MADISON DEPARTMENT OF THE IN-if...1'0R BUREAU OF EDUCATION BULLETIN, 1920, No. 38 MONTHLY RECORD OF CURRENT EDUCATIONAL PUBLICATIONS NOVEMBER, 1920 WASHING!** GOVERNMENT PRINTING OffiCE , 1920 301376 mAryst 1AR 5 1926 .A G. 1b 152o 38-17 38-40 MONTHLY RECORD OF CURRENT EDUCATIONAL PUBLICATIONS. Compiled by the Library Division, Bureau of Education. CONTF.NTS.--Prowd In gk of as;islationsEduratloral history and biography Current educational emolltionsEilocational theory and practiceEducational psychology ; Child studyE4ucatiohal te,ts and measurementsStella! methods of instructionSpecial sub- jects of curriculumKisidergartilln and primary schoolRural education Secondary edu- cation--Normal trainingTeachers' salaries and professional statusHigher education liesearch- Schooladministration School,maringement--SchoOlbousesand grounds school lixgieric and sanitation Physical traluingPlarand recreationSocial aspects of ethical welfare -- .Moral and religious educatiotaManual and vocational train- ingVocational guidance -- Agriculture home economiesCommercial educationEngi- neering educationCivic cdneationAmericanIzationEducallon of soldiersEducation of W0111,11-Negro education -Education of deaf -- Exceptional childrenEducation exten- bion--Lil.rorles and reading- Bureau of Education: Recent publications. NOTE. The record comprises a general survey in bibliographic form of current educational literature, domestic and foreign, received during the monthly period-preceding the date of publication of each issue. This office can not supply the publications listed in this bulletin, other than those expressly designated as publications of the BurAu of Education.Books, pamphlets, and periodicals here mentioned may ordinarily be obtained from their respective publishers, either directly or through a dealer, or, in the case of an association publica- tion, from the secretary of the issuing organization.Many of them are available for consultation in various public aninstitutional libraries. - Publications intended for inclusion in this record slituild be seni. to the library of the Bureau of Education, Washington, D. C. PROCEEDINGS OF ASSOCIATIONS. 1724. New York (State) University.Eaucational congress, Albany, N. Y., Toy .49-28, 1919. ['Proceedings] 'Albany, Universityof the state of New York. 1920.91) p. N?. (Universily of the Stale of NewYork no. 7412, ,Ipltonry 15, 192)) . Contains tu ports and reeominemlations of committees on the following sub - jects: Agricultural edintion, All-year school, Americanisation, Art,Civics, Clearing house, Economics, English, Foreign languages, General science, at`bg raphy, Health education, Higher elltteation, Illatory, Home economics,Industrial education, Libraries, Mathematics, Mental diagnosis, Moral Instruction, Music; Muraleducation, and Training of teacheat '8 4 CURRENT EDUCATIONAL PUBLICATIONS. 1723. North central association of colleges and secondaryschools.Proveed- ings ofthe twenty -fifth annual meeting. tlarclt 18 20, 1920, Chicago, Ill.. nib. by the Association, 1920.le,(t, 01A p.8". (Harry M. Gage,secretary,I I uronCu illege, 'Enron,S. Da k. ) Contains: 1. F. G. Pickell: ltcport of the Centtnissionou unit courses and ettrricitia, p 17-24. 2.I'IV.1.. Cox :W. .tisscientific management?p. 27-36.3. K. C. Babcoci.: Report of the Ccoutobsionon iteditutions of higher oluntion. p.4S-58.4. J.L. McConatigny: Thurecruiting of teachers for higher institutions, p. 58-65.5. 0. F. Kay : recruiting of teachers for higher education. p. 65-68.G. M. A. Brannon: Allegunk tinaneing of teaching in higher Institutions. p.(11 -78. 7.It. M. iltighes: The adetionte support of higher educatIod from the standpoint of the state.p. 73-89.8. Captain Potter : Scholarships for childn i of officers and cnlisqdmen. p. 93-95. O.II. C. Morri- son: Public *kiln"l mantes, p.96-103. 10. C.T..Mackintosh :,Thu' annual address of thepresidnt, p.103-108. 11. Directory, standards, statistical analysis and listof necredited secondary schools tlso the special studies: Tentative stamlnrds for junior high iThools, Died ofsize of classes on quality of work, Teaching citizenship in high schools,p. 1A-64A. 1726. Texas state teachers' association.Procetalines.of theforty-first annual meeting . Ibiuston, Texas, November 27-20, 11119.Fort Worth, Text's, 1920.:Si p.8°.,,s(l'exas outlook, vol. 4, no. 7, ,Itily-Augtist 1920) (It.T.Ellis, secretary, Fort AN'f.rth, Texas) Contains: 1. David Stredden: The profession10 Improvement of teachersand teaching through organization, p. 10-15.2. Annie W. IC:mien: Co operation In improving and extending education in the public schools.p. 15-18.3. Frederick EbyReport of the coretni`i .4. on educational progress within the state, p. 21-20.4. Edwin Mims: The new challenge to to:tllers of America. p. 40-44.5. W. It. Itizzell: Place of industrial education as training for cill zenshlp. p. 45-48. G.It. E. Vinson: EducatIonnI solidarity, p. 48-51.7. B. 0. Lovett : The place of the privately cntlowtsi institution. p. 51 53.8. D. W. Mime: The thrift campaign in the schools tut a training for nationalemer- gencies, p. G3-55.0. F. M. Bralley: Better financial support for our schools, and how to get It, p. 55-58. 