ISSN 0424-7116 | DOI 10.3285/eg.63.2 Edited by the German Quaternary Association Editor-in-Chief: Holger Freund & EEiszeitalter und GegenwartG Quaternary Science Journal 800 m Riß 1 x x x 2 x BSch x WIN 440 m 6 x x x MUS 1 x OWEM-SL HEB 5a MIC x 5b AUL 7 3 HOS x ALT 8 10 x BWa 9 9 x 9 9 Steinach PFR x Sch Durl 4 10 esbach 7 MOC Vol. 63 POTENTIAL OF A HIGH-RESOLUTION DTM WITH LARGE SPATIAL COVERAGE foR WIL No 2 VISUALIZATION, IDENTIFICATION AND INTERPRETATION OF YOUNG (WÜRMIAN) 2014 GLACIAL GEOMORPHOLOGY, OBERSCHWABEN (Germany) BER FÖH IWEMDIE SPÄTGLAZIALE VEGETATIONSGSchussen ESCHICHTE IM OBERWENoAch ILLERG___________________EBIET, ALLGÄU/ 10 km BAYERN (Germany) GEOZON & EEiszeitalter und GegenwartG Quaternary Science Journal Volume 63 / Number 2 / 2014 / DOI: 10.3285/eg.63.2 / ISSN 0424-7116 / www.quaternary-science.net / Founded in 1951 EDITOR ASSOCIATE EDITORS ADVISORY EDITORIAL BOARD DEUQUA PIERRE ANtoINE, Laboratoire de Géographie FLavIO ANSELMETTI, Department of Surface Deutsche Quartärvereinigung e.V. Physique, Université Paris i Panthéon- Waters, Eawag (Swiss Federal Institute of Office Sorbonne, France Aquatic Science & Technology), Dübendorf, Stilleweg 2 Switzerland JÜRGEN EHLERS, Witzeeze, Germany D-30655 Hannover KaRL-ERNst BEHRE, Lower Saxonian Institute Germany MARKUS FUCHS, Department of Geography, of Historical Coastal Research, Wilhelmshaven, Tel: +49 (0)511-643 36 13 Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, Germany Germany E-Mail: info (at) deuqua.de RALF-DIETRICH KahLKE, Senckenberg www.deuqua.org PHILIP GIBBARD, Department of Geography, Research Institute, Research Station of University of Cambridge, Great Britain PRODUCTION EDITOR Quaternary Palaeontology Weimar, Germany VOLLI E. KaLM, Institute of Ecology and Earth Thomas LITT, Steinmann-Institute of Geology, SABINE HELMS Sciences, University of Tartu, Estonia Geozon Science Media Mineralogy and Paleontology, University of Pettenkoferstr. 16-18 Bonn, Germany CESARE RavaZZI, Institute for the Dynamics of Environmental Processes, National Research D-10247 Berlin LESZEK MARKS, Institute of Geology, University Council of Italy, Italy Germany of Warsaw, Poland Tel. +49 (0)30-20 23 83 19 0 JAMES ROSE, Department of Geography, Royal HENK J. T. WeeRts, Physical Geography Group, E-Mail: helms (at) geozon.net Holloway University of London, Great Britain www.geozon.net Cultural Heritage Agency Amersfoort, The Netherlands CHRIstIAN SCHLÜCHTER, Institute of EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Geological Sciences, University of Bern, FORMER EDITORS-IN-CHIEF Switzerland HOLGER FREUND ICBM – Geoecology PauL WOLdstedt (1951–1966) DIRK vaN HUSEN, Altmünster, Austria Carl-von-Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg MARTIN SchwaRZBach (1963–1966) JEF VANDENBERGHE, Faculty of Earth and Schleusenstr. 1 ERNst SCHÖNHALS (1968–1978) Life Sciences, VU University Amsterdam, The D-26382 Wilhelmshaven REINHOLD HUCKRIEDE (1968–1978) Netherlands Germany Tel.: +49 (0)4421-94 42 00 HANS DIETRICH LANG (1980–1990) ANDReas VÖTT, Institute of Geography, Fax: +49 (0)4421-94 42 99 JOSEF KLosteRMANN (1991–1999) Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Germany E-Mail: holger.freund (at) uni-oldenburg.de WOLfgaNG SCHIRMER (2000) ERNst BRUNotte (2001–2005) AIMS & SCOPE SUBSCRIPTION Tel. +49 (0)345-55 22 183 PRINT The Quaternary Science Journal publishes Free for DEUQUA-Members! Prices for stand- E-Mail: tausch (at) bibliothek.uni-halle.de Printed in Germany on original articles of quaternary geology, ing order: single number 27,– Euro; double REORDER 100% recycled paper geography, palaeontology, soil science, number 54,– Euro; plus shipping costs. We Reorders are possible at the publishing house. climate neutral produced archaeology, climatology etc.; special issues offer discounts for libraries and bookstores. See full list and special prices of available COVER FIGURE with main topics and articles of lectures of Please subscribe to the journal at the pub- numbers on next to last page. Ice wastage deposits produced between the several scientific events. lisher Geozon Science Media. PUBLISHING HOUSE outer and the inner Würmian (Fig. p. 115) MANUSCRIPT SUBMISSION JOURNAL EXCHANGE Geozon Science Media UG (haftungsbeschränkt) RIGHTS Please upload your manuscript at the on- If you are interested in exchange your journal Pettenkoferstr. 