Notes 1 The Life and Times of David Ricardo 1. For three appraisals, each roughly half a century apart, see Bagehot (1880), Russell (1934) and Scazzeri (1988). 2. Many books have been devoted to Ricardo, including Blaug (1958); Caravale (1985a), reviewed by Kregel (1987) and Peach (1986b); Caravale and Tosato (1980); Gootzeit (1975), reviewed by Blaug (1976); Henderson (1997), reviewed by Blaug (1999); Hollander 1979; St. Clair (1957, reviewed by Dobb (1957); and Peach (1988, 1993). Reprinted articles on Ricardo can be found in Blaug (1991), Peach (2003a, four volumes) and Wood (1985, four volumes; 1994, three volumes). Essays and encyclopaedia entries include Blaug (1985), De Vivo (1987), Gonner (1913), Kurz (2006, 2008a, 2008c) and Peach (2008). 2 Ricardo’s Vision 1. See also Depoortère (2002, 2008); Gonner (1923); Grampp (1976); Hutchison (1998); Ramana (1957). 2. See also Cremaschi and Dascal (1996, 2002); Depoortère (2002, 2008); Gehrke (2000); Hamouda (1984); Hartwell (1971); Kurz (2008b); Kurz and Gehrke (2006); Ramana (1957). 3. On the Works and Correspondence, see Checkland (1952a, 1952b, 1954, 1956); De Vivo (1996); Gehrke (2005, 2010); Gehrke and Kurz (2002); Hutchison (1953); Marget (1952); Pollitt (1988); Porta (1986a, 1992, 1995, 1996, 2001); Robinson (1951); Rosselli (2001); Sayers (1952); St. Clair (1953); Stigler (1953). 3 Value and Distribution 1. See also Bharadwaj (1983b); Cannan (1893); Caravale (1985b); Costa (1985); Davis (1989); Dobb (1975); Dooley (2005); Gehrke (2003); Gehrke and Kurz (2001); Gordon (1959); J. Hollander (1911c); Hutchison (1994a); Kaldor (1950); Levine (1977); MacDonald (1912); Meek (1974); Moore (1966); Pasinetti (1982); Seligman (1911); Sinha (2010); Young (1978). 2. On Ricardo’s theory of profit, see Buchanan (1929); Davis (1993); Dimand (1990); Eatwell (1975); Edelberg (1933); Gillman (1956); Groenewegen (1972); J. Hollander (1904); S. Hollander (1973, 1975, 1986); Howard (1981); Kaldor (1956); Kregel (1977); Kurz (2011); Nag (1967); Peach (1984, 1986a, 2001); Prendergast (1986a, 1986b); Rakshit (1958); Samuelson (1977); Subramanian (1977); Tucker (1954). 3. On Ricardo’s theory of rent see Anderson (1967); Barkai (1966); Barnes (1984); Bird (1975); Brewer (1988); Buchanan (1929); Camp (1918); Cawley (1983); Davidson (1959); Fine (1983); Johnson (1948); Mishra (1977); Offer (1980); Ohlin (1935); Shammugasundaram (1977); Subbarayadu (1977). 213 214 Notes 4. On the labour theory of value before Ricardo, see Aspromourgos (2006); Burgstaller (1987); Carlson (1994); Cassels (1935); Dobb (1973, 1975); Dooley (2005); Fine (1983); Gehrke and Kurz (2001); D.F. Gordon (1959); Groenewegen (1972); Hamouda (1984); Hollander (1904); Johnson (1984); Kausghil (1971); Konüs 1970; Kurz and Salvadori (1993, 2003); Macdonald (1912); Meek (1956, 1974); Moore (1966); Pasinetti (1981); Rankin (1980); Sinha (2010); Stigler (1958); Wilson and Pate (1968); Wolff, Callari and Roberts (1984). 