Arundell, William, 84 Caspian Sea, 146 , 173 Asclepiodotus, 129 Cassius Maximus (Maximus of Tyre), 33 , 95 Aslantepe, Illuyankas relief Caucasus, 174 , 175 (at Aslantepe), 81 Cayster River, 97 , 100 assemblages, defi nition, 63 cedar, 27 Atargatis, 109 , 110 Cennet ve Cehennem (Paradise and Athena Hell), 132 age of, 27 , 28 centaur, 1 , 164 , 187n3 sanctuary at Lindus, 25 Cerberus, 92 temple at Elis, 164 Chrysanthius, 42 at Pergamum, 194n70 Cicero, 147 – 50 , 151 Athens Cilicia, 44 , 48 , 101 mausoleum of Philoppapus, 159 city- founder Sanctuary of the Mother, 151 , 152 of Aphrodisias, 111 – 16 athletic competitions, 53 , 55 , 56 , 80 , 121 and archaeologia, 190n4 Attic red- fi gure vessels, 167 – 69 , 172 of Gordion, 111 auditory traces of the past, 158 – 62 of a new Rome, 22 voice of Memnon, 159 , 162 , 166 of Nineveh, 112 authenticity, 123 , 146 , 152 – 57 , 163 – 64 , 166 of Zela, 116 – 19 see also fakes and forgeries Clarus, oracle of, 101 autopsy, 20 , 27 , 28 , 60 , 78 , 152 , 157 Cnidus, 29 , 160 Ayanis, 176 Colchis, 146 , 151 , 175 Azat village, 177 – 79 Colossi of Memnon, 146 , 158 – 60 , 161 Azerbaijan, 17 , 146 , 173 , 175 Commagene, 48 , 159 connoisseurship balis (fl ower of Zeus), 81 – 83 , 85 , 87 , 92 , 97 of antiquities, 24 Barygaza (Bharuch), 154 – 56 and archaeological science, 184 Bell, Gertrude, 71 , 107 , 110 , 205n18 art historical, 5 , 164 , 183 Bellerophon, 26 , 111 documentary, 26 Beyş ehir (ancient Misthia), 55 material, 146 , 152 , 153 Beyş ehir Lake, 50 , 51 of necrocorinthia, 162 – 64 Beyukdash, 173 – 174 olfactory, 164 Bharuch, see Barygaza of paper products, 26 Bin Tepe, 100 , 203n135 and the senses, 166 bones Corinth, 29 , 162 – 64 of Ajax, 58 , 60 , 160 Corinthian bronze, 163 , 166 fossilized, 1 , 71 Corycus, 132 , 134 of Geryon, 30 , 33 , 34 Craterus, 72 – 78 , 80 , 102 , 121 , 180 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-48488-6 — The Pasts of Roman Anatolia Felipe Rojas Index More Information 246 246 GENERAL INDEX Croesus, 124 , 166 exegetai (guides), 33 cucumber, exploding, 85 – 87 expert, defi nition, 18 cultural amnesia, 140 – 42 , 149 , 150 , 151 , 170 , 172 fakes and forgeries, 27 , 60 , 146 , 152 , 183 cypress, 27 , 110 see also authenticity Fasıllar, 38 , 50 – 55 , 59 , 67 , 121 , 156 Damasen (giant), 82 , 131 Ferhatlı, see Uzunoğ lan Tepe Daniel (prophet), 126 , 142 festival Darius, 164 , 191n37 dancing reeds, 101 Delos, 157 , 190n4 Sacaea, 117 , 119 – 20 Deucalion, 114 in Saguntum, 122 Diana, see Artemis see also athletic competitions Didyma, 193n61 Festus (freedman of Caracalla), 56 – 57 Dionysus, 114 fi sh Docimeium, 139 bejeweled, 109 Dodwell, Edward, 32 , 33 , 177 coals transformed into, 106 , 108 Dolichene (Dülük Baba Tepesi), 48 as physical trace of the past, 135 dragon- slayer, 82 , 92 , 128 , 134 , 137 pond, 106 , 107 Dülük Baba Tepesi (Dolichene), 48 that respond to human sounds, 109 Dushares, 157 sacred, 101 , 107 – 10 , 134 fl ood ebony, 27 biblical fl ood, 69 , 109 Ecballium elaterium (exploding Lake of Tantalus, 69 cucumber), 85 – 87 in mythology of Anatolia, 77 , 127 Edessa, see Urfa fl ower of Zeus (balis), 81 – 83 , 85 , 87 , 92 , 97 eel- snake, 81 footprints, incised, 72 , 198n46 see also snake forgery, see fakes and forgeries Efl atun Pınar, 51 , 55 forgetfulness, see cultural amnesia embodied archaeophilia fortifi cation auditory, 146 , 158 – 62 , 166 near Aphrodisias, 