16-18 Copyright for articles by the authors line submission system at our journal site with the Quaternary Science Journal, please 10247 Berlin LICENSE www.quaternary-science.net. Please note contact: Universitätsbibliothek Halle Germany Distributed under a the instructions for authors before. Tauschstelle, Frau Winther Tel. +49 (0)30-20 23 83 19 0 Creative Commons FREQUENCY August-Bebel-Straße 13 E-Mail: info (at) geozon.net Attribution License 3.0 2 numbers per year 06108 Halle (Saale), Germany www.geozon.net http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ Quaternary Science Journal GEOZON SCIENCE MEDIA Volume 63 / Number 2 / 2014 / 107–129 / DOI 10.3285/eg.63.2.01 ISSN 0424-7116 E&G www.quaternary-science.net Potential of a high-resolution DTM with large spatial coverage for visualization, identification and interpretation of young (Würmian) glacial geomorphology a case study from Oberschwaben (southern Germany) Elena Beckenbach, Thomas Müller, Hartmut Seyfried, Theo Simon How to cite: Beckenbach, E., Müller, Th., Seyfried, H. & Simon, Th. (2014): Potential of a high-resolution DTM with large spatial coverage for visualization, identification and interpretation of young (Würmian) glacial geomorphology – a case study from Oberschwaben (southern Germany). – E&G Quaternary Science Journal, 63 (2): 107–129. DOI: 10.3285/eg.63.2.01 Abstract: The German state of Baden-Württemberg has created a LiDAR-based digital terrain model (DTM) covering 36000 km² with a horizontal and vertical precision of 1 m and 0.15 m, respectively. This model is ideally suited for systematic geomorphological analyses as it is extremely accurate and allows reliable large-distance correlation of geological and geomorphological phenomena. Until recently, no available software could handle this amount of data in real time. One of us (T.M.) has developed a software (TerrainView) which allows the visualization of and navigation within the entire data set in nine levels of detail (in ortho and perspective view), while simultaneously offering effective tools for geomorphological and morphometric analyses. We present our first geomorphological studies based on this data set focussing on late Pleistocene glacial and proglacial/periglacial landforms in the Lake Constance/Oberschwaben area in southern Baden-Württemberg. In our study area we could identify and map a large variety of phenomena related to the last (Würmian) glaciation, including: subglacial basins with a wide variety of dimensions, outwash plains, moraines (end moraines, fragmentary moraines, kettled and hummocky moraines, micromoraines), subglacial and ice-marginal meltwater channels, eskers, drumlins and recessional terraces. Some of these features have been reported previously in literature, but others have not (or only partly) been recognized as such. Micromoraines might turn out an emerging new category of glacial features which typically are discovered at first in the DEM and subsequently verified in the field. The advantage of a geo- morphological interpretation on the basis of a high-resolution DTM with large spatial coverage lies in the accurate identification of glacial and post-glacial morphological features and their correlation across large areas. Visualisierung und Erkennung junger (würmeiszeitlicher) glazialer Landformen im großflächigen, hochauflösenden DGM: eine Fallstudie aus Oberschwaben (Süddeutschland) Kurzfassung: Das Land Baden-Württemberg verfügt über ein flächendeckendes digitales Geländemodell (DGM) auf der Grundlage von LiDAR- Daten mit einer Genauigkeit von 1 m in der Horizontalen, 0,15 m in der Vertikalen und einem Gesamtumfang von 1 TB (*.txt). Dieses Modell ist für systematische geomorphologische Analysen hervorragend geeignet, doch scheiterte seine integrale Nutzung bisher an der Leistungsfähigkeit der verfügbaren Software, die ab Datenmengen von 50 GB stark abfällt. T. Müller hat eine Software entwickelt (TerrainView), die es ermöglicht, im gesamten Datensatz beliebig zu navigieren und Szenen in neun Auflösungsstufen verzögerungsfrei als Ortho- und Perspektivansicht zu visualisieren; geomorphologische und morphometrische Analysen können simultan durchgeführt werden. Wir stellen in dieser Studie erste Ergebnisse zu eiszeitlich überprägten Geländeformen im Raum Oberschwaben vor. Besonders im Verbreitungsgebiet des würmeiszeitlichen Rheingletschers ist es im DGM möglich, zahlreiche Ablagerungsformen zu identifizieren, mit hoher Präzision zu kartieren und teilweise auch geologisch zu interpretieren. Dazu ge- hören Zungenbecken verschiedenster Dimension, Aufschotterungsebenen, Endmoränen und Teilmoränen der Rückschmelzstadien in unterschiedlichem Erhaltungszustand, Mikromoränen, Esker, subglaziale und eisrandparallele Täler, Drumlins und Terrassen- schachteln spät- bis postglazialer Flusssysteme. Manche dieser Erscheinungen sind aus der Literatur bekannt, doch ergeben sich durch die Möglichkeit, über große Entfernungen zu korrelieren, teilweise völlig neue Perspektiven in der geologischen Erkundung glazialer, periglazialer und postglazialer Landformen. Einige Phänomene wie zum Beispiel Mikromoränen konnten überhaupt erst im DGM als solche erkannt und dann nachträglich im Gelände verifiziert werden. Keywords: airborne LiDAR, high-resolution DTM, Würmian,
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