ISSN 2372-2517 (Online), ISSN 2372-2479 (Print) METALEPTEAMETALEPTEA THE NEWSLETTER OF THE ORTHOPTERISTS’ SOCIETY * Table of Contents is now clickable, which will President’s Message take you to a desired page. By ALEXANDRE V. LATCHININSKY President [1] PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE [email protected] [2] SOCIETY NEWS ear Society members! [2] Recap of the 12th ICO “Orthoptera in a Changing World” by MICHAEL SAMWAYS Happy new 2017! [6] The Orthopterists’ Society Awards presented at ICO2016 by ALEXANDRE V. Best New Year wishes LATCHININSKY [8] Post Conference Tour by MICHEL LECOQ from the snowy and cold [13] Letter of Gratitude by MARCOS LHANO DD Wyoming, where re- [14] The T. J. Cohn Research Fund: Call for applications for 2017 by MICHEL LECOQ cently the night temperatures dropped [15] Job Opportunity at Arizona State to -32°C! It always amazed me how University orthopterans and other insects over- [16] Introducing Gerlind Lehmann as the new Representative for Western Europe by winter in such extreme conditions. GERLIND LEHMANN Grasshoppers, for example, developed [16] Taller regional de manejo de la langos- a unique adaptation – an egg-pod, in ta centroamericana, Schistocerca piceifrons by HOJUN SONG & MARIO A. POOT PECH which the embryos are well-protected excellent opportunities to learn about [18] Orthopteroid Symposium Recap from by sturdy walls resisting extreme fluc- ICE, 2016 by DEREK A. WOLLER & ALEXAN- ongoing research and exchange ideas. tuations in surrounding conditions for DRE V. LATCHININSKY The choice of the Congress’s venue [25] Update on Journal of Orthoptera many months in a row. But even more Research by CORINNA S. BAZELET was excellent – right on the beach, so amazing and incredible is that some [26] T.J. COHN GRANT REPORTS an afternoon swim became manda- [26] Taxonomic revision of the Neotropi- grasshopper species spend long winter tory for many participants. Food was cal grasshoppers of the genus Sphenarium months as nymphs! Charpentier, 1842 (Orthoptera; Pyrgomor- great, the gala dinners were entertain- Anyway, looking out of my window phidae) by SALOMÓN SANABRIA-URBÁN ing, and the post-conference tour was [28] Ring speciation and evolutionary his- makes me dream about the sunny wonderful. You’ll find more informa- tory of the genus Lluciapomaresius Barat, Brazil where our Society held its 12th 2012 (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae) by JORGE tion about the Congress activities in International Congress of Orthopterol- GUTIERREZ RODRIGUEZ this issue of Metaleptea. [30] OSF GRANT REPORTS ogy a couple of months ago. Kudos to [30] Illustrating Neotropical Acridoidea During the Board meeting, the cur- the Congress organizers, Prof. Marcos species with emphasis on Romaleinae in Or- rent state and future directions of the thoptera Species File by MARTINA E. POCCO Lhano and his team, who worked Society were discussed. The finan- [32] CONTRIBUTED ARTICLES really hard and made this Congress [32] Recent advances in the management of cial situation of the Society is quite a great success. The meeting was locusts and grasshoppers in China by DAVID solid, thanks to the generous bequest HUNTER smaller than the previous one in Kun- of its former President, Ted Cohn, [33] The lost birthday: Archival research ming, but some participants consid- reveals the true date of birth of Sir Boris and wise assets management by the ered this as a positive feature allowing Uvarov, K. C. M. G., F. R. S. by ALEXEI KOU- Treasurer, Pamm Mihm. One of the PRIANOV & ANASTASIA A. FEDOTOVA for more fruitful discussions among [36] Can we help Orthoptera taxonomy most urgent goals is to increase the colleagues and new collaborations to in the tropics? by HUGH ROWELL status of our main outlet, the Journal [37] REPORT FOR 2016 OS BOARD ON be created. As always, the Congress of Orthoptera Research (JOR), and MEMBERSHIP offered a plethora of talks on a very [38] REPORT FOR 2016 OS BOARD ON make it an impact-factor publication. wide array of Orthoptera-related sub- INVESTMENTS AND EARNINGS The JOR Editor, Dr. Corey Bazelet, [40] TREASURER’S REPORT jects, from taxonomy and evolution presented her vision of the measures [41] EDITORIAL to ecology, behavior, and biological to reach this goal. One of the most control of orthopteran pests. Poster important steps in this direction is to sessions and coffee breaks provided Volume 37 (1) / January 2017 1 METALEPTEA ensure regularity in JOR publication, Orthoptera-related manuscripts. The currently considering possible venues, which is currently issued twice a year. next issue will appear in June 2017. one of them being Agadir in Morocco. By the way, just a few weeks ago, Several Society prizes were More information on the subject will the next (Vol. 25(2)) JOR issue was awarded during the Congress. (see follow in the coming months. printed. I am using this opportunity “Awards”). Warmest congratulations Once again, I would like to wish all to urge Society members to consider to all Society awardees! Society