Comprehensive evaluation of the European Union humanitarian aid, 2012-2016 Final report Written by: ICF January 2018 EUROPEAN COMMISSION Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations EUROPEAN COMMISSION Comprehensive evaluation of the European Union humanitarian aid, 2012-2016 Final report Key authors: ICF: Jerome Kisielewicz, Petra van Nierop, Inga Pavlovaite, Miriam Deodato, Ilze Feifa, Rossella Nicoletti, Laurence Bedoret, Juliette Mathis, Mélanie Dubuis, Charu Wilkinson. Independent experts: Karen Sherlock, Volker Hüls, Antonella Vitale, Mike Brewin, Kashka Huyton, Bernard Crenn, Francesca Cook. Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations January, 2018 KR-04-18-017-EN-N Comprehensive evaluation of the European Union's humanitarian aid, 2012-2016 Europe Direct is a service to help you find answers to your questions about the European Union. Freephone number (*): 00 800 6 7 8 9 10 11 (*) The information given is free, as are most calls (though some operators, phone boxes or hotels may charge you). LEGAL NOTICE This document has been prepared for the European Commission however it reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. More information on the European Union is available on the Internet (http://www.europa.eu). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2018 ISBN 978-92-79-77763-9 doi: 10.2795/119375 © European Union, 2018 Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged. Comprehensive evaluation of the European Union's humanitarian aid, 2012-2016 Table of Contents Abstract .......................................................................................................... 5 Executive summary .......................................................................................... 6 1 Introduction ............................................................................................. 20 1.1 Objectives and scope of the evaluation ......................................... 20 1.2 The intervention logic for the EU humanitarian aid activities ............ 20 1.3 Methodological approach and validity of the evaluation results ......... 25 1.4 The structure of the report ......................................................... 33 2 Snapshot of EU’s humanitarian aid activities during the evaluation period ......... 33 2.1 Total humanitarian aid funding 2012-2016 .................................... 33 2.2 EU humanitarian aid funding per country and region, 2012-2016 ..... 35 2.3 Overview of funding per sector, 2012-2016 ................................... 36 2.4 Overview of funding per objective, 2012-2016 ............................... 38 3 Evaluation findings .................................................................................... 40 3.1 Relevance ................................................................................ 40 3.1.1 To what extent did the allocation of the EU humanitarian aid budget consider the needs, actions of other donors and the EU humanitarian aid objectives ? ......................................................................... 40 3.1.2 To what extent does DG ECHO have appropriate, comprehensive and context-adapted strategies in place for addressing regional humanitarian needs and different challenges, including medium and longer-term objectives, where applicable? ..................................... 49 3.1.3 To what extent is DG ECHO’s choice of partnerships appropriate? How could DG ECHO improve in the choice of partners? ......................... 55 3.1.4 To what extent does the configuration of DG ECHO’s field network ensure an added value in terms of efficiency and effectiveness of DG ECHO’s actions? ........................................................................ 60 3.1.5 Relevance of the EU humanitarian aid objectives to the global humanitarian aid needs and context ............................................. 65 3.2 Coherence ................................................................................ 67 3.2.1 Coherence with humanitarian principles ........................................ 67 3.2.2 Internal coherence .................................................................... 73 3.2.3 External coherence .................................................................... 86 3.3 Effectiveness ............................................................................ 99 3.3.1 To what extent has DG ECHO achieved its objectives? .................... 99 3.3.2 Effectiveness of DG ECHO sectoral policies .................................. 112 3.3.3 Visibility of DG ECHO activities .................................................. 115 3.4 Efficiency ............................................................................... 119 3.5 Sustainability .......................................................................... 130 3.6 EU added value ....................................................................... 139 4 Prospective evaluation ............................................................................. 147 4.1 Part 1: what are the implications of the World Humanitarian Summit and the Grand Bargain for DG ECHO’s strategic direction and operating framework? ............................................................................. 147 4.2 Part 2: What are the main challenges and opportunities globally in humanitarian aid delivery and how should these be taken on board by DG ECHO at policy and operational levels? ................................... 155 4.3 Part 3: What are the implications of the ECA audit reports on the African Great Lakes region for the EU humanitarian aid activities? .............. 158 5 Recommendations .................................................................................. 160 Annexes ...................................................................................................... 167 January, 2018 Comprehensive evaluation of the European Union's humanitarian aid, 2012-2016 Annex 1 Cost-effectiveness assessment framework .................................. 167 Annex 2 Full list of interviewed stakeholders ............................................ 167 Annex 3 Methodological notes on the sources and use of the quantitative data ... ............................................................................................ 167 Annex 4 Profile of the respondents to the three surveys ............................ 167 Annex 5 Meta-evaluation ...................................................................... 167 Annex 6 Field reports ........................................................................... 167 Annex 7 Rapid evaluations .................................................................... 167 Annex 8 Relevance .............................................................................. 167 Annex 9 Coherence .............................................................................. 167 Annex 10 EU added value ....................................................................... 167 Annex 11 Effectiveness .......................................................................... 167 Annex 12 Efficiency ............................................................................... 167 Annex 13 Prospective evaluation ............................................................. 167 Annex 14 OPC analysis ........................................................................... 167 Annex 15 Proposal for dissemination ........................................................ 167 Annex 16 Terms of reference .................................................................. 167 January, 2018 Comprehensive evaluation of the European Union humanitarian aid, 2012-2016 List of abbreviations AECID Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation AFD Agence Francaise de Dévelopement AGIR Global Alliance for Resilience Initiative AGL African Great Lakes BNPB National Board for Disaster Management CAR Central African Republic CBT Cash Based Transfer COHAFA Council Working Party on Humanitarian Aid and Food Aid CRRF Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework DAC Development Aid Committee DCI Development Cooperation Instrument DEVCO DG for International Cooperation and Development DFID Department for International Development DG Directorate General DG CLIMA Directorate General for Climate Action DG ECHO Commission’s Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations DG HOME Directorate General for Migration and Home Affairs DIPECHO European Commission Humanitarian Aid department's Disaster Preparedness Programme DRC Democratic Republic of Congo DREF Disaster Relief Emergency Fund DRR Disaster Risk Reduction EAR Emergency Aid Reserve ECA European Court of Auditors ECDPM European Centre for Development Policy Management ECHO DG European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations EDF European Development Fund EDG Emergency Directors Group EEAS European External Action Service EIDHR European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights EiE Education in Emergencies EMC European Medical Corps EN Eastern Neighbourhood ENI European Neighbourhood Instrument ERC Enhanced Response Capacity ERCC Emergency Response Coordination Centre January, 2018 1 Comprehensive evaluation of the European Union humanitarian aid, 2012-2016 ESOP Emergency Support Operational Priorities EU European Union EUAV EU Aid Volunteers EUTF EU Trust Fund ExAR External
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