5. Readers interested in tracing the evolution of Ricardo’s thinking on value in the four years between the publication of the first and third editions should consult the Fragments on Torrens of 1818 (IV, 303– 18), the Notes on Malthus’s Principles of Political Economy of 1820 (II, pp. 1– 451) and the much shorter 1823 manuscript on Malthus that was unaccountably omitted from the Collected Works and published later under the editorship of Pier Luigi Porta (1992). Some of the relevant letters are those to Malthus in June 1818 (VII, pp. 250– 1) and October 1820 (VIII, p. 279); to Trower in September 1818 (VII, p. 297) and July 1821 (IX, pp. 1– 4); to James Mill in December 1818 (VII, p. 377); to McCulloch in December 1819 (VIII, p. 142), May 1820 (VIII, p. 180) and June 1820 (VIII, p. 194); and to Say in January 1820 (VIII, p. 149). 5 Ricardo’s Macroeconomics 1. On the ‘new view’ of Ricardo’s theory of wages, see Casarosa (1974, 1978, 1982, 1985); Hicks (1972); Hicks and Hollander (1977); Hollander (1979, 1983a, 1983b, 1984); Levy (1976); Peach (1986c); Rankin (1984); Rosselli (1985); Stirati (1995). 2. On Ricardo’s views of growth prospects for the English economy, see also Akhtar (1973); Barkai (1959, 1965); Brems (1960, 1970); Burgstaller (1986); Caravale (1985b); Caravale and Tosato (1980); Casarosa (1974, 1978); Corry (1962); Davis (2005); Eltis (1984; 2007); Gehrke, Kurz and Salvadori (2003); Gordon (1983); Green (1992); Hicks (1969, 1979); Hicks and Hollander (1977); Hollander (1980a; 1990a); Kaldor (1956); Kurz (2010b); Laidler (1993); Letiche (1960); Maneschi and Thweatt (1983); Murphy (2009); Peach (1990, 1995); Robbins (1978); Rosselli (2008); Roychowdhury (1975); Sahay (1978); Samuelson (1978); Tucker (1954, 1960). 3. On Say’s Law, see also Akhtar (1975); Bonar (1929); Davis (2001); Dorfman (1989); Hagemann (1998); H.G. Johnson (1949); Kates (1998); Kurz (1998); Mclachlan (1999); Peach (1990); Sowell (1963, 1972, 1974). 4. On money and banking, see also Ahiakpor (1982, 1985); Akhtar (1975); Andrews (2000); Arnon (1987, 1989; 2011); Blaug (1996); Bonar (1896); Carr and Ahiakpor (1982); Davis (2001); Deleplace (2001); Erdös (1972); Feavearyear (1931); Fetter (1965); Glasner (1985); J. Hollander (1911a); S. Hollander (1979); Humphrey (1990); Kojima (1951); Laidler (1987); Marcuzzo and Rosselli (1991, 1994); Mason (1957); Milberg (1994); O’Brien (2012); Peake (1978, 1982); Rosselli (2008); Sayers (1953); Schwartz (1987); Takenaga (2011); Viner (1933). 5. On machinery, see also Barkai (1986); Barton (1817); Beach (1971); Berg (1980); Claeys and Kerr (1981); Davis (1989); Eltis (1985); Femminis and Notes 215 Salanti (1995); Ferguson (1973); Hagemann (2000); Hansson (1983); Hicks (1971); Hollander (1971); Jonung (1981); Kurz (1984, 1998, 2010a); Meacci (1985); Negishi (1990); Samuelson (1988, 1989); Sotiroff (1953); Uchiyama (2000); Wicksell (1981 [1923]). 6 Ricardo on Economic Policy 1. On policy issues, see also Barkai (1986); Barton (1817); Beach (1971); Berg (1980); Claeys and Kerr (1981); Davis (1989); Eltis (1985); Femminis and Salanti (1995); Ferguson (1973); Hagemann (2009); Hansson (1983); Hicks (1971); Hollander (1971); Jonung (1981); Kurz (1984, 1998, 2010a); Meacci (1985); Negishi (1990); Samuelson (1988, 1989); Sotiroff (1953); Uchiyama (2000); Wicksell (1923). 