members and their families publishing in JOR, which offers a fast As for the 13th Orthopterology peace, great health, prosperity, and a and competent peer-review of any Congress, the congress committee is fruitful 2017 year! Recap The 12th International Congress of Orthopterology “Orthoptera in a Changing World” (October 30 - November 3, 2016, Ilhéus, Brazil) ow, what a superb Francisco de Assis G de Mello (São By MICHAEL SAMWAYS Past President congress it was! Paulo State University, Brazil) on the [email protected] The tenor was set evolution of orthopterology in South by the driver of America. This was a fascinating talk the event, Mar- that did fine justice to development of WW cos Lhano with the field on the continent, one so rich an excellent team, making everyone in so many species in a whole range so welcome at the stunning venue. of ecosystems. Then, Hojun Song The whole atmosphere throughout (Texas A&M University, USA) gave the congress was so scintillating and a superbly presented overview of inspiring, not to mention the real fun Orthoptera systematics from its roots, events and the most divine cuisine! through today and into the future. Throughout the congress the at- This had fundamental appeal to every- mosphere was incredibly interactive, one, as phylogeny underpins so much with many excellent debates from of what we all do, irrespective of our plenary, focused on the biodiversity many angles and many parts of the fields. Thomas Fartmann (University and landscape ecology of Orthoptera. world. The first plenary was from of Osnabrück, Germany), for his Many new ideas and strategies for Group photo of the participants of ICO 2016 Volume 37 (1) / January 2017 2 METALEPTEA conservation were given, based on the fine research done by him and his colleagues and students across the German landscape. This gener- ated much discussion and gave the opportunity for comparison of find- ings from different parts of the world. Marie-Pierre Chapuis (CIRAD-BIOS, France) gave a penetrating overview of the new methods available for assessment of grasshopper popula- tion genetics. This approach has now become so important across a whole range of studies, whether applied or for conservation. The final plenary lecture by Long Zhang (China Agri- Brazilian orthopterists singing at Nations Party cultural University, China) was de- livered by David Hunter (Australia). symposium organized by Hojun Song new information technologies and It was an intriguing exposition of the and Ricardo Mariño-Pérez on current hotspot identification. Corey Baze- great advances that have been made in orthopteran systematics focused on let’s (Stellenbosch University, South China using environmentally-friendly some intriguing new methodologies, Africa) symposium of ecology and technology for locust control. It was approaches and perspectives. This conservation emphasized some of the so interesting to see just how much was then followed by Martina Pocco’s great advances that have been made in has been done in China in this very session on systematics and taxonomy, the field in various parts of the world. important new field. focusing particularly on nuclear We even heard about the ‘honorary’ There was also a fascinating series aspects. Axel Hochkirch (Trier Uni- orthopterans in Russian rivers! There of symposia, themed sessions, and versity, Germany, and Chair of the was also a symposium organized by workshops. Maria Marta Cigliano and IUCN/SSC Grasshopper Specialist Alex Latchininsky (University of Holger Braun (Museo de la Plata, Ar- Group (GSG)) then gave us an update Wyoming, USA) on the challenges of gentina) gave feedback on the Orthop- on the processes and procedures for meeting efficacy, economics, and en- tera Species File, an amazing database placing Orthoptera on the IUCN Red vironment all at the same time when that covers details of what is known List, with the latest on the great ad- controlling locusts. This means good of all described species to date. It vances made by the very active GSG. surveillance, using the right options is being continually updated and is Then, in the conservation symposium for control, in the right way, at the a very valuable resource for many we heard about not only advances right time. workers throughout the world. The in some Red List activities but also There were three workshops, one on new generation sequencing methods (organized by Ioana Chintauan- Marquier of CNRS MNHN, France), one on recording and signal process- ing of orthopteran songs (organized by Thorin Jonsson and Fernando Montealegre Zapata of University of Lincoln, UK), and one on the use of the statistical package R (organized by Carlos Sperber, Federal University of Viçosa). There was then a sympo- sium on morphology, molecules and evolution in Orthoptera (organized by Laure Desutter-Grandcolas, Lauriane Jacquelin and Ioana Chintauan-Mar- quier) covering some of the advances around these penetrating new tech- Organizers and volunteers of ICO2016 nologies.
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