10. C..8. Meek: Demote:ley in supervision, p. 58-61.11. Lori:line E. Wooster: Present clay educational needs,p.62-518. 12. II. F. Estill: Training teachers for lentA,rship In thenewage, p.76-70. 13. W. S: Sunlit :Physical education through the public schools, p. 79-81. 14. A. T. BostwickSchool libraries and mental training, p. 82-80. EDUCATIONAL HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY. 1727. Leah, William S.The proposals relating to the education of youth In Pennsylvaniaasreflected In Franklin's early life.((nineand school guest, 11: ler.21, 23, 25, Aprll 1920. 172S. McClusky, Frederick D.Introduction of gradinginto this public schools ofNew k1111:111011- Elementary school journal. 21:34 -40, 132-15, Sep- tember, October, 1920. An historicalinquiry based on documents contemporary with the esta14- 11shment of the graded system. 1729. Palmer, george Herbert.William James.llorvord graduates' maga- zine, 29: 29-34, September1020. Tells how William James snipe:trot to his coR,nguty in the dally(mimic of his work as a Harvardprofessor. 1730. Watson, Foster.Was Shakespeare ever nschoolmaster?Ntneieenilt century, SS:ay.-54, October. 1920. A study basedon.John Aubrey's statement that Shnkespeare, In his younger years. was aschoolmaster In the country.Aubrey was born in 1026, ten years after the great dramatist'sdeath.anddied In 1097.Ile made the referenceto Blutkestrara In his " lives." CURRENT EDUCATIONAL PUBLICATIONS. 6 CURRENT EDUCATIONAL CONDITIONS. UNITED STATES. 2 1731.. Erskine, John.Democracy and Ideals, a definition.New York, G. II. Doran company 11020]152 p.12° CONTENTS.-1. Degioeracy and ideals.-1I.- American character.-111 French Meals and American.IV. Society as a unicersIty.y. Universal training for national service.VI. University leadership. 1732. Hevia, Aurelio.General Leonard Wood and public instruction in Cuba. Inter-Ainefica, 4:3 -10, October 1020. Describes the constructive work in education accomplished during General Wood's administration of Cuba, 1819-1002.Work of Dr. E. r. vermin. 1733. Luckey, G. W. A.Education, democracy and the league of nations. Boston, Richard G. Badger, The Gorman press 11920) 347 p. 12°. 1734. Miles, H. E.Education minus business brains.National civic federa- tion review, 5:11, 23, September 23, 1920. One -half of American children leave schools with no chic and economic under- standing.America twentyfour per cent illiterate. Speech delivered at the National citizens' conference on education, Washing. ton, 1). C., May 20, 1920. 1735. New York (City) Board of education.Report of the superintendentr of schools on tht budget estimate,for 1921. New York city, Board of education, 1920.114 p. tables, diagrs.tr. A report submitted by the superintendent of schools, William 1.. Ettinger. in support of the major items of the budget estimate for the year 1921. 1736. Sears, J. B.The Boise survey; a concrete study of the administration of a city school system.Yonkers-on-Dudson, N. Y., World book corn- pony, 1920.viii, 290 p.diagrs.12'.(Educational survey series.) The ceniplete report of the survey of the public school system of noise. made In 1919 by a survey staff consisting of J. B. Sears, director, assisted by William M. l'reetor and J. Ilarold Williams. 1737. Tennessee.State department of public instruction.Better schools campaign.Bulletin on the'educational situate ii in Tennessee.Nash- ville, Tenn., October, 1920.* 12 p.8'. 1738. Whittier state school, Whittier, Cal.Research staff.A survey of pupils in the schools of Bakersfield. California. Whinier, Whittler state school, 1920.43 p. Blue.S°. (Publications of Whittier state school. Department of research bulletin no. 9, June, 1920.1 Reported by J. Harold -Williams. 1739. Winship, A. E.[Education] in Montana.Journal of education, 92: 344-40, October 14, 1920. Educational progress In Montana. FOREIGN COUNTRIES. 1740. Cooper, Charlotte L.Elementary educationalproblems. Nineteenth century, 88: 729-34, October 1920. Conditions in England described.Emphasises the necessity. of religions and oral lessons. 1741. her, Prank. The public schools in a national system of education., Journal of education and School wOrld, 52:605-07, October 1; 1920. ' Secondary schools.1n England and their relation to the national system of education. 6 CURRENT EDUCATIONAL PUBLICATIONS. 1742. Meneclier, Jorge. Estudio sobre In poblaciUn eseolar de .1arepablica, 1914-1920.Buenos
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