2. On fiscal policy, see Abel (1987); Akerlof (2007); Anderson and Tollison (1986); Akerlof 2007; Barro (1974, 1976); Bordo and White (1991); Carr and Ahiakpor (1982); Churchman (1995, 1999, 2001); Dome (2003); Dooley (1989); Eagly (1983); Feldstein (1976); Fetter (1980); Gottlieb (1953); Mair and Damania (1988); P.K. O’Brien (1988); Ricciuti (2003); and Tullio (1989). 3. On Ricardian equivalence, see the survey article by Ricciuti (2003). 4. On monetary policy, see Arnon (1998; 2011); Bonar (1896, 1923); Capie (2002); Deleplace and Sigot (2012); Duffy (1982); Fearvearyear (1931); Fetter (1965); Maital and Haswell (1977); Perlman (1986); Schwartz (1987); and Silberling (1924). 7 Editors and Critics 1. See also Arrow (1991); Blaug (1958); Camp (1918); De Marchi (1970); Fetter (1969); Gilbert (1996); J.H. Hollander (1904); S. Hollander (1977b); Hutchison (1952, 1994b); Johnson (1993); Maneschi (1990); Maneschi and Thweatt (1983); Peach (1993); Robertson (1957); Rutherford (1986); Scazzeri (1988); West (1982). 2. See also Bailey (1825); Berg (1975); Checkland (1949); Cochrane (1970); De Marchi (1970); De Vivo (1984, 1985); Fetter (1969); Gehrke (2000); Hansson (1983); J. Hollander (1910, 1911b); S. Hollander (1980b); Hunt (1979); Johnson, Haney and Taylor (1911); Knight (1935); Kriesler (1984); Kurz (1995); Kurz and Salvadori (2002); Mitchell (1929); O’Brien (1970); Ohlin (1935); Pashkoff (2005); Patten (1893); Reich (1980); Scazzeri (1987); Skourtos (1986); Tucker (1961); Turner (1912); Viner (1933); Whewell (1831); Wicksell (1923). 3. See also Ashley (1891); Bonar (1911); Collet (1936); Dmitriev (1974); Dunbar (1887); Gonner (1890); Hayek (1942, 1969); Hollander (1910, 1911b); Johnson, Haney and Taylor (1911); Knight (1935); Kurz (1995); MacDonald (1912); Mitchell (1929); Patten (1893); Seligman (1911); Skourtos (1986); Zamagni (1987, 1994). 4. See also Brander and Taylor (1998); Devi (1977); Grabowski and Shields (1989); Harinarayana (1977); Mishra (1977); Naimuddin (1977); Prasad (1977); Ranadive (1977); Roy (1977); Roychowdhury (1977); and Shammugasundaram (1977). 216 Notes 8 The Three Ricardos 1. See also Baumol (2001); Bell (1907); De Brunhoff (1973); De Vivo (1982, 1984); Garegnani (1984); Gordon (1983); Henry ( 1982– 3); Hollander (2000); Hunt (1977); King (1979); Kurz (1998); Kurz and Mongiovi (2002); Napoleoni (1975); Oakley (1985); Pasinetti (1982); Pilling (1972); Reich (1980); Steedman (1982); Tucker (1961); and Wolff, Callari and Roberts (1984). 2. See also Bell (1907); Berg (1981); Casarosa (1974, 1978, 1982, 1985); Forget (1990); Forget and Peart (2001); Garegnani (1982, 1983a, 1983b); Gibbard (1994); Gordon (1983); Grampp (1981); Groenewegen (1995); Hicks and Hollander (1977); Hollander (1982a, 1982b, 1982c, 1982d, 1983b, 1990b, 1995, 1998, 2000 2007); Kurz and Salvadori (1992, 1998a); Lapidus and Sigot (2001); Maneschi (1992b); Mongiovi (1994); Morishima (1989); Moss (1979, 1982); O’Brien (1981, 1982); Peach (1981, 1986a, 1988, 1990, 2001); Porta (1985); Roncaglia (1982a, 1982b); Samuelson (1980); Stigler (1981, 1990); Thweatt (1980); Tosato (1985); Witztum (1990); Young ( 1982– 3). 3. See also Bharadwaj (1983a, 1983b, 1988, 1989); Bidard (2011); Blaug (2002); Ciccone, Gehrke and Mongiovi (2011); De Vivo (1996); Dmitriev (1974);
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