114 , 115 gustatory, 24 , 29 , 157 , 164 , 165 , 166 Mycenaean, 8 , 14 , 71 olfactory, 1 , 146 , 162 – 66 , 184 of Semiramis, 116 proprioception, 75 Ş eyh ul Kal’a, 48 tactile, 25 , 60 , 162 , 184 Frazer, James G., 68 – 69 Endoeus, 27 , 28 Ephesus Gaius Iulius Zoilus, 111 ancient city, 10 , 88 Galli, 90 – 91 , 128 , 129 sanctuary of Artemis, 27 , 28 gas (toxic), 80 , 84 , 88 – 92 , 128 , 129 xoanon of Artemis, 28 – 29 , 60 Gediz Nehri, see Hermus River epigram Gell, William, 19 – 20 , 22 on Archimedes’s tomb, 147 , 149 Georgia, 6 , 151 , 175 by Hadrian, 58 Geryon, 30 , 33 , 34 , 35 , 63 by Julia Balbilla, 158 – 60 giant eunuch ancient, 164 Galli, 90 , 91 , 128 , 129 bones, 30 , 58 , 63 , 160 Melito the, 128 Damasen, 82 , 131 youths saved from being turned of Fasıllar, 121 , 156 into, 29 Tork‘, 176 Evliya Çelebi, 69 , 107 , 109 Gobustan National Park © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-48488-6 — The Pasts of Roman Anatolia Felipe Rojas Index More Information 247 GENERAL INDEX 247 inscriptions in languages other than Hittites, 10 – 11 , 94 , 97 , 141 – 42 , 143 , 188n26 Latin, 176 Hotamış Lake, 71 , 77 , 78 , 80 , 102 Latin inscription, 173 – 74 Hyllus, 31 , 35 , 63 prehistoric rock- carvings, 174 , 176 Hypaepa, 121 , 203n148 Gordion, 111 Gordiouteichos (Wall of Gordis), 114 Iberia, 8 , 17 , 121 – 22, 146 , 167 – 72 , 184 , Gordis, 111 , 113 , 114 192n45 see also Gordiouteichos Ibrahim, see Abraham guide Iliad , 1 , 20 , 23 , 56 , 95 in ancient Azerbaijan (Caucasian Ilium, 58 Albania), 176 see also Troy ; Roman Indian, 155 Illuyankas, 80 – 81 , 83 , 84 , 134 local, 15 , 59 , 60 Illuyankas relief, Aslantepe, 81 Lydian, 33 – 35 , 63 Image of Edessa (Mandylion), 106 Phasian, 152 India, 17 , 146 , 154 – 56 Trojan, 22 , 23 informant see also informant, interlocutor, temple anthropologists and living, 102 warden Egyptian priests as, 172 Gujarat, 154 , 156 of expert archaeophiles, 60 Gygaean Lake, 84 , 98 , 101 , 203n136 local, 30 , 32 , 172 Gyges, 97 of the Periplus merchant, 156 Phrygian (at Troy), 21 , 23 Hadrian, 57 – 59 , 60 , 151 , 153 , 154 , see also guides, interlocutors, temple 159 – 61 wardens Haji Khalifa, see Kâtip Çelebi inscription Haldi, temple of (at Ayanis), 176 Anatolian hieroglyphic, 12 , 64 , 71 – 77 , 97 , Hartapus, 74f3.6 , 102 102 , 104 , 105 , 176 , 187n11 Hattusas, 10 , 80 , 188n26 cuneiform, 12 , 176 Hector, 21 , 58 , 95 , 142 in Gobustan in languages other than Hera, 114 Latin, 176 Heracles, 31 , 81 Iberian, 169 Heraclid dynasty, 97 Linear B, 14 Hermes, 134 Lydian, 40 , 41 , 43 , 114 Hermus River, 68 , 80 , 82 , 84 – 85 , 87 , 92 , Lydian– Greek, 36 127 , 187n12 Nabataean– Greek, 157 Hierapolis (Manbij, Syria), 108 , 114 on Nannas Bakivalis base, 36 Hierapolis (Pamukkale) obsolete or unknown script, 12 , 105 , 114 , Apollo sanctuary, 92 , 128 123 choirs of young boys, 101 Sardis synagogue inscription, 123 Christian, 128 , 129 Urartian, 176 dragon, 80 , 92 interlocutors Ophiorhumos/ Ophiorhume, 128 and archaeophiles, 18 , 60 , 151 pilgrimage, 88 and Hadrian, 59 Plutonium, 88 – 92 , 128 – 29 and Julia Balbilla, 183 textile production, 90 , 92 and Mucianus, 23 , 26 , 29 , 59 , 183 Hierocaesarea, 121 and non- elite Mediterranean Hilarius, 42 interpreters, 154 Hippias of Elis, 190n4 and Pausanias, 15 , 30 , 32 , 33 , 59 , 63 , Hisarlık, 1 182 , 183 © in this
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